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rev 10048 : 8044740: Convert all JDK versions used in @since tag to 1.n[.n] in jdk repo

 662         // standard decimal separator for all locales that we support.
 663         // If that changes, add a new entry to NumberElements.
 664         monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
 665     }
 667     /**
 668      * Reads the default serializable fields, provides default values for objects
 669      * in older serial versions, and initializes non-serializable fields.
 670      * If <code>serialVersionOnStream</code>
 671      * is less than 1, initializes <code>monetarySeparator</code> to be
 672      * the same as <code>decimalSeparator</code> and <code>exponential</code>
 673      * to be 'E'.
 674      * If <code>serialVersionOnStream</code> is less than 2,
 675      * initializes <code>locale</code>to the root locale, and initializes
 676      * If <code>serialVersionOnStream</code> is less than 3, it initializes
 677      * <code>exponentialSeparator</code> using <code>exponential</code>.
 678      * Sets <code>serialVersionOnStream</code> back to the maximum allowed value so that
 679      * default serialization will work properly if this object is streamed out again.
 680      * Initializes the currency from the intlCurrencySymbol field.
 681      *
 682      * @since JDK 1.1.6
 683      */
 684     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
 685             throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
 686         stream.defaultReadObject();
 687         if (serialVersionOnStream < 1) {
 688             // Didn't have monetarySeparator or exponential field;
 689             // use defaults.
 690             monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
 691             exponential       = 'E';
 692         }
 693         if (serialVersionOnStream < 2) {
 694             // didn't have locale; use root locale
 695             locale = Locale.ROOT;
 696         }
 697         if (serialVersionOnStream < 3) {
 698             // didn't have exponentialSeparator. Create one using exponential
 699             exponentialSeparator = Character.toString(exponential);
 700         }
 701         serialVersionOnStream = currentSerialVersion;

 785      */
 786     private  char    minusSign;
 788     /**
 789      * String denoting the local currency, e.g. "$".
 790      * @serial
 791      * @see #getCurrencySymbol
 792      */
 793     private  String  currencySymbol;
 795     /**
 796      * ISO 4217 currency code denoting the local currency, e.g. "USD".
 797      * @serial
 798      * @see #getInternationalCurrencySymbol
 799      */
 800     private  String  intlCurrencySymbol;
 802     /**
 803      * The decimal separator used when formatting currency values.
 804      * @serial
 805      * @since JDK 1.1.6
 806      * @see #getMonetaryDecimalSeparator
 807      */
 808     private  char    monetarySeparator; // Field new in JDK 1.1.6
 810     /**
 811      * The character used to distinguish the exponent in a number formatted
 812      * in exponential notation, e.g. 'E' for a number such as "1.23E45".
 813      * <p>
 814      * Note that the public API provides no way to set this field,
 815      * even though it is supported by the implementation and the stream format.
 816      * The intent is that this will be added to the API in the future.
 817      *
 818      * @serial
 819      * @since JDK 1.1.6
 820      */
 821     private  char    exponential;       // Field new in JDK 1.1.6
 823   /**
 824    * The string used to separate the mantissa from the exponent.
 825    * Examples: "x10^" for 1.23x10^4, "E" for 1.23E4.
 826    * <p>
 827    * If both <code>exponential</code> and <code>exponentialSeparator</code>
 828    * exist, this <code>exponentialSeparator</code> has the precedence.
 829    *
 830    * @serial
 831    * @since 1.6
 832    */
 833     private  String    exponentialSeparator;       // Field new in JDK 1.6
 835     /**
 836      * The locale of these currency format symbols.
 837      *
 838      * @serial
 839      * @since 1.4

 855     private static final int currentSerialVersion = 3;
 857     /**
 858      * Describes the version of <code>DecimalFormatSymbols</code> present on the stream.
 859      * Possible values are:
 860      * <ul>
 861      * <li><b>0</b> (or uninitialized): versions prior to JDK 1.1.6.
 862      *
 863      * <li><b>1</b>: Versions written by JDK 1.1.6 or later, which include
 864      *      two new fields: <code>monetarySeparator</code> and <code>exponential</code>.
 865      * <li><b>2</b>: Versions written by J2SE 1.4 or later, which include a
 866      *      new <code>locale</code> field.
 867      * <li><b>3</b>: Versions written by J2SE 1.6 or later, which include a
 868      *      new <code>exponentialSeparator</code> field.
 869      * </ul>
 870      * When streaming out a <code>DecimalFormatSymbols</code>, the most recent format
 871      * (corresponding to the highest allowable <code>serialVersionOnStream</code>)
 872      * is always written.
 873      *
 874      * @serial
 875      * @since JDK 1.1.6
 876      */
 877     private int serialVersionOnStream = currentSerialVersion;
 878 }

 662         // standard decimal separator for all locales that we support.
 663         // If that changes, add a new entry to NumberElements.
 664         monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
 665     }
 667     /**
 668      * Reads the default serializable fields, provides default values for objects
 669      * in older serial versions, and initializes non-serializable fields.
 670      * If <code>serialVersionOnStream</code>
 671      * is less than 1, initializes <code>monetarySeparator</code> to be
 672      * the same as <code>decimalSeparator</code> and <code>exponential</code>
 673      * to be 'E'.
 674      * If <code>serialVersionOnStream</code> is less than 2,
 675      * initializes <code>locale</code>to the root locale, and initializes
 676      * If <code>serialVersionOnStream</code> is less than 3, it initializes
 677      * <code>exponentialSeparator</code> using <code>exponential</code>.
 678      * Sets <code>serialVersionOnStream</code> back to the maximum allowed value so that
 679      * default serialization will work properly if this object is streamed out again.
 680      * Initializes the currency from the intlCurrencySymbol field.
 681      *
 682      * @since  1.1.6
 683      */
 684     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
 685             throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
 686         stream.defaultReadObject();
 687         if (serialVersionOnStream < 1) {
 688             // Didn't have monetarySeparator or exponential field;
 689             // use defaults.
 690             monetarySeparator = decimalSeparator;
 691             exponential       = 'E';
 692         }
 693         if (serialVersionOnStream < 2) {
 694             // didn't have locale; use root locale
 695             locale = Locale.ROOT;
 696         }
 697         if (serialVersionOnStream < 3) {
 698             // didn't have exponentialSeparator. Create one using exponential
 699             exponentialSeparator = Character.toString(exponential);
 700         }
 701         serialVersionOnStream = currentSerialVersion;

 785      */
 786     private  char    minusSign;
 788     /**
 789      * String denoting the local currency, e.g. "$".
 790      * @serial
 791      * @see #getCurrencySymbol
 792      */
 793     private  String  currencySymbol;
 795     /**
 796      * ISO 4217 currency code denoting the local currency, e.g. "USD".
 797      * @serial
 798      * @see #getInternationalCurrencySymbol
 799      */
 800     private  String  intlCurrencySymbol;
 802     /**
 803      * The decimal separator used when formatting currency values.
 804      * @serial
 805      * @since  1.1.6
 806      * @see #getMonetaryDecimalSeparator
 807      */
 808     private  char    monetarySeparator; // Field new in JDK 1.1.6
 810     /**
 811      * The character used to distinguish the exponent in a number formatted
 812      * in exponential notation, e.g. 'E' for a number such as "1.23E45".
 813      * <p>
 814      * Note that the public API provides no way to set this field,
 815      * even though it is supported by the implementation and the stream format.
 816      * The intent is that this will be added to the API in the future.
 817      *
 818      * @serial
 819      * @since  1.1.6
 820      */
 821     private  char    exponential;       // Field new in JDK 1.1.6
 823   /**
 824    * The string used to separate the mantissa from the exponent.
 825    * Examples: "x10^" for 1.23x10^4, "E" for 1.23E4.
 826    * <p>
 827    * If both <code>exponential</code> and <code>exponentialSeparator</code>
 828    * exist, this <code>exponentialSeparator</code> has the precedence.
 829    *
 830    * @serial
 831    * @since 1.6
 832    */
 833     private  String    exponentialSeparator;       // Field new in JDK 1.6
 835     /**
 836      * The locale of these currency format symbols.
 837      *
 838      * @serial
 839      * @since 1.4

 855     private static final int currentSerialVersion = 3;
 857     /**
 858      * Describes the version of <code>DecimalFormatSymbols</code> present on the stream.
 859      * Possible values are:
 860      * <ul>
 861      * <li><b>0</b> (or uninitialized): versions prior to JDK 1.1.6.
 862      *
 863      * <li><b>1</b>: Versions written by JDK 1.1.6 or later, which include
 864      *      two new fields: <code>monetarySeparator</code> and <code>exponential</code>.
 865      * <li><b>2</b>: Versions written by J2SE 1.4 or later, which include a
 866      *      new <code>locale</code> field.
 867      * <li><b>3</b>: Versions written by J2SE 1.6 or later, which include a
 868      *      new <code>exponentialSeparator</code> field.
 869      * </ul>
 870      * When streaming out a <code>DecimalFormatSymbols</code>, the most recent format
 871      * (corresponding to the highest allowable <code>serialVersionOnStream</code>)
 872      * is always written.
 873      *
 874      * @serial
 875      * @since  1.1.6
 876      */
 877     private int serialVersionOnStream = currentSerialVersion;
 878 }