1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package build.tools.jdwpgen;
  28 import java.util.*;
  29 import java.io.*;
  31 class Parse {
  33     final StreamTokenizer izer;
  34     final Map<String, Node> kindMap = new HashMap<String, Node>();
  36     Parse(Reader reader) {
  37         izer = new StreamTokenizer(new BufferedReader(reader));
  38         izer.resetSyntax();
  39         izer.slashStarComments(true);
  40         izer.slashSlashComments(true);
  41         izer.wordChars((int)'a', (int)'z');
  42         izer.wordChars((int)'A', (int)'Z');
  43         izer.wordChars((int)'0', (int)'9');
  44         izer.wordChars((int)'_', (int)'_');
  45         izer.wordChars((int)'-', (int)'-');
  46         izer.wordChars((int)'.', (int)'.');
  47         izer.whitespaceChars(0, 32);
  48         izer.quoteChar('"');
  49         izer.quoteChar('\'');
  51         kindMap.put("CommandSet", new CommandSetNode());
  52         kindMap.put("Command", new CommandNode());
  53         kindMap.put("Out", new OutNode());
  54         kindMap.put("Reply", new ReplyNode());
  55         kindMap.put("ErrorSet", new ErrorSetNode());
  56         kindMap.put("Error", new ErrorNode());
  57         kindMap.put("Event", new EventNode());
  58         kindMap.put("Repeat", new RepeatNode());
  59         kindMap.put("Group", new GroupNode());
  60         kindMap.put("Select", new SelectNode());
  61         kindMap.put("Alt", new AltNode());
  62         kindMap.put("ConstantSet", new ConstantSetNode());
  63         kindMap.put("Constant", new ConstantNode());
  64         kindMap.put("int", new IntTypeNode());
  65         kindMap.put("long", new LongTypeNode());
  66         kindMap.put("boolean", new BooleanTypeNode());
  67         kindMap.put("object", new ObjectTypeNode());
  68         kindMap.put("threadObject", new ThreadObjectTypeNode());
  69         kindMap.put("threadGroupObject", new ThreadGroupObjectTypeNode());
  70         kindMap.put("arrayObject", new ArrayObjectTypeNode());
  71         kindMap.put("stringObject", new StringObjectTypeNode());
  72         kindMap.put("classLoaderObject", new ClassLoaderObjectTypeNode());
  73         kindMap.put("classObject", new ClassObjectTypeNode());
  74         kindMap.put("referenceType", new ReferenceTypeNode());
  75         kindMap.put("referenceTypeID", new ReferenceIDTypeNode());
  76         kindMap.put("classType", new ClassTypeNode());
  77         kindMap.put("interfaceType", new InterfaceTypeNode());
  78         kindMap.put("arrayType", new ArrayTypeNode());
  79         kindMap.put("method", new MethodTypeNode());
  80         kindMap.put("field", new FieldTypeNode());
  81         kindMap.put("frame", new FrameTypeNode());
  82         kindMap.put("string", new StringTypeNode());
  83         kindMap.put("moduleID", new ModuleTypeNode());
  84         kindMap.put("value", new ValueTypeNode());
  85         kindMap.put("byte", new ByteTypeNode());
  86         kindMap.put("location", new LocationTypeNode());
  87         kindMap.put("tagged-object", new TaggedObjectTypeNode());
  88         kindMap.put("referenceTypeID", new ReferenceIDTypeNode());
  89         kindMap.put("typed-sequence", new ArrayRegionTypeNode());
  90         kindMap.put("untagged-value", new UntaggedValueTypeNode());
  91     }
  93     RootNode items() throws IOException {
  94         List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>();
  96         while (izer.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
  97             izer.pushBack();
  98             list.add(item());
  99         }
 100         RootNode node =  new RootNode();
 101         node.set("Root", list, 1);
 102         return node;
 103     }
 105     Node item() throws IOException {
 106         switch (izer.nextToken()) {
 107             case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF:
 108                 error("Unexpect end-of-file");
 109                 return null;
 111             case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: {
 112                 String name = izer.sval;
 113                 if (izer.nextToken() == '=') {
 114                     int ntok = izer.nextToken();
 115                     if (ntok == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
 116                         return new NameValueNode(name, izer.sval);
 117                     } else if (ntok == '\'') {
 118                         return new NameValueNode(name, izer.sval.charAt(0));
 119                     } else {
 120                         error("Expected value after: " + name + " =");
 121                         return null;
 122                     }
 123                 } else {
 124                     izer.pushBack();
 125                     return new NameNode(name);
 126                 }
 127             }
 129             case '"':
 130                 return new CommentNode(izer.sval);
 132             case '(': {
 133                 if (izer.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
 134                     String kind = izer.sval;
 135                     List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>();
 137                     while (izer.nextToken() != ')') {
 138                         izer.pushBack();
 139                         list.add(item());
 140                     }
 141                     Node proto = kindMap.get(kind);
 142                     if (proto == null) {
 143                         error("Invalid kind: " + kind);
 144                         return null;
 145                     } else {
 146                         try {
 147                             Node node = (Node)proto.getClass().newInstance();
 148                             node.set(kind, list, izer.lineno());
 149                             return node;
 150                         } catch (InstantiationException exc) {
 151                             error(exc.toString());
 152                             return null;
 153                         } catch (IllegalAccessException exc) {
 154                             error(exc.toString());
 155                             return null;
 156                         }
 157                     }
 158                 } else {
 159                     error("Expected kind identifier, got " + izer.ttype +
 160                           " : " + izer.sval);
 161                     return null;
 162                 }
 163             }
 165             default:
 166                 error("Unexpected character: '" + (char)izer.ttype + "'");
 167                 return null;
 168         }
 169     }
 171     void error(String errmsg) {
 172         System.err.println(Main.specSource + ":" + izer.lineno() +
 173                            ": " + errmsg);
 174         throw new RuntimeException("Error: " + errmsg);
 175     }
 176 }