/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "jni_util.h" #include "jlong.h" #include "sun_java2d_loops_GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.h" #include "Region.h" #include "GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.h" #include "AlphaMacros.h" static char *InitName = ""; static char *InitSig = ("(JLsun/java2d/loops/SurfaceType;" "Lsun/java2d/loops/CompositeType;" "Lsun/java2d/loops/SurfaceType;)V"); static char *RegisterName = "register"; static char *RegisterSig = "([Lsun/java2d/loops/GraphicsPrimitive;)V"; static jclass GraphicsPrimitiveMgr; static jclass GraphicsPrimitive; static jmethodID RegisterID; static jfieldID pNativePrimID; static jfieldID pixelID; static jfieldID eargbID; static jfieldID clipRegionID; static jfieldID compositeID; static jfieldID lcdTextContrastID; static jfieldID xorPixelID; static jfieldID xorColorID; static jfieldID alphaMaskID; static jfieldID ruleID; static jfieldID extraAlphaID; static jfieldID m00ID; static jfieldID m01ID; static jfieldID m02ID; static jfieldID m10ID; static jfieldID m11ID; static jfieldID m12ID; static jmethodID getRgbID; static jboolean InitPrimTypes(JNIEnv *env); static jboolean InitSurfaceTypes(JNIEnv *env, jclass SurfaceType); static jboolean InitCompositeTypes(JNIEnv *env, jclass CompositeType); JNIEXPORT jfieldID path2DTypesID; JNIEXPORT jfieldID path2DNumTypesID; JNIEXPORT jfieldID path2DWindingRuleID; JNIEXPORT jfieldID path2DFloatCoordsID; JNIEXPORT jfieldID sg2dStrokeHintID; JNIEXPORT jint sunHints_INTVAL_STROKE_PURE; /* * Class: sun_java2d_loops_GraphicsPrimitiveMgr * Method: initIDs * Signature: (Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/Class;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_java2d_loops_GraphicsPrimitiveMgr_initIDs (JNIEnv *env, jclass GPMgr, jclass GP, jclass ST, jclass CT, jclass SG2D, jclass Color, jclass AT, jclass XORComp, jclass AlphaComp, jclass Path2D, jclass Path2DFloat, jclass SHints) { jfieldID fid; initAlphaTables(); GraphicsPrimitiveMgr = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, GPMgr); GraphicsPrimitive = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, GP); if (GraphicsPrimitiveMgr == NULL || GraphicsPrimitive == NULL) { JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError(env, "creating global refs"); return; } if (!InitPrimTypes(env) || !InitSurfaceTypes(env, ST) || !InitCompositeTypes(env, CT)) { return; } CHECK_NULL(RegisterID = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, GPMgr, RegisterName, RegisterSig)); CHECK_NULL(pNativePrimID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, GP, "pNativePrim", "J")); CHECK_NULL(pixelID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, SG2D, "pixel", "I")); CHECK_NULL(eargbID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, SG2D, "eargb", "I")); CHECK_NULL(clipRegionID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, SG2D, "clipRegion", "Lsun/java2d/pipe/Region;")); CHECK_NULL(compositeID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, SG2D, "composite", "Ljava/awt/Composite;")); CHECK_NULL(lcdTextContrastID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, SG2D, "lcdTextContrast", "I")); CHECK_NULL(getRgbID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, Color, "getRGB", "()I")); CHECK_NULL(xorPixelID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, XORComp, "xorPixel", "I")); CHECK_NULL(xorColorID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, XORComp, "xorColor", "Ljava/awt/Color;")); CHECK_NULL(alphaMaskID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, XORComp, "alphaMask", "I")); CHECK_NULL(ruleID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AlphaComp, "rule", "I")); CHECK_NULL(extraAlphaID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AlphaComp, "extraAlpha", "F")); CHECK_NULL(m00ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AT, "m00", "D")); CHECK_NULL(m01ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AT, "m01", "D")); CHECK_NULL(m02ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AT, "m02", "D")); CHECK_NULL(m10ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AT, "m10", "D")); CHECK_NULL(m11ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AT, "m11", "D")); CHECK_NULL(m12ID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, AT, "m12", "D")); CHECK_NULL(path2DTypesID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, Path2D, "pointTypes", "[B")); CHECK_NULL(path2DNumTypesID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, Path2D, "numTypes", "I")); CHECK_NULL(path2DWindingRuleID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, Path2D, "windingRule", "I")); CHECK_NULL(path2DFloatCoordsID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, Path2DFloat, "floatCoords", "[F")); CHECK_NULL(sg2dStrokeHintID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, SG2D, "strokeHint", "I")); CHECK_NULL(fid = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, SHints, "INTVAL_STROKE_PURE", "I")); sunHints_INTVAL_STROKE_PURE = (*env)->GetStaticIntField(env, SHints, fid); } void GrPrim_RefineBounds(SurfaceDataBounds *bounds, jint transX, jint transY, jfloat *coords, jint maxCoords) { jint xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; if (maxCoords > 1) { xmin = xmax = transX + (jint)(*coords++ + 0.5); ymin = ymax = transY + (jint)(*coords++ + 0.5); for (;maxCoords > 1; maxCoords -= 2) { jint x = transX + (jint)(*coords++ + 0.5); jint y = transY + (jint)(*coords++ + 0.5); if (xmin > x) xmin = x; if (ymin > y) ymin = y; if (xmax < x) xmax = x; if (ymax < y) ymax = y; } if (++xmax < xmin) xmax--; if (++ymax < ymin) ymax--; if (bounds->x1 < xmin) bounds->x1 = xmin; if (bounds->y1 < ymin) bounds->y1 = ymin; if (bounds->x2 > xmax) bounds->x2 = xmax; if (bounds->y2 > ymax) bounds->y2 = ymax; } else { bounds->x2 = bounds->x1; bounds->y2 = bounds->y1; } } /* * Class: sun_java2d_loops_GraphicsPrimitiveMgr * Method: registerNativeLoops * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_java2d_loops_GraphicsPrimitiveMgr_registerNativeLoops (JNIEnv *env, jclass GPMgr) { RegisterFunc RegisterAnyByte; RegisterFunc RegisterByteBinary1Bit; RegisterFunc RegisterByteBinary2Bit; RegisterFunc RegisterByteBinary4Bit; RegisterFunc RegisterByteIndexed; RegisterFunc RegisterByteGray; RegisterFunc RegisterIndex8Gray; RegisterFunc RegisterIndex12Gray; RegisterFunc RegisterAnyShort; RegisterFunc RegisterUshort555Rgb; RegisterFunc RegisterUshort565Rgb; RegisterFunc RegisterUshort4444Argb; RegisterFunc RegisterUshort555Rgbx; RegisterFunc RegisterUshortGray; RegisterFunc RegisterUshortIndexed; RegisterFunc RegisterAny3Byte; RegisterFunc RegisterThreeByteBgr; RegisterFunc RegisterAnyInt; RegisterFunc RegisterIntArgb; RegisterFunc RegisterIntArgbPre; RegisterFunc RegisterIntArgbBm; RegisterFunc RegisterIntRgb; RegisterFunc RegisterIntBgr; RegisterFunc RegisterIntRgbx; RegisterFunc RegisterAny4Byte; RegisterFunc RegisterFourByteAbgr; RegisterFunc RegisterFourByteAbgrPre; if (!RegisterAnyByte(env) || !RegisterByteBinary1Bit(env) || !RegisterByteBinary2Bit(env) || !RegisterByteBinary4Bit(env) || !RegisterByteIndexed(env) || !RegisterByteGray(env) || !RegisterIndex8Gray(env) || !RegisterIndex12Gray(env) || !RegisterAnyShort(env) || !RegisterUshort555Rgb(env) || !RegisterUshort565Rgb(env) || !RegisterUshort4444Argb(env) || !RegisterUshort555Rgbx(env) || !RegisterUshortGray(env) || !RegisterUshortIndexed(env) || !RegisterAny3Byte(env) || !RegisterThreeByteBgr(env) || !RegisterAnyInt(env) || !RegisterIntArgb(env) || !RegisterIntArgbPre(env) || !RegisterIntArgbBm(env) || !RegisterIntRgb(env) || !RegisterIntBgr(env) || !RegisterIntRgbx(env) || !RegisterAny4Byte(env) || !RegisterFourByteAbgr(env) || !RegisterFourByteAbgrPre(env)) { return; } } #define _StartOf(T) ((T *) (&T##s)) #define _NumberOf(T) (sizeof(T##s) / sizeof(T)) #define _EndOf(T) (_StartOf(T) + _NumberOf(T)) #define PrimTypeStart _StartOf(PrimitiveType) #define PrimTypeEnd _EndOf(PrimitiveType) #define SurfTypeStart _StartOf(SurfaceType) #define SurfTypeEnd _EndOf(SurfaceType) #define CompTypeStart _StartOf(CompositeType) #define CompTypeEnd _EndOf(CompositeType) /* * This function initializes the global collection of PrimitiveType * structures by retrieving the necessary Java Class object and the * associated methodID of the necessary constructor. * * See PrimitiveTypes.* below. */ static jboolean InitPrimTypes(JNIEnv *env) { jboolean ok = JNI_TRUE; PrimitiveType *pPrimType; jclass cl; for (pPrimType = PrimTypeStart; pPrimType < PrimTypeEnd; pPrimType++) { cl = (*env)->FindClass(env, pPrimType->ClassName); if (cl == NULL) { ok = JNI_FALSE; break; } pPrimType->ClassObject = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, cl); pPrimType->Constructor = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cl, InitName, InitSig); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, cl); if (pPrimType->ClassObject == NULL || pPrimType->Constructor == NULL) { ok = JNI_FALSE; break; } } if (!ok) { for (pPrimType = PrimTypeStart; pPrimType < PrimTypeEnd; pPrimType++) { if (pPrimType->ClassObject != NULL) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, pPrimType->ClassObject); pPrimType->ClassObject = NULL; } pPrimType->Constructor = NULL; } } return ok; } /* * This function initializes the global collection of SurfaceType * or CompositeType structures by retrieving the corresponding Java * object stored as a static field on the Java Class. * * See SurfaceTypes.* below. * See CompositeeTypes.* below. */ static jboolean InitSimpleTypes (JNIEnv *env, jclass SimpleClass, char *SimpleSig, SurfCompHdr *pStart, SurfCompHdr *pEnd, jsize size) { jboolean ok = JNI_TRUE; SurfCompHdr *pHdr; jfieldID field; jobject obj; for (pHdr = pStart; pHdr < pEnd; pHdr = PtrAddBytes(pHdr, size)) { field = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, SimpleClass, pHdr->Name, SimpleSig); if (field == NULL) { ok = JNI_FALSE; break; } obj = (*env)->GetStaticObjectField(env, SimpleClass, field); if (obj == NULL) { ok = JNI_FALSE; break; } pHdr->Object = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, obj); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, obj); if (pHdr->Object == NULL) { ok = JNI_FALSE; break; } } if (!ok) { for (pHdr = pStart; pHdr < pEnd; pHdr = PtrAddBytes(pHdr, size)) { if (pHdr->Object != NULL) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, pHdr->Object); pHdr->Object = NULL; } } } return ok; } static jboolean InitSurfaceTypes(JNIEnv *env, jclass ST) { return InitSimpleTypes(env, ST, "Lsun/java2d/loops/SurfaceType;", (SurfCompHdr *) SurfTypeStart, (SurfCompHdr *) SurfTypeEnd, sizeof(SurfaceType)); } static jboolean InitCompositeTypes(JNIEnv *env, jclass CT) { return InitSimpleTypes(env, CT, "Lsun/java2d/loops/CompositeType;", (SurfCompHdr *) CompTypeStart, (SurfCompHdr *) CompTypeEnd, sizeof(CompositeType)); } /* * This function registers a set of Java GraphicsPrimitive objects * based on information stored in an array of NativePrimitive structures. */ jboolean RegisterPrimitives(JNIEnv *env, NativePrimitive *pPrim, jint NumPrimitives) { jarray primitives; int i; primitives = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, NumPrimitives, GraphicsPrimitive, NULL); if (primitives == NULL) { return JNI_FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < NumPrimitives; i++, pPrim++) { jint srcflags, dstflags; jobject prim; PrimitiveType *pType = pPrim->pPrimType; SurfaceType *pSrc = pPrim->pSrcType; CompositeType *pComp = pPrim->pCompType; SurfaceType *pDst = pPrim->pDstType; pPrim->funcs.initializer = MapAccelFunction(pPrim->funcs_c.initializer); /* * Calculate the necessary SurfaceData lock flags for the * source and destination surfaces based on the information * stored in the PrimitiveType, SurfaceType, and CompositeType * structures. The starting point is the values that are * already stored in the NativePrimitive structure. These * flags are usually left as 0, but can be filled in by * native primitive loops that have special needs that are * not deducible from their declared attributes. */ srcflags = pPrim->srcflags; dstflags = pPrim->dstflags; srcflags |= pType->srcflags; dstflags |= pType->dstflags; dstflags |= pComp->dstflags; if (srcflags & SD_LOCK_READ) srcflags |= pSrc->readflags; /* if (srcflags & SD_LOCK_WRITE) srcflags |= pSrc->writeflags; */ if (dstflags & SD_LOCK_READ) dstflags |= pDst->readflags; if (dstflags & SD_LOCK_WRITE) dstflags |= pDst->writeflags; pPrim->srcflags = srcflags; pPrim->dstflags = dstflags; prim = (*env)->NewObject(env, pType->ClassObject, pType->Constructor, ptr_to_jlong(pPrim), pSrc->hdr.Object, pComp->hdr.Object, pDst->hdr.Object); if (prim == NULL) { break; } (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, primitives, i, prim); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, prim); if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { break; } } if (i >= NumPrimitives) { /* No error - upcall to GraphicsPrimitiveMgr to register the * new primitives... */ (*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, GraphicsPrimitiveMgr, RegisterID, primitives); } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, primitives); return !((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)); } JNIEXPORT NativePrimitive * JNICALL GetNativePrim(JNIEnv *env, jobject gp) { NativePrimitive *pPrim; pPrim = (NativePrimitive *) JNU_GetLongFieldAsPtr(env, gp, pNativePrimID); if (pPrim == NULL) { JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Non-native Primitive invoked natively"); } return pPrim; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL GrPrim_Sg2dGetCompInfo(JNIEnv *env, jobject sg2d, NativePrimitive *pPrim, CompositeInfo *pCompInfo) { jobject comp; comp = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, sg2d, compositeID); (*pPrim->pCompType->getCompInfo)(env, pCompInfo, comp); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, comp); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL GrPrim_CompGetXorColor(JNIEnv *env, jobject comp) { jobject color; jint rgb; color = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, comp, xorColorID); rgb = (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, color, getRgbID); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, color); return rgb; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL GrPrim_Sg2dGetClip(JNIEnv *env, jobject sg2d, SurfaceDataBounds *bounds) { jobject clip = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, sg2d, clipRegionID); Region_GetBounds(env, clip, bounds); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL GrPrim_Sg2dGetPixel(JNIEnv *env, jobject sg2d) { return (*env)->GetIntField(env, sg2d, pixelID); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL GrPrim_Sg2dGetEaRGB(JNIEnv *env, jobject sg2d) { return (*env)->GetIntField(env, sg2d, eargbID); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL GrPrim_Sg2dGetLCDTextContrast(JNIEnv *env, jobject sg2d) { return (*env)->GetIntField(env, sg2d, lcdTextContrastID); } /* * Helper function for CompositeTypes.Xor */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL GrPrim_CompGetXorInfo(JNIEnv *env, CompositeInfo *pCompInfo, jobject comp) { pCompInfo->rule = RULE_Xor; pCompInfo->details.xorPixel = (*env)->GetIntField(env, comp, xorPixelID); pCompInfo->alphaMask = (*env)->GetIntField(env, comp, alphaMaskID); } /* * Helper function for CompositeTypes.AnyAlpha */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL GrPrim_CompGetAlphaInfo(JNIEnv *env, CompositeInfo *pCompInfo, jobject comp) { pCompInfo->rule = (*env)->GetIntField(env, comp, ruleID); pCompInfo->details.extraAlpha = (*env)->GetFloatField(env, comp, extraAlphaID); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Transform_GetInfo(JNIEnv *env, jobject txform, TransformInfo *pTxInfo) { pTxInfo->dxdx = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, txform, m00ID); pTxInfo->dxdy = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, txform, m01ID); pTxInfo->tx = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, txform, m02ID); pTxInfo->dydx = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, txform, m10ID); pTxInfo->dydy = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, txform, m11ID); pTxInfo->ty = (*env)->GetDoubleField(env, txform, m12ID); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Transform_transform(TransformInfo *pTxInfo, jdouble *pX, jdouble *pY) { jdouble x = *pX; jdouble y = *pY; *pX = pTxInfo->dxdx * x + pTxInfo->dxdy * y + pTxInfo->tx; *pY = pTxInfo->dydx * x + pTxInfo->dydy * y + pTxInfo->ty; } /* * External declarations for the pixelFor helper methods for the various * named surface types. These functions are defined in the various * files that contain the loop functions for their type. */ extern PixelForFunc PixelForByteBinary; extern PixelForFunc PixelForByteIndexed; extern PixelForFunc PixelForByteGray; extern PixelForFunc PixelForIndex8Gray; extern PixelForFunc PixelForIndex12Gray; extern PixelForFunc PixelForUshort555Rgb; extern PixelForFunc PixelForUshort555Rgbx; extern PixelForFunc PixelForUshort565Rgb; extern PixelForFunc PixelForUshort4444Argb; extern PixelForFunc PixelForUshortGray; extern PixelForFunc PixelForUshortIndexed; extern PixelForFunc PixelForIntArgbPre; extern PixelForFunc PixelForIntArgbBm; extern PixelForFunc PixelForIntBgr; extern PixelForFunc PixelForIntRgbx; extern PixelForFunc PixelForFourByteAbgr; extern PixelForFunc PixelForFourByteAbgrPre; /* * Definition and initialization of the globally accessible PrimitiveTypes. */ struct _PrimitiveTypes PrimitiveTypes = { { "sun/java2d/loops/Blit", SD_LOCK_READ, SD_LOCK_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/BlitBg", SD_LOCK_READ, SD_LOCK_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/ScaledBlit", SD_LOCK_READ, SD_LOCK_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/FillRect", 0, SD_LOCK_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/FillSpans", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/FillParallelogram", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawParallelogram", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawLine", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawRect", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawPolygons", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawPath", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/FillPath", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/MaskBlit", SD_LOCK_READ, SD_LOCK_RD_WR, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/MaskFill", 0, SD_LOCK_RD_WR, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawGlyphList", 0, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE | SD_LOCK_FASTEST, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawGlyphListAA", 0, SD_LOCK_RD_WR | SD_LOCK_FASTEST, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/DrawGlyphListLCD", 0, SD_LOCK_RD_WR | SD_LOCK_FASTEST, NULL, NULL}, { "sun/java2d/loops/TransformHelper", SD_LOCK_READ, 0, NULL, NULL} }; /* * Definition and initialization of the globally accessible SurfaceTypes. */ struct _SurfaceTypes SurfaceTypes = { { { "OpaqueColor", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "AnyColor", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "AnyByte", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "ByteBinary1Bit", NULL}, PixelForByteBinary, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVCOLOR }, { { "ByteBinary2Bit", NULL}, PixelForByteBinary, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVCOLOR }, { { "ByteBinary4Bit", NULL}, PixelForByteBinary, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVCOLOR }, { { "ByteIndexed", NULL}, PixelForByteIndexed, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVCOLOR }, { { "ByteIndexedBm", NULL}, PixelForByteIndexed, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVCOLOR }, { { "ByteGray", NULL}, PixelForByteGray, 0, 0}, { { "Index8Gray", NULL}, PixelForIndex8Gray, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVGRAY }, { { "Index12Gray", NULL}, PixelForIndex12Gray, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVGRAY }, { { "AnyShort", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "Ushort555Rgb", NULL}, PixelForUshort555Rgb, 0, 0}, { { "Ushort555Rgbx", NULL}, PixelForUshort555Rgbx, 0, 0}, { { "Ushort565Rgb", NULL}, PixelForUshort565Rgb, 0, 0 }, { { "Ushort4444Argb", NULL}, PixelForUshort4444Argb, 0, 0 }, { { "UshortGray", NULL}, PixelForUshortGray, 0, 0}, { { "UshortIndexed", NULL}, PixelForUshortIndexed, SD_LOCK_LUT, SD_LOCK_INVCOLOR }, { { "Any3Byte", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "ThreeByteBgr", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "AnyInt", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "IntArgb", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "IntArgbPre", NULL}, PixelForIntArgbPre, 0, 0}, { { "IntArgbBm", NULL}, PixelForIntArgbBm, 0, 0}, { { "IntRgb", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "IntBgr", NULL}, PixelForIntBgr, 0, 0}, { { "IntRgbx", NULL}, PixelForIntRgbx, 0, 0}, { { "Any4Byte", NULL}, NULL, 0, 0 }, { { "FourByteAbgr", NULL}, PixelForFourByteAbgr, 0, 0}, { { "FourByteAbgrPre", NULL}, PixelForFourByteAbgrPre, 0, 0}, }; /* * Definition and initialization of the globally accessible CompositeTypes. */ struct _CompositeTypes CompositeTypes = { { { "SrcNoEa", NULL}, NULL, 0}, { { "SrcOverNoEa", NULL}, NULL, SD_LOCK_RD_WR }, { { "SrcOverNoEa", NULL}, NULL, SD_LOCK_PARTIAL_WRITE }, /* SrcOverBmNoEa */ { { "Src", NULL}, GrPrim_CompGetAlphaInfo, 0}, { { "SrcOver", NULL}, GrPrim_CompGetAlphaInfo, SD_LOCK_RD_WR }, { { "Xor", NULL}, GrPrim_CompGetXorInfo, SD_LOCK_RD_WR }, { { "AnyAlpha", NULL}, GrPrim_CompGetAlphaInfo, SD_LOCK_RD_WR }, };