1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package java.util;
  27 import java.io.Serializable;
  28 import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
  29 import java.util.function.Function;
  30 import java.util.function.ToDoubleFunction;
  31 import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;
  32 import java.util.function.ToLongFunction;
  34 /**
  35  * This class consists of {@code static} utility methods for comparators. Mostly
  36  * factory method that returns a {@link Comparator}.
  37  *
  38  * <p> Unless otherwise noted, passing a {@code null} argument to a method in
  39  * this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
  40  *
  41  * @see Comparator
  42  * @since 1.8
  43  */
  44 public class Comparators {
  45     private Comparators() {
  46         throw new AssertionError("no instances");
  47     }
  49     /**
  50      * Compares {@link Comparable} objects in natural order.
  51      *
  52      * @see Comparable
  53      */
  54     private enum NaturalOrderComparator implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> {
  55         INSTANCE;
  57         @Override
  58         public int compare(Comparable<Object> c1, Comparable<Object> c2) {
  59             return c1.compareTo(c2);
  60         }
  61     }
  63     /**
  64      * Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse of the <em>natural
  65      * ordering</em>.
  66      *
  67      * <p>The returned comparator is serializable.
  68      *
  69      * @param <T> {@link Comparable} type
  70      *
  71      * @return A comparator that imposes the reverse of the <i>natural
  72      *         ordering</i> on a collection of objects that implement
  73      *         the {@link Comparable} interface.
  74      * @see Comparable
  75      */
  76     public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Comparator<T> reverseOrder() {
  77         return Collections.reverseOrder();
  78     }
  80     /**
  81      * Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse ordering of the specified
  82      * {@link Comparator}.
  83      *
  84      * <p>The returned comparator is serializable (assuming the specified
  85      * comparator is also serializable).
  86      *
  87      * @param <T> the element type to be compared
  88      * @param cmp a comparator whose ordering is to be reversed by the returned
  89      *            comparator
  90      * @return A comparator that imposes the reverse ordering of the
  91      *         specified comparator.
  92      */
  93     public static <T> Comparator<T> reverseOrder(Comparator<T> cmp) {
  94         Objects.requireNonNull(cmp);
  95         return Collections.reverseOrder(cmp);
  96     }
  98     /**
  99      * Gets a comparator compares {@link Comparable} type in natural order.
 100      *
 101      * @param <T> {@link Comparable} type
 102      */
 103     public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Comparator<T> naturalOrder() {
 104         return (Comparator<T>) NaturalOrderComparator.INSTANCE;
 105     }
 107     /**
 108      * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} in natural order on key.
 109      *
 110      * @param <K> {@link Comparable} key type
 111      * @param <V> value type
 112      */
 113     public static <K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K,V>> naturalOrderKeys() {
 114         return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
 115             (c1, c2) -> c1.getKey().compareTo(c2.getKey());
 116     }
 118     /**
 119      * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} in natural order on value.
 120      *
 121      * @param <K> key type
 122      * @param <V> {@link Comparable} value type
 123      */
 124     public static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> Comparator<Map.Entry<K,V>> naturalOrderValues() {
 125         return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
 126             (c1, c2) -> c1.getValue().compareTo(c2.getValue());
 127     }
 129     /**
 130      * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} by key using the given
 131      * {@link Comparator}.
 132      *
 133      * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
 134      * comparators are also serializable.
 135      *
 136      * @param <K> key type
 137      * @param <V> value type
 138      * @param cmp the key {@link Comparator}
 139      */
 140     public static <K, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> byKey(Comparator<? super K> cmp) {
 141         Objects.requireNonNull(cmp);
 142         return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
 143             (c1, c2) -> cmp.compare(c1.getKey(), c2.getKey());
 144     }
 146     /**
 147      * Gets a comparator compares {@link Map.Entry} by value using the given
 148      * {@link Comparator}.
 149      *
 150      * @param <K> key type
 151      * @param <V> value type
 152      * @param cmp the value {@link Comparator}
 153      */
 154     public static <K, V> Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> byValue(Comparator<? super V> cmp) {
 155         Objects.requireNonNull(cmp);
 156         return (Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>> & Serializable)
 157             (c1, c2) -> cmp.compare(c1.getValue(), c2.getValue());
 158     }
 160     /**
 161      * Accepts a function that extracts a {@link java.lang.Comparable
 162      * Comparable} sort key from a type {@code T}, and returns a {@code
 163      * Comparator<T>} that compares by that sort key.  For example, if a class
 164      * {@code Person} has a {@code String}-valued getter {@code getLastName},
 165      * then {@code comparing(Person::getLastName)} would return a {@code
 166      * Comparator<Person>} that compares {@code Person} objects by their last
 167      * name.
 168      *
 169      * @param <T> the original element type
 170      * @param <U> the {@link Comparable} type for comparison
 171      * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the {@link Comparable} sort key
 172      */
 173     public static <T, U extends Comparable<? super U>> Comparator<T> comparing(Function<? super T, ? extends U> keyExtractor) {
 174         Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
 175         return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
 176             (c1, c2) -> keyExtractor.apply(c1).compareTo(keyExtractor.apply(c2));
 177     }
 179     /**
 180      * Accepts a function that extracts an {@code int} value from a type {@code
 181      * T}, and returns a {@code Comparator<T>} that compares by that value.
 182      *
 183      * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
 184      * function is also serializable.
 185      *
 186      * @see #comparing(Function)
 187      * @param <T> the original element type
 188      * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the integer value
 189      */
 190     public static <T> Comparator<T> comparing(ToIntFunction<? super T> keyExtractor) {
 191         Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
 192         return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
 193             (c1, c2) -> Integer.compare(keyExtractor.applyAsInt(c1), keyExtractor.applyAsInt(c2));
 194     }
 196     /**
 197      * Accepts a function that extracts a {@code long} value from a type {@code
 198      * T}, and returns a {@code Comparator<T>} that compares by that value.
 199      *
 200      * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
 201      * function is also serializable.
 202      *
 203      * @see #comparing(Function)
 204      * @param <T> the original element type
 205      * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the long value
 206      */
 207     public static <T> Comparator<T> comparing(ToLongFunction<? super T> keyExtractor) {
 208         Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
 209         return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
 210             (c1, c2) -> Long.compare(keyExtractor.applyAsLong(c1), keyExtractor.applyAsLong(c2));
 211     }
 213     /**
 214      * Accepts a function that extracts a {@code double} value from a type
 215      * {@code T}, and returns a {@code Comparator<T>} that compares by that
 216      * value.
 217      *
 218      * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
 219      * function is also serializable.
 220      *
 221      * @see #comparing(Function)
 222      * @param <T> the original element type
 223      * @param keyExtractor the function used to extract the double value
 224      */
 225     public static<T> Comparator<T> comparing(ToDoubleFunction<? super T> keyExtractor) {
 226         Objects.requireNonNull(keyExtractor);
 227         return (Comparator<T> & Serializable)
 228             (c1, c2) -> Double.compare(keyExtractor.applyAsDouble(c1), keyExtractor.applyAsDouble(c2));
 229     }
 231     /**
 232      * Constructs a lexicographic order from two {@link Comparator}s.  For
 233      * example, if you have comparators {@code byLastName} and {@code
 234      * byFirstName}, each of type {@code Comparator<Person>}, then {@code
 235      * compose(byLastName, byFirstName)} creates a {@code Comparator<Person>}
 236      * which sorts by last name, and for equal last names sorts by first name.
 237      *
 238      * <p>The returned comparator is serializable assuming the specified
 239      * comparators are also serializable.
 240      *
 241      * @param <T> the element type to be compared
 242      * @param first the first comparator
 243      * @param second the secondary comparator used when equals on the first
 244      */
 245     public static<T> Comparator<T> compose(Comparator<? super T> first, Comparator<? super T> second) {
 246         Objects.requireNonNull(first);
 247         Objects.requireNonNull(second);
 248         return (Comparator<T> & Serializable) (c1, c2) -> {
 249             int res = first.compare(c1, c2);
 250             return (res != 0) ? res : second.compare(c1, c2);
 251         };
 252     }
 254     /**
 255      * Constructs a {@link BinaryOperator} which returns the lesser of two elements
 256      * according to the specified {@code Comparator}
 257      *
 258      * @param comparator A {@code Comparator} for comparing the two values
 259      * @param <T> the type of the elements to be compared
 260      * @return a {@code BinaryOperator} which returns the lesser of its operands,
 261      * according to the supplied {@code Comparator}
 262      */
 263     public static<T> BinaryOperator<T> lesserOf(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 264         return (a, b) -> comparator.compare(a, b) <= 0 ? a : b;
 265     }
 267     /**
 268      * Constructs a {@link BinaryOperator} which returns the greater of two elements
 269      * according to the specified {@code Comparator}
 270      *
 271      * @param comparator A {@code Comparator} for comparing the two values
 272      * @param <T> the type of the elements to be compared
 273      * @return a {@code BinaryOperator} which returns the greater of its operands,
 274      * according to the supplied {@code Comparator}
 275      */
 276     public static<T> BinaryOperator<T> greaterOf(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
 277         return (a, b) -> comparator.compare(a, b) >= 0 ? a : b;
 278     }
 279 }