1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 /*
  25  * @test
  26  * @bug 8170859
  27  * @summary Basic test for incubator modules in jmods and images
  28  * @library /lib/testlibrary
  29  * @key intermittent
  30  * @modules jdk.compiler jdk.jartool jdk.jlink
  31  * @build CompilerUtils
  32  * @run testng/othervm ImageModules
  33  */
  35 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
  36 import java.io.File;
  37 import java.io.IOException;
  38 import java.io.PrintStream;
  39 import java.nio.file.Files;
  40 import java.nio.file.Path;
  41 import java.nio.file.Paths;
  42 import java.util.ArrayList;
  43 import java.util.List;
  44 import java.util.function.Consumer;
  45 import java.util.spi.ToolProvider;
  46 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
  47 import java.util.stream.Stream;
  49 import jdk.testlibrary.FileUtils;
  50 import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;
  51 import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
  52 import org.testng.annotations.Test;
  54 import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
  55 import static jdk.testlibrary.ProcessTools.executeCommand;
  56 import static org.testng.Assert.*;
  58 public class ImageModules {
  59     private static final String JAVA_HOME = System.getProperty("java.home");
  60     private static final Path JDK_JMODS = Paths.get(JAVA_HOME, "jmods");
  62     private static final Path TEST_SRC = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.src"));
  63     private static final Path MODS_DIR = Paths.get("mods");
  64     private static final Path CP_DIR = Paths.get("cp");
  65     private static final Path JARS_DIR = Paths.get("jars");
  66     private static final Path JMODS_DIR = Paths.get("jmods");
  67     private static final Path IMAGE = Paths.get("image");
  69     private static final String JAVA_BASE = "java.base";
  70     private final String[] modules = new String[] { "message.writer",
  71                                                     "message.converter" };
  73     @BeforeTest
  74     private void setup() throws Throwable {
  75         Path src = TEST_SRC.resolve("src");
  76         for (String name : modules) {
  77             assertTrue(CompilerUtils.compile(src.resolve(name),
  78                                              MODS_DIR,
  79                                              "--module-source-path", src.toString()));
  80         }
  82         assertTrue(CompilerUtils.compile(src.resolve("cp"),
  83                                          CP_DIR,
  84                                          "--module-path", MODS_DIR.toString(),
  85                                          "--add-modules", "message.writer"));
  86     }
  88     @DataProvider(name = "singleModule")
  89     public Object[][] singleModuleValues() throws IOException {
  90         Object[][] values = new Object[][]{
  91          // { Extra args to the build the message.converter jmod
  92          //   Tokens to pass to the run time --add-modules option
  93          //   SUCCESS or FAILURE expected
  94          //   Messages expected in the run time output
  95          //   Messages that must not appear in the run time output },
  96             { "",
  97               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT", "ALL-SYSTEM"),
  98               ToolResult.ASSERT_SUCCESS,
  99               List.of("hello world", "message.converter", "java.base"),
 100               List.of("WARNING") },
 101             { "--do-not-resolve-by-default",
 102               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT"),
 103               ToolResult.ASSERT_FAILURE,
 104               List.of("java.base", "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: converter.MessageConverter"),
 105               List.of("WARNING", "message.converter") },
 106             { "--warn-if-resolved=incubating",
 107               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT", "ALL-SYSTEM"),
 108               ToolResult.ASSERT_SUCCESS,
 109               List.of("hello world", "message.converter", "java.base",
 110                       "WARNING: Using incubator modules: message.converter"),
 111               List.of() },
 112             { "--do-not-resolve-by-default --warn-if-resolved=incubating",
 113               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT"),
 114               ToolResult.ASSERT_FAILURE,
 115               List.of("java.base", "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: converter.MessageConverter"),
 116               List.of("WARNING", "message.converter") },
 117             { "--do-not-resolve-by-default --warn-if-resolved=incubating",
 118               List.of("message.converter"),
 119               ToolResult.ASSERT_SUCCESS,
 120               List.of("hello world", "message.converter", "java.base", "WARNING"),
 121               List.of() }
 122         };
 123         return values;
 124     }
 126     @Test(dataProvider = "singleModule")
 127     public void singleModule(String extraJmodArg,
 128                              List<String> addModsTokens,
 129                              Consumer<ToolResult> assertExitCode,
 130                              List<String> expectedOutput,
 131                              List<String> unexpectedOutput)
 132         throws Throwable
 133     {
 134         if (Files.notExists(JDK_JMODS)) {
 135             System.out.println("JDK jmods not found test cannot run.");
 136             return;
 137         }
 139         FileUtils.deleteFileTreeUnchecked(JMODS_DIR);
 140         FileUtils.deleteFileTreeUnchecked(IMAGE);
 141         Files.createDirectories(JMODS_DIR);
 142         Path converterJmod = JMODS_DIR.resolve("converter.jmod");
 144         jmod("create",
 145              "--class-path", MODS_DIR.resolve("message.converter").toString(),
 146              extraJmodArg,
 147              converterJmod.toString())
 148             .assertSuccess();
 150         String mpath = JDK_JMODS.toString() + File.pathSeparator + JMODS_DIR.toString();
 151         jlink("--module-path", mpath,
 152               "--add-modules", JAVA_BASE + ",message.converter",
 153               "--output", IMAGE.toString())
 154              .assertSuccess();
 156         for (String addModsToken : addModsTokens) {
 157             String[] props = new String[] {"", "-Djdk.system.module.finder.disabledFastPath"};
 158             for (String systemProp : props)
 159                 java(IMAGE,
 160                      systemProp,
 161                      "--add-modules", addModsToken,
 162                      "-cp", CP_DIR.toString(),
 163                      "test.ConvertToLowerCase", "HEllo WoRlD")
 164                     .resultChecker(assertExitCode)
 165                     .resultChecker(r -> {
 166                         expectedOutput.forEach(e -> r.assertContains(e));
 167                         unexpectedOutput.forEach(e -> r.assertDoesNotContains(e));
 168                     });
 169         }
 170     }
 172     @Test
 173     public void singleModularJar() throws Throwable {
 174         FileUtils.deleteFileTreeUnchecked(JARS_DIR);
 175         Files.createDirectories(JARS_DIR);
 176         Path converterJar = JARS_DIR.resolve("converter.jar");
 178         jar("--create",
 179             "--file", converterJar.toString(),
 180             "--warn-if-resolved=incubating",
 181             "-C", MODS_DIR.resolve("message.converter").toString() , ".")
 182             .assertSuccess();
 185         java(Paths.get(JAVA_HOME),
 186              "--module-path", JARS_DIR.toString(),
 187              "--add-modules", "message.converter",
 188              "-cp", CP_DIR.toString(),
 189              "test.ConvertToLowerCase", "HEllo WoRlD")
 190             .assertSuccess()
 191             .resultChecker(r -> {
 192                 r.assertContains("WARNING: Using incubator modules: message.converter");
 193             });
 194     }
 196     @DataProvider(name = "twoModules")
 197     public Object[][] twoModulesValues() throws IOException {
 198         Object[][] values = new Object[][]{
 199          // { Extra args to the build the message.writer jmod
 200          //   Extra args to the build the message.converter jmod
 201          //   Tokens to pass to the run time --add-modules option
 202          //   SUCCESS or FAILURE expected
 203          //   Messages expected in the run time output
 204          //   Messages that must not appear in the run time output },
 205             { "",
 206               "",
 207               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT", "ALL-SYSTEM"),
 208               ToolResult.ASSERT_SUCCESS,
 209               List.of("HELLO CHEGAR !!!", "message.writer", "message.converter", "java.base"),
 210               List.of() },
 211             { "",
 212               "--do-not-resolve-by-default",
 213               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT", "ALL-SYSTEM"),
 214               ToolResult.ASSERT_SUCCESS,
 215               List.of("HELLO CHEGAR !!!", "message.writer", "message.converter", "java.base"),
 216               List.of() },
 217             { "--do-not-resolve-by-default",
 218               "",
 219               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT"),
 220               ToolResult.ASSERT_FAILURE,
 221               List.of("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: writer.MessageWriter", "java.base"),
 222               List.of("message.writer") },
 223             { "--do-not-resolve-by-default",
 224               "--do-not-resolve-by-default",
 225               List.of("ALL-DEFAULT"),
 226               ToolResult.ASSERT_FAILURE,
 227               List.of("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: writer.MessageWriter", "java.base"),
 228               List.of("message.converter", "message.writer") },
 229         // now add in warnings
 230             { "--do-not-resolve-by-default --warn-if-resolved=incubating",
 231               "",
 232               List.of("message.writer"),
 233               ToolResult.ASSERT_SUCCESS,
 234               List.of("HELLO CHEGAR !!!", "message.writer", "message.converter", "java.base",
 235                       "WARNING: Using incubator modules: message.writer"),
 236               List.of() },
 237             { "",
 238               "--do-not-resolve-by-default --warn-if-resolved=incubating",
 239               List.of("message.writer"),
 240               ToolResult.ASSERT_SUCCESS,
 241               List.of("HELLO CHEGAR !!!", "message.writer", "message.converter", "java.base",
 242                       "WARNING: Using incubator modules: message.converter"),
 243               List.of() }
 244             };
 245         return values;
 246     }
 248     @Test(dataProvider = "twoModules")
 249     public void doNotResolveByDefaultTwoModules(String extraFirstJmodArg,
 250                                                 String extraSecondJmodArg,
 251                                                 List<String> addModsTokens,
 252                                                 Consumer<ToolResult> assertExitCode,
 253                                                 List<String> expectedOutput,
 254                                                 List<String> unexpectedOutput)
 255         throws Throwable
 256     {
 257         if (Files.notExists(JDK_JMODS)) {
 258             System.out.println("JDK jmods not found test cannot run.");
 259             return;
 260         }
 262         FileUtils.deleteFileTreeUnchecked(JMODS_DIR);
 263         FileUtils.deleteFileTreeUnchecked(IMAGE);
 264         Files.createDirectories(JMODS_DIR);
 265         Path writerJmod = JMODS_DIR.resolve("writer.jmod");
 266         Path converterJmod = JMODS_DIR.resolve("converter.jmod");
 268         jmod("create",
 269              extraFirstJmodArg,
 270              "--class-path", MODS_DIR.resolve("message.writer").toString(),
 271              writerJmod.toString());
 273         jmod("create",
 274              "--class-path", MODS_DIR.resolve("message.converter").toString(),
 275              extraSecondJmodArg,
 276              converterJmod.toString())
 277             .assertSuccess();
 279         String mpath = JDK_JMODS.toString() + File.pathSeparator + JMODS_DIR.toString();
 280         jlink("--module-path", mpath,
 281               "--add-modules", JAVA_BASE + ",message.writer,message.converter",
 282               "--output", IMAGE.toString())
 283              .assertSuccess();
 285         for (String addModsToken : addModsTokens) {
 286             String[] props = new String[] {"", "-Djdk.system.module.finder.disabledFastPath"};
 287             for (String systemProp : props)
 288                 java(IMAGE,
 289                      systemProp,
 290                      "--add-modules", addModsToken,
 291                      "-cp", CP_DIR.toString(),
 292                      "test.WriteUpperCase", "hello chegar !!!")
 293                     .resultChecker(assertExitCode)
 294                     .resultChecker(r -> {
 295                         expectedOutput.forEach(e -> r.assertContains(e));
 296                         unexpectedOutput.forEach(e -> r.assertDoesNotContains(e));
 297                     });
 298         }
 299     }
 301     static final ToolProvider JMOD_TOOL = ToolProvider.findFirst("jmod")
 302             .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("jmod tool not found"));
 303     static final ToolProvider JAR_TOOL = ToolProvider.findFirst("jar")
 304             .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("jar tool not found"));
 305     static final ToolProvider JLINK_TOOL = ToolProvider.findFirst("jlink")
 306             .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("jlink tool not found"));
 308     static ToolResult jmod(String... args) { return execTool(JMOD_TOOL, args); }
 310     static ToolResult jar(String... args) { return execTool(JAR_TOOL, args); }
 312     static ToolResult jlink(String... args) { return execTool(JLINK_TOOL, args); }
 314     static ToolResult java(Path image, String... opts) throws Throwable {
 315         ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 316         PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
 317         String[] options = Stream.concat(Stream.of(getJava(image)),
 318                                          Stream.of(opts).filter(s -> !s.equals("")))
 319                                  .toArray(String[]::new);
 321         ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(options);
 322         int exitValue = executeCommand(pb).outputTo(ps)
 323                                           .errorTo(ps)
 324                                           .getExitValue();
 326         return new ToolResult(exitValue, new String(baos.toByteArray(), UTF_8));
 327     }
 329     static ToolResult execTool(ToolProvider tool, String... args) {
 330         ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 331         PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
 332         List<String> filteredArgs = Stream.of(args)
 333                                           .map(s -> s.split(" ")).flatMap(Stream::of)
 334                                           .filter(s -> !s.equals(""))
 335                                           .collect(Collectors.toList());
 336         System.out.println(tool + " " + filteredArgs);
 337         int ec = tool.run(ps, ps, filteredArgs.toArray(new String[] {}));
 338         return new ToolResult(ec, new String(baos.toByteArray(), UTF_8));
 339     }
 341     static class ToolResult {
 342         final int exitCode;
 343         final String output;
 345         ToolResult(int exitValue, String output) {
 346             this.exitCode = exitValue;
 347             this.output = output;
 348         }
 350         static Consumer<ToolResult> ASSERT_SUCCESS = r ->
 351             assertEquals(r.exitCode, 0,
 352                         "Expected exit code 0, got " + r.exitCode
 353                                 + ", with output[" + r.output + "]");
 354         static Consumer<ToolResult> ASSERT_FAILURE = r ->
 355             assertNotEquals(r.exitCode, 0,
 356                            "Expected exit code != 0, got " + r.exitCode
 357                                    + ", with output[" + r.output + "]");
 359         ToolResult assertSuccess() { ASSERT_SUCCESS.accept(this); return this; }
 360         ToolResult assertFailure() { ASSERT_FAILURE.accept(this); return this; }
 361         ToolResult resultChecker(Consumer<ToolResult> r) { r.accept(this); return this; }
 363         ToolResult assertContains(String subString) {
 364             assertTrue(output.contains(subString),
 365                        "Expected to find [" + subString + "], in output ["
 366                             + output + "]" + "\n");
 367             return this;
 368         }
 369         ToolResult assertDoesNotContains(String subString) {
 370             assertFalse(output.contains(subString),
 371                        "Expected to NOT find [" + subString + "], in output ["
 372                            + output + "]" + "\n");
 373             return this;
 374         }
 375     }
 377     static String getJava(Path image) {
 378         boolean isWindows = System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows");
 379         Path java = image.resolve("bin").resolve(isWindows ? "java.exe" : "java");
 380         if (Files.notExists(java))
 381             throw new RuntimeException(java + " not found");
 382         return java.toAbsolutePath().toString();
 383     }
 384 }