1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "jvm.h"
  27 #include "classfile/classFileStream.hpp"
  28 #include "classfile/classLoader.hpp"
  29 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.inline.hpp"
  30 #include "classfile/javaAssertions.hpp"
  31 #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
  32 #include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp"
  33 #include "classfile/modules.hpp"
  34 #include "classfile/packageEntry.hpp"
  35 #include "classfile/stringTable.hpp"
  36 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
  37 #include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
  38 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.inline.hpp"
  39 #include "interpreter/bytecode.hpp"
  40 #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  41 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  42 #include "memory/universe.inline.hpp"
  43 #include "oops/access.inline.hpp"
  44 #include "oops/fieldStreams.hpp"
  45 #include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp"
  46 #include "oops/method.hpp"
  47 #include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
  48 #include "oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  49 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  50 #include "prims/jvm_misc.hpp"
  51 #include "prims/jvmtiExport.hpp"
  52 #include "prims/jvmtiThreadState.hpp"
  53 #include "prims/nativeLookup.hpp"
  54 #include "prims/privilegedStack.hpp"
  55 #include "prims/stackwalk.hpp"
  56 #include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
  57 #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
  58 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
  59 #include "runtime/init.hpp"
  60 #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.hpp"
  61 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
  62 #include "runtime/javaCalls.hpp"
  63 #include "runtime/jfieldIDWorkaround.hpp"
  64 #include "runtime/orderAccess.inline.hpp"
  65 #include "runtime/os.inline.hpp"
  66 #include "runtime/perfData.hpp"
  67 #include "runtime/reflection.hpp"
  68 #include "runtime/thread.inline.hpp"
  69 #include "runtime/threadSMR.hpp"
  70 #include "runtime/vframe.hpp"
  71 #include "runtime/vm_operations.hpp"
  72 #include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
  73 #include "services/attachListener.hpp"
  74 #include "services/management.hpp"
  75 #include "services/threadService.hpp"
  76 #include "trace/tracing.hpp"
  77 #include "utilities/copy.hpp"
  78 #include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp"
  79 #include "utilities/dtrace.hpp"
  80 #include "utilities/events.hpp"
  81 #include "utilities/histogram.hpp"
  82 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  83 #include "utilities/utf8.hpp"
  84 #if INCLUDE_CDS
  85 #include "classfile/sharedClassUtil.hpp"
  86 #include "classfile/systemDictionaryShared.hpp"
  87 #endif
  89 #include <errno.h>
  91 /*
  92   NOTE about use of any ctor or function call that can trigger a safepoint/GC:
  93   such ctors and calls MUST NOT come between an oop declaration/init and its
  94   usage because if objects are move this may cause various memory stomps, bus
  95   errors and segfaults. Here is a cookbook for causing so called "naked oop
  96   failures":
  98       JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields<etc> {
  99           JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields");
 101           // Object address to be held directly in mirror & not visible to GC
 102           oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass);
 104           // If this ctor can hit a safepoint, moving objects around, then
 105           ComplexConstructor foo;
 107           // Boom! mirror may point to JUNK instead of the intended object
 108           (some dereference of mirror)
 110           // Here's another call that may block for GC, making mirror stale
 111           MutexLocker ml(some_lock);
 113           // And here's an initializer that can result in a stale oop
 114           // all in one step.
 115           oop o = call_that_can_throw_exception(TRAPS);
 118   The solution is to keep the oop declaration BELOW the ctor or function
 119   call that might cause a GC, do another resolve to reassign the oop, or
 120   consider use of a Handle instead of an oop so there is immunity from object
 121   motion. But note that the "QUICK" entries below do not have a handlemark
 122   and thus can only support use of handles passed in.
 123 */
 125 static void trace_class_resolution_impl(Klass* to_class, TRAPS) {
 126   ResourceMark rm;
 127   int line_number = -1;
 128   const char * source_file = NULL;
 129   const char * trace = "explicit";
 130   InstanceKlass* caller = NULL;
 131   JavaThread* jthread = JavaThread::current();
 132   if (jthread->has_last_Java_frame()) {
 133     vframeStream vfst(jthread);
 135     // scan up the stack skipping ClassLoader, AccessController and PrivilegedAction frames
 136     TempNewSymbol access_controller = SymbolTable::new_symbol("java/security/AccessController", CHECK);
 137     Klass* access_controller_klass = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(access_controller, false, CHECK);
 138     TempNewSymbol privileged_action = SymbolTable::new_symbol("java/security/PrivilegedAction", CHECK);
 139     Klass* privileged_action_klass = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(privileged_action, false, CHECK);
 141     Method* last_caller = NULL;
 143     while (!vfst.at_end()) {
 144       Method* m = vfst.method();
 145       if (!vfst.method()->method_holder()->is_subclass_of(SystemDictionary::ClassLoader_klass())&&
 146           !vfst.method()->method_holder()->is_subclass_of(access_controller_klass) &&
 147           !vfst.method()->method_holder()->is_subclass_of(privileged_action_klass)) {
 148         break;
 149       }
 150       last_caller = m;
 151       vfst.next();
 152     }
 153     // if this is called from Class.forName0 and that is called from Class.forName,
 154     // then print the caller of Class.forName.  If this is Class.loadClass, then print
 155     // that caller, otherwise keep quiet since this should be picked up elsewhere.
 156     bool found_it = false;
 157     if (!vfst.at_end() &&
 158         vfst.method()->method_holder()->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_Class() &&
 159         vfst.method()->name() == vmSymbols::forName0_name()) {
 160       vfst.next();
 161       if (!vfst.at_end() &&
 162           vfst.method()->method_holder()->name() == vmSymbols::java_lang_Class() &&
 163           vfst.method()->name() == vmSymbols::forName_name()) {
 164         vfst.next();
 165         found_it = true;
 166       }
 167     } else if (last_caller != NULL &&
 168                last_caller->method_holder()->name() ==
 169                vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassLoader() &&
 170                (last_caller->name() == vmSymbols::loadClassInternal_name() ||
 171                 last_caller->name() == vmSymbols::loadClass_name())) {
 172       found_it = true;
 173     } else if (!vfst.at_end()) {
 174       if (vfst.method()->is_native()) {
 175         // JNI call
 176         found_it = true;
 177       }
 178     }
 179     if (found_it && !vfst.at_end()) {
 180       // found the caller
 181       caller = vfst.method()->method_holder();
 182       line_number = vfst.method()->line_number_from_bci(vfst.bci());
 183       if (line_number == -1) {
 184         // show method name if it's a native method
 185         trace = vfst.method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string();
 186       }
 187       Symbol* s = caller->source_file_name();
 188       if (s != NULL) {
 189         source_file = s->as_C_string();
 190       }
 191     }
 192   }
 193   if (caller != NULL) {
 194     if (to_class != caller) {
 195       const char * from = caller->external_name();
 196       const char * to = to_class->external_name();
 197       // print in a single call to reduce interleaving between threads
 198       if (source_file != NULL) {
 199         log_debug(class, resolve)("%s %s %s:%d (%s)", from, to, source_file, line_number, trace);
 200       } else {
 201         log_debug(class, resolve)("%s %s (%s)", from, to, trace);
 202       }
 203     }
 204   }
 205 }
 207 void trace_class_resolution(Klass* to_class) {
 209   trace_class_resolution_impl(to_class, THREAD);
 212   }
 213 }
 215 // Wrapper to trace JVM functions
 217 #ifdef ASSERT
 218   Histogram* JVMHistogram;
 219   volatile int JVMHistogram_lock = 0;
 221   class JVMHistogramElement : public HistogramElement {
 222     public:
 223      JVMHistogramElement(const char* name);
 224   };
 226   JVMHistogramElement::JVMHistogramElement(const char* elementName) {
 227     _name = elementName;
 228     uintx count = 0;
 230     while (Atomic::cmpxchg(1, &JVMHistogram_lock, 0) != 0) {
 231       while (OrderAccess::load_acquire(&JVMHistogram_lock) != 0) {
 232         count +=1;
 233         if ( (WarnOnStalledSpinLock > 0)
 234           && (count % WarnOnStalledSpinLock == 0)) {
 235           warning("JVMHistogram_lock seems to be stalled");
 236         }
 237       }
 238      }
 240     if(JVMHistogram == NULL)
 241       JVMHistogram = new Histogram("JVM Call Counts",100);
 243     JVMHistogram->add_element(this);
 244     Atomic::dec(&JVMHistogram_lock);
 245   }
 247   #define JVMCountWrapper(arg) \
 248       static JVMHistogramElement* e = new JVMHistogramElement(arg); \
 249       if (e != NULL) e->increment_count();  // Due to bug in VC++, we need a NULL check here eventhough it should never happen!
 251   #define JVMWrapper(arg) JVMCountWrapper(arg);
 252 #else
 253   #define JVMWrapper(arg)
 254 #endif
 257 // Interface version /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 260 JVM_LEAF(jint, JVM_GetInterfaceVersion())
 262 JVM_END
 265 // java.lang.System //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 268 JVM_LEAF(jlong, JVM_CurrentTimeMillis(JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored))
 269   JVMWrapper("JVM_CurrentTimeMillis");
 270   return os::javaTimeMillis();
 271 JVM_END
 273 JVM_LEAF(jlong, JVM_NanoTime(JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored))
 274   JVMWrapper("JVM_NanoTime");
 275   return os::javaTimeNanos();
 276 JVM_END
 278 // The function below is actually exposed by jdk.internal.misc.VM and not
 279 // java.lang.System, but we choose to keep it here so that it stays next
 280 // to JVM_CurrentTimeMillis and JVM_NanoTime
 282 const jlong MAX_DIFF_SECS = CONST64(0x0100000000); //  2^32
 283 const jlong MIN_DIFF_SECS = -MAX_DIFF_SECS; // -2^32
 285 JVM_LEAF(jlong, JVM_GetNanoTimeAdjustment(JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored, jlong offset_secs))
 286   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetNanoTimeAdjustment");
 287   jlong seconds;
 288   jlong nanos;
 290   os::javaTimeSystemUTC(seconds, nanos);
 292   // We're going to verify that the result can fit in a long.
 293   // For that we need the difference in seconds between 'seconds'
 294   // and 'offset_secs' to be such that:
 295   //     |seconds - offset_secs| < (2^63/10^9)
 296   // We're going to approximate 10^9 ~< 2^30 (1000^3 ~< 1024^3)
 297   // which makes |seconds - offset_secs| < 2^33
 298   // and we will prefer +/- 2^32 as the maximum acceptable diff
 299   // as 2^32 has a more natural feel than 2^33...
 300   //
 301   // So if |seconds - offset_secs| >= 2^32 - we return a special
 302   // sentinel value (-1) which the caller should take as an
 303   // exception value indicating that the offset given to us is
 304   // too far from range of the current time - leading to too big
 305   // a nano adjustment. The caller is expected to recover by
 306   // computing a more accurate offset and calling this method
 307   // again. (For the record 2^32 secs is ~136 years, so that
 308   // should rarely happen)
 309   //
 310   jlong diff = seconds - offset_secs;
 311   if (diff >= MAX_DIFF_SECS || diff <= MIN_DIFF_SECS) {
 312      return -1; // sentinel value: the offset is too far off the target
 313   }
 315   // return the adjustment. If you compute a time by adding
 316   // this number of nanoseconds along with the number of seconds
 317   // in the offset you should get the current UTC time.
 318   return (diff * (jlong)1000000000) + nanos;
 319 JVM_END
 321 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_ArrayCopy(JNIEnv *env, jclass ignored, jobject src, jint src_pos,
 322                                jobject dst, jint dst_pos, jint length))
 323   JVMWrapper("JVM_ArrayCopy");
 324   // Check if we have null pointers
 325   if (src == NULL || dst == NULL) {
 326     THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException());
 327   }
 328   arrayOop s = arrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(src));
 329   arrayOop d = arrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(dst));
 330   assert(oopDesc::is_oop(s), "JVM_ArrayCopy: src not an oop");
 331   assert(oopDesc::is_oop(d), "JVM_ArrayCopy: dst not an oop");
 332   // Do copy
 333   s->klass()->copy_array(s, src_pos, d, dst_pos, length, thread);
 334 JVM_END
 337 static void set_property(Handle props, const char* key, const char* value, TRAPS) {
 338   JavaValue r(T_OBJECT);
 339   // public synchronized Object put(Object key, Object value);
 340   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
 341   Handle key_str    = java_lang_String::create_from_platform_dependent_str(key, CHECK);
 342   Handle value_str  = java_lang_String::create_from_platform_dependent_str((value != NULL ? value : ""), CHECK);
 343   JavaCalls::call_virtual(&r,
 344                           props,
 345                           SystemDictionary::Properties_klass(),
 346                           vmSymbols::put_name(),
 347                           vmSymbols::object_object_object_signature(),
 348                           key_str,
 349                           value_str,
 350                           THREAD);
 351 }
 354 #define PUTPROP(props, name, value) set_property((props), (name), (value), CHECK_(properties));
 357 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_InitProperties(JNIEnv *env, jobject properties))
 358   JVMWrapper("JVM_InitProperties");
 359   ResourceMark rm;
 361   Handle props(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(properties));
 363   // System property list includes both user set via -D option and
 364   // jvm system specific properties.
 365   for (SystemProperty* p = Arguments::system_properties(); p != NULL; p = p->next()) {
 366     PUTPROP(props, p->key(), p->value());
 367   }
 369   // Convert the -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize= command line flag
 370   // to the sun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize property.
 371   // Do this after setting user properties to prevent people
 372   // from setting the value with a -D option, as requested.
 373   {
 374     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxDirectMemorySize)) {
 375       PUTPROP(props, "sun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize", "-1");
 376     } else {
 377       char as_chars[256];
 378       jio_snprintf(as_chars, sizeof(as_chars), JULONG_FORMAT, MaxDirectMemorySize);
 379       PUTPROP(props, "sun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize", as_chars);
 380     }
 381   }
 383   // JVM monitoring and management support
 384   // Add the sun.management.compiler property for the compiler's name
 385   {
 386 #undef CSIZE
 387 #if defined(_LP64) || defined(_WIN64)
 388   #define CSIZE "64-Bit "
 389 #else
 390   #define CSIZE
 391 #endif // 64bit
 393 #ifdef TIERED
 394     const char* compiler_name = "HotSpot " CSIZE "Tiered Compilers";
 395 #else
 396 #if defined(COMPILER1)
 397     const char* compiler_name = "HotSpot " CSIZE "Client Compiler";
 398 #elif defined(COMPILER2)
 399     const char* compiler_name = "HotSpot " CSIZE "Server Compiler";
 400 #elif INCLUDE_JVMCI
 401     #error "INCLUDE_JVMCI should imply TIERED"
 402 #else
 403     const char* compiler_name = "";
 404 #endif // compilers
 405 #endif // TIERED
 407     if (*compiler_name != '\0' &&
 408         (Arguments::mode() != Arguments::_int)) {
 409       PUTPROP(props, "sun.management.compiler", compiler_name);
 410     }
 411   }
 413   return properties;
 414 JVM_END
 417 /*
 418  * Return the temporary directory that the VM uses for the attach
 419  * and perf data files.
 420  *
 421  * It is important that this directory is well-known and the
 422  * same for all VM instances. It cannot be affected by configuration
 423  * variables such as java.io.tmpdir.
 424  */
 425 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_GetTemporaryDirectory(JNIEnv *env))
 426   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetTemporaryDirectory");
 427   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
 428   const char* temp_dir = os::get_temp_directory();
 429   Handle h = java_lang_String::create_from_platform_dependent_str(temp_dir, CHECK_NULL);
 430   return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(env, h());
 431 JVM_END
 434 // java.lang.Runtime /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 436 extern volatile jint vm_created;
 438 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_Halt(jint code))
 439   before_exit(thread);
 440   vm_exit(code);
 441 JVM_END
 444 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_GC(void))
 445   JVMWrapper("JVM_GC");
 446   if (!DisableExplicitGC) {
 447     Universe::heap()->collect(GCCause::_java_lang_system_gc);
 448   }
 449 JVM_END
 452 JVM_LEAF(jlong, JVM_MaxObjectInspectionAge(void))
 453   JVMWrapper("JVM_MaxObjectInspectionAge");
 454   return Universe::heap()->millis_since_last_gc();
 455 JVM_END
 458 static inline jlong convert_size_t_to_jlong(size_t val) {
 459   // In the 64-bit vm, a size_t can overflow a jlong (which is signed).
 460   NOT_LP64 (return (jlong)val;)
 461   LP64_ONLY(return (jlong)MIN2(val, (size_t)max_jlong);)
 462 }
 464 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jlong, JVM_TotalMemory(void))
 465   JVMWrapper("JVM_TotalMemory");
 466   size_t n = Universe::heap()->capacity();
 467   return convert_size_t_to_jlong(n);
 468 JVM_END
 471 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jlong, JVM_FreeMemory(void))
 472   JVMWrapper("JVM_FreeMemory");
 473   CollectedHeap* ch = Universe::heap();
 474   size_t n;
 475   {
 476      MutexLocker x(Heap_lock);
 477      n = ch->capacity() - ch->used();
 478   }
 479   return convert_size_t_to_jlong(n);
 480 JVM_END
 483 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jlong, JVM_MaxMemory(void))
 484   JVMWrapper("JVM_MaxMemory");
 485   size_t n = Universe::heap()->max_capacity();
 486   return convert_size_t_to_jlong(n);
 487 JVM_END
 490 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jint, JVM_ActiveProcessorCount(void))
 491   JVMWrapper("JVM_ActiveProcessorCount");
 492   return os::active_processor_count();
 493 JVM_END
 497 // java.lang.Throwable //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 500 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_FillInStackTrace(JNIEnv *env, jobject receiver))
 501   JVMWrapper("JVM_FillInStackTrace");
 502   Handle exception(thread, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(receiver));
 503   java_lang_Throwable::fill_in_stack_trace(exception);
 504 JVM_END
 507 // java.lang.StackTraceElement //////////////////////////////////////////////
 510 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_InitStackTraceElementArray(JNIEnv *env, jobjectArray elements, jobject throwable))
 511   JVMWrapper("JVM_InitStackTraceElementArray");
 512   Handle exception(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(throwable));
 513   objArrayOop st = objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve(elements));
 514   objArrayHandle stack_trace(THREAD, st);
 515   // Fill in the allocated stack trace
 516   java_lang_Throwable::get_stack_trace_elements(exception, stack_trace, CHECK);
 517 JVM_END
 520 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_InitStackTraceElement(JNIEnv* env, jobject element, jobject stackFrameInfo))
 521   JVMWrapper("JVM_InitStackTraceElement");
 522   Handle stack_frame_info(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(stackFrameInfo));
 523   Handle stack_trace_element(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(element));
 524   java_lang_StackFrameInfo::to_stack_trace_element(stack_frame_info, stack_trace_element, THREAD);
 525 JVM_END
 528 // java.lang.StackWalker //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 531 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_CallStackWalk(JNIEnv *env, jobject stackStream, jlong mode,
 532                                      jint skip_frames, jint frame_count, jint start_index,
 533                                      jobjectArray frames))
 534   JVMWrapper("JVM_CallStackWalk");
 535   JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread*) THREAD;
 536   if (!jt->is_Java_thread() || !jt->has_last_Java_frame()) {
 537     THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "doStackWalk: no stack trace", NULL);
 538   }
 540   Handle stackStream_h(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(stackStream));
 542   // frames array is a Class<?>[] array when only getting caller reference,
 543   // and a StackFrameInfo[] array (or derivative) otherwise. It should never
 544   // be null.
 545   objArrayOop fa = objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(frames));
 546   objArrayHandle frames_array_h(THREAD, fa);
 548   int limit = start_index + frame_count;
 549   if (frames_array_h->length() < limit) {
 550     THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "not enough space in buffers", NULL);
 551   }
 553   oop result = StackWalk::walk(stackStream_h, mode, skip_frames, frame_count,
 554                                start_index, frames_array_h, CHECK_NULL);
 555   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
 556 JVM_END
 559 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_MoreStackWalk(JNIEnv *env, jobject stackStream, jlong mode, jlong anchor,
 560                                   jint frame_count, jint start_index,
 561                                   jobjectArray frames))
 562   JVMWrapper("JVM_MoreStackWalk");
 563   JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread*) THREAD;
 565   // frames array is a Class<?>[] array when only getting caller reference,
 566   // and a StackFrameInfo[] array (or derivative) otherwise. It should never
 567   // be null.
 568   objArrayOop fa = objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(frames));
 569   objArrayHandle frames_array_h(THREAD, fa);
 571   int limit = start_index+frame_count;
 572   if (frames_array_h->length() < limit) {
 573     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "not enough space in buffers");
 574   }
 576   Handle stackStream_h(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(stackStream));
 577   return StackWalk::fetchNextBatch(stackStream_h, mode, anchor, frame_count,
 578                                    start_index, frames_array_h, THREAD);
 579 JVM_END
 581 // java.lang.Object ///////////////////////////////////////////////
 584 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_IHashCode(JNIEnv* env, jobject handle))
 585   JVMWrapper("JVM_IHashCode");
 586   // as implemented in the classic virtual machine; return 0 if object is NULL
 587   return handle == NULL ? 0 : ObjectSynchronizer::FastHashCode (THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(handle)) ;
 588 JVM_END
 591 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_MonitorWait(JNIEnv* env, jobject handle, jlong ms))
 592   JVMWrapper("JVM_MonitorWait");
 593   Handle obj(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(handle));
 594   JavaThreadInObjectWaitState jtiows(thread, ms != 0);
 595   if (JvmtiExport::should_post_monitor_wait()) {
 596     JvmtiExport::post_monitor_wait((JavaThread *)THREAD, (oop)obj(), ms);
 598     // The current thread already owns the monitor and it has not yet
 599     // been added to the wait queue so the current thread cannot be
 600     // made the successor. This means that the JVMTI_EVENT_MONITOR_WAIT
 601     // event handler cannot accidentally consume an unpark() meant for
 602     // the ParkEvent associated with this ObjectMonitor.
 603   }
 604   ObjectSynchronizer::wait(obj, ms, CHECK);
 605 JVM_END
 608 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_MonitorNotify(JNIEnv* env, jobject handle))
 609   JVMWrapper("JVM_MonitorNotify");
 610   Handle obj(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(handle));
 611   ObjectSynchronizer::notify(obj, CHECK);
 612 JVM_END
 615 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_MonitorNotifyAll(JNIEnv* env, jobject handle))
 616   JVMWrapper("JVM_MonitorNotifyAll");
 617   Handle obj(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(handle));
 618   ObjectSynchronizer::notifyall(obj, CHECK);
 619 JVM_END
 622 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_Clone(JNIEnv* env, jobject handle))
 623   JVMWrapper("JVM_Clone");
 624   Handle obj(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(handle));
 625   Klass* klass = obj->klass();
 626   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
 628 #ifdef ASSERT
 629   // Just checking that the cloneable flag is set correct
 630   if (obj->is_array()) {
 631     guarantee(klass->is_cloneable(), "all arrays are cloneable");
 632   } else {
 633     guarantee(obj->is_instance(), "should be instanceOop");
 634     bool cloneable = klass->is_subtype_of(SystemDictionary::Cloneable_klass());
 635     guarantee(cloneable == klass->is_cloneable(), "incorrect cloneable flag");
 636   }
 637 #endif
 639   // Check if class of obj supports the Cloneable interface.
 640   // All arrays are considered to be cloneable (See JLS 20.1.5)
 641   if (!klass->is_cloneable()) {
 642     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 643     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_CloneNotSupportedException(), klass->external_name());
 644   }
 646   // Make shallow object copy
 647   const int size = obj->size();
 648   oop new_obj_oop = NULL;
 649   if (obj->is_array()) {
 650     const int length = ((arrayOop)obj())->length();
 651     new_obj_oop = CollectedHeap::array_allocate(klass, size, length, CHECK_NULL);
 652   } else {
 653     new_obj_oop = CollectedHeap::obj_allocate(klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
 654   }
 656   HeapAccess<>::clone(obj(), new_obj_oop, size);
 658   Handle new_obj(THREAD, new_obj_oop);
 659   // Caution: this involves a java upcall, so the clone should be
 660   // "gc-robust" by this stage.
 661   if (klass->has_finalizer()) {
 662     assert(obj->is_instance(), "should be instanceOop");
 663     new_obj_oop = InstanceKlass::register_finalizer(instanceOop(new_obj()), CHECK_NULL);
 664     new_obj = Handle(THREAD, new_obj_oop);
 665   }
 667   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, new_obj());
 668 JVM_END
 670 // java.io.File ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 672 JVM_LEAF(char*, JVM_NativePath(char* path))
 673   JVMWrapper("JVM_NativePath");
 674   return os::native_path(path);
 675 JVM_END
 678 // Misc. class handling ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 681 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_GetCallerClass(JNIEnv* env))
 682   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCallerClass");
 684   // Getting the class of the caller frame.
 685   //
 686   // The call stack at this point looks something like this:
 687   //
 688   // [0] [ @CallerSensitive public sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass ]
 689   // [1] [ @CallerSensitive API.method                                   ]
 690   // [.] [ (skipped intermediate frames)                                 ]
 691   // [n] [ caller                                                        ]
 692   vframeStream vfst(thread);
 693   // Cf. LibraryCallKit::inline_native_Reflection_getCallerClass
 694   for (int n = 0; !vfst.at_end(); vfst.security_next(), n++) {
 695     Method* m = vfst.method();
 696     assert(m != NULL, "sanity");
 697     switch (n) {
 698     case 0:
 699       // This must only be called from Reflection.getCallerClass
 700       if (m->intrinsic_id() != vmIntrinsics::_getCallerClass) {
 701         THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "JVM_GetCallerClass must only be called from Reflection.getCallerClass");
 702       }
 703       // fall-through
 704     case 1:
 705       // Frame 0 and 1 must be caller sensitive.
 706       if (!m->caller_sensitive()) {
 707         THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), err_msg("CallerSensitive annotation expected at frame %d", n));
 708       }
 709       break;
 710     default:
 711       if (!m->is_ignored_by_security_stack_walk()) {
 712         // We have reached the desired frame; return the holder class.
 713         return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, m->method_holder()->java_mirror());
 714       }
 715       break;
 716     }
 717   }
 718   return NULL;
 719 JVM_END
 722 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_FindPrimitiveClass(JNIEnv* env, const char* utf))
 723   JVMWrapper("JVM_FindPrimitiveClass");
 724   oop mirror = NULL;
 725   BasicType t = name2type(utf);
 726   if (t != T_ILLEGAL && t != T_OBJECT && t != T_ARRAY) {
 727     mirror = Universe::java_mirror(t);
 728   }
 729   if (mirror == NULL) {
 730     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassNotFoundException(), (char*) utf);
 731   } else {
 732     return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, mirror);
 733   }
 734 JVM_END
 737 // Returns a class loaded by the bootstrap class loader; or null
 738 // if not found.  ClassNotFoundException is not thrown.
 739 // FindClassFromBootLoader is exported to the launcher for windows.
 740 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader(JNIEnv* env,
 741                                               const char* name))
 742   JVMWrapper("JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader");
 744   // Java libraries should ensure that name is never null...
 745   if (name == NULL || (int)strlen(name) > Symbol::max_length()) {
 746     // It's impossible to create this class;  the name cannot fit
 747     // into the constant pool.
 748     return NULL;
 749   }
 751   TempNewSymbol h_name = SymbolTable::new_symbol(name, CHECK_NULL);
 752   Klass* k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_null(h_name, CHECK_NULL);
 753   if (k == NULL) {
 754     return NULL;
 755   }
 757   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, class, resolve)) {
 758     trace_class_resolution(k);
 759   }
 760   return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, k->java_mirror());
 761 JVM_END
 763 // Find a class with this name in this loader, using the caller's protection domain.
 764 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_FindClassFromCaller(JNIEnv* env, const char* name,
 765                                           jboolean init, jobject loader,
 766                                           jclass caller))
 767   JVMWrapper("JVM_FindClassFromCaller throws ClassNotFoundException");
 768   // Java libraries should ensure that name is never null...
 769   if (name == NULL || (int)strlen(name) > Symbol::max_length()) {
 770     // It's impossible to create this class;  the name cannot fit
 771     // into the constant pool.
 772     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassNotFoundException(), name);
 773   }
 775   TempNewSymbol h_name = SymbolTable::new_symbol(name, CHECK_NULL);
 777   oop loader_oop = JNIHandles::resolve(loader);
 778   oop from_class = JNIHandles::resolve(caller);
 779   oop protection_domain = NULL;
 780   // If loader is null, shouldn't call ClassLoader.checkPackageAccess; otherwise get
 781   // NPE. Put it in another way, the bootstrap class loader has all permission and
 782   // thus no checkPackageAccess equivalence in the VM class loader.
 783   // The caller is also passed as NULL by the java code if there is no security
 784   // manager to avoid the performance cost of getting the calling class.
 785   if (from_class != NULL && loader_oop != NULL) {
 786     protection_domain = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(from_class)->protection_domain();
 787   }
 789   Handle h_loader(THREAD, loader_oop);
 790   Handle h_prot(THREAD, protection_domain);
 791   jclass result = find_class_from_class_loader(env, h_name, init, h_loader,
 792                                                h_prot, false, THREAD);
 794   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, class, resolve) && result != NULL) {
 795     trace_class_resolution(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(result)));
 796   }
 797   return result;
 798 JVM_END
 800 // Currently only called from the old verifier.
 801 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_FindClassFromClass(JNIEnv *env, const char *name,
 802                                          jboolean init, jclass from))
 803   JVMWrapper("JVM_FindClassFromClass");
 804   if (name == NULL) {
 805     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError(), "No class name given");
 806   }
 807   if ((int)strlen(name) > Symbol::max_length()) {
 808     // It's impossible to create this class;  the name cannot fit
 809     // into the constant pool.
 810     Exceptions::fthrow(THREAD_AND_LOCATION,
 811                        vmSymbols::java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError(),
 812                        "Class name exceeds maximum length of %d: %s",
 813                        Symbol::max_length(),
 814                        name);
 815     return 0;
 816   }
 817   TempNewSymbol h_name = SymbolTable::new_symbol(name, CHECK_NULL);
 818   oop from_class_oop = JNIHandles::resolve(from);
 819   Klass* from_class = (from_class_oop == NULL)
 820                            ? (Klass*)NULL
 821                            : java_lang_Class::as_Klass(from_class_oop);
 822   oop class_loader = NULL;
 823   oop protection_domain = NULL;
 824   if (from_class != NULL) {
 825     class_loader = from_class->class_loader();
 826     protection_domain = from_class->protection_domain();
 827   }
 828   Handle h_loader(THREAD, class_loader);
 829   Handle h_prot  (THREAD, protection_domain);
 830   jclass result = find_class_from_class_loader(env, h_name, init, h_loader,
 831                                                h_prot, true, thread);
 833   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, class, resolve) && result != NULL) {
 834     // this function is generally only used for class loading during verification.
 835     ResourceMark rm;
 836     oop from_mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(from);
 837     Klass* from_class = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(from_mirror);
 838     const char * from_name = from_class->external_name();
 840     oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(result);
 841     Klass* to_class = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror);
 842     const char * to = to_class->external_name();
 843     log_debug(class, resolve)("%s %s (verification)", from_name, to);
 844   }
 846   return result;
 847 JVM_END
 849 static void is_lock_held_by_thread(Handle loader, PerfCounter* counter, TRAPS) {
 850   if (loader.is_null()) {
 851     return;
 852   }
 854   // check whether the current caller thread holds the lock or not.
 855   // If not, increment the corresponding counter
 856   if (ObjectSynchronizer::query_lock_ownership((JavaThread*)THREAD, loader) !=
 857       ObjectSynchronizer::owner_self) {
 858     counter->inc();
 859   }
 860 }
 862 // common code for JVM_DefineClass() and JVM_DefineClassWithSource()
 863 static jclass jvm_define_class_common(JNIEnv *env, const char *name,
 864                                       jobject loader, const jbyte *buf,
 865                                       jsize len, jobject pd, const char *source,
 866                                       TRAPS) {
 867   if (source == NULL)  source = "__JVM_DefineClass__";
 869   assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "must be a JavaThread");
 870   JavaThread* jt = (JavaThread*) THREAD;
 872   PerfClassTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_define_appclass_time(),
 873                              ClassLoader::perf_define_appclass_selftime(),
 874                              ClassLoader::perf_define_appclasses(),
 875                              jt->get_thread_stat()->perf_recursion_counts_addr(),
 876                              jt->get_thread_stat()->perf_timers_addr(),
 877                              PerfClassTraceTime::DEFINE_CLASS);
 879   if (UsePerfData) {
 880     ClassLoader::perf_app_classfile_bytes_read()->inc(len);
 881   }
 883   // Since exceptions can be thrown, class initialization can take place
 884   // if name is NULL no check for class name in .class stream has to be made.
 885   TempNewSymbol class_name = NULL;
 886   if (name != NULL) {
 887     const int str_len = (int)strlen(name);
 888     if (str_len > Symbol::max_length()) {
 889       // It's impossible to create this class;  the name cannot fit
 890       // into the constant pool.
 891       Exceptions::fthrow(THREAD_AND_LOCATION,
 892                          vmSymbols::java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError(),
 893                          "Class name exceeds maximum length of %d: %s",
 894                          Symbol::max_length(),
 895                          name);
 896       return 0;
 897     }
 898     class_name = SymbolTable::new_symbol(name, str_len, CHECK_NULL);
 899   }
 901   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 902   ClassFileStream st((u1*)buf, len, source, ClassFileStream::verify);
 903   Handle class_loader (THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(loader));
 904   if (UsePerfData) {
 905     is_lock_held_by_thread(class_loader,
 906                            ClassLoader::sync_JVMDefineClassLockFreeCounter(),
 907                            THREAD);
 908   }
 909   Handle protection_domain (THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(pd));
 910   Klass* k = SystemDictionary::resolve_from_stream(class_name,
 911                                                    class_loader,
 912                                                    protection_domain,
 913                                                    &st,
 914                                                    CHECK_NULL);
 916   if (log_is_enabled(Debug, class, resolve) && k != NULL) {
 917     trace_class_resolution(k);
 918   }
 920   return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, k->java_mirror());
 921 }
 924 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_DefineClass(JNIEnv *env, const char *name, jobject loader, const jbyte *buf, jsize len, jobject pd))
 925   JVMWrapper("JVM_DefineClass");
 927   return jvm_define_class_common(env, name, loader, buf, len, pd, NULL, THREAD);
 928 JVM_END
 931 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_DefineClassWithSource(JNIEnv *env, const char *name, jobject loader, const jbyte *buf, jsize len, jobject pd, const char *source))
 932   JVMWrapper("JVM_DefineClassWithSource");
 934   return jvm_define_class_common(env, name, loader, buf, len, pd, source, THREAD);
 935 JVM_END
 937 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_FindLoadedClass(JNIEnv *env, jobject loader, jstring name))
 938   JVMWrapper("JVM_FindLoadedClass");
 939   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
 941   Handle h_name (THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(name));
 942   Handle string = java_lang_String::internalize_classname(h_name, CHECK_NULL);
 944   const char* str   = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(string());
 945   // Sanity check, don't expect null
 946   if (str == NULL) return NULL;
 948   const int str_len = (int)strlen(str);
 949   if (str_len > Symbol::max_length()) {
 950     // It's impossible to create this class;  the name cannot fit
 951     // into the constant pool.
 952     return NULL;
 953   }
 954   TempNewSymbol klass_name = SymbolTable::new_symbol(str, str_len, CHECK_NULL);
 956   // Security Note:
 957   //   The Java level wrapper will perform the necessary security check allowing
 958   //   us to pass the NULL as the initiating class loader.
 959   Handle h_loader(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(loader));
 960   if (UsePerfData) {
 961     is_lock_held_by_thread(h_loader,
 962                            ClassLoader::sync_JVMFindLoadedClassLockFreeCounter(),
 963                            THREAD);
 964   }
 966   Klass* k = SystemDictionary::find_instance_or_array_klass(klass_name,
 967                                                               h_loader,
 968                                                               Handle(),
 969                                                               CHECK_NULL);
 970 #if INCLUDE_CDS
 971   if (k == NULL) {
 972     // If the class is not already loaded, try to see if it's in the shared
 973     // archive for the current classloader (h_loader).
 974     k = SystemDictionaryShared::find_or_load_shared_class(klass_name, h_loader, CHECK_NULL);
 975   }
 976 #endif
 977   return (k == NULL) ? NULL :
 978             (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, k->java_mirror());
 979 JVM_END
 981 // Module support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 983 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_DefineModule(JNIEnv *env, jobject module, jboolean is_open, jstring version,
 984                                  jstring location, const char* const* packages, jsize num_packages))
 985   JVMWrapper("JVM_DefineModule");
 986   Modules::define_module(module, is_open, version, location, packages, num_packages, CHECK);
 987 JVM_END
 989 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_SetBootLoaderUnnamedModule(JNIEnv *env, jobject module))
 990   JVMWrapper("JVM_SetBootLoaderUnnamedModule");
 991   Modules::set_bootloader_unnamed_module(module, CHECK);
 992 JVM_END
 994 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_AddModuleExports(JNIEnv *env, jobject from_module, const char* package, jobject to_module))
 995   JVMWrapper("JVM_AddModuleExports");
 996   Modules::add_module_exports_qualified(from_module, package, to_module, CHECK);
 997 JVM_END
 999 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_AddModuleExportsToAllUnnamed(JNIEnv *env, jobject from_module, const char* package))
1000   JVMWrapper("JVM_AddModuleExportsToAllUnnamed");
1001   Modules::add_module_exports_to_all_unnamed(from_module, package, CHECK);
1002 JVM_END
1004 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_AddModuleExportsToAll(JNIEnv *env, jobject from_module, const char* package))
1005   JVMWrapper("JVM_AddModuleExportsToAll");
1006   Modules::add_module_exports(from_module, package, NULL, CHECK);
1007 JVM_END
1009 JVM_ENTRY (void, JVM_AddReadsModule(JNIEnv *env, jobject from_module, jobject source_module))
1010   JVMWrapper("JVM_AddReadsModule");
1011   Modules::add_reads_module(from_module, source_module, CHECK);
1012 JVM_END
1014 // Reflection support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1016 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_GetClassName(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1017   assert (cls != NULL, "illegal class");
1018   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassName");
1019   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1020   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1021   const char* name;
1022   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve(cls))) {
1023     name = type2name(java_lang_Class::primitive_type(JNIHandles::resolve(cls)));
1024   } else {
1025     // Consider caching interned string in Klass
1026     Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve(cls));
1027     assert(k->is_klass(), "just checking");
1028     name = k->external_name();
1029   }
1030   oop result = StringTable::intern((char*) name, CHECK_NULL);
1031   return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
1032 JVM_END
1035 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetClassInterfaces(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1036   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassInterfaces");
1037   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1038   oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls);
1040   // Special handling for primitive objects
1041   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(mirror)) {
1042     // Primitive objects does not have any interfaces
1043     objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), 0, CHECK_NULL);
1044     return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, r);
1045   }
1047   Klass* klass = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror);
1048   // Figure size of result array
1049   int size;
1050   if (klass->is_instance_klass()) {
1051     size = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->local_interfaces()->length();
1052   } else {
1053     assert(klass->is_objArray_klass() || klass->is_typeArray_klass(), "Illegal mirror klass");
1054     size = 2;
1055   }
1057   // Allocate result array
1058   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), size, CHECK_NULL);
1059   objArrayHandle result (THREAD, r);
1060   // Fill in result
1061   if (klass->is_instance_klass()) {
1062     // Regular instance klass, fill in all local interfaces
1063     for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
1064       Klass* k = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->local_interfaces()->at(index);
1065       result->obj_at_put(index, k->java_mirror());
1066     }
1067   } else {
1068     // All arrays implement java.lang.Cloneable and java.io.Serializable
1069     result->obj_at_put(0, SystemDictionary::Cloneable_klass()->java_mirror());
1070     result->obj_at_put(1, SystemDictionary::Serializable_klass()->java_mirror());
1071   }
1072   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result());
1073 JVM_END
1076 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsInterface(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1077   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsInterface");
1078   oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls);
1079   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(mirror)) {
1080     return JNI_FALSE;
1081   }
1082   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror);
1083   jboolean result = k->is_interface();
1084   assert(!result || k->is_instance_klass(),
1085          "all interfaces are instance types");
1086   // The compiler intrinsic for isInterface tests the
1087   // Klass::_access_flags bits in the same way.
1088   return result;
1089 JVM_END
1092 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetClassSigners(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1093   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassSigners");
1094   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1095   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls))) {
1096     // There are no signers for primitive types
1097     return NULL;
1098   }
1100   objArrayOop signers = java_lang_Class::signers(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
1102   // If there are no signers set in the class, or if the class
1103   // is an array, return NULL.
1104   if (signers == NULL) return NULL;
1106   // copy of the signers array
1107   Klass* element = ObjArrayKlass::cast(signers->klass())->element_klass();
1108   objArrayOop signers_copy = oopFactory::new_objArray(element, signers->length(), CHECK_NULL);
1109   for (int index = 0; index < signers->length(); index++) {
1110     signers_copy->obj_at_put(index, signers->obj_at(index));
1111   }
1113   // return the copy
1114   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, signers_copy);
1115 JVM_END
1118 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_SetClassSigners(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobjectArray signers))
1119   JVMWrapper("JVM_SetClassSigners");
1120   if (!java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls))) {
1121     // This call is ignored for primitive types and arrays.
1122     // Signers are only set once, ClassLoader.java, and thus shouldn't
1123     // be called with an array.  Only the bootstrap loader creates arrays.
1124     Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
1125     if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
1126       java_lang_Class::set_signers(k->java_mirror(), objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve(signers)));
1127     }
1128   }
1129 JVM_END
1132 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_GetProtectionDomain(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1133   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetProtectionDomain");
1134   if (JNIHandles::resolve(cls) == NULL) {
1135     THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), NULL);
1136   }
1138   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve(cls))) {
1139     // Primitive types does not have a protection domain.
1140     return NULL;
1141   }
1143   oop pd = java_lang_Class::protection_domain(JNIHandles::resolve(cls));
1144   return (jobject) JNIHandles::make_local(env, pd);
1145 JVM_END
1148 static bool is_authorized(Handle context, InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS) {
1149   // If there is a security manager and protection domain, check the access
1150   // in the protection domain, otherwise it is authorized.
1151   if (java_lang_System::has_security_manager()) {
1153     // For bootstrapping, if pd implies method isn't in the JDK, allow
1154     // this context to revert to older behavior.
1155     // In this case the isAuthorized field in AccessControlContext is also not
1156     // present.
1157     if (Universe::protection_domain_implies_method() == NULL) {
1158       return true;
1159     }
1161     // Whitelist certain access control contexts
1162     if (java_security_AccessControlContext::is_authorized(context)) {
1163       return true;
1164     }
1166     oop prot = klass->protection_domain();
1167     if (prot != NULL) {
1168       // Call pd.implies(new SecurityPermission("createAccessControlContext"))
1169       // in the new wrapper.
1170       methodHandle m(THREAD, Universe::protection_domain_implies_method());
1171       Handle h_prot(THREAD, prot);
1172       JavaValue result(T_BOOLEAN);
1173       JavaCallArguments args(h_prot);
1174       JavaCalls::call(&result, m, &args, CHECK_false);
1175       return (result.get_jboolean() != 0);
1176     }
1177   }
1178   return true;
1179 }
1181 // Create an AccessControlContext with a protection domain with null codesource
1182 // and null permissions - which gives no permissions.
1183 oop create_dummy_access_control_context(TRAPS) {
1184   InstanceKlass* pd_klass = SystemDictionary::ProtectionDomain_klass();
1185   Handle obj = pd_klass->allocate_instance_handle(CHECK_NULL);
1186   // Call constructor ProtectionDomain(null, null);
1187   JavaValue result(T_VOID);
1188   JavaCalls::call_special(&result, obj, pd_klass,
1189                           vmSymbols::object_initializer_name(),
1190                           vmSymbols::codesource_permissioncollection_signature(),
1191                           Handle(), Handle(), CHECK_NULL);
1193   // new ProtectionDomain[] {pd};
1194   objArrayOop context = oopFactory::new_objArray(pd_klass, 1, CHECK_NULL);
1195   context->obj_at_put(0, obj());
1197   // new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] {pd})
1198   objArrayHandle h_context(THREAD, context);
1199   oop acc = java_security_AccessControlContext::create(h_context, false, Handle(), CHECK_NULL);
1200   return acc;
1201 }
1203 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_DoPrivileged(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobject action, jobject context, jboolean wrapException))
1204   JVMWrapper("JVM_DoPrivileged");
1206   if (action == NULL) {
1207     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), "Null action");
1208   }
1210   // Compute the frame initiating the do privileged operation and setup the privileged stack
1211   vframeStream vfst(thread);
1212   vfst.security_get_caller_frame(1);
1214   if (vfst.at_end()) {
1215     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "no caller?");
1216   }
1218   Method* method        = vfst.method();
1219   InstanceKlass* klass  = method->method_holder();
1221   // Check that action object understands "Object run()"
1222   Handle h_context;
1223   if (context != NULL) {
1224     h_context = Handle(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(context));
1225     bool authorized = is_authorized(h_context, klass, CHECK_NULL);
1226     if (!authorized) {
1227       // Create an unprivileged access control object and call it's run function
1228       // instead.
1229       oop noprivs = create_dummy_access_control_context(CHECK_NULL);
1230       h_context = Handle(THREAD, noprivs);
1231     }
1232   }
1234   // Check that action object understands "Object run()"
1235   Handle object (THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(action));
1237   // get run() method
1238   Method* m_oop = object->klass()->uncached_lookup_method(
1239                                            vmSymbols::run_method_name(),
1240                                            vmSymbols::void_object_signature(),
1241                                            Klass::find_overpass);
1243   // See if there is a default method for "Object run()".
1244   if (m_oop == NULL && object->klass()->is_instance_klass()) {
1245     InstanceKlass* iklass = InstanceKlass::cast(object->klass());
1246     m_oop = iklass->lookup_method_in_ordered_interfaces(
1247                                            vmSymbols::run_method_name(),
1248                                            vmSymbols::void_object_signature());
1249   }
1251   methodHandle m (THREAD, m_oop);
1252   if (m.is_null() || !m->is_method() || !m()->is_public() || m()->is_static() || m()->is_abstract()) {
1253     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "No run method");
1254   }
1256   // Stack allocated list of privileged stack elements
1257   PrivilegedElement pi;
1258   if (!vfst.at_end()) {
1259     pi.initialize(&vfst, h_context(), thread->privileged_stack_top(), CHECK_NULL);
1260     thread->set_privileged_stack_top(&pi);
1261   }
1264   // invoke the Object run() in the action object. We cannot use call_interface here, since the static type
1265   // is not really known - it is either java.security.PrivilegedAction or java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction
1266   Handle pending_exception;
1267   JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
1268   JavaCallArguments args(object);
1269   JavaCalls::call(&result, m, &args, THREAD);
1271   // done with action, remove ourselves from the list
1272   if (!vfst.at_end()) {
1273     assert(thread->privileged_stack_top() != NULL && thread->privileged_stack_top() == &pi, "wrong top element");
1274     thread->set_privileged_stack_top(thread->privileged_stack_top()->next());
1275   }
1278     pending_exception = Handle(THREAD, PENDING_EXCEPTION);
1280     // JVMTI has already reported the pending exception
1281     // JVMTI internal flag reset is needed in order to report PrivilegedActionException
1282     if (THREAD->is_Java_thread()) {
1283       JvmtiExport::clear_detected_exception((JavaThread*) THREAD);
1284     }
1285     if ( pending_exception->is_a(SystemDictionary::Exception_klass()) &&
1286         !pending_exception->is_a(SystemDictionary::RuntimeException_klass())) {
1287       // Throw a java.security.PrivilegedActionException(Exception e) exception
1288       JavaCallArguments args(pending_exception);
1289       THROW_ARG_0(vmSymbols::java_security_PrivilegedActionException(),
1290                   vmSymbols::exception_void_signature(),
1291                   &args);
1292     }
1293   }
1295   if (pending_exception.not_null()) THROW_OOP_0(pending_exception());
1296   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, (oop) result.get_jobject());
1297 JVM_END
1300 // Returns the inherited_access_control_context field of the running thread.
1301 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_GetInheritedAccessControlContext(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1302   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetInheritedAccessControlContext");
1303   oop result = java_lang_Thread::inherited_access_control_context(thread->threadObj());
1304   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
1305 JVM_END
1307 class RegisterArrayForGC {
1308  private:
1309   JavaThread *_thread;
1310  public:
1311   RegisterArrayForGC(JavaThread *thread, GrowableArray<oop>* array)  {
1312     _thread = thread;
1313     _thread->register_array_for_gc(array);
1314   }
1316   ~RegisterArrayForGC() {
1317     _thread->register_array_for_gc(NULL);
1318   }
1319 };
1322 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_GetStackAccessControlContext(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1323   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetStackAccessControlContext");
1324   if (!UsePrivilegedStack) return NULL;
1326   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1327   GrowableArray<oop>* local_array = new GrowableArray<oop>(12);
1328   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1330   // count the protection domains on the execution stack. We collapse
1331   // duplicate consecutive protection domains into a single one, as
1332   // well as stopping when we hit a privileged frame.
1334   // Use vframeStream to iterate through Java frames
1335   vframeStream vfst(thread);
1337   oop previous_protection_domain = NULL;
1338   Handle privileged_context(thread, NULL);
1339   bool is_privileged = false;
1340   oop protection_domain = NULL;
1342   for(; !vfst.at_end(); vfst.next()) {
1343     // get method of frame
1344     Method* method = vfst.method();
1345     intptr_t* frame_id   = vfst.frame_id();
1347     // check the privileged frames to see if we have a match
1348     if (thread->privileged_stack_top() && thread->privileged_stack_top()->frame_id() == frame_id) {
1349       // this frame is privileged
1350       is_privileged = true;
1351       privileged_context = Handle(thread, thread->privileged_stack_top()->privileged_context());
1352       protection_domain  = thread->privileged_stack_top()->protection_domain();
1353     } else {
1354       protection_domain = method->method_holder()->protection_domain();
1355     }
1357     if ((previous_protection_domain != protection_domain) && (protection_domain != NULL)) {
1358       local_array->push(protection_domain);
1359       previous_protection_domain = protection_domain;
1360     }
1362     if (is_privileged) break;
1363   }
1366   // either all the domains on the stack were system domains, or
1367   // we had a privileged system domain
1368   if (local_array->is_empty()) {
1369     if (is_privileged && privileged_context.is_null()) return NULL;
1371     oop result = java_security_AccessControlContext::create(objArrayHandle(), is_privileged, privileged_context, CHECK_NULL);
1372     return JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
1373   }
1375   // the resource area must be registered in case of a gc
1376   RegisterArrayForGC ragc(thread, local_array);
1377   objArrayOop context = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::ProtectionDomain_klass(),
1378                                                  local_array->length(), CHECK_NULL);
1379   objArrayHandle h_context(thread, context);
1380   for (int index = 0; index < local_array->length(); index++) {
1381     h_context->obj_at_put(index, local_array->at(index));
1382   }
1384   oop result = java_security_AccessControlContext::create(h_context, is_privileged, privileged_context, CHECK_NULL);
1386   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
1387 JVM_END
1390 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsArrayClass(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1391   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsArrayClass");
1392   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
1393   return (k != NULL) && k->is_array_klass() ? true : false;
1394 JVM_END
1397 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsPrimitiveClass(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1398   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsPrimitiveClass");
1399   oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls);
1400   return (jboolean) java_lang_Class::is_primitive(mirror);
1401 JVM_END
1404 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetClassModifiers(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1405   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassModifiers");
1406   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls))) {
1407     // Primitive type
1409   }
1411   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
1412   debug_only(int computed_modifiers = k->compute_modifier_flags(CHECK_0));
1413   assert(k->modifier_flags() == computed_modifiers, "modifiers cache is OK");
1414   return k->modifier_flags();
1415 JVM_END
1418 // Inner class reflection ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1420 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetDeclaredClasses(JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass))
1421   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1422   // ofClass is a reference to a java_lang_Class object. The mirror object
1423   // of an InstanceKlass
1425   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass)) ||
1426       ! java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass))->is_instance_klass()) {
1427     oop result = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), 0, CHECK_NULL);
1428     return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
1429   }
1431   InstanceKlass* k = InstanceKlass::cast(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass)));
1432   InnerClassesIterator iter(k);
1434   if (iter.length() == 0) {
1435     // Neither an inner nor outer class
1436     oop result = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), 0, CHECK_NULL);
1437     return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
1438   }
1440   // find inner class info
1441   constantPoolHandle cp(thread, k->constants());
1442   int length = iter.length();
1444   // Allocate temp. result array
1445   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), length/4, CHECK_NULL);
1446   objArrayHandle result (THREAD, r);
1447   int members = 0;
1449   for (; !iter.done(); iter.next()) {
1450     int ioff = iter.inner_class_info_index();
1451     int ooff = iter.outer_class_info_index();
1453     if (ioff != 0 && ooff != 0) {
1454       // Check to see if the name matches the class we're looking for
1455       // before attempting to find the class.
1456       if (cp->klass_name_at_matches(k, ooff)) {
1457         Klass* outer_klass = cp->klass_at(ooff, CHECK_NULL);
1458         if (outer_klass == k) {
1459            Klass* ik = cp->klass_at(ioff, CHECK_NULL);
1460            InstanceKlass* inner_klass = InstanceKlass::cast(ik);
1462            // Throws an exception if outer klass has not declared k as
1463            // an inner klass
1464            Reflection::check_for_inner_class(k, inner_klass, true, CHECK_NULL);
1466            result->obj_at_put(members, inner_klass->java_mirror());
1467            members++;
1468         }
1469       }
1470     }
1471   }
1473   if (members != length) {
1474     // Return array of right length
1475     objArrayOop res = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), members, CHECK_NULL);
1476     for(int i = 0; i < members; i++) {
1477       res->obj_at_put(i, result->obj_at(i));
1478     }
1479     return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, res);
1480   }
1482   return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, result());
1483 JVM_END
1486 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_GetDeclaringClass(JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass))
1487 {
1488   // ofClass is a reference to a java_lang_Class object.
1489   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass)) ||
1490       ! java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass))->is_instance_klass()) {
1491     return NULL;
1492   }
1494   bool inner_is_member = false;
1495   Klass* outer_klass
1496     = InstanceKlass::cast(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass))
1497                           )->compute_enclosing_class(&inner_is_member, CHECK_NULL);
1498   if (outer_klass == NULL)  return NULL;  // already a top-level class
1499   if (!inner_is_member)  return NULL;     // an anonymous class (inside a method)
1500   return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, outer_klass->java_mirror());
1501 }
1502 JVM_END
1504 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_GetSimpleBinaryName(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1505 {
1506   oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls);
1507   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(mirror) ||
1508       !java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror)->is_instance_klass()) {
1509     return NULL;
1510   }
1511   InstanceKlass* k = InstanceKlass::cast(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror));
1512   int ooff = 0, noff = 0;
1513   if (k->find_inner_classes_attr(&ooff, &noff, THREAD)) {
1514     if (noff != 0) {
1515       constantPoolHandle i_cp(thread, k->constants());
1516       Symbol* name = i_cp->symbol_at(noff);
1517       Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(name, CHECK_NULL);
1518       return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(env, str());
1519     }
1520   }
1521   return NULL;
1522 }
1523 JVM_END
1525 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_GetClassSignature(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1526   assert (cls != NULL, "illegal class");
1527   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassSignature");
1528   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1529   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1530   // Return null for arrays and primatives
1531   if (!java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve(cls))) {
1532     Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve(cls));
1533     if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
1534       Symbol* sym = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->generic_signature();
1535       if (sym == NULL) return NULL;
1536       Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(sym, CHECK_NULL);
1537       return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(env, str());
1538     }
1539   }
1540   return NULL;
1541 JVM_END
1544 JVM_ENTRY(jbyteArray, JVM_GetClassAnnotations(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1545   assert (cls != NULL, "illegal class");
1546   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassAnnotations");
1548   // Return null for arrays and primitives
1549   if (!java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve(cls))) {
1550     Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve(cls));
1551     if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
1552       typeArrayOop a = Annotations::make_java_array(InstanceKlass::cast(k)->class_annotations(), CHECK_NULL);
1553       return (jbyteArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, a);
1554     }
1555   }
1556   return NULL;
1557 JVM_END
1560 static bool jvm_get_field_common(jobject field, fieldDescriptor& fd, TRAPS) {
1561   // some of this code was adapted from from jni_FromReflectedField
1563   oop reflected = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(field);
1564   oop mirror    = java_lang_reflect_Field::clazz(reflected);
1565   Klass* k    = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror);
1566   int slot      = java_lang_reflect_Field::slot(reflected);
1567   int modifiers = java_lang_reflect_Field::modifiers(reflected);
1569   InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
1570   intptr_t offset = ik->field_offset(slot);
1572   if (modifiers & JVM_ACC_STATIC) {
1573     // for static fields we only look in the current class
1574     if (!ik->find_local_field_from_offset(offset, true, &fd)) {
1575       assert(false, "cannot find static field");
1576       return false;
1577     }
1578   } else {
1579     // for instance fields we start with the current class and work
1580     // our way up through the superclass chain
1581     if (!ik->find_field_from_offset(offset, false, &fd)) {
1582       assert(false, "cannot find instance field");
1583       return false;
1584     }
1585   }
1586   return true;
1587 }
1589 static Method* jvm_get_method_common(jobject method) {
1590   // some of this code was adapted from from jni_FromReflectedMethod
1592   oop reflected = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(method);
1593   oop mirror    = NULL;
1594   int slot      = 0;
1596   if (reflected->klass() == SystemDictionary::reflect_Constructor_klass()) {
1597     mirror = java_lang_reflect_Constructor::clazz(reflected);
1598     slot   = java_lang_reflect_Constructor::slot(reflected);
1599   } else {
1600     assert(reflected->klass() == SystemDictionary::reflect_Method_klass(),
1601            "wrong type");
1602     mirror = java_lang_reflect_Method::clazz(reflected);
1603     slot   = java_lang_reflect_Method::slot(reflected);
1604   }
1605   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror);
1607   Method* m = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->method_with_idnum(slot);
1608   assert(m != NULL, "cannot find method");
1609   return m;  // caller has to deal with NULL in product mode
1610 }
1612 /* Type use annotations support (JDK 1.8) */
1614 JVM_ENTRY(jbyteArray, JVM_GetClassTypeAnnotations(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1615   assert (cls != NULL, "illegal class");
1616   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassTypeAnnotations");
1617   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1618   // Return null for arrays and primitives
1619   if (!java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve(cls))) {
1620     Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve(cls));
1621     if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
1622       AnnotationArray* type_annotations = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->class_type_annotations();
1623       if (type_annotations != NULL) {
1624         typeArrayOop a = Annotations::make_java_array(type_annotations, CHECK_NULL);
1625         return (jbyteArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, a);
1626       }
1627     }
1628   }
1629   return NULL;
1630 JVM_END
1632 JVM_ENTRY(jbyteArray, JVM_GetMethodTypeAnnotations(JNIEnv *env, jobject method))
1633   assert (method != NULL, "illegal method");
1634   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodTypeAnnotations");
1636   // method is a handle to a java.lang.reflect.Method object
1637   Method* m = jvm_get_method_common(method);
1638   if (m == NULL) {
1639     return NULL;
1640   }
1642   AnnotationArray* type_annotations = m->type_annotations();
1643   if (type_annotations != NULL) {
1644     typeArrayOop a = Annotations::make_java_array(type_annotations, CHECK_NULL);
1645     return (jbyteArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, a);
1646   }
1648   return NULL;
1649 JVM_END
1651 JVM_ENTRY(jbyteArray, JVM_GetFieldTypeAnnotations(JNIEnv *env, jobject field))
1652   assert (field != NULL, "illegal field");
1653   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetFieldTypeAnnotations");
1655   fieldDescriptor fd;
1656   bool gotFd = jvm_get_field_common(field, fd, CHECK_NULL);
1657   if (!gotFd) {
1658     return NULL;
1659   }
1661   return (jbyteArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, Annotations::make_java_array(fd.type_annotations(), THREAD));
1662 JVM_END
1664 static void bounds_check(const constantPoolHandle& cp, jint index, TRAPS) {
1665   if (!cp->is_within_bounds(index)) {
1666     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Constant pool index out of bounds");
1667   }
1668 }
1670 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetMethodParameters(JNIEnv *env, jobject method))
1671 {
1672   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodParameters");
1673   // method is a handle to a java.lang.reflect.Method object
1674   Method* method_ptr = jvm_get_method_common(method);
1675   methodHandle mh (THREAD, method_ptr);
1676   Handle reflected_method (THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(method));
1677   const int num_params = mh->method_parameters_length();
1679   if (num_params < 0) {
1680     // A -1 return value from method_parameters_length means there is no
1681     // parameter data.  Return null to indicate this to the reflection
1682     // API.
1683     assert(num_params == -1, "num_params should be -1 if it is less than zero");
1684     return (jobjectArray)NULL;
1685   } else {
1686     // Otherwise, we return something up to reflection, even if it is
1687     // a zero-length array.  Why?  Because in some cases this can
1688     // trigger a MalformedParametersException.
1690     // make sure all the symbols are properly formatted
1691     for (int i = 0; i < num_params; i++) {
1692       MethodParametersElement* params = mh->method_parameters_start();
1693       int index = params[i].name_cp_index;
1694       bounds_check(mh->constants(), index, CHECK_NULL);
1696       if (0 != index && !mh->constants()->tag_at(index).is_utf8()) {
1697         THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(),
1698                     "Wrong type at constant pool index");
1699       }
1701     }
1703     objArrayOop result_oop = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::reflect_Parameter_klass(), num_params, CHECK_NULL);
1704     objArrayHandle result (THREAD, result_oop);
1706     for (int i = 0; i < num_params; i++) {
1707       MethodParametersElement* params = mh->method_parameters_start();
1708       // For a 0 index, give a NULL symbol
1709       Symbol* sym = 0 != params[i].name_cp_index ?
1710         mh->constants()->symbol_at(params[i].name_cp_index) : NULL;
1711       int flags = params[i].flags;
1712       oop param = Reflection::new_parameter(reflected_method, i, sym,
1713                                             flags, CHECK_NULL);
1714       result->obj_at_put(i, param);
1715     }
1716     return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, result());
1717   }
1718 }
1719 JVM_END
1721 // New (JDK 1.4) reflection implementation /////////////////////////////////////
1723 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields(JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass, jboolean publicOnly))
1724 {
1725   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields");
1726   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1728   // Exclude primitive types and array types
1729   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass)) ||
1730       java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass))->is_array_klass()) {
1731     // Return empty array
1732     oop res = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::reflect_Field_klass(), 0, CHECK_NULL);
1733     return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, res);
1734   }
1736   InstanceKlass* k = InstanceKlass::cast(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass)));
1737   constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, k->constants());
1739   // Ensure class is linked
1740   k->link_class(CHECK_NULL);
1742   // Allocate result
1743   int num_fields;
1745   if (publicOnly) {
1746     num_fields = 0;
1747     for (JavaFieldStream fs(k); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
1748       if (fs.access_flags().is_public()) ++num_fields;
1749     }
1750   } else {
1751     num_fields = k->java_fields_count();
1752   }
1754   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::reflect_Field_klass(), num_fields, CHECK_NULL);
1755   objArrayHandle result (THREAD, r);
1757   int out_idx = 0;
1758   fieldDescriptor fd;
1759   for (JavaFieldStream fs(k); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
1760     if (!publicOnly || fs.access_flags().is_public()) {
1761       fd.reinitialize(k, fs.index());
1762       oop field = Reflection::new_field(&fd, CHECK_NULL);
1763       result->obj_at_put(out_idx, field);
1764       ++out_idx;
1765     }
1766   }
1767   assert(out_idx == num_fields, "just checking");
1768   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result());
1769 }
1770 JVM_END
1772 static bool select_method(const methodHandle& method, bool want_constructor) {
1773   if (want_constructor) {
1774     return (method->is_initializer() && !method->is_static());
1775   } else {
1776     return  (!method->is_initializer() && !method->is_overpass());
1777   }
1778 }
1780 static jobjectArray get_class_declared_methods_helper(
1781                                   JNIEnv *env,
1782                                   jclass ofClass, jboolean publicOnly,
1783                                   bool want_constructor,
1784                                   Klass* klass, TRAPS) {
1786   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1788   // Exclude primitive types and array types
1789   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass))
1790       || java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass))->is_array_klass()) {
1791     // Return empty array
1792     oop res = oopFactory::new_objArray(klass, 0, CHECK_NULL);
1793     return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, res);
1794   }
1796   InstanceKlass* k = InstanceKlass::cast(java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass)));
1798   // Ensure class is linked
1799   k->link_class(CHECK_NULL);
1801   Array<Method*>* methods = k->methods();
1802   int methods_length = methods->length();
1804   // Save original method_idnum in case of redefinition, which can change
1805   // the idnum of obsolete methods.  The new method will have the same idnum
1806   // but if we refresh the methods array, the counts will be wrong.
1807   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1808   GrowableArray<int>* idnums = new GrowableArray<int>(methods_length);
1809   int num_methods = 0;
1811   for (int i = 0; i < methods_length; i++) {
1812     methodHandle method(THREAD, methods->at(i));
1813     if (select_method(method, want_constructor)) {
1814       if (!publicOnly || method->is_public()) {
1815         idnums->push(method->method_idnum());
1816         ++num_methods;
1817       }
1818     }
1819   }
1821   // Allocate result
1822   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(klass, num_methods, CHECK_NULL);
1823   objArrayHandle result (THREAD, r);
1825   // Now just put the methods that we selected above, but go by their idnum
1826   // in case of redefinition.  The methods can be redefined at any safepoint,
1827   // so above when allocating the oop array and below when creating reflect
1828   // objects.
1829   for (int i = 0; i < num_methods; i++) {
1830     methodHandle method(THREAD, k->method_with_idnum(idnums->at(i)));
1831     if (method.is_null()) {
1832       // Method may have been deleted and seems this API can handle null
1833       // Otherwise should probably put a method that throws NSME
1834       result->obj_at_put(i, NULL);
1835     } else {
1836       oop m;
1837       if (want_constructor) {
1838         m = Reflection::new_constructor(method, CHECK_NULL);
1839       } else {
1840         m = Reflection::new_method(method, false, CHECK_NULL);
1841       }
1842       result->obj_at_put(i, m);
1843     }
1844   }
1846   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result());
1847 }
1849 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetClassDeclaredMethods(JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass, jboolean publicOnly))
1850 {
1851   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassDeclaredMethods");
1852   return get_class_declared_methods_helper(env, ofClass, publicOnly,
1853                                            /*want_constructor*/ false,
1854                                            SystemDictionary::reflect_Method_klass(), THREAD);
1855 }
1856 JVM_END
1858 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetClassDeclaredConstructors(JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass, jboolean publicOnly))
1859 {
1860   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassDeclaredConstructors");
1861   return get_class_declared_methods_helper(env, ofClass, publicOnly,
1862                                            /*want_constructor*/ true,
1863                                            SystemDictionary::reflect_Constructor_klass(), THREAD);
1864 }
1865 JVM_END
1867 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetClassAccessFlags(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1868 {
1869   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassAccessFlags");
1870   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls))) {
1871     // Primitive type
1873   }
1875   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
1876   return k->access_flags().as_int() & JVM_ACC_WRITTEN_FLAGS;
1877 }
1878 JVM_END
1881 // Constant pool access //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1883 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_GetClassConstantPool(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
1884 {
1885   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassConstantPool");
1886   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1888   // Return null for primitives and arrays
1889   if (!java_lang_Class::is_primitive(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls))) {
1890     Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
1891     if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
1892       InstanceKlass* k_h = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
1893       Handle jcp = reflect_ConstantPool::create(CHECK_NULL);
1894       reflect_ConstantPool::set_cp(jcp(), k_h->constants());
1895       return JNIHandles::make_local(jcp());
1896     }
1897   }
1898   return NULL;
1899 }
1900 JVM_END
1903 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_ConstantPoolGetSize(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused))
1904 {
1905   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetSize");
1906   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
1907   return cp->length();
1908 }
1909 JVM_END
1912 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
1913 {
1914   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAt");
1915   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
1916   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
1917   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
1918   if (!tag.is_klass() && !tag.is_unresolved_klass()) {
1919     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
1920   }
1921   Klass* k = cp->klass_at(index, CHECK_NULL);
1922   return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(k->java_mirror());
1923 }
1924 JVM_END
1926 JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAtIfLoaded(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
1927 {
1928   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassAtIfLoaded");
1929   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
1930   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
1931   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
1932   if (!tag.is_klass() && !tag.is_unresolved_klass()) {
1933     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
1934   }
1935   Klass* k = ConstantPool::klass_at_if_loaded(cp, index);
1936   if (k == NULL) return NULL;
1937   return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(k->java_mirror());
1938 }
1939 JVM_END
1941 static jobject get_method_at_helper(const constantPoolHandle& cp, jint index, bool force_resolution, TRAPS) {
1942   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
1943   if (!tag.is_method() && !tag.is_interface_method()) {
1944     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
1945   }
1946   int klass_ref  = cp->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(index);
1947   Klass* k_o;
1948   if (force_resolution) {
1949     k_o = cp->klass_at(klass_ref, CHECK_NULL);
1950   } else {
1951     k_o = ConstantPool::klass_at_if_loaded(cp, klass_ref);
1952     if (k_o == NULL) return NULL;
1953   }
1954   InstanceKlass* k = InstanceKlass::cast(k_o);
1955   Symbol* name = cp->uncached_name_ref_at(index);
1956   Symbol* sig  = cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(index);
1957   methodHandle m (THREAD, k->find_method(name, sig));
1958   if (m.is_null()) {
1959     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_RuntimeException(), "Unable to look up method in target class");
1960   }
1961   oop method;
1962   if (!m->is_initializer() || m->is_static()) {
1963     method = Reflection::new_method(m, true, CHECK_NULL);
1964   } else {
1965     method = Reflection::new_constructor(m, CHECK_NULL);
1966   }
1967   return JNIHandles::make_local(method);
1968 }
1970 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
1971 {
1972   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAt");
1973   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1974   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
1975   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
1976   jobject res = get_method_at_helper(cp, index, true, CHECK_NULL);
1977   return res;
1978 }
1979 JVM_END
1981 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAtIfLoaded(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
1982 {
1983   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetMethodAtIfLoaded");
1984   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
1985   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
1986   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
1987   jobject res = get_method_at_helper(cp, index, false, CHECK_NULL);
1988   return res;
1989 }
1990 JVM_END
1992 static jobject get_field_at_helper(constantPoolHandle cp, jint index, bool force_resolution, TRAPS) {
1993   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
1994   if (!tag.is_field()) {
1995     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
1996   }
1997   int klass_ref  = cp->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(index);
1998   Klass* k_o;
1999   if (force_resolution) {
2000     k_o = cp->klass_at(klass_ref, CHECK_NULL);
2001   } else {
2002     k_o = ConstantPool::klass_at_if_loaded(cp, klass_ref);
2003     if (k_o == NULL) return NULL;
2004   }
2005   InstanceKlass* k = InstanceKlass::cast(k_o);
2006   Symbol* name = cp->uncached_name_ref_at(index);
2007   Symbol* sig  = cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(index);
2008   fieldDescriptor fd;
2009   Klass* target_klass = k->find_field(name, sig, &fd);
2010   if (target_klass == NULL) {
2011     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_RuntimeException(), "Unable to look up field in target class");
2012   }
2013   oop field = Reflection::new_field(&fd, CHECK_NULL);
2014   return JNIHandles::make_local(field);
2015 }
2017 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unusedl, jint index))
2018 {
2019   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAt");
2020   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2021   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2022   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
2023   jobject res = get_field_at_helper(cp, index, true, CHECK_NULL);
2024   return res;
2025 }
2026 JVM_END
2028 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAtIfLoaded(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2029 {
2030   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetFieldAtIfLoaded");
2031   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2032   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2033   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
2034   jobject res = get_field_at_helper(cp, index, false, CHECK_NULL);
2035   return res;
2036 }
2037 JVM_END
2039 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_ConstantPoolGetMemberRefInfoAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2040 {
2041   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetMemberRefInfoAt");
2042   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2043   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2044   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
2045   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2046   if (!tag.is_field_or_method()) {
2047     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2048   }
2049   int klass_ref = cp->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(index);
2050   Symbol*  klass_name  = cp->klass_name_at(klass_ref);
2051   Symbol*  member_name = cp->uncached_name_ref_at(index);
2052   Symbol*  member_sig  = cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(index);
2053   objArrayOop  dest_o = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::String_klass(), 3, CHECK_NULL);
2054   objArrayHandle dest(THREAD, dest_o);
2055   Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(klass_name, CHECK_NULL);
2056   dest->obj_at_put(0, str());
2057   str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(member_name, CHECK_NULL);
2058   dest->obj_at_put(1, str());
2059   str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(member_sig, CHECK_NULL);
2060   dest->obj_at_put(2, str());
2061   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(dest());
2062 }
2063 JVM_END
2065 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassRefIndexAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2066 {
2067   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetClassRefIndexAt");
2068   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2069   constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2070   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_0);
2071   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2072   if (!tag.is_field_or_method()) {
2073     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2074   }
2075   return (jint) cp->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(index);
2076 }
2077 JVM_END
2079 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_ConstantPoolGetNameAndTypeRefIndexAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2080 {
2081   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetNameAndTypeRefIndexAt");
2082   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2083   constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2084   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_0);
2085   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2086   if (!tag.is_invoke_dynamic() && !tag.is_field_or_method()) {
2087     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2088   }
2089   return (jint) cp->uncached_name_and_type_ref_index_at(index);
2090 }
2091 JVM_END
2093 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_ConstantPoolGetNameAndTypeRefInfoAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2094 {
2095   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetNameAndTypeRefInfoAt");
2096   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2097   constantPoolHandle cp(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2098   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
2099   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2100   if (!tag.is_name_and_type()) {
2101     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2102   }
2103   Symbol* member_name = cp->symbol_at(cp->name_ref_index_at(index));
2104   Symbol* member_sig = cp->symbol_at(cp->signature_ref_index_at(index));
2105   objArrayOop dest_o = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::String_klass(), 2, CHECK_NULL);
2106   objArrayHandle dest(THREAD, dest_o);
2107   Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(member_name, CHECK_NULL);
2108   dest->obj_at_put(0, str());
2109   str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(member_sig, CHECK_NULL);
2110   dest->obj_at_put(1, str());
2111   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(dest());
2112 }
2113 JVM_END
2115 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_ConstantPoolGetIntAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2116 {
2117   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetIntAt");
2118   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2119   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_0);
2120   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2121   if (!tag.is_int()) {
2122     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2123   }
2124   return cp->int_at(index);
2125 }
2126 JVM_END
2128 JVM_ENTRY(jlong, JVM_ConstantPoolGetLongAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2129 {
2130   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetLongAt");
2131   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2132   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_(0L));
2133   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2134   if (!tag.is_long()) {
2135     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2136   }
2137   return cp->long_at(index);
2138 }
2139 JVM_END
2141 JVM_ENTRY(jfloat, JVM_ConstantPoolGetFloatAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2142 {
2143   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetFloatAt");
2144   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2145   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_(0.0f));
2146   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2147   if (!tag.is_float()) {
2148     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2149   }
2150   return cp->float_at(index);
2151 }
2152 JVM_END
2154 JVM_ENTRY(jdouble, JVM_ConstantPoolGetDoubleAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2155 {
2156   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetDoubleAt");
2157   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2158   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_(0.0));
2159   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2160   if (!tag.is_double()) {
2161     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2162   }
2163   return cp->double_at(index);
2164 }
2165 JVM_END
2167 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_ConstantPoolGetStringAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2168 {
2169   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetStringAt");
2170   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2171   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
2172   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2173   if (!tag.is_string()) {
2174     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2175   }
2176   oop str = cp->string_at(index, CHECK_NULL);
2177   return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(str);
2178 }
2179 JVM_END
2181 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_ConstantPoolGetUTF8At(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2182 {
2183   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetUTF8At");
2184   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2185   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2186   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_NULL);
2187   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2188   if (!tag.is_symbol()) {
2189     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Wrong type at constant pool index");
2190   }
2191   Symbol* sym = cp->symbol_at(index);
2192   Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(sym, CHECK_NULL);
2193   return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(str());
2194 }
2195 JVM_END
2197 JVM_ENTRY(jbyte, JVM_ConstantPoolGetTagAt(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject unused, jint index))
2198 {
2199   JVMWrapper("JVM_ConstantPoolGetTagAt");
2200   constantPoolHandle cp = constantPoolHandle(THREAD, reflect_ConstantPool::get_cp(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(obj)));
2201   bounds_check(cp, index, CHECK_0);
2202   constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2203   jbyte result = tag.value();
2204   // If returned tag values are not from the JVM spec, e.g. tags from 100 to 105,
2205   // they are changed to the corresponding tags from the JVM spec, so that java code in
2206   // sun.reflect.ConstantPool will return only tags from the JVM spec, not internal ones.
2207   if (tag.is_klass_or_reference()) {
2208       result = JVM_CONSTANT_Class;
2209   } else if (tag.is_string_index()) {
2210       result = JVM_CONSTANT_String;
2211   } else if (tag.is_method_type_in_error()) {
2212       result = JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType;
2213   } else if (tag.is_method_handle_in_error()) {
2214       result = JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle;
2215   } else if (tag.is_dynamic_constant_in_error()) {
2216       result = JVM_CONSTANT_Dynamic;
2217   }
2218   return result;
2219 }
2220 JVM_END
2222 // Assertion support. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2224 JVM_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_DesiredAssertionStatus(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jclass cls))
2225   JVMWrapper("JVM_DesiredAssertionStatus");
2226   assert(cls != NULL, "bad class");
2228   oop r = JNIHandles::resolve(cls);
2229   assert(! java_lang_Class::is_primitive(r), "primitive classes not allowed");
2230   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(r)) return false;
2232   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(r);
2233   assert(k->is_instance_klass(), "must be an instance klass");
2234   if (!k->is_instance_klass()) return false;
2236   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
2237   const char* name = k->name()->as_C_string();
2238   bool system_class = k->class_loader() == NULL;
2239   return JavaAssertions::enabled(name, system_class);
2241 JVM_END
2244 // Return a new AssertionStatusDirectives object with the fields filled in with
2245 // command-line assertion arguments (i.e., -ea, -da).
2246 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_AssertionStatusDirectives(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused))
2247   JVMWrapper("JVM_AssertionStatusDirectives");
2248   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
2249   oop asd = JavaAssertions::createAssertionStatusDirectives(CHECK_NULL);
2250   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, asd);
2251 JVM_END
2253 // Verification ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2255 // Reflection for the verifier /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2257 // RedefineClasses support: bug 6214132 caused verification to fail.
2258 // All functions from this section should call the jvmtiThreadSate function:
2259 //   Klass* class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(Klass* klass).
2260 // The function returns a Klass* of the _scratch_class if the verifier
2261 // was invoked in the middle of the class redefinition.
2262 // Otherwise it returns its argument value which is the _the_class Klass*.
2263 // Please, refer to the description in the jvmtiThreadSate.hpp.
2265 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetClassNameUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
2266   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassNameUTF");
2267   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2268   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2269   return k->name()->as_utf8();
2270 JVM_END
2273 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(void, JVM_GetClassCPTypes(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, unsigned char *types))
2274   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassCPTypes");
2275   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2276   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2277   // types will have length zero if this is not an InstanceKlass
2278   // (length is determined by call to JVM_GetClassCPEntriesCount)
2279   if (k->is_instance_klass()) {
2280     ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2281     for (int index = cp->length() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
2282       constantTag tag = cp->tag_at(index);
2283       types[index] = (tag.is_unresolved_klass()) ? JVM_CONSTANT_Class : tag.value();
2284     }
2285   }
2286 JVM_END
2289 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetClassCPEntriesCount(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
2290   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassCPEntriesCount");
2291   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2292   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2293   return (!k->is_instance_klass()) ? 0 : InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants()->length();
2294 JVM_END
2297 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetClassFieldsCount(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
2298   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassFieldsCount");
2299   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2300   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2301   return (!k->is_instance_klass()) ? 0 : InstanceKlass::cast(k)->java_fields_count();
2302 JVM_END
2305 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetClassMethodsCount(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls))
2306   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassMethodsCount");
2307   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2308   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2309   return (!k->is_instance_klass()) ? 0 : InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->length();
2310 JVM_END
2313 // The following methods, used for the verifier, are never called with
2314 // array klasses, so a direct cast to InstanceKlass is safe.
2315 // Typically, these methods are called in a loop with bounds determined
2316 // by the results of JVM_GetClass{Fields,Methods}Count, which return
2317 // zero for arrays.
2318 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(void, JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionIndexes(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint method_index, unsigned short *exceptions))
2319   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionIndexes");
2320   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2321   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2322   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2323   int length = method->checked_exceptions_length();
2324   if (length > 0) {
2325     CheckedExceptionElement* table= method->checked_exceptions_start();
2326     for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
2327       exceptions[i] = table[i].class_cp_index;
2328     }
2329   }
2330 JVM_END
2333 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionsCount(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint method_index))
2334   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionsCount");
2335   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2336   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2337   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2338   return method->checked_exceptions_length();
2339 JVM_END
2342 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(void, JVM_GetMethodIxByteCode(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint method_index, unsigned char *code))
2343   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxByteCode");
2344   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2345   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2346   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2347   memcpy(code, method->code_base(), method->code_size());
2348 JVM_END
2351 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetMethodIxByteCodeLength(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint method_index))
2352   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxByteCodeLength");
2353   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2354   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2355   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2356   return method->code_size();
2357 JVM_END
2360 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(void, JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint method_index, jint entry_index, JVM_ExceptionTableEntryType *entry))
2361   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry");
2362   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2363   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2364   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2365   ExceptionTable extable(method);
2366   entry->start_pc   = extable.start_pc(entry_index);
2367   entry->end_pc     = extable.end_pc(entry_index);
2368   entry->handler_pc = extable.handler_pc(entry_index);
2369   entry->catchType  = extable.catch_type_index(entry_index);
2370 JVM_END
2373 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableLength(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int method_index))
2374   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableLength");
2375   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2376   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2377   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2378   return method->exception_table_length();
2379 JVM_END
2382 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int method_index))
2383   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxModifiers");
2384   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2385   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2386   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2387   return method->access_flags().as_int() & JVM_RECOGNIZED_METHOD_MODIFIERS;
2388 JVM_END
2391 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetFieldIxModifiers(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int field_index))
2392   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetFieldIxModifiers");
2393   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2394   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2395   return InstanceKlass::cast(k)->field_access_flags(field_index) & JVM_RECOGNIZED_FIELD_MODIFIERS;
2396 JVM_END
2399 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int method_index))
2400   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxLocalsCount");
2401   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2402   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2403   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2404   return method->max_locals();
2405 JVM_END
2408 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetMethodIxArgsSize(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int method_index))
2409   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxArgsSize");
2410   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2411   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2412   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2413   return method->size_of_parameters();
2414 JVM_END
2417 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetMethodIxMaxStack(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int method_index))
2418   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxMaxStack");
2419   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2420   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2421   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2422   return method->verifier_max_stack();
2423 JVM_END
2426 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsConstructorIx(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int method_index))
2427   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsConstructorIx");
2428   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
2429   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2430   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2431   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2432   return method->name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name();
2433 JVM_END
2436 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsVMGeneratedMethodIx(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int method_index))
2437   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsVMGeneratedMethodIx");
2438   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
2439   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2440   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2441   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2442   return method->is_overpass();
2443 JVM_END
2445 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetMethodIxNameUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint method_index))
2446   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxIxUTF");
2447   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2448   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2449   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2450   return method->name()->as_utf8();
2451 JVM_END
2454 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetMethodIxSignatureUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint method_index))
2455   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetMethodIxSignatureUTF");
2456   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2457   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2458   Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->methods()->at(method_index);
2459   return method->signature()->as_utf8();
2460 JVM_END
2462 /**
2463  * All of these JVM_GetCP-xxx methods are used by the old verifier to
2464  * read entries in the constant pool.  Since the old verifier always
2465  * works on a copy of the code, it will not see any rewriting that
2466  * may possibly occur in the middle of verification.  So it is important
2467  * that nothing it calls tries to use the cpCache instead of the raw
2468  * constant pool, so we must use cp->uncached_x methods when appropriate.
2469  */
2470 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetCPFieldNameUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint cp_index))
2471   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPFieldNameUTF");
2472   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2473   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2474   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2475   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2476     case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref:
2477       return cp->uncached_name_ref_at(cp_index)->as_utf8();
2478     default:
2479       fatal("JVM_GetCPFieldNameUTF: illegal constant");
2480   }
2481   ShouldNotReachHere();
2482   return NULL;
2483 JVM_END
2486 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetCPMethodNameUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint cp_index))
2487   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPMethodNameUTF");
2488   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2489   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2490   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2491   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2492     case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
2493     case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref:
2494       return cp->uncached_name_ref_at(cp_index)->as_utf8();
2495     default:
2496       fatal("JVM_GetCPMethodNameUTF: illegal constant");
2497   }
2498   ShouldNotReachHere();
2499   return NULL;
2500 JVM_END
2503 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetCPMethodSignatureUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint cp_index))
2504   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPMethodSignatureUTF");
2505   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2506   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2507   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2508   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2509     case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
2510     case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref:
2511       return cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(cp_index)->as_utf8();
2512     default:
2513       fatal("JVM_GetCPMethodSignatureUTF: illegal constant");
2514   }
2515   ShouldNotReachHere();
2516   return NULL;
2517 JVM_END
2520 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint cp_index))
2521   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF");
2522   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2523   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2524   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2525   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2526     case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref:
2527       return cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(cp_index)->as_utf8();
2528     default:
2529       fatal("JVM_GetCPFieldSignatureUTF: illegal constant");
2530   }
2531   ShouldNotReachHere();
2532   return NULL;
2533 JVM_END
2536 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetCPClassNameUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint cp_index))
2537   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPClassNameUTF");
2538   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2539   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2540   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2541   Symbol* classname = cp->klass_name_at(cp_index);
2542   return classname->as_utf8();
2543 JVM_END
2546 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetCPFieldClassNameUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint cp_index))
2547   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPFieldClassNameUTF");
2548   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2549   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2550   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2551   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2552     case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref: {
2553       int class_index = cp->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(cp_index);
2554       Symbol* classname = cp->klass_name_at(class_index);
2555       return classname->as_utf8();
2556     }
2557     default:
2558       fatal("JVM_GetCPFieldClassNameUTF: illegal constant");
2559   }
2560   ShouldNotReachHere();
2561   return NULL;
2562 JVM_END
2565 JVM_ENTRY(const char*, JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jint cp_index))
2566   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF");
2567   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2568   k = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2569   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2570   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2571     case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref:
2572     case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: {
2573       int class_index = cp->uncached_klass_ref_index_at(cp_index);
2574       Symbol* classname = cp->klass_name_at(class_index);
2575       return classname->as_utf8();
2576     }
2577     default:
2578       fatal("JVM_GetCPMethodClassNameUTF: illegal constant");
2579   }
2580   ShouldNotReachHere();
2581   return NULL;
2582 JVM_END
2585 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int cp_index, jclass called_cls))
2586   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers");
2587   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2588   Klass* k_called = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(called_cls));
2589   k        = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2590   k_called = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k_called, thread);
2591   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2592   ConstantPool* cp_called = InstanceKlass::cast(k_called)->constants();
2593   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2594     case JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref: {
2595       Symbol* name      = cp->uncached_name_ref_at(cp_index);
2596       Symbol* signature = cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(cp_index);
2597       InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k_called);
2598       for (JavaFieldStream fs(ik); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
2599         if (fs.name() == name && fs.signature() == signature) {
2600           return fs.access_flags().as_short() & JVM_RECOGNIZED_FIELD_MODIFIERS;
2601         }
2602       }
2603       return -1;
2604     }
2605     default:
2606       fatal("JVM_GetCPFieldModifiers: illegal constant");
2607   }
2608   ShouldNotReachHere();
2609   return 0;
2610 JVM_END
2613 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetCPMethodModifiers(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, int cp_index, jclass called_cls))
2614   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetCPMethodModifiers");
2615   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(cls));
2616   Klass* k_called = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(called_cls));
2617   k        = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k, thread);
2618   k_called = JvmtiThreadState::class_to_verify_considering_redefinition(k_called, thread);
2619   ConstantPool* cp = InstanceKlass::cast(k)->constants();
2620   switch (cp->tag_at(cp_index).value()) {
2621     case JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref:
2622     case JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref: {
2623       Symbol* name      = cp->uncached_name_ref_at(cp_index);
2624       Symbol* signature = cp->uncached_signature_ref_at(cp_index);
2625       Array<Method*>* methods = InstanceKlass::cast(k_called)->methods();
2626       int methods_count = methods->length();
2627       for (int i = 0; i < methods_count; i++) {
2628         Method* method = methods->at(i);
2629         if (method->name() == name && method->signature() == signature) {
2630             return method->access_flags().as_int() & JVM_RECOGNIZED_METHOD_MODIFIERS;
2631         }
2632       }
2633       return -1;
2634     }
2635     default:
2636       fatal("JVM_GetCPMethodModifiers: illegal constant");
2637   }
2638   ShouldNotReachHere();
2639   return 0;
2640 JVM_END
2643 // Misc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2645 JVM_LEAF(void, JVM_ReleaseUTF(const char *utf))
2646   // So long as UTF8::convert_to_utf8 returns resource strings, we don't have to do anything
2647 JVM_END
2650 JVM_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsSameClassPackage(JNIEnv *env, jclass class1, jclass class2))
2651   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsSameClassPackage");
2652   oop class1_mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(class1);
2653   oop class2_mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(class2);
2654   Klass* klass1 = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(class1_mirror);
2655   Klass* klass2 = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(class2_mirror);
2656   return (jboolean) Reflection::is_same_class_package(klass1, klass2);
2657 JVM_END
2659 // Printing support //////////////////////////////////////////////////
2660 extern "C" {
2663 int jio_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
2664   // see bug 4399518, 4417214
2665   if ((intptr_t)count <= 0) return -1;
2667   int result = vsnprintf(str, count, fmt, args);
2668   // Note: on truncation vsnprintf(3) on Unix returns numbers of
2669   // characters which would have been written had the buffer been large
2670   // enough; on Windows, it returns -1. We handle both cases here and
2671   // always return -1, and perform null termination.
2672   if ((result > 0 && (size_t)result >= count) || result == -1) {
2673     str[count - 1] = '\0';
2674     result = -1;
2675   }
2677   return result;
2678 }
2681 int jio_snprintf(char *str, size_t count, const char *fmt, ...) {
2682   va_list args;
2683   int len;
2684   va_start(args, fmt);
2685   len = jio_vsnprintf(str, count, fmt, args);
2686   va_end(args);
2687   return len;
2688 }
2691 int jio_fprintf(FILE* f, const char *fmt, ...) {
2692   int len;
2693   va_list args;
2694   va_start(args, fmt);
2695   len = jio_vfprintf(f, fmt, args);
2696   va_end(args);
2697   return len;
2698 }
2701 int jio_vfprintf(FILE* f, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
2702   if (Arguments::vfprintf_hook() != NULL) {
2703      return Arguments::vfprintf_hook()(f, fmt, args);
2704   } else {
2705     return vfprintf(f, fmt, args);
2706   }
2707 }
2710 JNIEXPORT int jio_printf(const char *fmt, ...) {
2711   int len;
2712   va_list args;
2713   va_start(args, fmt);
2714   len = jio_vfprintf(defaultStream::output_stream(), fmt, args);
2715   va_end(args);
2716   return len;
2717 }
2720 // HotSpot specific jio method
2721 void jio_print(const char* s) {
2722   // Try to make this function as atomic as possible.
2723   if (Arguments::vfprintf_hook() != NULL) {
2724     jio_fprintf(defaultStream::output_stream(), "%s", s);
2725   } else {
2726     // Make an unused local variable to avoid warning from gcc 4.x compiler.
2727     size_t count = ::write(defaultStream::output_fd(), s, (int)strlen(s));
2728   }
2729 }
2731 } // Extern C
2733 // java.lang.Thread //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2735 // In most of the JVM thread support functions we need to access the
2736 // thread through a ThreadsListHandle to prevent it from exiting and
2737 // being reclaimed while we try to operate on it. The exceptions to this
2738 // rule are when operating on the current thread, or if the monitor of
2739 // the target java.lang.Thread is locked at the Java level - in both
2740 // cases the target cannot exit.
2742 static void thread_entry(JavaThread* thread, TRAPS) {
2743   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
2744   Handle obj(THREAD, thread->threadObj());
2745   JavaValue result(T_VOID);
2746   JavaCalls::call_virtual(&result,
2747                           obj,
2748                           SystemDictionary::Thread_klass(),
2749                           vmSymbols::run_method_name(),
2750                           vmSymbols::void_method_signature(),
2751                           THREAD);
2752 }
2755 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_StartThread(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread))
2756   JVMWrapper("JVM_StartThread");
2757   JavaThread *native_thread = NULL;
2759   // We cannot hold the Threads_lock when we throw an exception,
2760   // due to rank ordering issues. Example:  we might need to grab the
2761   // Heap_lock while we construct the exception.
2762   bool throw_illegal_thread_state = false;
2764   // We must release the Threads_lock before we can post a jvmti event
2765   // in Thread::start.
2766   {
2767     // Ensure that the C++ Thread and OSThread structures aren't freed before
2768     // we operate.
2769     MutexLocker mu(Threads_lock);
2771     // Since JDK 5 the java.lang.Thread threadStatus is used to prevent
2772     // re-starting an already started thread, so we should usually find
2773     // that the JavaThread is null. However for a JNI attached thread
2774     // there is a small window between the Thread object being created
2775     // (with its JavaThread set) and the update to its threadStatus, so we
2776     // have to check for this
2777     if (java_lang_Thread::thread(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jthread)) != NULL) {
2778       throw_illegal_thread_state = true;
2779     } else {
2780       // We could also check the stillborn flag to see if this thread was already stopped, but
2781       // for historical reasons we let the thread detect that itself when it starts running
2783       jlong size =
2784              java_lang_Thread::stackSize(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jthread));
2785       // Allocate the C++ Thread structure and create the native thread.  The
2786       // stack size retrieved from java is 64-bit signed, but the constructor takes
2787       // size_t (an unsigned type), which may be 32 or 64-bit depending on the platform.
2788       //  - Avoid truncating on 32-bit platforms if size is greater than UINT_MAX.
2789       //  - Avoid passing negative values which would result in really large stacks.
2790       NOT_LP64(if (size > SIZE_MAX) size = SIZE_MAX;)
2791       size_t sz = size > 0 ? (size_t) size : 0;
2792       native_thread = new JavaThread(&thread_entry, sz);
2794       // At this point it may be possible that no osthread was created for the
2795       // JavaThread due to lack of memory. Check for this situation and throw
2796       // an exception if necessary. Eventually we may want to change this so
2797       // that we only grab the lock if the thread was created successfully -
2798       // then we can also do this check and throw the exception in the
2799       // JavaThread constructor.
2800       if (native_thread->osthread() != NULL) {
2801         // Note: the current thread is not being used within "prepare".
2802         native_thread->prepare(jthread);
2803       }
2804     }
2805   }
2807   if (throw_illegal_thread_state) {
2808     THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalThreadStateException());
2809   }
2811   assert(native_thread != NULL, "Starting null thread?");
2813   if (native_thread->osthread() == NULL) {
2814     // No one should hold a reference to the 'native_thread'.
2815     native_thread->smr_delete();
2816     if (JvmtiExport::should_post_resource_exhausted()) {
2817       JvmtiExport::post_resource_exhausted(
2819         os::native_thread_creation_failed_msg());
2820     }
2821     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_OutOfMemoryError(),
2822               os::native_thread_creation_failed_msg());
2823   }
2825   Thread::start(native_thread);
2827 JVM_END
2830 // JVM_Stop is implemented using a VM_Operation, so threads are forced to safepoints
2831 // before the quasi-asynchronous exception is delivered.  This is a little obtrusive,
2832 // but is thought to be reliable and simple. In the case, where the receiver is the
2833 // same thread as the sender, no VM_Operation is needed.
2834 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_StopThread(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread, jobject throwable))
2835   JVMWrapper("JVM_StopThread");
2837   // A nested ThreadsListHandle will grab the Threads_lock so create
2838   // tlh before we resolve throwable.
2839   ThreadsListHandle tlh(thread);
2840   oop java_throwable = JNIHandles::resolve(throwable);
2841   if (java_throwable == NULL) {
2842     THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException());
2843   }
2844   oop java_thread = NULL;
2845   JavaThread* receiver = NULL;
2846   bool is_alive = tlh.cv_internal_thread_to_JavaThread(jthread, &receiver, &java_thread);
2847   Events::log_exception(thread,
2848                         "JVM_StopThread thread JavaThread " INTPTR_FORMAT " as oop " INTPTR_FORMAT " [exception " INTPTR_FORMAT "]",
2849                         p2i(receiver), p2i((address)java_thread), p2i(throwable));
2851   if (is_alive) {
2852     // jthread refers to a live JavaThread.
2853     if (thread == receiver) {
2854       // Exception is getting thrown at self so no VM_Operation needed.
2855       THROW_OOP(java_throwable);
2856     } else {
2857       // Use a VM_Operation to throw the exception.
2858       Thread::send_async_exception(java_thread, java_throwable);
2859     }
2860   } else {
2861     // Either:
2862     // - target thread has not been started before being stopped, or
2863     // - target thread already terminated
2864     // We could read the threadStatus to determine which case it is
2865     // but that is overkill as it doesn't matter. We must set the
2866     // stillborn flag for the first case, and if the thread has already
2867     // exited setting this flag has no effect.
2868     java_lang_Thread::set_stillborn(java_thread);
2869   }
2870 JVM_END
2873 JVM_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsThreadAlive(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread))
2874   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsThreadAlive");
2876   oop thread_oop = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jthread);
2877   return java_lang_Thread::is_alive(thread_oop);
2878 JVM_END
2881 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_SuspendThread(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread))
2882   JVMWrapper("JVM_SuspendThread");
2884   ThreadsListHandle tlh(thread);
2885   JavaThread* receiver = NULL;
2886   bool is_alive = tlh.cv_internal_thread_to_JavaThread(jthread, &receiver, NULL);
2887   if (is_alive) {
2888     // jthread refers to a live JavaThread.
2889     {
2890       MutexLockerEx ml(receiver->SR_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
2891       if (receiver->is_external_suspend()) {
2892         // Don't allow nested external suspend requests. We can't return
2893         // an error from this interface so just ignore the problem.
2894         return;
2895       }
2896       if (receiver->is_exiting()) { // thread is in the process of exiting
2897         return;
2898       }
2899       receiver->set_external_suspend();
2900     }
2902     // java_suspend() will catch threads in the process of exiting
2903     // and will ignore them.
2904     receiver->java_suspend();
2906     // It would be nice to have the following assertion in all the
2907     // time, but it is possible for a racing resume request to have
2908     // resumed this thread right after we suspended it. Temporarily
2909     // enable this assertion if you are chasing a different kind of
2910     // bug.
2911     //
2912     // assert(java_lang_Thread::thread(receiver->threadObj()) == NULL ||
2913     //   receiver->is_being_ext_suspended(), "thread is not suspended");
2914   }
2915 JVM_END
2918 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_ResumeThread(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread))
2919   JVMWrapper("JVM_ResumeThread");
2921   ThreadsListHandle tlh(thread);
2922   JavaThread* receiver = NULL;
2923   bool is_alive = tlh.cv_internal_thread_to_JavaThread(jthread, &receiver, NULL);
2924   if (is_alive) {
2925     // jthread refers to a live JavaThread.
2927     // This is the original comment for this Threads_lock grab:
2928     //   We need to *always* get the threads lock here, since this operation cannot be allowed during
2929     //   a safepoint. The safepoint code relies on suspending a thread to examine its state. If other
2930     //   threads randomly resumes threads, then a thread might not be suspended when the safepoint code
2931     //   looks at it.
2932     //
2933     // The above comment dates back to when we had both internal and
2934     // external suspend APIs that shared a common underlying mechanism.
2935     // External suspend is now entirely cooperative and doesn't share
2936     // anything with internal suspend. That said, there are some
2937     // assumptions in the VM that an external resume grabs the
2938     // Threads_lock. We can't drop the Threads_lock grab here until we
2939     // resolve the assumptions that exist elsewhere.
2940     //
2941     MutexLocker ml(Threads_lock);
2942     receiver->java_resume();
2943   }
2944 JVM_END
2947 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_SetThreadPriority(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread, jint prio))
2948   JVMWrapper("JVM_SetThreadPriority");
2950   ThreadsListHandle tlh(thread);
2951   oop java_thread = NULL;
2952   JavaThread* receiver = NULL;
2953   bool is_alive = tlh.cv_internal_thread_to_JavaThread(jthread, &receiver, &java_thread);
2954   java_lang_Thread::set_priority(java_thread, (ThreadPriority)prio);
2956   if (is_alive) {
2957     // jthread refers to a live JavaThread.
2958     Thread::set_priority(receiver, (ThreadPriority)prio);
2959   }
2960   // Implied else: If the JavaThread hasn't started yet, then the
2961   // priority set in the java.lang.Thread object above will be pushed
2962   // down when it does start.
2963 JVM_END
2966 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_Yield(JNIEnv *env, jclass threadClass))
2967   JVMWrapper("JVM_Yield");
2968   if (os::dont_yield()) return;
2970   os::naked_yield();
2971 JVM_END
2974 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_Sleep(JNIEnv* env, jclass threadClass, jlong millis))
2975   JVMWrapper("JVM_Sleep");
2977   if (millis < 0) {
2978     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "timeout value is negative");
2979   }
2981   if (Thread::is_interrupted (THREAD, true) && !HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
2982     THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_InterruptedException(), "sleep interrupted");
2983   }
2985   // Save current thread state and restore it at the end of this block.
2986   // And set new thread state to SLEEPING.
2987   JavaThreadSleepState jtss(thread);
2991   EventThreadSleep event;
2993   if (millis == 0) {
2994     os::naked_yield();
2995   } else {
2996     ThreadState old_state = thread->osthread()->get_state();
2997     thread->osthread()->set_state(SLEEPING);
2998     if (os::sleep(thread, millis, true) == OS_INTRPT) {
2999       // An asynchronous exception (e.g., ThreadDeathException) could have been thrown on
3000       // us while we were sleeping. We do not overwrite those.
3001       if (!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) {
3002         if (event.should_commit()) {
3003           event.set_time(millis);
3004           event.commit();
3005         }
3008         // TODO-FIXME: THROW_MSG returns which means we will not call set_state()
3009         // to properly restore the thread state.  That's likely wrong.
3010         THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_InterruptedException(), "sleep interrupted");
3011       }
3012     }
3013     thread->osthread()->set_state(old_state);
3014   }
3015   if (event.should_commit()) {
3016     event.set_time(millis);
3017     event.commit();
3018   }
3020 JVM_END
3022 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_CurrentThread(JNIEnv* env, jclass threadClass))
3023   JVMWrapper("JVM_CurrentThread");
3024   oop jthread = thread->threadObj();
3025   assert (thread != NULL, "no current thread!");
3026   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, jthread);
3027 JVM_END
3030 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_CountStackFrames(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread))
3031   JVMWrapper("JVM_CountStackFrames");
3033   uint32_t debug_bits = 0;
3034   ThreadsListHandle tlh(thread);
3035   JavaThread* receiver = NULL;
3036   bool is_alive = tlh.cv_internal_thread_to_JavaThread(jthread, &receiver, NULL);
3037   int count = 0;
3038   if (is_alive) {
3039     // jthread refers to a live JavaThread.
3040     if (receiver->is_thread_fully_suspended(true /* wait for suspend completion */, &debug_bits)) {
3041       // Count all java activation, i.e., number of vframes.
3042       for (vframeStream vfst(receiver); !vfst.at_end(); vfst.next()) {
3043         // Native frames are not counted.
3044         if (!vfst.method()->is_native()) count++;
3045       }
3046     } else {
3047       THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalThreadStateException(),
3048                   "this thread is not suspended");
3049     }
3050   }
3051   // Implied else: if JavaThread is not alive simply return a count of 0.
3053   return count;
3054 JVM_END
3057 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_Interrupt(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread))
3058   JVMWrapper("JVM_Interrupt");
3060   ThreadsListHandle tlh(thread);
3061   JavaThread* receiver = NULL;
3062   bool is_alive = tlh.cv_internal_thread_to_JavaThread(jthread, &receiver, NULL);
3063   if (is_alive) {
3064     // jthread refers to a live JavaThread.
3065     Thread::interrupt(receiver);
3066   }
3067 JVM_END
3070 JVM_QUICK_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_IsInterrupted(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread, jboolean clear_interrupted))
3071   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsInterrupted");
3073   ThreadsListHandle tlh(thread);
3074   JavaThread* receiver = NULL;
3075   bool is_alive = tlh.cv_internal_thread_to_JavaThread(jthread, &receiver, NULL);
3076   if (is_alive) {
3077     // jthread refers to a live JavaThread.
3078     return (jboolean) Thread::is_interrupted(receiver, clear_interrupted != 0);
3079   } else {
3080     return JNI_FALSE;
3081   }
3082 JVM_END
3085 // Return true iff the current thread has locked the object passed in
3087 JVM_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_HoldsLock(JNIEnv* env, jclass threadClass, jobject obj))
3088   JVMWrapper("JVM_HoldsLock");
3089   assert(THREAD->is_Java_thread(), "sanity check");
3090   if (obj == NULL) {
3091     THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), JNI_FALSE);
3092   }
3093   Handle h_obj(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(obj));
3094   return ObjectSynchronizer::current_thread_holds_lock((JavaThread*)THREAD, h_obj);
3095 JVM_END
3098 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_DumpAllStacks(JNIEnv* env, jclass))
3099   JVMWrapper("JVM_DumpAllStacks");
3100   VM_PrintThreads op;
3101   VMThread::execute(&op);
3102   if (JvmtiExport::should_post_data_dump()) {
3103     JvmtiExport::post_data_dump();
3104   }
3105 JVM_END
3107 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_SetNativeThreadName(JNIEnv* env, jobject jthread, jstring name))
3108   JVMWrapper("JVM_SetNativeThreadName");
3110   // We don't use a ThreadsListHandle here because the current thread
3111   // must be alive.
3112   oop java_thread = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(jthread);
3113   JavaThread* thr = java_lang_Thread::thread(java_thread);
3114   if (thread == thr && !thr->has_attached_via_jni()) {
3115     // Thread naming is only supported for the current thread and
3116     // we don't set the name of an attached thread to avoid stepping
3117     // on other programs.
3118     ResourceMark rm(thread);
3119     const char *thread_name = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(name));
3120     os::set_native_thread_name(thread_name);
3121   }
3122 JVM_END
3124 // java.lang.SecurityManager ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3126 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetClassContext(JNIEnv *env))
3127   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetClassContext");
3128   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
3129   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3130   vframeStream vfst(thread);
3132   if (SystemDictionary::reflect_CallerSensitive_klass() != NULL) {
3133     // This must only be called from SecurityManager.getClassContext
3134     Method* m = vfst.method();
3135     if (!(m->method_holder() == SystemDictionary::SecurityManager_klass() &&
3136           m->name()          == vmSymbols::getClassContext_name() &&
3137           m->signature()     == vmSymbols::void_class_array_signature())) {
3138       THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), "JVM_GetClassContext must only be called from SecurityManager.getClassContext");
3139     }
3140   }
3142   // Collect method holders
3143   GrowableArray<Klass*>* klass_array = new GrowableArray<Klass*>();
3144   for (; !vfst.at_end(); vfst.security_next()) {
3145     Method* m = vfst.method();
3146     // Native frames are not returned
3147     if (!m->is_ignored_by_security_stack_walk() && !m->is_native()) {
3148       Klass* holder = m->method_holder();
3149       assert(holder->is_klass(), "just checking");
3150       klass_array->append(holder);
3151     }
3152   }
3154   // Create result array of type [Ljava/lang/Class;
3155   objArrayOop result = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Class_klass(), klass_array->length(), CHECK_NULL);
3156   // Fill in mirrors corresponding to method holders
3157   for (int i = 0; i < klass_array->length(); i++) {
3158     result->obj_at_put(i, klass_array->at(i)->java_mirror());
3159   }
3161   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
3162 JVM_END
3165 // java.lang.Package ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3168 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_GetSystemPackage(JNIEnv *env, jstring name))
3169   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetSystemPackage");
3170   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
3171   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3172   char* str = java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(name));
3173   oop result = ClassLoader::get_system_package(str, CHECK_NULL);
3174   return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(result);
3175 JVM_END
3178 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetSystemPackages(JNIEnv *env))
3179   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetSystemPackages");
3180   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3181   objArrayOop result = ClassLoader::get_system_packages(CHECK_NULL);
3182   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(result);
3183 JVM_END
3186 // java.lang.ref.Reference ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3189 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_GetAndClearReferencePendingList(JNIEnv* env))
3190   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetAndClearReferencePendingList");
3192   MonitorLockerEx ml(Heap_lock);
3193   oop ref = Universe::reference_pending_list();
3194   if (ref != NULL) {
3195     Universe::set_reference_pending_list(NULL);
3196   }
3197   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, ref);
3198 JVM_END
3200 JVM_ENTRY(jboolean, JVM_HasReferencePendingList(JNIEnv* env))
3201   JVMWrapper("JVM_HasReferencePendingList");
3202   MonitorLockerEx ml(Heap_lock);
3203   return Universe::has_reference_pending_list();
3204 JVM_END
3206 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_WaitForReferencePendingList(JNIEnv* env))
3207   JVMWrapper("JVM_WaitForReferencePendingList");
3208   MonitorLockerEx ml(Heap_lock);
3209   while (!Universe::has_reference_pending_list()) {
3210     ml.wait();
3211   }
3212 JVM_END
3215 // ObjectInputStream ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3217 // Return the first user-defined class loader up the execution stack, or null
3218 // if only code from the bootstrap or platform class loader is on the stack.
3220 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_LatestUserDefinedLoader(JNIEnv *env))
3221   for (vframeStream vfst(thread); !vfst.at_end(); vfst.next()) {
3222     vfst.skip_reflection_related_frames(); // Only needed for 1.4 reflection
3223     oop loader = vfst.method()->method_holder()->class_loader();
3224     if (loader != NULL && !SystemDictionary::is_platform_class_loader(loader)) {
3225       return JNIHandles::make_local(env, loader);
3226     }
3227   }
3228   return NULL;
3229 JVM_END
3232 // Array ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3235 // resolve array handle and check arguments
3236 static inline arrayOop check_array(JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, bool type_array_only, TRAPS) {
3237   if (arr == NULL) {
3238     THROW_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException());
3239   }
3240   oop a = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(arr);
3241   if (!a->is_array()) {
3242     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Argument is not an array");
3243   } else if (type_array_only && !a->is_typeArray()) {
3244     THROW_MSG_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), "Argument is not an array of primitive type");
3245   }
3246   return arrayOop(a);
3247 }
3250 JVM_ENTRY(jint, JVM_GetArrayLength(JNIEnv *env, jobject arr))
3251   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetArrayLength");
3252   arrayOop a = check_array(env, arr, false, CHECK_0);
3253   return a->length();
3254 JVM_END
3257 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_GetArrayElement(JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index))
3258   JVMWrapper("JVM_Array_Get");
3259   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3260   arrayOop a = check_array(env, arr, false, CHECK_NULL);
3261   jvalue value;
3262   BasicType type = Reflection::array_get(&value, a, index, CHECK_NULL);
3263   oop box = Reflection::box(&value, type, CHECK_NULL);
3264   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, box);
3265 JVM_END
3268 JVM_ENTRY(jvalue, JVM_GetPrimitiveArrayElement(JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index, jint wCode))
3269   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetPrimitiveArrayElement");
3270   jvalue value;
3271   value.i = 0; // to initialize value before getting used in CHECK
3272   arrayOop a = check_array(env, arr, true, CHECK_(value));
3273   assert(a->is_typeArray(), "just checking");
3274   BasicType type = Reflection::array_get(&value, a, index, CHECK_(value));
3275   BasicType wide_type = (BasicType) wCode;
3276   if (type != wide_type) {
3277     Reflection::widen(&value, type, wide_type, CHECK_(value));
3278   }
3279   return value;
3280 JVM_END
3283 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_SetArrayElement(JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index, jobject val))
3284   JVMWrapper("JVM_SetArrayElement");
3285   arrayOop a = check_array(env, arr, false, CHECK);
3286   oop box = JNIHandles::resolve(val);
3287   jvalue value;
3288   value.i = 0; // to initialize value before getting used in CHECK
3289   BasicType value_type;
3290   if (a->is_objArray()) {
3291     // Make sure we do no unbox e.g. java/lang/Integer instances when storing into an object array
3292     value_type = Reflection::unbox_for_regular_object(box, &value);
3293   } else {
3294     value_type = Reflection::unbox_for_primitive(box, &value, CHECK);
3295   }
3296   Reflection::array_set(&value, a, index, value_type, CHECK);
3297 JVM_END
3300 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_SetPrimitiveArrayElement(JNIEnv *env, jobject arr, jint index, jvalue v, unsigned char vCode))
3301   JVMWrapper("JVM_SetPrimitiveArrayElement");
3302   arrayOop a = check_array(env, arr, true, CHECK);
3303   assert(a->is_typeArray(), "just checking");
3304   BasicType value_type = (BasicType) vCode;
3305   Reflection::array_set(&v, a, index, value_type, CHECK);
3306 JVM_END
3309 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_NewArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass eltClass, jint length))
3310   JVMWrapper("JVM_NewArray");
3311   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3312   oop element_mirror = JNIHandles::resolve(eltClass);
3313   oop result = Reflection::reflect_new_array(element_mirror, length, CHECK_NULL);
3314   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
3315 JVM_END
3318 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_NewMultiArray(JNIEnv *env, jclass eltClass, jintArray dim))
3319   JVMWrapper("JVM_NewMultiArray");
3320   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3321   arrayOop dim_array = check_array(env, dim, true, CHECK_NULL);
3322   oop element_mirror = JNIHandles::resolve(eltClass);
3323   assert(dim_array->is_typeArray(), "just checking");
3324   oop result = Reflection::reflect_new_multi_array(element_mirror, typeArrayOop(dim_array), CHECK_NULL);
3325   return JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
3326 JVM_END
3329 // Library support ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3331 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void*, JVM_LoadLibrary(const char* name))
3332   //%note jvm_ct
3333   JVMWrapper("JVM_LoadLibrary");
3334   char ebuf[1024];
3335   void *load_result;
3336   {
3337     ThreadToNativeFromVM ttnfvm(thread);
3338     load_result = os::dll_load(name, ebuf, sizeof ebuf);
3339   }
3340   if (load_result == NULL) {
3341     char msg[1024];
3342     jio_snprintf(msg, sizeof msg, "%s: %s", name, ebuf);
3343     // Since 'ebuf' may contain a string encoded using
3344     // platform encoding scheme, we need to pass
3345     // Exceptions::unsafe_to_utf8 to the new_exception method
3346     // as the last argument. See bug 6367357.
3347     Handle h_exception =
3348       Exceptions::new_exception(thread,
3349                                 vmSymbols::java_lang_UnsatisfiedLinkError(),
3350                                 msg, Exceptions::unsafe_to_utf8);
3352     THROW_HANDLE_0(h_exception);
3353   }
3354   return load_result;
3355 JVM_END
3358 JVM_LEAF(void, JVM_UnloadLibrary(void* handle))
3359   JVMWrapper("JVM_UnloadLibrary");
3360   os::dll_unload(handle);
3361 JVM_END
3364 JVM_LEAF(void*, JVM_FindLibraryEntry(void* handle, const char* name))
3365   JVMWrapper("JVM_FindLibraryEntry");
3366   return os::dll_lookup(handle, name);
3367 JVM_END
3370 // JNI version ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3372 JVM_LEAF(jboolean, JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion(jint version))
3373   JVMWrapper("JVM_IsSupportedJNIVersion");
3374   return Threads::is_supported_jni_version_including_1_1(version);
3375 JVM_END
3378 // String support ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3380 JVM_ENTRY(jstring, JVM_InternString(JNIEnv *env, jstring str))
3381   JVMWrapper("JVM_InternString");
3382   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3383   if (str == NULL) return NULL;
3384   oop string = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(str);
3385   oop result = StringTable::intern(string, CHECK_NULL);
3386   return (jstring) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
3387 JVM_END
3390 // Raw monitor support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3392 // The lock routine below calls lock_without_safepoint_check in order to get a raw lock
3393 // without interfering with the safepoint mechanism. The routines are not JVM_LEAF because
3394 // they might be called by non-java threads. The JVM_LEAF installs a NoHandleMark check
3395 // that only works with java threads.
3398 JNIEXPORT void* JNICALL JVM_RawMonitorCreate(void) {
3399   VM_Exit::block_if_vm_exited();
3400   JVMWrapper("JVM_RawMonitorCreate");
3401   return new Mutex(Mutex::native, "JVM_RawMonitorCreate");
3402 }
3405 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL  JVM_RawMonitorDestroy(void *mon) {
3406   VM_Exit::block_if_vm_exited();
3407   JVMWrapper("JVM_RawMonitorDestroy");
3408   delete ((Mutex*) mon);
3409 }
3412 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JVM_RawMonitorEnter(void *mon) {
3413   VM_Exit::block_if_vm_exited();
3414   JVMWrapper("JVM_RawMonitorEnter");
3415   ((Mutex*) mon)->jvm_raw_lock();
3416   return 0;
3417 }
3420 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JVM_RawMonitorExit(void *mon) {
3421   VM_Exit::block_if_vm_exited();
3422   JVMWrapper("JVM_RawMonitorExit");
3423   ((Mutex*) mon)->jvm_raw_unlock();
3424 }
3427 // Shared JNI/JVM entry points //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3429 jclass find_class_from_class_loader(JNIEnv* env, Symbol* name, jboolean init,
3430                                     Handle loader, Handle protection_domain,
3431                                     jboolean throwError, TRAPS) {
3432   // Security Note:
3433   //   The Java level wrapper will perform the necessary security check allowing
3434   //   us to pass the NULL as the initiating class loader.  The VM is responsible for
3435   //   the checkPackageAccess relative to the initiating class loader via the
3436   //   protection_domain. The protection_domain is passed as NULL by the java code
3437   //   if there is no security manager in 3-arg Class.forName().
3438   Klass* klass = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(name, loader, protection_domain, throwError != 0, CHECK_NULL);
3440   // Check if we should initialize the class
3441   if (init && klass->is_instance_klass()) {
3442     klass->initialize(CHECK_NULL);
3443   }
3444   return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, klass->java_mirror());
3445 }
3448 // Method ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3450 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_InvokeMethod(JNIEnv *env, jobject method, jobject obj, jobjectArray args0))
3451   JVMWrapper("JVM_InvokeMethod");
3452   Handle method_handle;
3453   if (thread->stack_available((address) &method_handle) >= JVMInvokeMethodSlack) {
3454     method_handle = Handle(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(method));
3455     Handle receiver(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve(obj));
3456     objArrayHandle args(THREAD, objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve(args0)));
3457     oop result = Reflection::invoke_method(method_handle(), receiver, args, CHECK_NULL);
3458     jobject res = JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
3459     if (JvmtiExport::should_post_vm_object_alloc()) {
3460       oop ret_type = java_lang_reflect_Method::return_type(method_handle());
3461       assert(ret_type != NULL, "sanity check: ret_type oop must not be NULL!");
3462       if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(ret_type)) {
3463         // Only for primitive type vm allocates memory for java object.
3464         // See box() method.
3465         JvmtiExport::post_vm_object_alloc(JavaThread::current(), result);
3466       }
3467     }
3468     return res;
3469   } else {
3470     THROW_0(vmSymbols::java_lang_StackOverflowError());
3471   }
3472 JVM_END
3475 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_NewInstanceFromConstructor(JNIEnv *env, jobject c, jobjectArray args0))
3476   JVMWrapper("JVM_NewInstanceFromConstructor");
3477   oop constructor_mirror = JNIHandles::resolve(c);
3478   objArrayHandle args(THREAD, objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve(args0)));
3479   oop result = Reflection::invoke_constructor(constructor_mirror, args, CHECK_NULL);
3480   jobject res = JNIHandles::make_local(env, result);
3481   if (JvmtiExport::should_post_vm_object_alloc()) {
3482     JvmtiExport::post_vm_object_alloc(JavaThread::current(), result);
3483   }
3484   return res;
3485 JVM_END
3487 // Atomic ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3489 JVM_LEAF(jboolean, JVM_SupportsCX8())
3490   JVMWrapper("JVM_SupportsCX8");
3491   return VM_Version::supports_cx8();
3492 JVM_END
3494 // Returns an array of all live Thread objects (VM internal JavaThreads,
3495 // jvmti agent threads, and JNI attaching threads  are skipped)
3496 // See CR 6404306 regarding JNI attaching threads
3497 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetAllThreads(JNIEnv *env, jclass dummy))
3498   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
3499   ThreadsListEnumerator tle(THREAD, false, false);
3500   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3502   int num_threads = tle.num_threads();
3503   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Thread_klass(), num_threads, CHECK_NULL);
3504   objArrayHandle threads_ah(THREAD, r);
3506   for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
3507     Handle h = tle.get_threadObj(i);
3508     threads_ah->obj_at_put(i, h());
3509   }
3511   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, threads_ah());
3512 JVM_END
3515 // Support for java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace() and getAllStackTraces() methods
3516 // Return StackTraceElement[][], each element is the stack trace of a thread in
3517 // the corresponding entry in the given threads array
3518 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_DumpThreads(JNIEnv *env, jclass threadClass, jobjectArray threads))
3519   JVMWrapper("JVM_DumpThreads");
3520   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3522   // Check if threads is null
3523   if (threads == NULL) {
3524     THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), 0);
3525   }
3527   objArrayOop a = objArrayOop(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(threads));
3528   objArrayHandle ah(THREAD, a);
3529   int num_threads = ah->length();
3530   // check if threads is non-empty array
3531   if (num_threads == 0) {
3532     THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), 0);
3533   }
3535   // check if threads is not an array of objects of Thread class
3536   Klass* k = ObjArrayKlass::cast(ah->klass())->element_klass();
3537   if (k != SystemDictionary::Thread_klass()) {
3538     THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), 0);
3539   }
3541   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
3543   GrowableArray<instanceHandle>* thread_handle_array = new GrowableArray<instanceHandle>(num_threads);
3544   for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
3545     oop thread_obj = ah->obj_at(i);
3546     instanceHandle h(THREAD, (instanceOop) thread_obj);
3547     thread_handle_array->append(h);
3548   }
3550   // The JavaThread references in thread_handle_array are validated
3551   // in VM_ThreadDump::doit().
3552   Handle stacktraces = ThreadService::dump_stack_traces(thread_handle_array, num_threads, CHECK_NULL);
3553   return (jobjectArray)JNIHandles::make_local(env, stacktraces());
3555 JVM_END
3557 // JVM monitoring and management support
3558 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void*, JVM_GetManagement(jint version))
3559   return Management::get_jmm_interface(version);
3560 JVM_END
3562 // com.sun.tools.attach.VirtualMachine agent properties support
3563 //
3564 // Initialize the agent properties with the properties maintained in the VM
3565 JVM_ENTRY(jobject, JVM_InitAgentProperties(JNIEnv *env, jobject properties))
3566   JVMWrapper("JVM_InitAgentProperties");
3567   ResourceMark rm;
3569   Handle props(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(properties));
3571   PUTPROP(props, "sun.java.command", Arguments::java_command());
3572   PUTPROP(props, "sun.jvm.flags", Arguments::jvm_flags());
3573   PUTPROP(props, "sun.jvm.args", Arguments::jvm_args());
3574   return properties;
3575 JVM_END
3577 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetEnclosingMethodInfo(JNIEnv *env, jclass ofClass))
3578 {
3579   JVMWrapper("JVM_GetEnclosingMethodInfo");
3580   JvmtiVMObjectAllocEventCollector oam;
3582   if (ofClass == NULL) {
3583     return NULL;
3584   }
3585   Handle mirror(THREAD, JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(ofClass));
3586   // Special handling for primitive objects
3587   if (java_lang_Class::is_primitive(mirror())) {
3588     return NULL;
3589   }
3590   Klass* k = java_lang_Class::as_Klass(mirror());
3591   if (!k->is_instance_klass()) {
3592     return NULL;
3593   }
3594   InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
3595   int encl_method_class_idx = ik->enclosing_method_class_index();
3596   if (encl_method_class_idx == 0) {
3597     return NULL;
3598   }
3599   objArrayOop dest_o = oopFactory::new_objArray(SystemDictionary::Object_klass(), 3, CHECK_NULL);
3600   objArrayHandle dest(THREAD, dest_o);
3601   Klass* enc_k = ik->constants()->klass_at(encl_method_class_idx, CHECK_NULL);
3602   dest->obj_at_put(0, enc_k->java_mirror());
3603   int encl_method_method_idx = ik->enclosing_method_method_index();
3604   if (encl_method_method_idx != 0) {
3605     Symbol* sym = ik->constants()->symbol_at(
3606                         extract_low_short_from_int(
3607                           ik->constants()->name_and_type_at(encl_method_method_idx)));
3608     Handle str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(sym, CHECK_NULL);
3609     dest->obj_at_put(1, str());
3610     sym = ik->constants()->symbol_at(
3611               extract_high_short_from_int(
3612                 ik->constants()->name_and_type_at(encl_method_method_idx)));
3613     str = java_lang_String::create_from_symbol(sym, CHECK_NULL);
3614     dest->obj_at_put(2, str());
3615   }
3616   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(dest());
3617 }
3618 JVM_END
3620 JVM_ENTRY(void, JVM_GetVersionInfo(JNIEnv* env, jvm_version_info* info, size_t info_size))
3621 {
3622   memset(info, 0, info_size);
3624   info->jvm_version = Abstract_VM_Version::jvm_version();
3625   info->patch_version = Abstract_VM_Version::vm_patch_version();
3627   // when we add a new capability in the jvm_version_info struct, we should also
3628   // consider to expose this new capability in the sun.rt.jvmCapabilities jvmstat
3629   // counter defined in runtimeService.cpp.
3630   info->is_attach_supported = AttachListener::is_attach_supported();
3631 }
3632 JVM_END
3634 // Returns an array of java.lang.String objects containing the input arguments to the VM.
3635 JVM_ENTRY(jobjectArray, JVM_GetVmArguments(JNIEnv *env))
3636   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
3638   if (Arguments::num_jvm_args() == 0 && Arguments::num_jvm_flags() == 0) {
3639     return NULL;
3640   }
3642   char** vm_flags = Arguments::jvm_flags_array();
3643   char** vm_args = Arguments::jvm_args_array();
3644   int num_flags = Arguments::num_jvm_flags();
3645   int num_args = Arguments::num_jvm_args();
3647   InstanceKlass* ik = SystemDictionary::String_klass();
3648   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(ik, num_args + num_flags, CHECK_NULL);
3649   objArrayHandle result_h(THREAD, r);
3651   int index = 0;
3652   for (int j = 0; j < num_flags; j++, index++) {
3653     Handle h = java_lang_String::create_from_platform_dependent_str(vm_flags[j], CHECK_NULL);
3654     result_h->obj_at_put(index, h());
3655   }
3656   for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++, index++) {
3657     Handle h = java_lang_String::create_from_platform_dependent_str(vm_args[i], CHECK_NULL);
3658     result_h->obj_at_put(index, h());
3659   }
3660   return (jobjectArray) JNIHandles::make_local(env, result_h());
3661 JVM_END
3663 JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jint, JVM_FindSignal(const char *name))
3664   return os::get_signal_number(name);
3665 JVM_END