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rev 12487 : 8172149: CTW library should call System::exit

  42      *
  43      * @param paths paths to jar/zip, dir contains classes, or to .lst file
  44      *              contains list of classes to compile
  45      */
  46     public static void main(String[] paths) {
  47         if (paths.length == 0) {
  48             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expect a path to a compile target.");
  49         }
  50         String logfile = Utils.LOG_FILE;
  51         PrintStream os = null;
  52         if (logfile != null) {
  53             try {
  54                 os = new PrintStream(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(logfile)));
  55             } catch (IOException io) {
  56             }
  57         }
  58         if (os != null) {
  59             OUT = os;
  60         }

  62         try {
  63             try {
  64                 if (ManagementFactory.getCompilationMXBean() == null) {
  65                     throw new RuntimeException(
  66                             "CTW can not work in interpreted mode");
  67                 }
  68             } catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError e) {
  69                 // compact1, compact2 support
  70             }
  71             ExecutorService executor = createExecutor();
  72             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
  73             try {
  74                 String path;
  75                 for (int i = 0, n = paths.length; i < n
  76                         && !PathHandler.isFinished(); ++i) {
  77                     path = paths[i];
  78                     PathHandler.create(path, executor).process();
  79                 }
  80             } finally {
  81                 await(executor);
  82             }
  83             CompileTheWorld.OUT.printf("Done (%d classes, %d methods, %d ms)%n",
  84                     PathHandler.getClassCount(),
  85                     Compiler.getMethodCount(),
  86                     System.currentTimeMillis() - start);

  87         } finally {
  88             if (os != null) {
  89                 os.close();
  90             }
  91         }
  92     }
  94     private static ExecutorService createExecutor() {
  95         final int threadsCount = Math.min(
  96                 Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(),
  97                 Utils.CI_COMPILER_COUNT);
  98         ExecutorService result;
  99         if (threadsCount > 1) {
 100             result = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadsCount, threadsCount,
 101                     /* keepAliveTime */ 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
 102                     new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(threadsCount),
 103                     new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
 104         } else {
 105             result = new CurrentThreadExecutor();
 106         }
 107         return result;
 108     }
 110     private static void await(ExecutorService executor) {

  42      *
  43      * @param paths paths to jar/zip, dir contains classes, or to .lst file
  44      *              contains list of classes to compile
  45      */
  46     public static void main(String[] paths) {
  47         if (paths.length == 0) {
  48             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expect a path to a compile target.");
  49         }
  50         String logfile = Utils.LOG_FILE;
  51         PrintStream os = null;
  52         if (logfile != null) {
  53             try {
  54                 os = new PrintStream(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(logfile)));
  55             } catch (IOException io) {
  56             }
  57         }
  58         if (os != null) {
  59             OUT = os;
  60         }
  62         boolean passed = false;
  64         try {
  65             try {
  66                 if (ManagementFactory.getCompilationMXBean() == null) {
  67                     throw new RuntimeException(
  68                             "CTW can not work in interpreted mode");
  69                 }
  70             } catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError e) {
  71                 // compact1, compact2 support
  72             }
  73             ExecutorService executor = createExecutor();
  74             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
  75             try {
  76                 String path;
  77                 for (int i = 0, n = paths.length; i < n
  78                         && !PathHandler.isFinished(); ++i) {
  79                     path = paths[i];
  80                     PathHandler.create(path, executor).process();
  81                 }
  82             } finally {
  83                 await(executor);
  84             }
  85             CompileTheWorld.OUT.printf("Done (%d classes, %d methods, %d ms)%n",
  86                     PathHandler.getClassCount(),
  87                     Compiler.getMethodCount(),
  88                     System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
  89             passed = true;
  90         } finally {
  91             // <clinit> might have started new threads
  92             System.exit(passed ? 0 : 1);

  93         }
  94     }
  96     private static ExecutorService createExecutor() {
  97         final int threadsCount = Math.min(
  98                 Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(),
  99                 Utils.CI_COMPILER_COUNT);
 100         ExecutorService result;
 101         if (threadsCount > 1) {
 102             result = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadsCount, threadsCount,
 103                     /* keepAliveTime */ 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
 104                     new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(threadsCount),
 105                     new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
 106         } else {
 107             result = new CurrentThreadExecutor();
 108         }
 109         return result;
 110     }
 112     private static void await(ExecutorService executor) {

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