/* * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.jpackage.test; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class WindowsHelper { static String getBundleName(JPackageCommand cmd) { cmd.verifyIsOfType(PackageType.WINDOWS); return String.format("%s-%s%s", cmd.name(), cmd.version(), cmd.packageType().getSuffix()); } static Path getInstallationDirectory(JPackageCommand cmd) { cmd.verifyIsOfType(PackageType.WINDOWS); Path installDir = Path.of( cmd.getArgumentValue("--install-dir", () -> cmd.name())); if (isUserLocalInstall(cmd)) { return USER_LOCAL.resolve(installDir); } return PROGRAM_FILES.resolve(installDir); } private static boolean isUserLocalInstall(JPackageCommand cmd) { return cmd.hasArgument("--win-per-user-install"); } static class AppVerifier { AppVerifier(JPackageCommand cmd) { cmd.verifyIsOfType(PackageType.WINDOWS); this.cmd = cmd; verifyStartMenuShortcut(); verifyDesktopShortcut(); verifyFileAssociationsRegistry(); } private void verifyDesktopShortcut() { boolean appInstalled = cmd.appLauncherPath().toFile().exists(); if (cmd.hasArgument("--win-shortcut")) { if (isUserLocalInstall(cmd)) { verifyUserLocalDesktopShortcut(appInstalled); verifySystemDesktopShortcut(false); } else { verifySystemDesktopShortcut(appInstalled); verifyUserLocalDesktopShortcut(false); } } else { verifySystemDesktopShortcut(false); verifyUserLocalDesktopShortcut(false); } } private Path desktopShortcutPath() { return Path.of(cmd.name() + ".lnk"); } private void verifyShortcut(Path path, boolean exists) { if (exists) { TKit.assertFileExists(path); } else { TKit.assertPathExists(path, false); } } private void verifySystemDesktopShortcut(boolean exists) { Path dir = Path.of(queryRegistryValueCache( SYSTEM_SHELL_FOLDERS_REGKEY, "Common Desktop")); verifyShortcut(dir.resolve(desktopShortcutPath()), exists); } private void verifyUserLocalDesktopShortcut(boolean exists) { Path dir = Path.of( queryRegistryValueCache(USER_SHELL_FOLDERS_REGKEY, "Desktop")); verifyShortcut(dir.resolve(desktopShortcutPath()), exists); } private void verifyStartMenuShortcut() { boolean appInstalled = cmd.appLauncherPath().toFile().exists(); if (cmd.hasArgument("--win-menu")) { if (isUserLocalInstall(cmd)) { verifyUserLocalStartMenuShortcut(appInstalled); verifySystemStartMenuShortcut(false); } else { verifySystemStartMenuShortcut(appInstalled); verifyUserLocalStartMenuShortcut(false); } } else { verifySystemStartMenuShortcut(false); verifyUserLocalStartMenuShortcut(false); } } private Path startMenuShortcutPath() { return Path.of(cmd.getArgumentValue("--win-menu-group", () -> "Unknown"), cmd.name() + ".lnk"); } private void verifyStartMenuShortcut(Path shortcutsRoot, boolean exists) { Path shortcutPath = shortcutsRoot.resolve(startMenuShortcutPath()); verifyShortcut(shortcutPath, exists); if (!exists) { TKit.assertPathExists(shortcutPath.getParent(), false); } } private void verifySystemStartMenuShortcut(boolean exists) { verifyStartMenuShortcut(Path.of(queryRegistryValueCache( SYSTEM_SHELL_FOLDERS_REGKEY, "Common Programs")), exists); } private void verifyUserLocalStartMenuShortcut(boolean exists) { verifyStartMenuShortcut(Path.of(queryRegistryValueCache( USER_SHELL_FOLDERS_REGKEY, "Programs")), exists); } private void verifyFileAssociationsRegistry() { Stream.of(cmd.getAllArgumentValues("--file-associations")).map( Path::of).forEach(this::verifyFileAssociationsRegistry); } private void verifyFileAssociationsRegistry(Path faFile) { boolean appInstalled = cmd.appLauncherPath().toFile().exists(); try { TKit.trace(String.format( "Get file association properties from [%s] file", faFile)); Map faProps = Files.readAllLines(faFile).stream().filter( line -> line.trim().startsWith("extension=") || line.trim().startsWith( "mime-type=")).map( line -> { String[] keyValue = line.trim().split("=", 2); return Map.entry(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]); }).collect(Collectors.toMap( entry -> entry.getKey(), entry -> entry.getValue())); String suffix = faProps.get("extension"); String contentType = faProps.get("mime-type"); TKit.assertNotNull(suffix, String.format( "Check file association suffix [%s] is found in [%s] property file", suffix, faFile)); TKit.assertNotNull(contentType, String.format( "Check file association content type [%s] is found in [%s] property file", contentType, faFile)); verifyFileAssociations(appInstalled, "." + suffix, contentType); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private void verifyFileAssociations(boolean exists, String suffix, String contentType) { String contentTypeFromRegistry = queryRegistryValue(Path.of( "HKLM\\Software\\Classes", suffix).toString(), "Content Type"); String suffixFromRegistry = queryRegistryValue( "HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\MIME\\Database\\Content Type\\" + contentType, "Extension"); if (exists) { TKit.assertEquals(suffix, suffixFromRegistry, "Check suffix in registry is as expected"); TKit.assertEquals(contentType, contentTypeFromRegistry, "Check content type in registry is as expected"); } else { TKit.assertNull(suffixFromRegistry, "Check suffix in registry not found"); TKit.assertNull(contentTypeFromRegistry, "Check content type in registry not found"); } } private final JPackageCommand cmd; } private static String queryRegistryValue(String keyPath, String valueName) { Executor.Result status = new Executor() .setExecutable("reg") .saveOutput() .addArguments("query", keyPath, "/v", valueName) .execute(); if (status.exitCode == 1) { // Should be the case of no such registry value or key String lookupString = "ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value."; status.getOutput().stream().filter(line -> line.equals(lookupString)).findFirst().orElseThrow( () -> new RuntimeException(String.format( "Failed to find [%s] string in the output", lookupString))); TKit.trace(String.format( "Registry value [%s] at [%s] path not found", valueName, keyPath)); return null; } String value = status.assertExitCodeIsZero().getOutput().stream().skip(2).findFirst().orElseThrow(); // Extract the last field from the following line: // Common Desktop REG_SZ C:\Users\Public\Desktop value = value.split(" REG_SZ ")[1]; TKit.trace(String.format("Registry value [%s] at [%s] path is [%s]", valueName, keyPath, value)); return value; } private static String queryRegistryValueCache(String keyPath, String valueName) { String key = String.format("[%s][%s]", keyPath, valueName); String value = REGISTRY_VALUES.get(key); if (value == null) { value = queryRegistryValue(keyPath, valueName); REGISTRY_VALUES.put(key, value); } return value; } static final Set CRITICAL_RUNTIME_FILES = Set.of(Path.of( "bin\\server\\jvm.dll")); // jtreg resets %ProgramFiles% environment variable by some reason. private final static Path PROGRAM_FILES = Path.of(Optional.ofNullable( System.getenv("ProgramFiles")).orElse("C:\\Program Files")); private final static Path USER_LOCAL = Path.of(System.getProperty( "user.home"), "AppData", "Local"); private final static String SYSTEM_SHELL_FOLDERS_REGKEY = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"; private final static String USER_SHELL_FOLDERS_REGKEY = "HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders"; private static final Map REGISTRY_VALUES = new HashMap<>(); }