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*** old/agent/doc/clhsdb.html	Wed Apr 17 20:14:25 2013
--- new/agent/doc/clhsdb.html	Wed Apr 17 20:14:24 2013

*** 13,23 **** --- 13,23 ---- </p> <p> There is also JavaScript based SA command line interface called <a href="jsdb.html">jsdb</a>. But, CLHSDB supports Unix shell-like (or dbx/gdb-like) command line interface with ! support for output redirection/appending (familiar >, >>), command history and so on. ! support for output redirection/appending (familiar &gt;, &gt;&gt;), command history and so on. Each CLHSDB command can have zero or more arguments and optionally end with output redirection (or append) to a file. Commands may be stored in a file and run using <b>source</b> command. <b>help</b> command prints usage message for all supported commands (or a specific command) </p>
*** 47,57 **** --- 47,57 ---- dumpclass { address | name } [ directory ] <font color="red">dump .class file for given Klass* or class name</font> dumpcodecache <font color="red">dump codecache contents</font> dumpheap [ file ] <font color="red">dump heap in hprof binary format</font> dumpideal -a | id <font color="red">dump ideal graph like debug flag -XX:+PrintIdeal</font> dumpilt -a | id <font color="red">dump inline tree for C2 compilation</font> ! dumpreplaydata <address> | -a | <thread_id> [>replay.txt] <font color="red">dump replay data into a file</font> ! dumpreplaydata &lt;address&gt; | -a | &lt;thread_id&gt; [&gt;replay.txt] <font color="red">dump replay data into a file</font> echo [ true | false ] <font color="red">turn on/off command echo mode</font> examine [ address/count ] | [ address,address] <font color="red">show contents of memory from given address</font> field [ type [ name fieldtype isStatic offset address ] ] <font color="red">print info about a field of HotSpot type</font> findpc address <font color="red">print info. about pointer location</font> flags [ flag ] <font color="red">show all -XX flag name value pairs. or just show given flag</font>
*** 125,137 **** --- 125,137 ---- <code> hsdb&gt; jsload test.js </code> </pre> - <h3>C2 Compilation Replay</h3> <p> When a java process crashes in compiled method, usually a core file is saved. - The C2 replay function can reproduce the compiling process in the core. ! <a href="c2replay.html">c2replay.html</a> ! <a href="cireplay.html">cireplay.html</a> </body> </html>

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