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rev 51638 : [mq]: 8210112
rev 51639 : [mq]: 8210112-1

*** 311,334 **** * @param regexp * @throws RuntimeException If the pattern was found */ public OutputAnalyzer shouldNotMatch(String regexp) { String stdout = getStdout(); - String stderr = getStderr(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp, Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(stdout); if (matcher.find()) { reportDiagnosticSummary(); throw new RuntimeException("'" + regexp + "' found in stdout: '" + matcher.group() + "' \n"); } matcher = pattern.matcher(stderr); if (matcher.find()) { reportDiagnosticSummary(); throw new RuntimeException("'" + regexp + "' found in stderr: '" + matcher.group() + "' \n"); } return this; } /** * Verify that the stdout contents of output buffer does not match the --- 311,336 ---- * @param regexp * @throws RuntimeException If the pattern was found */ public OutputAnalyzer shouldNotMatch(String regexp) { String stdout = getStdout(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp, Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(stdout); if (matcher.find()) { reportDiagnosticSummary(); throw new RuntimeException("'" + regexp + "' found in stdout: '" + matcher.group() + "' \n"); } + + String stderr = getStderr(); matcher = pattern.matcher(stderr); if (matcher.find()) { reportDiagnosticSummary(); throw new RuntimeException("'" + regexp + "' found in stderr: '" + matcher.group() + "' \n"); } + return this; } /** * Verify that the stdout contents of output buffer does not match the
*** 373,390 **** * @param regexp The multi-line pattern to match * @param group The group to capture * @return The matched string or null if no match was found */ public String firstMatch(String regexp, int group) { - String stdout = getStdout(); - String stderr = getStderr(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp, Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher stderrMatcher = pattern.matcher(stderr); - Matcher stdoutMatcher = pattern.matcher(stdout); if (stderrMatcher.find()) { return stderrMatcher.group(group); } if (stdoutMatcher.find()) { return stdoutMatcher.group(group); } return null; } --- 375,392 ---- * @param regexp The multi-line pattern to match * @param group The group to capture * @return The matched string or null if no match was found */ public String firstMatch(String regexp, int group) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp, Pattern.MULTILINE); + String stderr = getStderr(); Matcher stderrMatcher = pattern.matcher(stderr); if (stderrMatcher.find()) { return stderrMatcher.group(group); } + String stdout = getStdout(); + Matcher stdoutMatcher = pattern.matcher(stdout); if (stdoutMatcher.find()) { return stdoutMatcher.group(group); } return null; }
*** 513,523 **** public List<String> asLines() { return asLines(getOutput()); } private List<String> asLines(String buffer) { ! return Arrays.asList(buffer.split("(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)")); } private static final String jvmwarningmsg = ".* VM warning:.*"; --- 515,525 ---- public List<String> asLines() { return asLines(getOutput()); } private List<String> asLines(String buffer) { ! return Arrays.asList(buffer.split("\\R")); } private static final String jvmwarningmsg = ".* VM warning:.*";
*** 569,604 **** return Arrays.stream(getOutput().split("\\R")) .filter(Pattern.compile(jvmwarningmsg).asPredicate().negate()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } - /** * @see #shouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public int shouldMatchByLine(String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(null, null, pattern); } /** * @see #stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public int stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String pattern) { return stdoutShouldMatchByLine(null, null, pattern); } /** * @see #shouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public int shouldMatchByLineFrom(String from, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(from, null, pattern); } /** * @see #shouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public int shouldMatchByLineTo(String to, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(null, to, pattern); } /** * Verify that the stdout and stderr contents of output buffer match the --- 571,605 ---- return Arrays.stream(getOutput().split("\\R")) .filter(Pattern.compile(jvmwarningmsg).asPredicate().negate()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * @see #shouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public OutputAnalyzer shouldMatchByLine(String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(null, null, pattern); } /** * @see #stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public OutputAnalyzer stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String pattern) { return stdoutShouldMatchByLine(null, null, pattern); } /** * @see #shouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public OutputAnalyzer shouldMatchByLineFrom(String from, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(from, null, pattern); } /** * @see #shouldMatchByLine(String, String, String) */ ! public OutputAnalyzer shouldMatchByLineTo(String to, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(null, to, pattern); } /** * Verify that the stdout and stderr contents of output buffer match the
*** 611,623 **** * @param to * The line until where output will be matched. * Set {@code to} to null for matching until the last line. * @param pattern * Matching pattern - * @return Count of lines which match the {@code pattern} */ ! public int shouldMatchByLine(String from, String to, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(getOutput(), from, to, pattern); } /** * Verify that the stdout contents of output buffer matches the --- 612,623 ---- * @param to * The line until where output will be matched. * Set {@code to} to null for matching until the last line. * @param pattern * Matching pattern */ ! public OutputAnalyzer shouldMatchByLine(String from, String to, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(getOutput(), from, to, pattern); } /** * Verify that the stdout contents of output buffer matches the
*** 630,646 **** * @param to * The line until where stdout will be matched. * Set {@code to} to null for matching until the last line. * @param pattern * Matching pattern - * @return Count of lines which match the {@code pattern} */ ! public int stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String from, String to, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(getStdout(), from, to, pattern); } ! private int shouldMatchByLine(String buffer, String from, String to, String pattern) { List<String> lines = asLines(buffer); int fromIndex = 0; if (from != null) { fromIndex = indexOf(lines, from); --- 630,645 ---- * @param to * The line until where stdout will be matched. * Set {@code to} to null for matching until the last line. * @param pattern * Matching pattern */ ! public OutputAnalyzer stdoutShouldMatchByLine(String from, String to, String pattern) { return shouldMatchByLine(getStdout(), from, to, pattern); } ! private OutputAnalyzer shouldMatchByLine(String buffer, String from, String to, String pattern) { List<String> lines = asLines(buffer); int fromIndex = 0; if (from != null) { fromIndex = indexOf(lines, from);
*** 654,682 **** Asserts.assertGreaterThan(toIndex, -1, "The line/pattern '" + to + "' until where the output should match can not be found"); } List<String> subList = lines.subList(fromIndex, toIndex); ! int matchedCount = 0; ! for (String line : subList) { ! Asserts.assertTrue(line.matches(pattern), ! "The line '" + line + "' does not match pattern '" + pattern + "'"); ! matchedCount++; ! } ! return matchedCount; } /** ! * Check if there is a line matching {@code pattern} and return its index * ! * @param pattern Matching pattern * @return Index of first matching line */ ! private int indexOf(List<String> lines, String pattern) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { ! if (lines.get(i).matches(pattern)) { return i; } } return -1; } --- 653,683 ---- Asserts.assertGreaterThan(toIndex, -1, "The line/pattern '" + to + "' until where the output should match can not be found"); } List<String> subList = lines.subList(fromIndex, toIndex); ! Asserts.assertFalse(subList.isEmpty(), "There is no lines to check"); ! ! subList.stream() ! .filter(Pattern.compile(pattern).asPredicate().negate()) ! .findAny() ! .ifPresent(line -> Asserts.assertTrue(false, ! "The line '" + line + "' does not match pattern '" + pattern + "'")); ! return this; } /** ! * Check if there is a line matching {@code regexp} and return its index * ! * @param regexp Matching pattern * @return Index of first matching line */ ! private int indexOf(List<String> lines, String regexp) { ! Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexp); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { ! if (pattern.matcher(lines.get(i)).matches()) { return i; } } return -1; }
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