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rev 52366 : [mq]: 8213058-2

 301 # Helper function to determine if a test specification is a special test
 302 #
 303 # It is a special test if it is "special:" followed by a test name,
 304 # if it is "make:" or "make-" followed by a make test, or any of the special test names
 305 # as a single word.
 306 define ParseSpecialTestSelection
 307   $(if $(filter special:%, $1), \
 308     $1 \
 309   ) \
 310   $(if $(filter make%, $1), \
 311     $(if $(filter make:%, $1), \
 312       special:$(strip $1) \
 313     ) \
 314     $(if $(filter make-%, $1), \
 315       special:$(patsubst make-%,make:%, $1) \
 316     ) \
 317     $(if $(filter make, $1), \
 318       special:make:all \
 319     )
 320   ) \
 321   $(if $(filter hotspot-internal failure-handler, $1), \
 322     special:$(strip $1) \
 323   )
 324 endef
 326 ifeq ($(TEST), )
 327   $(info No test selection given in TEST!)
 328   $(info Please use e.g. 'make test TEST=tier1' or 'make test-tier1')
 329   $(info See doc/testing.[md|html] for help)
 330   $(error Cannot continue)
 331 endif
 333 # Now intelligently convert the test selection given by the user in TEST
 334 # into a list of fully qualified test descriptors of the tests to run.
 335 TESTS_TO_RUN :=
 336 $(foreach test, $(TEST), \
 337   $(eval PARSED_TESTS := $(call ParseCustomTestSelection, $(test))) \
 338   $(if $(strip $(PARSED_TESTS)), , \
 339     $(eval PARSED_TESTS += $(call ParseGtestTestSelection, $(test))) \
 340   ) \
 341   $(if $(strip $(PARSED_TESTS)), , \

 658 ################################################################################
 660 ### Rules for special tests
 662 SetupRunSpecialTest = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
 663 define SetupRunSpecialTestBody
 666   $1_EXITCODE := $$($1_TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/exitcode.txt
 668   $1_FULL_TEST_NAME := $$(strip $$(patsubst special:%, %, $$($1_TEST)))
 669   ifneq ($$(findstring :, $$($1_FULL_TEST_NAME)), )
 670     $1_TEST_NAME := $$(firstword $$(subst :, ,$$($1_FULL_TEST_NAME)))
 671     $1_TEST_ARGS := $$(strip $$(patsubst special:$$($1_TEST_NAME):%, %, $$($1_TEST)))
 672   else
 673     $1_TEST_NAME := $$($1_FULL_TEST_NAME)
 674     $1_TEST_ARGS :=
 675   endif
 677   ifeq ($$($1_TEST_NAME), hotspot-internal)
 678     $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
 679         $$(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/java -XX:+ExecuteInternalVMTests \
 680         -XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError -version
 681   else ifeq ($$($1_TEST_NAME), failure-handler)
 682     ifeq ($(BUILD_FAILURE_HANDLER), true)
 683       $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
 684           ($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f \
 685           BuildFailureHandler.gmk test)
 686     else
 687       $$(error Cannot test failure handler if it is not built)
 688     endif
 689   else ifeq ($$($1_TEST_NAME), make)
 690     $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
 691         ($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/test/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f \
 692         TestMake.gmk $$($1_TEST_ARGS))
 693   else
 694     $$(error Invalid special test specification: $$($1_TEST_NAME))
 695   endif
 697   run-test-$1: $(TEST_PREREQS)
 698         $$(call LogWarn)
 699         $$(call LogWarn, Running test '$$($1_TEST)')
 700         $$(call MakeDir, $$($1_TEST_RESULTS_DIR) $$($1_TEST_SUPPORT_DIR))
 701         $$(call ExecuteWithLog, $$($1_TEST_SUPPORT_DIR)/test-execution, \

 301 # Helper function to determine if a test specification is a special test
 302 #
 303 # It is a special test if it is "special:" followed by a test name,
 304 # if it is "make:" or "make-" followed by a make test, or any of the special test names
 305 # as a single word.
 306 define ParseSpecialTestSelection
 307   $(if $(filter special:%, $1), \
 308     $1 \
 309   ) \
 310   $(if $(filter make%, $1), \
 311     $(if $(filter make:%, $1), \
 312       special:$(strip $1) \
 313     ) \
 314     $(if $(filter make-%, $1), \
 315       special:$(patsubst make-%,make:%, $1) \
 316     ) \
 317     $(if $(filter make, $1), \
 318       special:make:all \
 319     )
 320   ) \
 321   $(if $(filter failure-handler, $1), \
 322     special:$(strip $1) \
 323   )
 324 endef
 326 ifeq ($(TEST), )
 327   $(info No test selection given in TEST!)
 328   $(info Please use e.g. 'make test TEST=tier1' or 'make test-tier1')
 329   $(info See doc/testing.[md|html] for help)
 330   $(error Cannot continue)
 331 endif
 333 # Now intelligently convert the test selection given by the user in TEST
 334 # into a list of fully qualified test descriptors of the tests to run.
 335 TESTS_TO_RUN :=
 336 $(foreach test, $(TEST), \
 337   $(eval PARSED_TESTS := $(call ParseCustomTestSelection, $(test))) \
 338   $(if $(strip $(PARSED_TESTS)), , \
 339     $(eval PARSED_TESTS += $(call ParseGtestTestSelection, $(test))) \
 340   ) \
 341   $(if $(strip $(PARSED_TESTS)), , \

 658 ################################################################################
 660 ### Rules for special tests
 662 SetupRunSpecialTest = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
 663 define SetupRunSpecialTestBody
 666   $1_EXITCODE := $$($1_TEST_RESULTS_DIR)/exitcode.txt
 668   $1_FULL_TEST_NAME := $$(strip $$(patsubst special:%, %, $$($1_TEST)))
 669   ifneq ($$(findstring :, $$($1_FULL_TEST_NAME)), )
 670     $1_TEST_NAME := $$(firstword $$(subst :, ,$$($1_FULL_TEST_NAME)))
 671     $1_TEST_ARGS := $$(strip $$(patsubst special:$$($1_TEST_NAME):%, %, $$($1_TEST)))
 672   else
 673     $1_TEST_NAME := $$($1_FULL_TEST_NAME)
 674     $1_TEST_ARGS :=
 675   endif
 677   ifeq ($$($1_TEST_NAME), failure-handler)

 678     ifeq ($(BUILD_FAILURE_HANDLER), true)
 679       $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
 680           ($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/test && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f \
 681           BuildFailureHandler.gmk test)
 682     else
 683       $$(error Cannot test failure handler if it is not built)
 684     endif
 685   else ifeq ($$($1_TEST_NAME), make)
 686     $1_TEST_COMMAND_LINE := \
 687         ($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/test/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f \
 688         TestMake.gmk $$($1_TEST_ARGS))
 689   else
 690     $$(error Invalid special test specification: $$($1_TEST_NAME))
 691   endif
 693   run-test-$1: $(TEST_PREREQS)
 694         $$(call LogWarn)
 695         $$(call LogWarn, Running test '$$($1_TEST)')
 696         $$(call MakeDir, $$($1_TEST_RESULTS_DIR) $$($1_TEST_SUPPORT_DIR))
 697         $$(call ExecuteWithLog, $$($1_TEST_SUPPORT_DIR)/test-execution, \

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