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  11 <meta name="abstract" content="When you enable JMX Data Persistence logging, data is stored in binary files in the persistence directory." />
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  53 <h1 id="JMCOH-GUID-ECB99579-0933-45B8-ABC4-9A0EAC2B5E57" class="sect1">Using JMX Data Persistence Files</h1>
  54 <div><p>When you enable JMX Data Persistence logging, data is stored in binary files in the <span class="italic">persistence directory</span>.</p>
  55 <div class="section">By default, this directory for JMC 7.0 is located in <code>USER-HOME/.jmc/7.1.0/persisted_jmx_data</code><p>To change the persistence directory:</p>
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  58 <ol><li><span>Open the <span class="bold">Window</span> menu and select <span class="bold">Preferences</span>.</span></li>
  59 <li><span>In the left pane, expand <span class="bold">JDK Mission Control</span>, then expand <span class="bold">JMX Console</span>, and select <span class="bold">JMX Data Persistence</span>.</span></li>
  60 <li><span>Modify the path in the <span class="bold">Persistence directory</span> field or click <span class="bold">Browse</span> to select the directory in the file system explorer.</span></li>
  61 <li><span>Click <span class="bold">Apply</span> to apply the changes.</span></li>
  62 </ol>
  63 <div class="section">The persistence directory contains folders with the names of the JVM connections for which data persistence was enabled. Each JVM connection folder contains subfolders with names of attributes for which data persistence was enabled. These subfolders contain the actual log files named <code>*.persisted_jmx_data</code>, and additional metadata files named <code>series.info</code>.<p>You can drag and drop the log files to the JMC console window to view them in the <span class="bold">JMX Data Persistence</span> window. Make sure that the folder structure is preserved for each JVM connection if you want to share the data files on the network.</p>
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