1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 import java.io.IOException;
  25 import java.nio.file.Path;
  26 import jdk.jpackage.test.TKit;
  27 import jdk.jpackage.test.PackageTest;
  28 import jdk.jpackage.test.PackageType;
  29 import jdk.jpackage.test.LinuxHelper;
  30 import jdk.jpackage.test.Annotations.Test;
  31 import java.util.List;
  33 /*
  34  * @test
  35  * @summary jpackage with --resource-dir
  36  * @library ../helpers
  37  * @build jdk.jpackage.test.*
  38  * @requires (os.family == "linux")
  39  * @modules jdk.incubator.jpackage/jdk.incubator.jpackage.internal
  40  * @compile LinuxResourceTest.java
  41  * @run main/othervm/timeout=360 -Xmx512m jdk.jpackage.test.Main
  42  *  --jpt-run=LinuxResourceTest
  43  */
  45 public class LinuxResourceTest {
  46     @Test
  47     public static void testHardcodedProperties() throws IOException {
  48         new PackageTest()
  49         .forTypes(PackageType.LINUX)
  50         .configureHelloApp()
  51         .addInitializer(cmd -> {
  52             cmd
  53             .setFakeRuntime()
  54             .saveConsoleOutput(true)
  55             .addArguments("--resource-dir", TKit.createTempDirectory("resources"));
  56         })
  57         .forTypes(PackageType.LINUX_DEB)
  58         .addInitializer(cmd -> {
  59             Path controlFile = Path.of(cmd.getArgumentValue("--resource-dir"),
  60                     "control");
  61             TKit.createTextFile(controlFile, List.of(
  62                 "Package: dont-install-me",
  63                 "Version: 1.2.3-R2",
  64                 "Section: APPLICATION_SECTION",
  65                 "Maintainer: APPLICATION_MAINTAINER",
  66                 "Priority: optional",
  67                 "Architecture: bar",
  68                 "Provides: dont-install-me",
  69                 "Description: APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION",
  70                 "Installed-Size: APPLICATION_INSTALLED_SIZE",
  71                 "Depends: PACKAGE_DEFAULT_DEPENDENCIES"
  72             ));
  73         })
  74         .addBundleVerifier((cmd, result) -> {
  75             TKit.assertTextStream("Using custom package resource [DEB control file]")
  76                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
  77                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
  78             TKit.assertTextStream(String.format(
  79                     "Expected value of \"Package\" property is [%s]. Actual value in output package is [dont-install-me]",
  80                     LinuxHelper.getPackageName(cmd)))
  81                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
  82                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
  83             TKit.assertTextStream(
  84                     "Expected value of \"Version\" property is [1.0-1]. Actual value in output package is [1.2.3-R2]")
  85                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
  86                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
  87             TKit.assertTextStream(String.format(
  88                     "Expected value of \"Architecture\" property is [%s]. Actual value in output package is [bar]",
  89                     LinuxHelper.getDefaultPackageArch(cmd.packageType())))
  90                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
  91                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
  92         })
  93         .forTypes(PackageType.LINUX_RPM)
  94         .addInitializer(cmd -> {
  95             Path specFile = Path.of(cmd.getArgumentValue("--resource-dir"),
  96                     LinuxHelper.getPackageName(cmd) + ".spec");
  97             TKit.createTextFile(specFile, List.of(
  98                 "Name: dont-install-me",
  99                 "Version: 1.2.3",
 100                 "Release: R2",
 101                 "Summary: APPLICATION_SUMMARY",
 102                 "License: APPLICATION_LICENSE_TYPE",
 103                 "Prefix: %{dirname:APPLICATION_DIRECTORY}",
 104                 "Provides: dont-install-me",
 105                 "%description",
 106                 "APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION",
 107                 "%prep",
 108                 "%build",
 109                 "%install",
 110                 "rm -rf %{buildroot}",
 111                 "install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}APPLICATION_DIRECTORY",
 112                 "cp -r %{_sourcedir}APPLICATION_DIRECTORY/* %{buildroot}APPLICATION_DIRECTORY",
 113                 "%files",
 114                 "APPLICATION_DIRECTORY"
 115             ));
 116         })
 117         .addBundleVerifier((cmd, result) -> {
 118             TKit.assertTextStream("Using custom package resource [RPM spec file]")
 119                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
 120                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
 121             TKit.assertTextStream(String.format(
 122                     "Expected value of \"Name\" property is [%s]. Actual value in output package is [dont-install-me]",
 123                     LinuxHelper.getPackageName(cmd)))
 124                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
 125                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
 126             TKit.assertTextStream(
 127                     "Expected value of \"Version\" property is [1.0]. Actual value in output package is [1.2.3]")
 128                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
 129                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
 130             TKit.assertTextStream(
 131                     "Expected value of \"Release\" property is [1]. Actual value in output package is [R2]")
 132                     .predicate(String::startsWith)
 133                     .apply(result.getOutput().stream());
 134         })
 135         .run();
 136     }
 137 }