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rev 13901 : Fixes for 8151385. Contains additional fix for 8149453 (upFolder, newFolder, etc. icons)
rev 13644 : 8080492: [Parfait] Uninitialised variable in jdk/src/java/desktop/windows/native/libawt/
Reviewed-by: prr, vadim
rev 12267 : 8022057: JFileChooser blocks EDT in Win32ShellFolder2.getIcon
Reviewed-by: serb, ant
rev 12120 : 8081231: JDK9 client build broken on Windows
Reviewed-by: azvegint
rev 12117 : 8003399: JFileChooser gives wrong path to selected file when saving to Libraries folder on Windows 7
Reviewed-by: serb, ant
rev 10731 : 8056216: Remove "sun" directory layer from libawt and common
Reviewed-by: erikj, ihse, coffeys

 913         pIcon->Release();
 914     }
 915     return (jlong)hIcon;
 916 }
 919 /*
 920  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
 921  * Method:    disposeIcon
 922  * Signature: (J)V
 923  */
 924 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_disposeIcon
 925     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jlong hicon)
 926 {
 927     fn_DestroyIcon((HICON)hicon);
 928 }
 930 /*
 931  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
 932  * Method:    getIconBits
 933  * Signature: (JI)[I
 934  */
 935 JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getIconBits
 936     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jlong hicon, jint iconSize)
 937 {

 938     jintArray iconBits = NULL;

 940     // Get the icon info
 941     ICONINFO iconInfo;
 942     if (fn_GetIconInfo((HICON)hicon, &iconInfo)) {
 943         // Get the screen DC
 944         HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
 945         if (dc != NULL) {

 946             // Set up BITMAPINFO
 947             BITMAPINFO bmi;
 948             memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
 949             bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 950             bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = iconSize;
 951             bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -iconSize;
 952             bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
 953             bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
 954             bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
 955             // Extract the color bitmap
 956             int nBits = iconSize * iconSize;
 957             long colorBits[1024];
 958             GetDIBits(dc, iconInfo.hbmColor, 0, iconSize, colorBits, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
 959             // XP supports alpha in some icons, and depending on device.
 960             // This should take precedence over the icon mask bits.
 961             BOOL hasAlpha = FALSE;
 962             if (IS_WINXP) {
 963                 for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++) {
 964                     if ((colorBits[i] & 0xff000000) != 0) {
 965                         hasAlpha = TRUE;
 966                         break;
 967                     }
 968                 }
 969             }
 970             if (!hasAlpha) {
 971                 // Extract the mask bitmap
 972                 long maskBits[1024];
 973                 GetDIBits(dc, iconInfo.hbmMask, 0, iconSize, maskBits, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
 974                 // Copy the mask alphas into the color bits
 975                 for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++) {
 976                     if (maskBits[i] == 0) {
 977                         colorBits[i] |= 0xff000000;
 978                     }
 979                 }
 980             }
 981             // Release DC
 982             ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
 983             // Create java array
 984             iconBits = env->NewIntArray(nBits);
 985             if (!(env->ExceptionCheck())) {
 986             // Copy values to java array
 987             env->SetIntArrayRegion(iconBits, 0, nBits, colorBits);
 988         }
 989         }
 990         // Fix 4745575 GDI Resource Leak
 991         // MSDN
 992         // GetIconInfo creates bitmaps for the hbmMask and hbmColor members of ICONINFO.
 993         // The calling application must manage these bitmaps and delete them when they
 994         // are no longer necessary.
 995         ::DeleteObject(iconInfo.hbmColor);
 996         ::DeleteObject(iconInfo.hbmMask);
 997     }
 998     return iconBits;
 999 }
1001 /*
1002  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
1003  * Method:    getStandardViewButton0
1004  * Signature: (I)[I
1005  */
1006 JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getStandardViewButton0
1007     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jint iconIndex)
1008 {
1009     jintArray result = NULL;

1011     // Create a toolbar
1012     HWND hWndToolbar = ::CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL,
1013         0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1014         NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1016     if (hWndToolbar != NULL) {
1019         HIMAGELIST hImageList = (HIMAGELIST) SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0);
1021         if (hImageList != NULL) {
1022             HICON hIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(hImageList, iconIndex, ILD_TRANSPARENT);
1024             if (hIcon != NULL) {
1025                 result = Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getIconBits(env, cls, ptr_to_jlong(hIcon), 16);
1027                 DestroyIcon(hIcon);
1028             }
1030             ImageList_Destroy(hImageList);
1031         }
1033         DestroyWindow(hWndToolbar);
1034     }
1036     return result;
1037 }
1039 /*
1040  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
1041  * Method:    getSystemIcon
1042  * Signature: (I)J
1043  */
1044 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getSystemIcon
1045     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jint iconID)

 913         pIcon->Release();
 914     }
 915     return (jlong)hIcon;
 916 }
 919 /*
 920  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
 921  * Method:    disposeIcon
 922  * Signature: (J)V
 923  */
 924 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_disposeIcon
 925     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jlong hicon)
 926 {
 927     fn_DestroyIcon((HICON)hicon);
 928 }
 930 /*
 931  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
 932  * Method:    getIconBits
 933  * Signature: (J)[I
 934  */
 935 JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getIconBits
 936     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jlong hicon)
 937 {
 938     const int MAX_ICON_SIZE = 128;
 939     int iconSize = 0;
 940     jintArray iconBits = NULL;
 942     BITMAP bmp;
 943     memset(&bmp, 0, sizeof(BITMAP));
 945     // Get the icon info
 946     ICONINFO iconInfo;
 947     if (fn_GetIconInfo((HICON)hicon, &iconInfo)) {
 948         // Get the screen DC
 949         HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
 950         if (dc != NULL) {
 951             // find out the icon size in order to deal with different sizes
 952             // delivered depending on HiDPI mode or SD DPI mode.
 953             if (iconInfo.hbmColor) {
 954                 const int nWrittenBytes = GetObject(iconInfo.hbmColor, sizeof(bmp), &bmp);
 955                 if(nWrittenBytes > 0) {
 956                     iconSize = bmp.bmWidth;
 957                 }
 958             } else if (iconInfo.hbmMask) {
 959                 // Icon has no color plane, image data stored in mask
 960                 const int nWrittenBytes = GetObject(iconInfo.hbmMask, sizeof(bmp), &bmp);
 961                 if (nWrittenBytes > 0) {
 962                     iconSize = bmp.bmWidth;
 963                 }
 964             }
 965             // limit iconSize to MAX_ICON_SIZE, so that the colorBits and maskBits
 966             // arrays are big enough.
 967             // (logic: rather show bad icons than overrun the array size)
 968             iconSize = iconSize > MAX_ICON_SIZE ? MAX_ICON_SIZE : iconSize;
 970             // Set up BITMAPINFO
 971             BITMAPINFO bmi;
 972             memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
 973             bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
 974             bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = iconSize;
 975             bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -iconSize;
 976             bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
 977             bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
 978             bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
 979             // Extract the color bitmap
 980             int nBits = iconSize * iconSize;
 981             long colorBits[MAX_ICON_SIZE * MAX_ICON_SIZE];
 982             GetDIBits(dc, iconInfo.hbmColor, 0, iconSize, colorBits, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
 983             // XP supports alpha in some icons, and depending on device.
 984             // This should take precedence over the icon mask bits.
 985             BOOL hasAlpha = FALSE;
 986             if (IS_WINXP) {
 987                 for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++) {
 988                     if ((colorBits[i] & 0xff000000) != 0) {
 989                         hasAlpha = TRUE;
 990                         break;
 991                     }
 992                 }
 993             }
 994             if (!hasAlpha) {
 995                 // Extract the mask bitmap
 996                 long maskBits[MAX_ICON_SIZE * MAX_ICON_SIZE];
 997                 GetDIBits(dc, iconInfo.hbmMask, 0, iconSize, maskBits, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
 998                 // Copy the mask alphas into the color bits
 999                 for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++) {
1000                     if (maskBits[i] == 0) {
1001                         colorBits[i] |= 0xff000000;
1002                     }
1003                 }
1004             }
1005             // Release DC
1006             ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
1007             // Create java array
1008             iconBits = env->NewIntArray(nBits);
1009             if (!(env->ExceptionCheck())) {
1010             // Copy values to java array
1011             env->SetIntArrayRegion(iconBits, 0, nBits, colorBits);
1012         }
1013         }
1014         // Fix 4745575 GDI Resource Leak
1015         // MSDN
1016         // GetIconInfo creates bitmaps for the hbmMask and hbmColor members of ICONINFO.
1017         // The calling application must manage these bitmaps and delete them when they
1018         // are no longer necessary.
1019         ::DeleteObject(iconInfo.hbmColor);
1020         ::DeleteObject(iconInfo.hbmMask);
1021     }
1022     return iconBits;
1023 }
1025 /*
1026  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
1027  * Method:    getStandardViewButton0
1028  * Signature: (I)[I
1029  */
1030 JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getStandardViewButton0
1031     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jint iconIndex, jboolean smallIcon)
1032 {
1033     jintArray result = NULL;
1036     // Create a toolbar
1037     HWND hWndToolbar = ::CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL,
1038         0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1039         NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1041     if (hWndToolbar != NULL) {
1042         SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_LOADIMAGES, size, (LPARAM)HINST_COMMCTRL);
1044         HIMAGELIST hImageList = (HIMAGELIST) SendMessage(hWndToolbar, TB_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0);
1046         if (hImageList != NULL) {
1047             HICON hIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(hImageList, iconIndex, ILD_TRANSPARENT);
1049             if (hIcon != NULL) {
1050                 result = Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getIconBits(env, cls, ptr_to_jlong(hIcon));
1052                 DestroyIcon(hIcon);
1053             }
1055             ImageList_Destroy(hImageList);
1056         }
1058         DestroyWindow(hWndToolbar);
1059     }
1061     return result;
1062 }
1064 /*
1065  * Class:     sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2
1066  * Method:    getSystemIcon
1067  * Signature: (I)J
1068  */
1069 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getSystemIcon
1070     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jint iconID)

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