1 #
   2 # Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 #
   5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10 #
  11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 # accompanied this code).
  16 #
  17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 #
  21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 ################################################################################
  27 # This file contains helper functions for Init.gmk.
  28 # It is divided in two parts, depending on if a SPEC is present or not
  29 # (HAS_SPEC is true or not).
  30 ################################################################################
  32 ifndef _INITSUPPORT_GMK
  35 ifeq ($(HAS_SPEC),)
  37   # Include the corresponding closed file, if present.
  38   ifneq ($(CUSTOM_MAKE_DIR), )
  39     -include $(CUSTOM_MAKE_DIR)/InitSupport.gmk
  40   endif
  42   ##############################################################################
  43   # Helper functions for the initial part of Init.gmk, before the spec file is
  44   # loaded. Most of these functions provide parsing and setting up make options
  45   # from the command-line.
  46   ##############################################################################
  48   # Make control variables, handled by Init.gmk
  52   # All known make control variables
  55   # Define a simple reverse function.
  56   # Should maybe move to MakeBase.gmk, but we can't include that file now.
  57   reverse = \
  58       $(if $(strip $(1)), $(call reverse, $(wordlist 2, $(words $(1)), $(1)))) \
  59           $(firstword $(1))
  61   # The variable MAKEOVERRIDES contains variable assignments from the command
  62   # line, but in reverse order to what the user entered.
  63   # The '\#' <=> '\ 'dance is needed to keep values with space in them connected.
  64   COMMAND_LINE_VARIABLES := $(subst \#,\ , $(call reverse, $(subst \ ,\#,$(MAKEOVERRIDES))))
  66   # A list like FOO="val1" BAR="val2" containing all user-supplied make
  67   # variables that we should propagate.
  68   # The '\#' <=> '\ 'dance is needed to keep values with space in them connected.
  69   USER_MAKE_VARS := $(subst \#,\ , $(filter-out $(addsuffix =%, $(INIT_CONTROL_VARIABLES)), \
  70       $(subst \ ,\#,$(MAKEOVERRIDES))))
  72   # Setup information about available configurations, if any.
  73   ifneq ($(CUSTOM_ROOT), )
  74     build_dir=$(CUSTOM_ROOT)/build
  75   else
  76     build_dir=$(topdir)/build
  77   endif
  78   all_spec_files=$(wildcard $(build_dir)/*/spec.gmk)
  79   # Extract the configuration names from the path
  80   all_confs=$(patsubst %/spec.gmk, %, $(patsubst $(build_dir)/%, %, $(all_spec_files)))
  82   # Check for unknown command-line variables
  83   define CheckControlVariables
  84     command_line_variables := $$(strip $$(foreach var, \
  85         $$(subst \ ,_,$$(MAKEOVERRIDES)), \
  86         $$(firstword $$(subst =, , $$(var)))))
  87     unknown_command_line_variables := $$(strip \
  88         $$(filter-out $$(MAKE_CONTROL_VARIABLES), $$(command_line_variables)))
  89     ifneq ($$(unknown_command_line_variables), )
  90       $$(info Note: Command line contains non-control variables:)
  91       $$(foreach var, $$(unknown_command_line_variables), $$(info * $$(var)=$$($$(var))))
  92       $$(info Make sure it is not mistyped, and that you intend to override this variable.)
  93       $$(info 'make help' will list known control variables.)
  94       $$(info )
  95     endif
  96   endef
  98   # Check for deprecated ALT_ variables
  99   define CheckDeprecatedEnvironment
 100     defined_alt_variables := $$(filter ALT_%, $$(.VARIABLES))
 101     ifneq ($$(defined_alt_variables), )
 102       $$(info Warning: You have the following ALT_ variables set:)
 103       $$(foreach var, $$(defined_alt_variables), $$(info * $$(var)=$$($$(var))))
 104       $$(info ALT_ variables are deprecated, and may result in a failed build.)
 105       $$(info Please clean your environment.)
 106       $$(info )
 107     endif
 108   endef
 110   # Check for invalid make flags like -j
 111   define CheckInvalidMakeFlags
 112     # This is a trick to get this rule to execute before any other rules
 113     # MAKEFLAGS only indicate -j if read in a recipe (!)
 114     $$(topdir)/make/Init.gmk: .FORCE
 115         $$(if $$(findstring --jobserver, $$(MAKEFLAGS)), \
 116             $$(info Error: 'make -jN' is not supported, use 'make JOBS=N') \
 117             $$(error Cannot continue) \
 118         )
 119     .FORCE:
 120     .PHONY: .FORCE
 121   endef
 123   # Check that the CONF_CHECK option is valid and set up handling
 124   define ParseConfCheckOption
 125     ifeq ($$(CONF_CHECK), )
 126       # Default behavior is fail
 127       CONF_CHECK := fail
 128     else ifneq ($$(filter-out auto fail ignore, $$(CONF_CHECK)),)
 129       $$(info Error: CONF_CHECK must be one of: auto, fail or ignore.)
 130       $$(error Cannot continue)
 131     endif
 132   endef
 134   # Look for a given option in the LOG variable, and if found, set a variable
 135   # and remove the option from the LOG variable
 136   # $1: The option to look for
 137   # $2: The option to set to "true" if the option is found
 138   define ParseLogOption
 139     ifneq ($$(findstring $1, $$(LOG)),)
 140       $2 := true
 141       # COMMA is defined in spec.gmk, but that is not included yet
 142       COMMA := ,
 143       # First try to remove ",<option>" if it exists, otherwise just remove "<option>"
 144       LOG_STRIPPED := $$(subst $1,, $$(subst $$(COMMA)$(strip $1),, $$(LOG)))
 145       # We might have ended up with a leading comma. Remove it. Need override
 146       # since LOG is set from the command line.
 147       override LOG := $$(strip $$(patsubst $$(COMMA)%, %, $$(LOG_STRIPPED)))
 148     endif
 149   endef
 151   define ParseLogLevel
 152     # Catch old-style VERBOSE= command lines.
 153     ifneq ($$(origin VERBOSE), undefined)
 154       $$(info Error: VERBOSE is deprecated. Use LOG=<warn|info|debug|trace> instead.)
 155       $$(error Cannot continue)
 156     endif
 158     # Setup logging according to LOG
 160     # If the "nofile" argument is given, act on it and strip it away
 161     $$(eval $$(call ParseLogOption, nofile, LOG_NOFILE))
 163     # If the "cmdline" argument is given, act on it and strip it away
 164     $$(eval $$(call ParseLogOption, cmdlines, LOG_CMDLINES))
 166     # If the "profile-to-log" argument is given, write shell times in build log
 167     $$(eval $$(call ParseLogOption, profile-to-log, LOG_PROFILE_TIMES_LOG))
 169     # If the "profile" argument is given, write shell times in separate log file
 170     # IMPORTANT: $(ParseLogOption profile-to-log) should go first. Otherwise
 171     # parsing of 'LOG=debug,profile-to-log,nofile' ends up in the following error:
 172     # Error: LOG contains unknown option or log level: debug-to-log.
 173     $$(eval $$(call ParseLogOption, profile, LOG_PROFILE_TIMES_FILE))
 175     # Treat LOG=profile-to-log as if it were LOG=profile,profile-to-log
 178     LOG_LEVEL := $$(LOG)
 180     ifeq ($$(LOG_LEVEL),)
 181       # Set LOG to "warn" as default if not set
 182       LOG_LEVEL := warn
 183     endif
 185     ifeq ($$(LOG_LEVEL), warn)
 186       MAKE_LOG_FLAGS := -s
 187     else ifeq ($$(LOG_LEVEL), info)
 188       MAKE_LOG_FLAGS := -s
 189     else ifeq ($$(LOG_LEVEL), debug)
 190       MAKE_LOG_FLAGS :=
 191     else ifeq ($$(LOG_LEVEL), trace)
 192       MAKE_LOG_FLAGS :=
 193     else
 194       $$(info Error: LOG contains unknown option or log level: $$(LOG).)
 195       $$(info LOG can be <level>[,<opt>[...]] where <opt> is nofile | cmdlines | profile | profile-to-log)
 196       $$(info and <level> is warn | info | debug | trace)
 197       $$(error Cannot continue)
 198     endif
 199   endef
 201   define ParseConfAndSpec
 202     ifneq ($$(origin SPEC), undefined)
 203       # We have been given a SPEC, check that it works out properly
 204       ifneq ($$(origin CONF), undefined)
 205         # We also have a CONF argument. We can't have both.
 206         $$(info Error: Cannot use CONF=$$(CONF) and SPEC=$$(SPEC) at the same time. Choose one.)
 207         $$(error Cannot continue)
 208       endif
 209       ifneq ($$(origin CONF_NAME), undefined)
 210         # We also have a CONF_NAME argument. We can't have both.
 211         $$(info Error: Cannot use CONF_NAME=$$(CONF_NAME) and SPEC=$$(SPEC) at the same time. Choose one.)
 212         $$(error Cannot continue)
 213       endif
 214       ifeq ($$(wildcard $$(SPEC)),)
 215         $$(info Error: Cannot locate spec.gmk, given by SPEC=$$(SPEC).)
 216         $$(error Cannot continue)
 217       endif
 218       ifeq ($$(filter /%, $$(SPEC)),)
 219         # If given with relative path, make it absolute
 220         SPECS := $$(CURDIR)/$$(strip $$(SPEC))
 221       else
 222         SPECS := $$(SPEC)
 223       endif
 225       # For now, unset this SPEC variable.
 226       override SPEC :=
 227     else
 228       # Use spec.gmk files in the build output directory
 229       ifeq ($$(all_spec_files),)
 230         ifneq ($(CUSTOM_ROOT), )
 231           $$(info Error: No configurations found for $$(CUSTOM_ROOT).)
 232         else
 233           $$(info Error: No configurations found for $$(topdir).)
 234         endif
 235         $$(info Please run 'bash configure' to create a configuration.)
 236         $$(info )
 237         $$(error Cannot continue)
 238       endif
 240       ifneq ($$(origin CONF_NAME), undefined)
 241         ifneq ($$(origin CONF), undefined)
 242           # We also have a CONF argument. We can't have both.
 243           $$(info Error: Cannot use CONF=$$(CONF) and CONF_NAME=$$(CONF_NAME) at the same time. Choose one.)
 244           $$(error Cannot continue)
 245         endif
 246         matching_conf := $$(strip $$(filter $$(CONF_NAME), $$(all_confs)))
 247         ifeq ($$(matching_conf),)
 248           $$(info Error: No configurations found matching CONF_NAME=$$(CONF_NAME).)
 249           $$(info Available configurations in $$(build_dir):)
 250           $$(foreach var, $$(all_confs), $$(info * $$(var)))
 251           $$(error Cannot continue)
 252         else ifneq ($$(words $$(matching_conf)), 1)
 253           $$(info Error: Matching more than one configuration CONF_NAME=$$(CONF_NAME).)
 254           $$(info Available configurations in $$(build_dir):)
 255           $$(foreach var, $$(all_confs), $$(info * $$(var)))
 256           $$(error Cannot continue)
 257         else
 258           $$(info Building configuration '$$(matching_conf)' (matching CONF_NAME=$$(CONF_NAME)))
 259         endif
 260         # Create a SPEC definition. This will contain the path to exactly one spec file.
 261         SPECS := $$(build_dir)/$$(matching_conf)/spec.gmk
 262       else ifneq ($$(origin CONF), undefined)
 263         # User have given a CONF= argument.
 264         ifeq ($$(CONF),)
 265           # If given CONF=, match all configurations
 266           matching_confs := $$(strip $$(all_confs))
 267         else
 268           # Otherwise select those that contain the given CONF string
 269           matching_confs := $$(strip $$(foreach var, $$(all_confs), \
 270               $$(if $$(findstring $$(CONF), $$(var)), $$(var))))
 271         endif
 272         ifeq ($$(matching_confs),)
 273           $$(info Error: No configurations found matching CONF=$$(CONF).)
 274           $$(info Available configurations in $$(build_dir):)
 275           $$(foreach var, $$(all_confs), $$(info * $$(var)))
 276           $$(error Cannot continue)
 277         else
 278           # Don't repeat this output on make restarts caused by including
 279           # generated files.
 280           ifeq ($$(MAKE_RESTARTS),)
 281             ifeq ($$(words $$(matching_confs)), 1)
 282               ifneq ($$(findstring $$(LOG_LEVEL), info debug trace),)
 283                 $$(info Building configuration '$$(matching_confs)' (matching CONF=$$(CONF)))
 284               endif
 285             else
 286               $$(info Building these configurations (matching CONF=$$(CONF)):)
 287               $$(foreach var, $$(matching_confs), $$(info * $$(var)))
 288             endif
 289           endif
 290         endif
 292         # Create a SPEC definition. This will contain the path to one or more spec.gmk files.
 293         SPECS := $$(addsuffix /spec.gmk, $$(addprefix $$(build_dir)/, $$(matching_confs)))
 294       else
 295         # No CONF or SPEC given, check the available configurations
 296         ifneq ($$(words $$(all_spec_files)), 1)
 297           $$(info Error: No CONF given, but more than one configuration found.)
 298           $$(info Available configurations in $$(build_dir):)
 299           $$(foreach var, $$(all_confs), $$(info * $$(var)))
 300           $$(info Please retry building with CONF=<config pattern> (or SPEC=<spec file>).)
 301           $$(info )
 302           $$(error Cannot continue)
 303         endif
 305         # We found exactly one configuration, use it
 306         SPECS := $$(strip $$(all_spec_files))
 307       endif
 308     endif
 309   endef
 311   # Extract main targets from Main.gmk using the spec provided in $2.
 312   #
 313   # Param 1: FORCE = force generation of main-targets.gmk or LAZY = do not force.
 314   # Param 2: The SPEC file to use.
 315   define DefineMainTargets
 317     # We will start by making sure the main-targets.gmk file is removed, if
 318     # make has not been restarted. By the -include, we will trigger the
 319     # rule for generating the file (which is never there since we removed it),
 320     # thus generating it fresh, and make will restart, incrementing the restart
 321     # count.
 322     main_targets_file := $$(dir $(strip $2))make-support/main-targets.gmk
 324     ifeq ($$(MAKE_RESTARTS),)
 325       # Only do this if make has not been restarted, and if we do not force it.
 326       ifeq ($(strip $1), FORCE)
 327         $$(shell rm -f $$(main_targets_file))
 328       endif
 329     endif
 331     $$(main_targets_file):
 332         @( cd $$(topdir) && \
 333         $$(MAKE) $$(MAKE_LOG_FLAGS) -r -R -f $$(topdir)/make/Main.gmk \
 334             -I $$(topdir)/make/common SPEC=$(strip $2) NO_RECIPES=true \
 335             $$(MAKE_LOG_VARS) \
 336             create-main-targets-include )
 338     # Now include main-targets.gmk. This will define ALL_MAIN_TARGETS.
 339     -include $$(main_targets_file)
 340   endef
 342   define PrintConfCheckFailed
 343         @echo ' '
 344         @echo "Please rerun configure! Easiest way to do this is by running"
 345         @echo "'make reconfigure'."
 346         @echo "This behavior may also be changed using CONF_CHECK=<ignore|auto>."
 347         @echo ' '
 348   endef
 350 else # $(HAS_SPEC)=true
 351   ##############################################################################
 352   # Helper functions for the 'main' target. These functions assume a single,
 353   # proper and existing SPEC is included.
 354   ##############################################################################
 356   include $(TOPDIR)/make/common/MakeBase.gmk
 358   # Define basic logging setup
 359   BUILD_LOG := $(OUTPUTDIR)/build.log
 360   BUILD_PROFILE_LOG := $(OUTPUTDIR)/build-profile.log
 362   BUILD_LOG_PIPE := > >($(TEE) -a $(BUILD_LOG)) 2> >($(TEE) -a $(BUILD_LOG) >&2) && wait
 364   ifneq ($(CUSTOM_ROOT), )
 365     topdir=$(CUSTOM_ROOT)
 366   else
 367     topdir=$(TOPDIR)
 368   endif
 371   # Syntax: COMPARE_BUILD=CONF=<configure options>:PATCH=<patch file>:
 372   #         MAKE=<make targets>:COMP_OPTS=<compare script options>:
 373   #         COMP_DIR=<compare script base dir>|<default>:
 374   #         FAIL=<bool>
 375   # If neither CONF or PATCH is given, assume <default> means CONF if it
 376   # begins with "--", otherwise assume it means PATCH.
 377   # MAKE and COMP_OPTS can only be used with CONF and/or PATCH specified.
 378   # If any value contains "+", it will be replaced by space.
 379   # FAIL can be set to false to have the return value of compare be ignored.
 380   define ParseCompareBuild
 381     ifneq ($$(COMPARE_BUILD), )
 382       COMPARE_BUILD_OUTPUTDIR := $(topdir)/build/compare-build/$(CONF_NAME)
 383       COMPARE_BUILD_FAIL := true
 385       ifneq ($$(findstring :, $$(COMPARE_BUILD)), )
 386         $$(foreach part, $$(subst :, , $$(COMPARE_BUILD)), \
 387           $$(if $$(filter PATCH=%, $$(part)), \
 388             $$(eval COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH=$$(strip $$(patsubst PATCH=%, %, $$(part)))) \
 389           ) \
 390           $$(if $$(filter CONF=%, $$(part)), \
 391             $$(eval COMPARE_BUILD_CONF=$$(strip $$(subst +, , $$(patsubst CONF=%, %, $$(part))))) \
 392           ) \
 393           $$(if $$(filter MAKE=%, $$(part)), \
 394             $$(eval COMPARE_BUILD_MAKE=$$(strip $$(subst +, , $$(patsubst MAKE=%, %, $$(part))))) \
 395           ) \
 396           $$(if $$(filter COMP_OPTS=%, $$(part)), \
 397             $$(eval COMPARE_BUILD_COMP_OPTS=$$(strip $$(subst +, , $$(patsubst COMP_OPTS=%, %, $$(part))))) \
 398           ) \
 399           $$(if $$(filter COMP_DIR=%, $$(part)), \
 400             $$(eval COMPARE_BUILD_COMP_DIR=$$(strip $$(subst +, , $$(patsubst COMP_DIR=%, %, $$(part))))) \
 401           ) \
 402           $$(if $$(filter FAIL=%, $$(part)), \
 403             $$(eval COMPARE_BUILD_FAIL=$$(strip $$(subst +, , $$(patsubst FAIL=%, %, $$(part))))) \
 404           ) \
 405         )
 406       else
 407         # Separate handling for single field case, to allow for spaces in values.
 408         ifneq ($$(filter PATCH=%, $$(COMPARE_BUILD)), )
 409           COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH=$$(strip $$(patsubst PATCH=%, %, $$(COMPARE_BUILD)))
 410         else ifneq ($$(filter CONF=%, $$(COMPARE_BUILD)), )
 411           COMPARE_BUILD_CONF=$$(strip $$(subst +, , $$(patsubst CONF=%, %, $$(COMPARE_BUILD))))
 412         else ifneq ($$(filter --%, $$(COMPARE_BUILD)), )
 413           # Assume CONF if value begins with --
 414           COMPARE_BUILD_CONF=$$(strip $$(subst +, , $$(COMPARE_BUILD)))
 415         else
 416           # Otherwise assume patch file
 417           COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH=$$(strip $$(COMPARE_BUILD))
 418         endif
 419       endif
 420       ifneq ($$(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH), )
 421         ifneq ($$(wildcard $$(topdir)/$$(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH)), )
 422           # Assume relative path, if file exists
 423           COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH := $$(wildcard $$(topdir)/$$(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH))
 424         else ifeq ($$(wildcard $$(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH)), )
 425           $$(error Patch file $$(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH) does not exist)
 426         endif
 427       endif
 428       ifneq ($$(COMPARE_BUILD_FAIL), true)
 429         COMPARE_BUILD_IGNORE_RESULT := || true
 430       endif
 431     endif
 432   endef
 434   # Prepare for a comparison rebuild
 435   define PrepareCompareBuild
 436         $(ECHO) "Preparing for comparison rebuild"
 437         # Apply patch, if any
 438         $(if $(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH), $(PATCH) -p1 < $(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH))
 439         # Move the first build away temporarily
 440         $(RM) -r $(topdir)/build/.compare-build-temp
 441         $(MKDIR) -p $(topdir)/build/.compare-build-temp
 442         $(MV) $(OUTPUTDIR) $(topdir)/build/.compare-build-temp
 443         # Restore an old compare-build, or create a new compare-build directory.
 444         if test -d $(COMPARE_BUILD_OUTPUTDIR); then \
 446         else \
 447           $(MKDIR) -p $(OUTPUTDIR); \
 448         fi
 449         # Re-run configure with the same arguments (and possibly some additional),
 450         # must be done after patching.
 451         ( cd $(OUTPUTDIR) && PATH="$(ORIGINAL_PATH)" \
 452             $(BASH) $(topdir)/configure $(CONFIGURE_COMMAND_LINE) $(COMPARE_BUILD_CONF))
 453   endef
 455   # Cleanup after a compare build
 456   define CleanupCompareBuild
 457         # If running with a COMPARE_BUILD patch, reverse-apply it
 458         $(if $(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH), $(PATCH) -R -p1 < $(COMPARE_BUILD_PATCH))
 459         # Move this build away and restore the original build
 460         $(MKDIR) -p $(topdir)/build/compare-build
 462         $(MV) $(topdir)/build/.compare-build-temp/$(CONF_NAME) $(OUTPUTDIR)
 463         $(RM) -r $(topdir)/build/.compare-build-temp
 464   endef
 466   # Do the actual comparison of two builds
 467   define CompareBuildDoComparison
 468         # Compare first and second build. Ignore any error code from compare.sh.
 469         $(ECHO) "Comparing between comparison rebuild (this/new) and baseline (other/old)"
 470         $(if $(COMPARE_BUILD_COMP_DIR), \
 471           +(cd $(COMPARE_BUILD_OUTPUTDIR) && ./compare.sh $(COMPARE_BUILD_COMP_OPTS) \
 472               -2dirs $(COMPARE_BUILD_OUTPUTDIR)/$(COMPARE_BUILD_COMP_DIR) \
 474           +(cd $(COMPARE_BUILD_OUTPUTDIR) && ./compare.sh $(COMPARE_BUILD_COMP_OPTS) \
 475               -o $(OUTPUTDIR) $(COMPARE_BUILD_IGNORE_RESULT)) \
 476         )
 477   endef
 479   define PrintFailureReports
 480         $(if $(wildcard $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/failure-logs/*.log), \
 481           $(PRINTF) "\n=== Output from failing command(s) repeated here ===\n" $(NEWLINE) \
 482           $(foreach logfile, $(sort $(wildcard $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/failure-logs/*.log)), \
 483               $(PRINTF) "* For target $(notdir $(basename $(logfile))):\n" $(NEWLINE) \
 484               ($(GREP) -v -e "^Note: including file:" <  $(logfile) || true) | $(HEAD) -n 12 $(NEWLINE) \
 485               if test `$(WC) -l < $(logfile)` -gt 12; then \
 486                 $(ECHO) "   ... (rest of output omitted)" ; \
 487               fi $(NEWLINE) \
 488           ) \
 489           $(PRINTF) "\n* All command lines available in $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/failure-logs.\n" $(NEWLINE) \
 490           $(PRINTF) "=== End of repeated output ===\n" \
 491         )
 492   endef
 494   define PrintBuildLogFailures
 495         if $(GREP) -q "recipe for target .* failed" $(BUILD_LOG) 2> /dev/null; then  \
 496           $(PRINTF) "\n=== Make failed targets repeated here ===\n" ; \
 497           $(GREP) "recipe for target .* failed" $(BUILD_LOG) ; \
 498           $(PRINTF) "=== End of repeated output ===\n" ; \
 499           $(PRINTF) "\nHint: Try searching the build log for the name of the first failed target.\n" ; \
 500         else \
 501           $(PRINTF) "\nNo indication of failed target found.\n" ; \
 502           $(PRINTF) "Hint: Try searching the build log for '] Error'.\n" ; \
 503         fi
 504   endef
 506   define RotateLogFiles
 507         $(RM) $(BUILD_LOG).old 2> /dev/null && \
 508         $(MV) $(BUILD_LOG) $(BUILD_LOG).old 2> /dev/null || true
 509         $(if $(findstring true, $(LOG_PROFILE_TIMES_FILE)), \
 510           $(RM) $(BUILD_PROFILE_LOG).old 2> /dev/null && \
 511           $(MV) $(BUILD_PROFILE_LOG) $(BUILD_PROFILE_LOG).old 2> /dev/null || true \
 512         )
 513   endef
 515   define PrepareFailureLogs
 516         $(RM) -r $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/failure-logs 2> /dev/null && \
 517         $(MKDIR) -p $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/failure-logs
 518         $(RM) $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/exit-with-error 2> /dev/null
 519   endef
 521   # Remove any javac server logs and port files. This
 522   # prevents a new make run to reuse the previous servers.
 523   define PrepareSmartJavac
 524         $(if $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR), \
 525           $(RM) -r $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR) 2> /dev/null && \
 526           $(MKDIR) -p $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR) \
 527         )
 528   endef
 530   define CleanupSmartJavac
 531         [ -f $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR)/server.port ] && $(ECHO) Stopping sjavac server && \
 532             $(TOUCH) $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR)/server.port.stop; true
 533   endef
 535   ifeq ($(OPENJDK_BUILD_OS), windows)
 536     # On windows we need to synchronize with the javac server to be able to
 537     # move or remove the build output directory. Since we have no proper
 538     # synchronization process, wait for a while and hope it helps. This is only
 539     # used by build comparisons.
 540     define WaitForSmartJavacFinish
 541         $(if $(SJAVAC_SERVER_DIR), \
 542           sleep 5\
 543         )
 544     endef
 545   else
 546     define WaitForSmartJavacFinish
 547     endef
 548   endif
 550   define StartGlobalTimer
 551         $(RM) -r $(BUILDTIMESDIR) 2> /dev/null && \
 552         $(MKDIR) -p $(BUILDTIMESDIR) && \
 553         $(call RecordStartTime,TOTAL)
 554   endef
 556   define StopGlobalTimer
 557         $(call RecordEndTime,TOTAL)
 558   endef
 560   # Find all build_time_* files and print their contents in a list sorted
 561   # on the name of the sub repository.
 562   define ReportBuildTimes
 563         $(PRINTF) $(LOG_INFO) -- \
 564             "----- Build times -------\nStart %s\nEnd   %s\n%s\n%s\n-------------------------\n" \
 565             "`$(CAT) $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_start_TOTAL_human_readable`" \
 566             "`$(CAT) $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_end_TOTAL_human_readable`" \
 567             "`$(LS) $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_diff_* | $(GREP) -v _TOTAL | \
 568             $(XARGS) $(CAT) | $(SORT) -k 2`" \
 569             "`$(CAT) $(BUILDTIMESDIR)/build_time_diff_TOTAL`" \
 570             $(BUILD_LOG_PIPE)
 571   endef
 573   define ReportProfileTimes
 574     $(if $(findstring true, $(LOG_PROFILE_TIMES_LOG)), \
 575       [ ! -f $(BUILD_PROFILE_LOG) ] || \
 576       { $(ECHO) Begin $(notdir $(BUILD_PROFILE_LOG)) && \
 577         $(CAT) $(BUILD_PROFILE_LOG) && \
 578         $(ECHO) End $(notdir $(BUILD_PROFILE_LOG)); \
 579       } \
 580       $(BUILD_LOG_PIPE)
 581     )
 582   endef
 584 endif # HAS_SPEC
 586 MAKE_LOG_VARS = $(foreach v, \
 588     $v=$($v) \
 589 )
 591 endif # _INITSUPPORT_GMK