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 125 message.using-default-resource=Using default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize)
 126 message.no-default-resource=no default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize)
 127 message.using-custom-resource-from-file=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1})
 128 message.using-custom-resource=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1})
 129 message.creating-app-bundle=Creating app bundle\: {0} in {1}
 130 message.detected.modules="Automatically adding detected modules: {0}."
 131 message.modules="Adding modules: {0} to runtime image."
 132 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified application image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists
 133 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists
 134 message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified runtime image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists
 135 message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists
 136 message.debug-working-directory=Kept working directory for debug\: {0}
 138 error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created.
 139 error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable.
 140 error.root-exists-without-force=Root Directory {0} already exists and --force is not specified"
 141 error.no-application-class=Main application class is missing.
 142 error.no-application-class.advice=Please specify main application class.
 143 error.no-main-module=Main application module is missing.
 144 error.no-main-module.advice=Make sure to use fx\:module task to create modular application.
 145 error.srcfiles.contain.modules=Error: Modules are not allowed in srcfiles: {0}.
 146 error.no-main-class-with-main-jar=An application class was not specified nor was one found in the jar {0}
 147 error.no-main-class-with-main-jar.advice=Please specify a application class or ensure that the jar {0} specifies one in the manifest.
 148 error.no-main-class=An application class was not specified nor was one found in the supplied application resources
 149 error.no-main-class.advice=Please specify a application class or ensure that the appResources has a jar containing one in the manifest.
 150 error.main-jar-does-not-exist=The configured main jar does not exist {0}
 151 error.main-jar-does-not-exist.advice=The main jar must be specified relative to the app resources (not an absolute path), and must exist within those resources.
 153 warning.module.does.not.exist=Module {0} does not exist.
 154 warning.no.jdk.modules.found=Warning: No JDK Modules found.
 156 MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
 157 MSG_BundlerPlatformException=Bundler {0} skipped because the bundler does not support bundling on this platform.
 158 MSG_BundlerConfigException=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}  \n\
 159 Advice to fix\: {2}
 160 MSG_BundlerConfigExceptionNoAdvice=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}
 161 MSG_BundlerRuntimeException=Bundler {0} failed because of {1}
 162 MSG_Version=jpackage version
 163 MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
 165 ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}

 125 message.using-default-resource=Using default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize)
 126 message.no-default-resource=no default package resource {0} {1} (add {2} to the resource-dir to customize)
 127 message.using-custom-resource-from-file=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from file {1})
 128 message.using-custom-resource=Using custom package resource {0} (loaded from {1})
 129 message.creating-app-bundle=Creating app bundle\: {0} in {1}
 130 message.detected.modules="Automatically adding detected modules: {0}."
 131 message.modules="Adding modules: {0} to runtime image."
 132 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified application image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists
 133 message.app-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists
 134 message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist=Specified runtime image directory {0}\: {1} does not exists
 135 message.runtime-image-dir-does-not-exist.advice=Confirm that the value for {0} exists
 136 message.debug-working-directory=Kept working directory for debug\: {0}
 138 error.cannot-create-output-dir=Output directory {0} cannot be created.
 139 error.cannot-write-to-output-dir=Output directory {0} is not writable.
 140 error.root-exists-without-force=Root Directory {0} already exists and --force is not specified"
 141 error.no-application-class=Main application class is missing.
 142 error.no-application-class.advice=Please specify main application class.
 143 error.no-main-module=Main application module is missing.
 144 error.no-main-module.advice=Make sure to use fx\:module task to create modular application.

 145 error.no-main-class-with-main-jar=An application class was not specified nor was one found in the jar {0}
 146 error.no-main-class-with-main-jar.advice=Please specify a application class or ensure that the jar {0} specifies one in the manifest.
 147 error.no-main-class=An application class was not specified nor was one found in the supplied application resources
 148 error.no-main-class.advice=Please specify a application class or ensure that the appResources has a jar containing one in the manifest.
 149 error.main-jar-does-not-exist=The configured main jar does not exist {0}
 150 error.main-jar-does-not-exist.advice=The main jar must be specified relative to the app resources (not an absolute path), and must exist within those resources.
 152 warning.module.does.not.exist=Module {0} does not exist.
 153 warning.no.jdk.modules.found=Warning: No JDK Modules found.
 155 MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
 156 MSG_BundlerPlatformException=Bundler {0} skipped because the bundler does not support bundling on this platform.
 157 MSG_BundlerConfigException=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}  \n\
 158 Advice to fix\: {2}
 159 MSG_BundlerConfigExceptionNoAdvice=Bundler {0} skipped because of a configuration problem\: {1}
 160 MSG_BundlerRuntimeException=Bundler {0} failed because of {1}
 161 MSG_Version=jpackage version
 162 MSG_BundlerFailed=Error: Bundler "{1}" ({0}) failed to produce a bundle.
 164 ERR_MissingArgument=Error: Missing argument: {0}
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