1 #!/bin/bash
   3 #
   4 # Script to install/uninstall packages produced by jpackage jtreg
   5 # tests doing platform specific packaging.
   6 #
   7 # The script will install/uninstall all packages from the files
   8 # found in the current directory or the one specified with command line option.
   9 #
  10 # When jtreg jpackage tests are executed with jpackage.test.output
  11 # Java property set, produced package files (msi, exe, deb, rpm, etc.) will
  12 # be saved in the directory specified with this property.
  13 #
  14 # Usage example:
  15 # # Set directory where to save package files from jtreg jpackage tests
  16 # JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/jpackage_jtreg_packages
  17 #
  18 # # Run tests and fill $JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR directory with package files
  19 # jtreg -Djpackage.test.output=$JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR ...
  20 #
  21 # # Install all packages
  22 # manage_pachages.sh -d $JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR
  23 #
  24 # # Uninstall all packages
  25 # manage_pachages.sh -d $JTREG_OUTPUT_DIR -u
  26 #
  28 #
  29 # When using with MSI installers, Cygwin shell from which this script is
  30 # executed should be started as administrator. Otherwise silent installation
  31 # won't work.
  32 #
  34 # Fail fast
  35 set -e; set -o pipefail;
  38 help_usage ()
  39 {
  40     echo "Usage: `basename $0` [OPTION]"
  41     echo "Options:"
  42     echo "  -h        - print this message"
  43     echo "  -v        - verbose output"
  44     echo "  -d <dir>  - path to directory where to look for package files"
  45     echo "  -u        - uninstall packages instead of the default install"
  46     echo "  -t        - dry run, print commands but don't execute them"
  47 }
  49 error ()
  50 {
  51   echo "$@" > /dev/stderr
  52 }
  54 fatal ()
  55 {
  56   error "$@"
  57   exit 1
  58 }
  60 fatal_with_help_usage ()
  61 {
  62   error "$@"
  63   help_usage
  64   exit 1
  65 }
  67 # For macOS
  68 if !(type "tac" &> /dev/null;) then
  69     tac_cmd='tail -r'
  70 else
  71     tac_cmd=tac
  72 fi
  74 # Directory where to look for package files.
  75 package_dir=$PWD
  77 # Script debug.
  78 verbose=
  80 # Operation mode.
  81 mode=install
  83 dryrun=
  85 while getopts "vhd:ut" argname; do
  86     case "$argname" in
  87         v) verbose=yes;;
  88         t) dryrun=yes;;
  89         u) mode=uninstall;;
  90         d) package_dir="$OPTARG";;
  91         h) help_usage; exit 0;;
  92         ?) help_usage; exit 1;;
  93     esac
  94 done
  95 shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
  97 [ -d "$package_dir" ] || fatal_with_help_usage "Package directory [$package_dir] is not a directory"
  99 [ -z "$verbose" ] || set -x
 102 function find_packages_of_type ()
 103 {
 104     # sort output alphabetically
 105     find "$package_dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.'"$1" | sort
 106 }
 108 function find_packages ()
 109 {
 110     local package_suffixes=(deb rpm msi exe pkg dmg)
 111     for suffix in "${package_suffixes[@]}"; do
 112         if [ "$mode" == "uninstall" ]; then
 113             packages=$(find_packages_of_type $suffix | $tac_cmd)
 114         else
 115             packages=$(find_packages_of_type $suffix)
 116         fi
 117         if [ -n "$packages" ]; then
 118             package_type=$suffix
 119             break;
 120         fi
 121     done
 122 }
 125 # RPM
 126 install_cmd_rpm ()
 127 {
 128     echo sudo rpm --install "$@"
 129 }
 130 uninstall_cmd_rpm ()
 131 {
 132     local package_name=$(rpm -qp --queryformat '%{Name}' "$@")
 133     echo sudo rpm -e "$package_name"
 134 }
 136 # DEB
 137 install_cmd_deb ()
 138 {
 139     echo sudo dpkg -i "$@"
 140 }
 141 uninstall_cmd_deb ()
 142 {
 143     local package_name=$(dpkg-deb -f "$@" Package)
 144     echo sudo dpkg -r "$package_name"
 145 }
 147 # MSI
 148 install_cmd_msi ()
 149 {
 150     echo msiexec /qn /norestart /i $(cygpath -w "$@")
 151 }
 152 uninstall_cmd_msi ()
 153 {
 154     echo msiexec /qn /norestart /x $(cygpath -w "$@")
 155 }
 157 # EXE
 158 install_cmd_exe ()
 159 {
 160     echo "$@"
 161 }
 162 uninstall_cmd_exe ()
 163 {
 164     error No implemented
 165 }
 167 # PKG
 168 install_cmd_pkg ()
 169 {
 170     echo sudo /usr/sbin/installer -allowUntrusted -pkg "\"$@\"" -target /
 171 }
 172 uninstall_cmd_pkg ()
 173 {
 174     local pname=`basename $@`
 175     local appname="$(cut -d'-' -f1 <<<"$pname")"
 176     if [ "$appname" = "CommonInstallDirTest" ]; then
 177         echo sudo rm -rf "/Applications/jpackage/\"$appname.app\""
 178     else
 179         echo sudo rm -rf "/Applications/\"$appname.app\""
 180     fi
 181 }
 183 # DMG
 184 install_cmd_dmg ()
 185 {
 186     local pname=`basename $@`
 187     local appname="$(cut -d'-' -f1 <<<"$pname")"
 188     local command=()
 189     if [ "$appname" = "CommonLicenseTest" ]; then
 190         command+=("{" yes "|" hdiutil attach "\"$@\"" ">" /dev/null)
 191     else
 192         command+=("{" hdiutil attach "\"$@\"" ">" /dev/null)
 193     fi
 195     command+=(";" sudo cp -R "\"/Volumes/$appname/$appname.app\"" /Applications ">" /dev/null)
 196     command+=(";" hdiutil detach "\"/Volumes/$appname\"" ">" /dev/null ";}")
 198     echo "${command[@]}"
 199 }
 200 uninstall_cmd_dmg ()
 201 {
 202     local pname=`basename $@`
 203     local appname="$(cut -d'-' -f1 <<<"$pname")"
 204     echo sudo rm -rf "/Applications/\"$appname.app\""
 205 }
 207 # Find packages
 208 packages=
 209 find_packages
 210 if [ -z "$packages" ]; then
 211     echo "No packages found in $package_dir directory"
 212     exit
 213 fi
 215 # Build list of commands to execute
 216 declare -a commands
 217 IFS=$'\n'
 218 for p in $packages; do
 219     commands[${#commands[@]}]=$(${mode}_cmd_${package_type} "$p")
 220 done
 222 if [ -z "$dryrun" ]; then
 223     # Run commands
 224     for cmd in "${commands[@]}"; do
 225         echo Running: $cmd
 226         eval $cmd || true;
 227     done
 228 else
 229     # Print commands
 230     for cmd in "${commands[@]}"; do echo $cmd; done
 231 fi