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*** 146,190 **** JAXWS_TOPDIR:=@JAXWS_TOPDIR@ HOTSPOT_TOPDIR:=@HOTSPOT_TOPDIR@ NASHORN_TOPDIR:=@NASHORN_TOPDIR@ COPYRIGHT_YEAR:=@COPYRIGHT_YEAR@ ! # Information gathered from the version.numbers file. ! JDK_MAJOR_VERSION:=@JDK_MAJOR_VERSION@ ! JDK_MINOR_VERSION:=@JDK_MINOR_VERSION@ ! JDK_MICRO_VERSION:=@JDK_MICRO_VERSION@ ! JDK_UPDATE_VERSION:=@JDK_UPDATE_VERSION@ ! JDK_BUILD_NUMBER:=@JDK_BUILD_NUMBER@ ! MILESTONE:=@MILESTONE@ LAUNCHER_NAME:=@LAUNCHER_NAME@ PRODUCT_NAME:=@PRODUCT_NAME@ PRODUCT_SUFFIX:=@PRODUCT_SUFFIX@ JDK_RC_PLATFORM_NAME:=@JDK_RC_PLATFORM_NAME@ COMPANY_NAME:=@COMPANY_NAME@ MACOSX_BUNDLE_NAME_BASE=@MACOSX_BUNDLE_NAME_BASE@ MACOSX_BUNDLE_ID_BASE=@MACOSX_BUNDLE_ID_BASE@ - USER_RELEASE_SUFFIX=@USER_RELEASE_SUFFIX@ ! # Different version strings generated from the above information. ! JDK_VERSION:=@JDK_VERSION@ RUNTIME_NAME=$(PRODUCT_NAME) $(PRODUCT_SUFFIX) - COOKED_BUILD_NUMBER:=@COOKED_BUILD_NUMBER@ - # These variables need to be generated here so that MILESTONE and - # JDK_BUILD_NUMBER can be overridden on the make command line. - ifeq ($(MILESTONE), fcs) - RELEASE=$(JDK_VERSION)$(BUILD_VARIANT_RELEASE) - else - RELEASE=$(JDK_VERSION)-$(MILESTONE)$(BUILD_VARIANT_RELEASE) - endif - - ifneq ($(USER_RELEASE_SUFFIX), ) - FULL_VERSION=$(RELEASE)-$(USER_RELEASE_SUFFIX)-$(JDK_BUILD_NUMBER) - else - FULL_VERSION=$(RELEASE)-$(JDK_BUILD_NUMBER) - endif - JRE_RELEASE_VERSION:=$(FULL_VERSION) - JDK_VERSION_FOR_MANIFEST := $(JDK_MINOR_VERSION).$(JDK_MICRO_VERSION).$(if $(JDK_UPDATE_VERSION),$(JDK_UPDATE_VERSION),0).$(COOKED_BUILD_NUMBER) # How to compile the code: release, fastdebug or slowdebug DEBUG_LEVEL:=@DEBUG_LEVEL@ # This is the JDK variant to build. --- 146,209 ---- JAXWS_TOPDIR:=@JAXWS_TOPDIR@ HOTSPOT_TOPDIR:=@HOTSPOT_TOPDIR@ NASHORN_TOPDIR:=@NASHORN_TOPDIR@ COPYRIGHT_YEAR:=@COPYRIGHT_YEAR@ ! # New (JEP-223) version information ! ! ## Building blocks of the version string ! # First three version numbers, with well-specified meanings (numerical) ! VERSION_MAJOR := @VERSION_MAJOR@ ! VERSION_MINOR := @VERSION_MINOR@ ! VERSION_SECURITY := @VERSION_SECURITY@ ! # Optional fourth element for use by OpenJDK consumers (numerical) ! VERSION_PATCH := @VERSION_PATCH@ ! # The pre-release identifier (string) ! VERSION_PRE := @VERSION_PRE@ ! # The build number (numerical) ! VERSION_BUILD := @VERSION_BUILD@ ! # Optional build information (string) ! VERSION_OPT := @VERSION_OPT@ ! ! ## Composite variables ! # The version number as a dot separated sequence of numbers, e.g. 9.0.1 ! VERSION_NUMBER := @VERSION_NUMBER@ ! # VERSION_NUMBER but always with exactly 4 positions, with 0 for empty positions. ! VERSION_NUMBER_FOUR_POSITIONS := @VERSION_NUMBER_FOUR_POSITIONS@ ! # The complete version string, with additional build information ! VERSION_STRING := @VERSION_STRING@ ! # The short version string, without trailing zeroes and just PRE, if present. ! VERSION_SHORT := @VERSION_SHORT@ ! # The Java specification version. It should be equal to version number. ! VERSION_SPECIFICATION := @VERSION_NUMBER@ ! ! # Convenience CFLAGS settings for passing version information into native programs. ! VERSION_CFLAGS := \ ! -DVERSION_MAJOR=$(VERSION_MAJOR) \ ! -DVERSION_MINOR=$(VERSION_MINOR) \ ! -DVERSION_SECURITY=$(VERSION_SECURITY) \ ! -DVERSION_PATCH=$(VERSION_PATCH) \ ! -DVERSION_PRE='"$(VERSION_PRE)"' \ ! -DVERSION_BUILD=$(VERSION_BUILD) \ ! -DVERSION_OPT='"$(VERSION_OPT)"' \ ! -DVERSION_NUMBER='"$(VERSION_NUMBER)"' \ ! -DVERSION_STRING='"$(VERSION_STRING)"' \ ! -DVERSION_SHORT='"$(VERSION_SHORT)"' \ ! -DVERSION_SPECIFICATION='"$(VERSION_SPECIFICATION)"' \ ! # ! ! # Platform naming variables LAUNCHER_NAME:=@LAUNCHER_NAME@ PRODUCT_NAME:=@PRODUCT_NAME@ PRODUCT_SUFFIX:=@PRODUCT_SUFFIX@ JDK_RC_PLATFORM_NAME:=@JDK_RC_PLATFORM_NAME@ COMPANY_NAME:=@COMPANY_NAME@ MACOSX_BUNDLE_NAME_BASE=@MACOSX_BUNDLE_NAME_BASE@ MACOSX_BUNDLE_ID_BASE=@MACOSX_BUNDLE_ID_BASE@ ! # Different naming strings generated from the above information. RUNTIME_NAME=$(PRODUCT_NAME) $(PRODUCT_SUFFIX) # How to compile the code: release, fastdebug or slowdebug DEBUG_LEVEL:=@DEBUG_LEVEL@ # This is the JDK variant to build.
*** 686,697 **** # Symbols image SYMBOLS_IMAGE_SUBDIR:=symbols SYMBOLS_IMAGE_DIR=$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/$(SYMBOLS_IMAGE_SUBDIR) # Macosx bundles directory definitions ! JDK_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR=jdk-bundle/jdk$(JDK_VERSION).jdk/Contents ! JRE_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR=jre-bundle/jre$(JDK_VERSION).jre/Contents JDK_MACOSX_BUNDLE_DIR=$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/$(JDK_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR) JRE_MACOSX_BUNDLE_DIR=$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/$(JRE_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR) # This macro is called to allow inclusion of closed source counterparts. # Unless overridden in closed sources, it expands to nothing. --- 705,716 ---- # Symbols image SYMBOLS_IMAGE_SUBDIR:=symbols SYMBOLS_IMAGE_DIR=$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/$(SYMBOLS_IMAGE_SUBDIR) # Macosx bundles directory definitions ! JDK_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR=jdk-bundle/jdk$(VERSION_NUMBER).jdk/Contents ! JRE_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR=jre-bundle/jre$(VERSION_NUMBER).jre/Contents JDK_MACOSX_BUNDLE_DIR=$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/$(JDK_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR) JRE_MACOSX_BUNDLE_DIR=$(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR)/$(JRE_MACOSX_BUNDLE_SUBDIR) # This macro is called to allow inclusion of closed source counterparts. # Unless overridden in closed sources, it expands to nothing.
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