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rev 10048 : 8044740: Convert all JDK versions used in @since tag to 1.n[.n] in jdk repo

  54  * <p>
  55  * <img src="doc-files/Checkbox-1.gif" alt="The following context describes the graphic."
  56  * style="float:center; margin: 7px 10px;">
  57  * <p>
  58  * The button labeled <code>one</code> is in the "on" state, and the
  59  * other two are in the "off" state. In this example, which uses the
  60  * <code>GridLayout</code> class, the states of the three check
  61  * boxes are set independently.
  62  * <p>
  63  * Alternatively, several check boxes can be grouped together under
  64  * the control of a single object, using the
  65  * <code>CheckboxGroup</code> class.
  66  * In a check box group, at most one button can be in the "on"
  67  * state at any given time. Clicking on a check box to turn it on
  68  * forces any other check box in the same group that is on
  69  * into the "off" state.
  70  *
  71  * @author      Sami Shaio
  72  * @see         java.awt.GridLayout
  73  * @see         java.awt.CheckboxGroup
  74  * @since       JDK1.0
  75  */
  76 public class Checkbox extends Component implements ItemSelectable, Accessible {
  78     static {
  79         /* ensure that the necessary native libraries are loaded */
  80         Toolkit.loadLibraries();
  81         if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
  82             initIDs();
  83         }
  84     }
  86     /**
  87      * The label of the Checkbox.
  88      * This field can be null.
  89      * @serial
  90      * @see #getLabel()
  91      * @see #setLabel(String)
  92      */
  93     String label;

 173      *     returns <code>true</code>
 174      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
 175      */
 176     public Checkbox(String label, boolean state) throws HeadlessException {
 177         this(label, state, null);
 178     }
 180     /**
 181      * Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, set to the
 182      * specified state, and in the specified check box group.
 183      *
 184      * @param     label   a string label for this check box,
 185      *                        or <code>null</code> for no label.
 186      * @param     state   the initial state of this check box.
 187      * @param     group   a check box group for this check box,
 188      *                           or <code>null</code> for no group.
 189      * @exception HeadlessException if
 190      *     <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code>
 191      *     returns <code>true</code>
 192      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
 193      * @since     JDK1.1
 194      */
 195     public Checkbox(String label, boolean state, CheckboxGroup group)
 196         throws HeadlessException {
 197         GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless();
 198         this.label = label;
 199         this.state = state;
 200 = group;
 201         if (state && (group != null)) {
 202             group.setSelectedCheckbox(this);
 203         }
 204     }
 206     /**
 207      * Creates a check box with the specified label, in the specified
 208      * check box group, and set to the specified state.
 209      *
 210      * @param     label   a string label for this check box,
 211      *                        or <code>null</code> for no label.
 212      * @param     group   a check box group for this check box,
 213      *                           or <code>null</code> for no group.
 214      * @param     state   the initial state of this check box.
 215      * @exception HeadlessException if
 216      *    <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code>
 217      *    returns <code>true</code>
 218      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
 219      * @since     JDK1.1
 220      */
 221     public Checkbox(String label, CheckboxGroup group, boolean state)
 222         throws HeadlessException {
 223         this(label, state, group);
 224     }
 226     /**
 227      * Constructs a name for this component.  Called by
 228      * <code>getName</code> when the name is <code>null</code>.
 229      *
 230      * @return a name for this component
 231      */
 232     String constructComponentName() {
 233         synchronized (Checkbox.class) {
 234             return base + nameCounter++;
 235         }
 236     }
 238     /**
 239      * Creates the peer of the Checkbox. The peer allows you to change the

 407          */
 408         if (oldGroup != null && oldState) {
 409             oldGroup.setSelectedCheckbox(null);
 410         }
 411     }
 413     /**
 414      * Adds the specified item listener to receive item events from
 415      * this check box.  Item events are sent to listeners in response
 416      * to user input, but not in response to calls to setState().
 417      * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
 418      * <p>Refer to <a href="doc-files/AWTThreadIssues.html#ListenersThreads"
 419      * >AWT Threading Issues</a> for details on AWT's threading model.
 420      *
 421      * @param         l    the item listener
 422      * @see           #removeItemListener
 423      * @see           #getItemListeners
 424      * @see           #setState
 425      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 426      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemListener
 427      * @since         JDK1.1
 428      */
 429     public synchronized void addItemListener(ItemListener l) {
 430         if (l == null) {
 431             return;
 432         }
 433         itemListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(itemListener, l);
 434         newEventsOnly = true;
 435     }
 437     /**
 438      * Removes the specified item listener so that the item listener
 439      * no longer receives item events from this check box.
 440      * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
 441      * <p>Refer to <a href="doc-files/AWTThreadIssues.html#ListenersThreads"
 442      * >AWT Threading Issues</a> for details on AWT's threading model.
 443      *
 444      * @param         l    the item listener
 445      * @see           #addItemListener
 446      * @see           #getItemListeners
 447      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 448      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemListener
 449      * @since         JDK1.1
 450      */
 451     public synchronized void removeItemListener(ItemListener l) {
 452         if (l == null) {
 453             return;
 454         }
 455         itemListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(itemListener, l);
 456     }
 458     /**
 459      * Returns an array of all the item listeners
 460      * registered on this checkbox.
 461      *
 462      * @return all of this checkbox's <code>ItemListener</code>s
 463      *         or an empty array if no item
 464      *         listeners are currently registered
 465      *
 466      * @see           #addItemListener
 467      * @see           #removeItemListener
 468      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 469      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemListener

 523                 itemListener != null) {
 524                 return true;
 525             }
 526             return false;
 527         }
 528         return super.eventEnabled(e);
 529     }
 531     /**
 532      * Processes events on this check box.
 533      * If the event is an instance of <code>ItemEvent</code>,
 534      * this method invokes the <code>processItemEvent</code> method.
 535      * Otherwise, it calls its superclass's <code>processEvent</code> method.
 536      * <p>Note that if the event parameter is <code>null</code>
 537      * the behavior is unspecified and may result in an
 538      * exception.
 539      *
 540      * @param         e the event
 541      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 542      * @see           #processItemEvent
 543      * @since         JDK1.1
 544      */
 545     protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e) {
 546         if (e instanceof ItemEvent) {
 547             processItemEvent((ItemEvent)e);
 548             return;
 549         }
 550         super.processEvent(e);
 551     }
 553     /**
 554      * Processes item events occurring on this check box by
 555      * dispatching them to any registered
 556      * <code>ItemListener</code> objects.
 557      * <p>
 558      * This method is not called unless item events are
 559      * enabled for this component. Item events are enabled
 560      * when one of the following occurs:
 561      * <ul>
 562      * <li>An <code>ItemListener</code> object is registered
 563      * via <code>addItemListener</code>.
 564      * <li>Item events are enabled via <code>enableEvents</code>.
 565      * </ul>
 566      * <p>Note that if the event parameter is <code>null</code>
 567      * the behavior is unspecified and may result in an
 568      * exception.
 569      *
 570      * @param       e the item event
 571      * @see         java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 572      * @see         java.awt.event.ItemListener
 573      * @see         #addItemListener
 574      * @see         java.awt.Component#enableEvents
 575      * @since       JDK1.1
 576      */
 577     protected void processItemEvent(ItemEvent e) {
 578         ItemListener listener = itemListener;
 579         if (listener != null) {
 580             listener.itemStateChanged(e);
 581         }
 582     }
 584     /**
 585      * Returns a string representing the state of this <code>Checkbox</code>.
 586      * This method is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the
 587      * content and format of the returned string may vary between
 588      * implementations. The returned string may be empty but may not be
 589      * <code>null</code>.
 590      *
 591      * @return    the parameter string of this check box
 592      */
 593     protected String paramString() {
 594         String str = super.paramString();
 595         String label = this.label;

  54  * <p>
  55  * <img src="doc-files/Checkbox-1.gif" alt="The following context describes the graphic."
  56  * style="float:center; margin: 7px 10px;">
  57  * <p>
  58  * The button labeled <code>one</code> is in the "on" state, and the
  59  * other two are in the "off" state. In this example, which uses the
  60  * <code>GridLayout</code> class, the states of the three check
  61  * boxes are set independently.
  62  * <p>
  63  * Alternatively, several check boxes can be grouped together under
  64  * the control of a single object, using the
  65  * <code>CheckboxGroup</code> class.
  66  * In a check box group, at most one button can be in the "on"
  67  * state at any given time. Clicking on a check box to turn it on
  68  * forces any other check box in the same group that is on
  69  * into the "off" state.
  70  *
  71  * @author      Sami Shaio
  72  * @see         java.awt.GridLayout
  73  * @see         java.awt.CheckboxGroup
  74  * @since       1.0
  75  */
  76 public class Checkbox extends Component implements ItemSelectable, Accessible {
  78     static {
  79         /* ensure that the necessary native libraries are loaded */
  80         Toolkit.loadLibraries();
  81         if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
  82             initIDs();
  83         }
  84     }
  86     /**
  87      * The label of the Checkbox.
  88      * This field can be null.
  89      * @serial
  90      * @see #getLabel()
  91      * @see #setLabel(String)
  92      */
  93     String label;

 173      *     returns <code>true</code>
 174      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
 175      */
 176     public Checkbox(String label, boolean state) throws HeadlessException {
 177         this(label, state, null);
 178     }
 180     /**
 181      * Constructs a Checkbox with the specified label, set to the
 182      * specified state, and in the specified check box group.
 183      *
 184      * @param     label   a string label for this check box,
 185      *                        or <code>null</code> for no label.
 186      * @param     state   the initial state of this check box.
 187      * @param     group   a check box group for this check box,
 188      *                           or <code>null</code> for no group.
 189      * @exception HeadlessException if
 190      *     <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code>
 191      *     returns <code>true</code>
 192      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
 193      * @since     1.1
 194      */
 195     public Checkbox(String label, boolean state, CheckboxGroup group)
 196         throws HeadlessException {
 197         GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless();
 198         this.label = label;
 199         this.state = state;
 200 = group;
 201         if (state && (group != null)) {
 202             group.setSelectedCheckbox(this);
 203         }
 204     }
 206     /**
 207      * Creates a check box with the specified label, in the specified
 208      * check box group, and set to the specified state.
 209      *
 210      * @param     label   a string label for this check box,
 211      *                        or <code>null</code> for no label.
 212      * @param     group   a check box group for this check box,
 213      *                           or <code>null</code> for no group.
 214      * @param     state   the initial state of this check box.
 215      * @exception HeadlessException if
 216      *    <code>GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless</code>
 217      *    returns <code>true</code>
 218      * @see java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment#isHeadless
 219      * @since     1.1
 220      */
 221     public Checkbox(String label, CheckboxGroup group, boolean state)
 222         throws HeadlessException {
 223         this(label, state, group);
 224     }
 226     /**
 227      * Constructs a name for this component.  Called by
 228      * <code>getName</code> when the name is <code>null</code>.
 229      *
 230      * @return a name for this component
 231      */
 232     String constructComponentName() {
 233         synchronized (Checkbox.class) {
 234             return base + nameCounter++;
 235         }
 236     }
 238     /**
 239      * Creates the peer of the Checkbox. The peer allows you to change the

 407          */
 408         if (oldGroup != null && oldState) {
 409             oldGroup.setSelectedCheckbox(null);
 410         }
 411     }
 413     /**
 414      * Adds the specified item listener to receive item events from
 415      * this check box.  Item events are sent to listeners in response
 416      * to user input, but not in response to calls to setState().
 417      * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
 418      * <p>Refer to <a href="doc-files/AWTThreadIssues.html#ListenersThreads"
 419      * >AWT Threading Issues</a> for details on AWT's threading model.
 420      *
 421      * @param         l    the item listener
 422      * @see           #removeItemListener
 423      * @see           #getItemListeners
 424      * @see           #setState
 425      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 426      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemListener
 427      * @since         1.1
 428      */
 429     public synchronized void addItemListener(ItemListener l) {
 430         if (l == null) {
 431             return;
 432         }
 433         itemListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(itemListener, l);
 434         newEventsOnly = true;
 435     }
 437     /**
 438      * Removes the specified item listener so that the item listener
 439      * no longer receives item events from this check box.
 440      * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
 441      * <p>Refer to <a href="doc-files/AWTThreadIssues.html#ListenersThreads"
 442      * >AWT Threading Issues</a> for details on AWT's threading model.
 443      *
 444      * @param         l    the item listener
 445      * @see           #addItemListener
 446      * @see           #getItemListeners
 447      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 448      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemListener
 449      * @since         1.1
 450      */
 451     public synchronized void removeItemListener(ItemListener l) {
 452         if (l == null) {
 453             return;
 454         }
 455         itemListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(itemListener, l);
 456     }
 458     /**
 459      * Returns an array of all the item listeners
 460      * registered on this checkbox.
 461      *
 462      * @return all of this checkbox's <code>ItemListener</code>s
 463      *         or an empty array if no item
 464      *         listeners are currently registered
 465      *
 466      * @see           #addItemListener
 467      * @see           #removeItemListener
 468      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 469      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemListener

 523                 itemListener != null) {
 524                 return true;
 525             }
 526             return false;
 527         }
 528         return super.eventEnabled(e);
 529     }
 531     /**
 532      * Processes events on this check box.
 533      * If the event is an instance of <code>ItemEvent</code>,
 534      * this method invokes the <code>processItemEvent</code> method.
 535      * Otherwise, it calls its superclass's <code>processEvent</code> method.
 536      * <p>Note that if the event parameter is <code>null</code>
 537      * the behavior is unspecified and may result in an
 538      * exception.
 539      *
 540      * @param         e the event
 541      * @see           java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 542      * @see           #processItemEvent
 543      * @since         1.1
 544      */
 545     protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e) {
 546         if (e instanceof ItemEvent) {
 547             processItemEvent((ItemEvent)e);
 548             return;
 549         }
 550         super.processEvent(e);
 551     }
 553     /**
 554      * Processes item events occurring on this check box by
 555      * dispatching them to any registered
 556      * <code>ItemListener</code> objects.
 557      * <p>
 558      * This method is not called unless item events are
 559      * enabled for this component. Item events are enabled
 560      * when one of the following occurs:
 561      * <ul>
 562      * <li>An <code>ItemListener</code> object is registered
 563      * via <code>addItemListener</code>.
 564      * <li>Item events are enabled via <code>enableEvents</code>.
 565      * </ul>
 566      * <p>Note that if the event parameter is <code>null</code>
 567      * the behavior is unspecified and may result in an
 568      * exception.
 569      *
 570      * @param       e the item event
 571      * @see         java.awt.event.ItemEvent
 572      * @see         java.awt.event.ItemListener
 573      * @see         #addItemListener
 574      * @see         java.awt.Component#enableEvents
 575      * @since       1.1
 576      */
 577     protected void processItemEvent(ItemEvent e) {
 578         ItemListener listener = itemListener;
 579         if (listener != null) {
 580             listener.itemStateChanged(e);
 581         }
 582     }
 584     /**
 585      * Returns a string representing the state of this <code>Checkbox</code>.
 586      * This method is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the
 587      * content and format of the returned string may vary between
 588      * implementations. The returned string may be empty but may not be
 589      * <code>null</code>.
 590      *
 591      * @return    the parameter string of this check box
 592      */
 593     protected String paramString() {
 594         String str = super.paramString();
 595         String label = this.label;