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rev 10048 : 8044740: Convert all JDK versions used in @since tag to 1.n[.n] in jdk repo

 347      * The TrueType format was extended to become the OpenType
 348      * format, which adds support for fonts with Postscript outlines,
 349      * this tag therefore references these fonts, as well as those
 350      * with TrueType outlines.
 351      * @since 1.3
 352      */
 354     public static final int TRUETYPE_FONT = 0;
 356     /**
 357      * Identify a font resource of type TYPE1.
 358      * Used to specify a Type1 font resource to the
 359      * {@link #createFont} method.
 360      * @since 1.5
 361      */
 362     public static final int TYPE1_FONT = 1;
 364     /**
 365      * The logical name of this <code>Font</code>, as passed to the
 366      * constructor.
 367      * @since JDK1.0
 368      *
 369      * @serial
 370      * @see #getName
 371      */
 372     protected String name;
 374     /**
 375      * The style of this <code>Font</code>, as passed to the constructor.
 376      * This style can be PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC, or BOLD+ITALIC.
 377      * @since JDK1.0
 378      *
 379      * @serial
 380      * @see #getStyle()
 381      */
 382     protected int style;
 384     /**
 385      * The point size of this <code>Font</code>, rounded to integer.
 386      * @since JDK1.0
 387      *
 388      * @serial
 389      * @see #getSize()
 390      */
 391     protected int size;
 393     /**
 394      * The point size of this <code>Font</code> in <code>float</code>.
 395      *
 396      * @serial
 397      * @see #getSize()
 398      * @see #getSize2D()
 399      */
 400     protected float pointSize;
 402     /**
 403      * The platform specific font information.
 404      */
 405     private transient FontPeer peer;
 406     private transient long pData;       // native JDK1.1 font pointer

 419      * This is true if the font transform is not identity.  It
 420      * is used to avoid unnecessary instantiation of an AffineTransform.
 421      */
 422     private transient boolean nonIdentityTx;
 424     /*
 425      * A cached value used when a transform is required for internal
 426      * use.  This must not be exposed to callers since AffineTransform
 427      * is mutable.
 428      */
 429     private static final AffineTransform identityTx = new AffineTransform();
 431     /*
 432      * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID
 433      */
 434     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4206021311591459213L;
 436     /**
 437      * Gets the peer of this <code>Font</code>.
 438      * @return  the peer of the <code>Font</code>.
 439      * @since JDK1.1
 440      * @deprecated Font rendering is now platform independent.
 441      */
 442     @Deprecated
 443     public FontPeer getPeer(){
 444         return getPeer_NoClientCode();
 445     }
 446     // NOTE: This method is called by privileged threads.
 447     //       We implement this functionality in a package-private method
 448     //       to insure that it cannot be overridden by client subclasses.
 450     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
 451     final FontPeer getPeer_NoClientCode() {
 452         if(peer == null) {
 453             Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
 454             this.peer = tk.getFontPeer(name, style);
 455         }
 456         return peer;
 457     }
 459     /**

 545      * <p>
 546      *
 547      * @param name the font name.  This can be a font face name or a font
 548      * family name, and may represent either a logical font or a physical
 549      * font found in this {@code GraphicsEnvironment}.
 550      * The family names for logical fonts are: Dialog, DialogInput,
 551      * Monospaced, Serif, or SansSerif. Pre-defined String constants exist
 552      * for all of these names, for example, {@code DIALOG}. If {@code name} is
 553      * {@code null}, the <em>logical font name</em> of the new
 554      * {@code Font} as returned by {@code getName()} is set to
 555      * the name "Default".
 556      * @param style the style constant for the {@code Font}
 557      * The style argument is an integer bitmask that may
 558      * be {@code PLAIN}, or a bitwise union of {@code BOLD} and/or
 559      * {@code ITALIC} (for example, {@code ITALIC} or {@code BOLD|ITALIC}).
 560      * If the style argument does not conform to one of the expected
 561      * integer bitmasks then the style is set to {@code PLAIN}.
 562      * @param size the point size of the {@code Font}
 563      * @see GraphicsEnvironment#getAllFonts
 564      * @see GraphicsEnvironment#getAvailableFontFamilyNames
 565      * @since JDK1.0
 566      */
 567     public Font(String name, int style, int size) {
 568 = (name != null) ? name : "Default";
 569 = (style & ~0x03) == 0 ? style : 0;
 570         this.size = size;
 571         this.pointSize = size;
 572     }
 574     private Font(String name, int style, float sizePts) {
 575 = (name != null) ? name : "Default";
 576 = (style & ~0x03) == 0 ? style : 0;
 577         this.size = (int)(sizePts + 0.5);
 578         this.pointSize = sizePts;
 579     }
 581     /* This constructor is used by deriveFont when attributes is null */
 582     private Font(String name, int style, float sizePts,
 583                  boolean created, Font2DHandle handle) {
 584         this(name, style, sizePts);
 585         this.createdFont = created;

1163         1.0591564f,
1164     };
1166     /**
1167      * Returns the family name of this <code>Font</code>.
1168      *
1169      * <p>The family name of a font is font specific. Two fonts such as
1170      * Helvetica Italic and Helvetica Bold have the same family name,
1171      * <i>Helvetica</i>, whereas their font face names are
1172      * <i>Helvetica Bold</i> and <i>Helvetica Italic</i>. The list of
1173      * available family names may be obtained by using the
1174      * {@link GraphicsEnvironment#getAvailableFontFamilyNames()} method.
1175      *
1176      * <p>Use <code>getName</code> to get the logical name of the font.
1177      * Use <code>getFontName</code> to get the font face name of the font.
1178      * @return a <code>String</code> that is the family name of this
1179      *          <code>Font</code>.
1180      *
1181      * @see #getName
1182      * @see #getFontName
1183      * @since JDK1.1
1184      */
1185     public String getFamily() {
1186         return getFamily_NoClientCode();
1187     }
1188     // NOTE: This method is called by privileged threads.
1189     //       We implement this functionality in a package-private
1190     //       method to insure that it cannot be overridden by client
1191     //       subclasses.
1193     final String getFamily_NoClientCode() {
1194         return getFamily(Locale.getDefault());
1195     }
1197     /**
1198      * Returns the family name of this <code>Font</code>, localized for
1199      * the specified locale.
1200      *
1201      * <p>The family name of a font is font specific. Two fonts such as
1202      * Helvetica Italic and Helvetica Bold have the same family name,
1203      * <i>Helvetica</i>, whereas their font face names are

1223     /**
1224      * Returns the postscript name of this <code>Font</code>.
1225      * Use <code>getFamily</code> to get the family name of the font.
1226      * Use <code>getFontName</code> to get the font face name of the font.
1227      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the postscript name of
1228      *          this <code>Font</code>.
1229      * @since 1.2
1230      */
1231     public String getPSName() {
1232         return getFont2D().getPostscriptName();
1233     }
1235     /**
1236      * Returns the logical name of this <code>Font</code>.
1237      * Use <code>getFamily</code> to get the family name of the font.
1238      * Use <code>getFontName</code> to get the font face name of the font.
1239      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the logical name of
1240      *          this <code>Font</code>.
1241      * @see #getFamily
1242      * @see #getFontName
1243      * @since JDK1.0
1244      */
1245     public String getName() {
1246         return name;
1247     }
1249     /**
1250      * Returns the font face name of this <code>Font</code>.  For example,
1251      * Helvetica Bold could be returned as a font face name.
1252      * Use <code>getFamily</code> to get the family name of the font.
1253      * Use <code>getName</code> to get the logical name of the font.
1254      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the font face name of
1255      *          this <code>Font</code>.
1256      * @see #getFamily
1257      * @see #getName
1258      * @since 1.2
1259      */
1260     public String getFontName() {
1261       return getFontName(Locale.getDefault());
1262     }

1269      * @param l a locale for which to get the font face name
1270      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the font face name,
1271      *          localized for the specified locale.
1272      * @see #getFamily
1273      * @see java.util.Locale
1274      */
1275     public String getFontName(Locale l) {
1276         if (l == null) {
1277             throw new NullPointerException("null locale doesn't mean default");
1278         }
1279         return getFont2D().getFontName(l);
1280     }
1282     /**
1283      * Returns the style of this <code>Font</code>.  The style can be
1285      * @return the style of this <code>Font</code>
1286      * @see #isPlain
1287      * @see #isBold
1288      * @see #isItalic
1289      * @since JDK1.0
1290      */
1291     public int getStyle() {
1292         return style;
1293     }
1295     /**
1296      * Returns the point size of this <code>Font</code>, rounded to
1297      * an integer.
1298      * Most users are familiar with the idea of using <i>point size</i> to
1299      * specify the size of glyphs in a font. This point size defines a
1300      * measurement between the baseline of one line to the baseline of the
1301      * following line in a single spaced text document. The point size is
1302      * based on <i>typographic points</i>, approximately 1/72 of an inch.
1303      * <p>
1304      * The Java(tm)2D API adopts the convention that one point is
1305      * equivalent to one unit in user coordinates.  When using a
1306      * normalized transform for converting user space coordinates to
1307      * device space coordinates 72 user
1308      * space units equal 1 inch in device space.  In this case one point
1309      * is 1/72 of an inch.
1310      * @return the point size of this <code>Font</code> in 1/72 of an
1311      *          inch units.
1312      * @see #getSize2D
1313      * @see GraphicsConfiguration#getDefaultTransform
1314      * @see GraphicsConfiguration#getNormalizingTransform
1315      * @since JDK1.0
1316      */
1317     public int getSize() {
1318         return size;
1319     }
1321     /**
1322      * Returns the point size of this <code>Font</code> in
1323      * <code>float</code> value.
1324      * @return the point size of this <code>Font</code> as a
1325      * <code>float</code> value.
1326      * @see #getSize
1327      * @since 1.2
1328      */
1329     public float getSize2D() {
1330         return pointSize;
1331     }
1333     /**
1334      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object's style is
1335      * PLAIN.
1336      * @return    <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> has a
1337      *            PLAIN style;
1338      *            <code>false</code> otherwise.
1339      * @see       java.awt.Font#getStyle
1340      * @since     JDK1.0
1341      */
1342     public boolean isPlain() {
1343         return style == 0;
1344     }
1346     /**
1347      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object's style is
1348      * BOLD.
1349      * @return    <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> object's
1350      *            style is BOLD;
1351      *            <code>false</code> otherwise.
1352      * @see       java.awt.Font#getStyle
1353      * @since     JDK1.0
1354      */
1355     public boolean isBold() {
1356         return (style & BOLD) != 0;
1357     }
1359     /**
1360      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object's style is
1361      * ITALIC.
1362      * @return    <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> object's
1363      *            style is ITALIC;
1364      *            <code>false</code> otherwise.
1365      * @see       java.awt.Font#getStyle
1366      * @since     JDK1.0
1367      */
1368     public boolean isItalic() {
1369         return (style & ITALIC) != 0;
1370     }
1372     /**
1373      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object has a
1374      * transform that affects its size in addition to the Size
1375      * attribute.
1376      * @return  <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> object
1377      *          has a non-identity AffineTransform attribute.
1378      *          <code>false</code> otherwise.
1379      * @see     java.awt.Font#getTransform
1380      * @since   1.4
1381      */
1382     public boolean isTransformed() {
1383         return nonIdentityTx;
1384     }
1386     /**

1467      *
1468      * <p>
1469      * The default size is 12 and the default style is PLAIN.
1470      * If <code>str</code> does not specify a valid size, the returned
1471      * <code>Font</code> has a size of 12.  If <code>str</code> does not
1472      * specify a valid style, the returned Font has a style of PLAIN.
1473      * If you do not specify a valid font name in
1474      * the <code>str</code> argument, this method will return
1475      * a font with the family name "Dialog".
1476      * To determine what font family names are available on
1477      * your system, use the
1478      * {@link GraphicsEnvironment#getAvailableFontFamilyNames()} method.
1479      * If <code>str</code> is <code>null</code>, a new <code>Font</code>
1480      * is returned with the family name "Dialog", a size of 12 and a
1481      * PLAIN style.
1482      * @param str the name of the font, or <code>null</code>
1483      * @return the <code>Font</code> object that <code>str</code>
1484      *          describes, or a new default <code>Font</code> if
1485      *          <code>str</code> is <code>null</code>.
1486      * @see #getFamily
1487      * @since JDK1.1
1488      */
1489     public static Font decode(String str) {
1490         String fontName = str;
1491         String styleName = "";
1492         int fontSize = 12;
1493         int fontStyle = Font.PLAIN;
1495         if (str == null) {
1496             return new Font(DIALOG, fontStyle, fontSize);
1497         }
1499         int lastHyphen = str.lastIndexOf('-');
1500         int lastSpace = str.lastIndexOf(' ');
1501         char sepChar = (lastHyphen > lastSpace) ? '-' : ' ';
1502         int sizeIndex = str.lastIndexOf(sepChar);
1503         int styleIndex = str.lastIndexOf(sepChar, sizeIndex-1);
1504         int strlen = str.length();
1506         if (sizeIndex > 0 && sizeIndex+1 < strlen) {
1507             try {

1578      * @return    the <code>Font</code> value of the property.
1579      * @throws NullPointerException if nm is null.
1580      * @see #decode(String)
1581      */
1582     public static Font getFont(String nm, Font font) {
1583         String str = null;
1584         try {
1585             str =System.getProperty(nm);
1586         } catch(SecurityException e) {
1587         }
1588         if (str == null) {
1589             return font;
1590         }
1591         return decode ( str );
1592     }
1594     transient int hash;
1595     /**
1596      * Returns a hashcode for this <code>Font</code>.
1597      * @return     a hashcode value for this <code>Font</code>.
1598      * @since      JDK1.0
1599      */
1600     public int hashCode() {
1601         if (hash == 0) {
1602             hash = name.hashCode() ^ style ^ size;
1603             /* It is possible many fonts differ only in transform.
1604              * So include the transform in the hash calculation.
1605              * nonIdentityTx is set whenever there is a transform in
1606              * 'values'. The tests for null are required because it can
1607              * also be set for other reasons.
1608              */
1609             if (nonIdentityTx &&
1610                 values != null && values.getTransform() != null) {
1611                 hash ^= values.getTransform().hashCode();
1612             }
1613         }
1614         return hash;
1615     }
1617     /**
1618      * Compares this <code>Font</code> object to the specified
1619      * <code>Object</code>.
1620      * @param obj the <code>Object</code> to compare
1621      * @return <code>true</code> if the objects are the same
1622      *          or if the argument is a <code>Font</code> object
1623      *          describing the same font as this object;
1624      *          <code>false</code> otherwise.
1625      * @since JDK1.0
1626      */
1627     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
1628         if (obj == this) {
1629             return true;
1630         }
1632         if (obj != null) {
1633             try {
1634                 Font font = (Font)obj;
1635                 if (size == font.size &&
1636                     style == &&
1637                     nonIdentityTx == font.nonIdentityTx &&
1638                     hasLayoutAttributes == font.hasLayoutAttributes &&
1639                     pointSize == font.pointSize &&
1640                     name.equals( {
1642                     /* 'values' is usually initialized lazily, except when
1643                      * the font is constructed from a Map, or derived using
1644                      * a Map or other values. So if only one font has
1645                      * the field initialized we need to initialize it in

1650                             return true;
1651                         } else {
1652                             return getAttributeValues().equals(font.values);
1653                         }
1654                     } else {
1655                         return values.equals(font.getAttributeValues());
1656                     }
1657                 }
1658             }
1659             catch (ClassCastException e) {
1660             }
1661         }
1662         return false;
1663     }
1665     /**
1666      * Converts this <code>Font</code> object to a <code>String</code>
1667      * representation.
1668      * @return     a <code>String</code> representation of this
1669      *          <code>Font</code> object.
1670      * @since      JDK1.0
1671      */
1672     // NOTE: This method may be called by privileged threads.
1674     public String toString() {
1675         String  strStyle;
1677         if (isBold()) {
1678             strStyle = isItalic() ? "bolditalic" : "bold";
1679         } else {
1680             strStyle = isItalic() ? "italic" : "plain";
1681         }
1683         return getClass().getName() + "[family=" + getFamily() + ",name=" + name + ",style=" +
1684             strStyle + ",size=" + size + "]";
1685     } // toString()
1688     /** Serialization support.  A <code>readObject</code>
1689      *  method is neccessary because the constructor creates
1690      *  the font's peer, and we can't serialize the peer.

 347      * The TrueType format was extended to become the OpenType
 348      * format, which adds support for fonts with Postscript outlines,
 349      * this tag therefore references these fonts, as well as those
 350      * with TrueType outlines.
 351      * @since 1.3
 352      */
 354     public static final int TRUETYPE_FONT = 0;
 356     /**
 357      * Identify a font resource of type TYPE1.
 358      * Used to specify a Type1 font resource to the
 359      * {@link #createFont} method.
 360      * @since 1.5
 361      */
 362     public static final int TYPE1_FONT = 1;
 364     /**
 365      * The logical name of this <code>Font</code>, as passed to the
 366      * constructor.
 367      * @since 1.0
 368      *
 369      * @serial
 370      * @see #getName
 371      */
 372     protected String name;
 374     /**
 375      * The style of this <code>Font</code>, as passed to the constructor.
 376      * This style can be PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC, or BOLD+ITALIC.
 377      * @since 1.0
 378      *
 379      * @serial
 380      * @see #getStyle()
 381      */
 382     protected int style;
 384     /**
 385      * The point size of this <code>Font</code>, rounded to integer.
 386      * @since 1.0
 387      *
 388      * @serial
 389      * @see #getSize()
 390      */
 391     protected int size;
 393     /**
 394      * The point size of this <code>Font</code> in <code>float</code>.
 395      *
 396      * @serial
 397      * @see #getSize()
 398      * @see #getSize2D()
 399      */
 400     protected float pointSize;
 402     /**
 403      * The platform specific font information.
 404      */
 405     private transient FontPeer peer;
 406     private transient long pData;       // native JDK1.1 font pointer

 419      * This is true if the font transform is not identity.  It
 420      * is used to avoid unnecessary instantiation of an AffineTransform.
 421      */
 422     private transient boolean nonIdentityTx;
 424     /*
 425      * A cached value used when a transform is required for internal
 426      * use.  This must not be exposed to callers since AffineTransform
 427      * is mutable.
 428      */
 429     private static final AffineTransform identityTx = new AffineTransform();
 431     /*
 432      * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID
 433      */
 434     private static final long serialVersionUID = -4206021311591459213L;
 436     /**
 437      * Gets the peer of this <code>Font</code>.
 438      * @return  the peer of the <code>Font</code>.
 439      * @since 1.1
 440      * @deprecated Font rendering is now platform independent.
 441      */
 442     @Deprecated
 443     public FontPeer getPeer(){
 444         return getPeer_NoClientCode();
 445     }
 446     // NOTE: This method is called by privileged threads.
 447     //       We implement this functionality in a package-private method
 448     //       to insure that it cannot be overridden by client subclasses.
 450     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
 451     final FontPeer getPeer_NoClientCode() {
 452         if(peer == null) {
 453             Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
 454             this.peer = tk.getFontPeer(name, style);
 455         }
 456         return peer;
 457     }
 459     /**

 545      * <p>
 546      *
 547      * @param name the font name.  This can be a font face name or a font
 548      * family name, and may represent either a logical font or a physical
 549      * font found in this {@code GraphicsEnvironment}.
 550      * The family names for logical fonts are: Dialog, DialogInput,
 551      * Monospaced, Serif, or SansSerif. Pre-defined String constants exist
 552      * for all of these names, for example, {@code DIALOG}. If {@code name} is
 553      * {@code null}, the <em>logical font name</em> of the new
 554      * {@code Font} as returned by {@code getName()} is set to
 555      * the name "Default".
 556      * @param style the style constant for the {@code Font}
 557      * The style argument is an integer bitmask that may
 558      * be {@code PLAIN}, or a bitwise union of {@code BOLD} and/or
 559      * {@code ITALIC} (for example, {@code ITALIC} or {@code BOLD|ITALIC}).
 560      * If the style argument does not conform to one of the expected
 561      * integer bitmasks then the style is set to {@code PLAIN}.
 562      * @param size the point size of the {@code Font}
 563      * @see GraphicsEnvironment#getAllFonts
 564      * @see GraphicsEnvironment#getAvailableFontFamilyNames
 565      * @since 1.0
 566      */
 567     public Font(String name, int style, int size) {
 568 = (name != null) ? name : "Default";
 569 = (style & ~0x03) == 0 ? style : 0;
 570         this.size = size;
 571         this.pointSize = size;
 572     }
 574     private Font(String name, int style, float sizePts) {
 575 = (name != null) ? name : "Default";
 576 = (style & ~0x03) == 0 ? style : 0;
 577         this.size = (int)(sizePts + 0.5);
 578         this.pointSize = sizePts;
 579     }
 581     /* This constructor is used by deriveFont when attributes is null */
 582     private Font(String name, int style, float sizePts,
 583                  boolean created, Font2DHandle handle) {
 584         this(name, style, sizePts);
 585         this.createdFont = created;

1163         1.0591564f,
1164     };
1166     /**
1167      * Returns the family name of this <code>Font</code>.
1168      *
1169      * <p>The family name of a font is font specific. Two fonts such as
1170      * Helvetica Italic and Helvetica Bold have the same family name,
1171      * <i>Helvetica</i>, whereas their font face names are
1172      * <i>Helvetica Bold</i> and <i>Helvetica Italic</i>. The list of
1173      * available family names may be obtained by using the
1174      * {@link GraphicsEnvironment#getAvailableFontFamilyNames()} method.
1175      *
1176      * <p>Use <code>getName</code> to get the logical name of the font.
1177      * Use <code>getFontName</code> to get the font face name of the font.
1178      * @return a <code>String</code> that is the family name of this
1179      *          <code>Font</code>.
1180      *
1181      * @see #getName
1182      * @see #getFontName
1183      * @since 1.1
1184      */
1185     public String getFamily() {
1186         return getFamily_NoClientCode();
1187     }
1188     // NOTE: This method is called by privileged threads.
1189     //       We implement this functionality in a package-private
1190     //       method to insure that it cannot be overridden by client
1191     //       subclasses.
1193     final String getFamily_NoClientCode() {
1194         return getFamily(Locale.getDefault());
1195     }
1197     /**
1198      * Returns the family name of this <code>Font</code>, localized for
1199      * the specified locale.
1200      *
1201      * <p>The family name of a font is font specific. Two fonts such as
1202      * Helvetica Italic and Helvetica Bold have the same family name,
1203      * <i>Helvetica</i>, whereas their font face names are

1223     /**
1224      * Returns the postscript name of this <code>Font</code>.
1225      * Use <code>getFamily</code> to get the family name of the font.
1226      * Use <code>getFontName</code> to get the font face name of the font.
1227      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the postscript name of
1228      *          this <code>Font</code>.
1229      * @since 1.2
1230      */
1231     public String getPSName() {
1232         return getFont2D().getPostscriptName();
1233     }
1235     /**
1236      * Returns the logical name of this <code>Font</code>.
1237      * Use <code>getFamily</code> to get the family name of the font.
1238      * Use <code>getFontName</code> to get the font face name of the font.
1239      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the logical name of
1240      *          this <code>Font</code>.
1241      * @see #getFamily
1242      * @see #getFontName
1243      * @since 1.0
1244      */
1245     public String getName() {
1246         return name;
1247     }
1249     /**
1250      * Returns the font face name of this <code>Font</code>.  For example,
1251      * Helvetica Bold could be returned as a font face name.
1252      * Use <code>getFamily</code> to get the family name of the font.
1253      * Use <code>getName</code> to get the logical name of the font.
1254      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the font face name of
1255      *          this <code>Font</code>.
1256      * @see #getFamily
1257      * @see #getName
1258      * @since 1.2
1259      */
1260     public String getFontName() {
1261       return getFontName(Locale.getDefault());
1262     }

1269      * @param l a locale for which to get the font face name
1270      * @return a <code>String</code> representing the font face name,
1271      *          localized for the specified locale.
1272      * @see #getFamily
1273      * @see java.util.Locale
1274      */
1275     public String getFontName(Locale l) {
1276         if (l == null) {
1277             throw new NullPointerException("null locale doesn't mean default");
1278         }
1279         return getFont2D().getFontName(l);
1280     }
1282     /**
1283      * Returns the style of this <code>Font</code>.  The style can be
1285      * @return the style of this <code>Font</code>
1286      * @see #isPlain
1287      * @see #isBold
1288      * @see #isItalic
1289      * @since 1.0
1290      */
1291     public int getStyle() {
1292         return style;
1293     }
1295     /**
1296      * Returns the point size of this <code>Font</code>, rounded to
1297      * an integer.
1298      * Most users are familiar with the idea of using <i>point size</i> to
1299      * specify the size of glyphs in a font. This point size defines a
1300      * measurement between the baseline of one line to the baseline of the
1301      * following line in a single spaced text document. The point size is
1302      * based on <i>typographic points</i>, approximately 1/72 of an inch.
1303      * <p>
1304      * The Java(tm)2D API adopts the convention that one point is
1305      * equivalent to one unit in user coordinates.  When using a
1306      * normalized transform for converting user space coordinates to
1307      * device space coordinates 72 user
1308      * space units equal 1 inch in device space.  In this case one point
1309      * is 1/72 of an inch.
1310      * @return the point size of this <code>Font</code> in 1/72 of an
1311      *          inch units.
1312      * @see #getSize2D
1313      * @see GraphicsConfiguration#getDefaultTransform
1314      * @see GraphicsConfiguration#getNormalizingTransform
1315      * @since 1.0
1316      */
1317     public int getSize() {
1318         return size;
1319     }
1321     /**
1322      * Returns the point size of this <code>Font</code> in
1323      * <code>float</code> value.
1324      * @return the point size of this <code>Font</code> as a
1325      * <code>float</code> value.
1326      * @see #getSize
1327      * @since 1.2
1328      */
1329     public float getSize2D() {
1330         return pointSize;
1331     }
1333     /**
1334      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object's style is
1335      * PLAIN.
1336      * @return    <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> has a
1337      *            PLAIN style;
1338      *            <code>false</code> otherwise.
1339      * @see       java.awt.Font#getStyle
1340      * @since     1.0
1341      */
1342     public boolean isPlain() {
1343         return style == 0;
1344     }
1346     /**
1347      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object's style is
1348      * BOLD.
1349      * @return    <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> object's
1350      *            style is BOLD;
1351      *            <code>false</code> otherwise.
1352      * @see       java.awt.Font#getStyle
1353      * @since     1.0
1354      */
1355     public boolean isBold() {
1356         return (style & BOLD) != 0;
1357     }
1359     /**
1360      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object's style is
1361      * ITALIC.
1362      * @return    <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> object's
1363      *            style is ITALIC;
1364      *            <code>false</code> otherwise.
1365      * @see       java.awt.Font#getStyle
1366      * @since     1.0
1367      */
1368     public boolean isItalic() {
1369         return (style & ITALIC) != 0;
1370     }
1372     /**
1373      * Indicates whether or not this <code>Font</code> object has a
1374      * transform that affects its size in addition to the Size
1375      * attribute.
1376      * @return  <code>true</code> if this <code>Font</code> object
1377      *          has a non-identity AffineTransform attribute.
1378      *          <code>false</code> otherwise.
1379      * @see     java.awt.Font#getTransform
1380      * @since   1.4
1381      */
1382     public boolean isTransformed() {
1383         return nonIdentityTx;
1384     }
1386     /**

1467      *
1468      * <p>
1469      * The default size is 12 and the default style is PLAIN.
1470      * If <code>str</code> does not specify a valid size, the returned
1471      * <code>Font</code> has a size of 12.  If <code>str</code> does not
1472      * specify a valid style, the returned Font has a style of PLAIN.
1473      * If you do not specify a valid font name in
1474      * the <code>str</code> argument, this method will return
1475      * a font with the family name "Dialog".
1476      * To determine what font family names are available on
1477      * your system, use the
1478      * {@link GraphicsEnvironment#getAvailableFontFamilyNames()} method.
1479      * If <code>str</code> is <code>null</code>, a new <code>Font</code>
1480      * is returned with the family name "Dialog", a size of 12 and a
1481      * PLAIN style.
1482      * @param str the name of the font, or <code>null</code>
1483      * @return the <code>Font</code> object that <code>str</code>
1484      *          describes, or a new default <code>Font</code> if
1485      *          <code>str</code> is <code>null</code>.
1486      * @see #getFamily
1487      * @since 1.1
1488      */
1489     public static Font decode(String str) {
1490         String fontName = str;
1491         String styleName = "";
1492         int fontSize = 12;
1493         int fontStyle = Font.PLAIN;
1495         if (str == null) {
1496             return new Font(DIALOG, fontStyle, fontSize);
1497         }
1499         int lastHyphen = str.lastIndexOf('-');
1500         int lastSpace = str.lastIndexOf(' ');
1501         char sepChar = (lastHyphen > lastSpace) ? '-' : ' ';
1502         int sizeIndex = str.lastIndexOf(sepChar);
1503         int styleIndex = str.lastIndexOf(sepChar, sizeIndex-1);
1504         int strlen = str.length();
1506         if (sizeIndex > 0 && sizeIndex+1 < strlen) {
1507             try {

1578      * @return    the <code>Font</code> value of the property.
1579      * @throws NullPointerException if nm is null.
1580      * @see #decode(String)
1581      */
1582     public static Font getFont(String nm, Font font) {
1583         String str = null;
1584         try {
1585             str =System.getProperty(nm);
1586         } catch(SecurityException e) {
1587         }
1588         if (str == null) {
1589             return font;
1590         }
1591         return decode ( str );
1592     }
1594     transient int hash;
1595     /**
1596      * Returns a hashcode for this <code>Font</code>.
1597      * @return     a hashcode value for this <code>Font</code>.
1598      * @since      1.0
1599      */
1600     public int hashCode() {
1601         if (hash == 0) {
1602             hash = name.hashCode() ^ style ^ size;
1603             /* It is possible many fonts differ only in transform.
1604              * So include the transform in the hash calculation.
1605              * nonIdentityTx is set whenever there is a transform in
1606              * 'values'. The tests for null are required because it can
1607              * also be set for other reasons.
1608              */
1609             if (nonIdentityTx &&
1610                 values != null && values.getTransform() != null) {
1611                 hash ^= values.getTransform().hashCode();
1612             }
1613         }
1614         return hash;
1615     }
1617     /**
1618      * Compares this <code>Font</code> object to the specified
1619      * <code>Object</code>.
1620      * @param obj the <code>Object</code> to compare
1621      * @return <code>true</code> if the objects are the same
1622      *          or if the argument is a <code>Font</code> object
1623      *          describing the same font as this object;
1624      *          <code>false</code> otherwise.
1625      * @since 1.0
1626      */
1627     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
1628         if (obj == this) {
1629             return true;
1630         }
1632         if (obj != null) {
1633             try {
1634                 Font font = (Font)obj;
1635                 if (size == font.size &&
1636                     style == &&
1637                     nonIdentityTx == font.nonIdentityTx &&
1638                     hasLayoutAttributes == font.hasLayoutAttributes &&
1639                     pointSize == font.pointSize &&
1640                     name.equals( {
1642                     /* 'values' is usually initialized lazily, except when
1643                      * the font is constructed from a Map, or derived using
1644                      * a Map or other values. So if only one font has
1645                      * the field initialized we need to initialize it in

1650                             return true;
1651                         } else {
1652                             return getAttributeValues().equals(font.values);
1653                         }
1654                     } else {
1655                         return values.equals(font.getAttributeValues());
1656                     }
1657                 }
1658             }
1659             catch (ClassCastException e) {
1660             }
1661         }
1662         return false;
1663     }
1665     /**
1666      * Converts this <code>Font</code> object to a <code>String</code>
1667      * representation.
1668      * @return     a <code>String</code> representation of this
1669      *          <code>Font</code> object.
1670      * @since      1.0
1671      */
1672     // NOTE: This method may be called by privileged threads.
1674     public String toString() {
1675         String  strStyle;
1677         if (isBold()) {
1678             strStyle = isItalic() ? "bolditalic" : "bold";
1679         } else {
1680             strStyle = isItalic() ? "italic" : "plain";
1681         }
1683         return getClass().getName() + "[family=" + getFamily() + ",name=" + name + ",style=" +
1684             strStyle + ",size=" + size + "]";
1685     } // toString()
1688     /** Serialization support.  A <code>readObject</code>
1689      *  method is neccessary because the constructor creates
1690      *  the font's peer, and we can't serialize the peer.