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@@ -23,39 +23,27 @@
 # questions.
 app.bundler.name=Mac Application Image
-app.bundler.description=A Directory based image of a mac Application with an optionally co-bundled JRE.  Used as a base for the Installer bundlers
 store.bundler.name=Mac App Store Ready Bundler
-store.bundler.description=Creates a binary bundle ready for deployment into the Mac App Store.
-dmg.bundler.name=DMG Installer
-dmg.bundler.description=Mac DMG Installer Bundle
-pkg.bundler.name=PKG Installer
-pkg.bundler.description=Mac PKG Installer Bundle.
+dmg.bundler.name=Mac DMG Package
+pkg.bundler.name=Mac PKG Package
-error.invalid-cfbundle-version=Invalid CFBundleVersion: [{0}].
+error.invalid-cfbundle-version=Invalid CFBundleVersion: [{0}]
 error.invalid-cfbundle-version.advice=Set a compatible 'appVersion' or set a 'mac.CFBundleVersion'.  Valid versions are one to three integers separated by dots.
-error.explicit-sign-no-cert=Signature explicitly requested but no signing certificate specified.
+error.explicit-sign-no-cert=Signature explicitly requested but no signing certificate specified
 error.explicit-sign-no-cert.advice=Either specify a valid cert in 'mac.signing-key-developer-id-app' or unset 'signBundle' or set 'signBundle' to false.
-error.non-existent-runtime=The file for the Runtime/JRE directory does not exist.
-error.non-existent-runtime.advice=Point the runtime parameter to a directory that containes the JRE.
-error.cannot-detect-runtime-in-directory=Cannot determine which JRE/JDK exists in the specified runtime directory.
-error.cannot-detect-runtime-in-directory.advice=Point the runtime directory to one of the JDK/JRE root, the Contents/Home directory of that root, or the Contents/Home/jre directory of the JDK.
-error.parameters-null=Parameters map is null.
-error.parameters-null.advice=Pass in a non-null parameters map.
-error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created.
-error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable.
-error.must-sign-app-store=Mac App Store apps must be signed, and signing has been disabled by bundler configuration.
-error.must-sign-app-store.advice=Either unset 'signBundle' or set 'signBundle' to true.
+error.must-sign-app-store=Mac App Store apps must be signed, and signing has been disabled by bundler configuration
+error.must-sign-app-store.advice=Either unset 'signBundle' or set 'signBundle' to true
 error.no-app-signing-key=No Mac App Store App Signing Key
 error.no-app-signing-key.advice=Install your app signing keys into your Mac Keychain using XCode.
 error.no-pkg-signing-key=No Mac App Store Installer Signing Key
 error.no-pkg-signing-key.advice=Install your app signing keys into your Mac Keychain using XCode.
-error.certificate.expired=Error: Certificate expired {0}.
-error.dmg-does-not-do-daemons=DMG bundler doesn't support services.
-error.dmg-does-not-do-daemons.advice=Make sure that the service hint is set to false.
+error.certificate.expired=Error: Certificate expired {0}
+error.no.xcode.signing=Xcode with command line developer tools is required for signing
+error.no.xcode.signing.advice=Install Xcode with command line developer tools.
 resource.bundle-config-file=Bundle config file
 resource.app-info-plist=Application Info.plist
 resource.runtime-info-plist=Java Runtime Info.plist
 resource.mac-app-store-entitlements=Mac App Store Entitlements

@@ -79,26 +67,23 @@
 message.version-string-no-negative-numbers=Negative numbers are not allowed in version strings.
 message.version-string-numbers-only=Version strings can consist of only numbers and up to two dots.
 message.creating-association-with-null-extension=Creating association with null extension.
 message.ignoring.symlink=Warning: codesign is skipping the symlink {0}.
 message.keychain.error=Error: unable to get keychain list.
-message.building-bundle=Building Mac App Store Bundle for {0}.
-mesasge.intermediate-bundle-location=Intermediate application bundle image: {0}
+message.building-bundle=Building Mac App Store Package for {0}.
 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified application image directory {0}: {1} does not exists.
 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists.
-message.could-not-retrieve-name=Could not retrieve gecos name.
 message.app-image-requires-app-name=When using an external app image you must specify the app name.
 message.app-image-requires-app-name.advice=Set the app name via the -name CLI flag, the fx:application/@name ANT attribute, or via the 'appName' bundler argument.
-message.app-image-requires-identifier=When using an external app image you must specify the identifier.
-message.app-image-requires-identifier.advice=Set the identifier via the -appId CLI flag, the fx:application/@id ANT attribute, or via the 'identifier' bundler argument.
+message.app-image-requires-identifier=Unable to extract identifier from app image.
+message.app-image-requires-identifier.advice=Use "--verbose" for extended error message or specify it via "--mac-package-identifier".
 message.building-dmg=Building DMG package for {0}.
 message.running-script=Running shell script on application image [{0}].
-message.intermediate-image-location=[DEBUG] Intermediate application bundle image: {0}.
 message.preparing-dmg-setup=Preparing dmg setup: {0}.
 message.creating-dmg-file=Creating DMG file: {0}.
 message.dmg-cannot-be-overwritten=Dmg file exists ({0} and can not be removed.
 message.output-to-location=Result DMG installer for {0}: {1}.
 message.building-pkg=Building PKG package for {0}.
 message.preparing-scripts=Preparing package scripts.
 message.preparing-distribution-dist=Preparing distribution.dist: {0}.
 message.signing.pkg=Warning: For signing PKG, you might need to set "Always Trust" for your certificate using "Keychain Access" tool.
+message.setfile.dmg=Setting custom icon on DMG file skipped because 'SetFile' utility was not found. Installing Xcode with Command Line Tools should resolve this issue.
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