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*** 140,150 **** error.root-exists-without-force=Root Directory {0} already exists and --force is not specified" error.no-application-class=Main application class is missing. error.no-application-class.advice=Please specify main application class. error.no-main-module=Main application module is missing. error.no-main-module.advice=Make sure to use fx\:module task to create modular application. - error.srcfiles.contain.modules=Error: Modules are not allowed in srcfiles: {0}. error.no-main-class-with-main-jar=An application class was not specified nor was one found in the jar {0} error.no-main-class-with-main-jar.advice=Please specify a application class or ensure that the jar {0} specifies one in the manifest. error.no-main-class=An application class was not specified nor was one found in the supplied application resources error.no-main-class.advice=Please specify a application class or ensure that the appResources has a jar containing one in the manifest. error.main-jar-does-not-exist=The configured main jar does not exist {0} --- 140,149 ----
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