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rev 53836 : 8219395: integrate gcov w/ run-test
Reviewed-by: duke

 504         var debugName = name + common.slowdebug_suffix;
 505         profiles[debugName] = concatObjects(profiles[name],
 506                                             common.slowdebug_profile_base);
 507     });
 508     // Generate testmake profiles for the main profile of each build host
 509     // platform. This profile only runs the makefile tests.
 510     // Ant is needed to run the idea project generator test.
 511     var testmakeBase = {
 512         dependencies: [ "ant" ],
 513         environment: {
 514             "ANT_HOME": input.get("ant", "home_path")
 515         }
 516     };
 517     [ "linux-x64", "macosx-x64", "solaris-sparcv9", "solaris-x64", "windows-x64"]
 518         .forEach(function (name) {
 519             var maketestName = name + "-testmake";
 520             profiles[maketestName] = concatObjects(profiles[name], testmakeBase);
 521             profiles[maketestName].default_make_targets = [ "test-make" ];
 522         });

 524     // Profiles for building the zero jvm variant. These are used for verification.
 525     var zeroProfiles = {
 526         "linux-x64-zero": {
 527             target_os: "linux",
 528             target_cpu: "x64",
 529             dependencies: ["devkit"],
 530             configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit, [
 531                 "--with-zlib=system",
 532                 "--with-jvm-variants=zero",
 533                 "--enable-libffi-bundling"
 534             ])
 535         },
 537         "linux-x86-zero": {
 538             target_os: "linux",
 539             target_cpu: "x86",
 540             build_cpu: "x64",
 541             dependencies: ["devkit"],
 542             configure_args:  concat(common.configure_args_32bit, [
 543                 "--with-zlib=system",

 755     // Artifacts of JCov profiles
 756     [ "linux-x64", "macosx-x64", "solaris-sparcv9", "windows-x64"]
 757         .forEach(function (name) {
 758             var o = artifactData[name]
 759             var jdk_subdir = (o.jdk_subdir != null ? o.jdk_subdir : "jdk-" + data.version);
 760             var jdk_suffix = (o.jdk_suffix != null ? o.jdk_suffix : "tar.gz");
 761             var pf = o.platform
 762             var jcovName = name + "-jcov";
 763             profiles[jcovName].artifacts = {
 764                 jdk: {
 765                     local: "bundles/\\(jdk-jcov.*bin." + jdk_suffix + "\\)",
 766                     remote: [
 767                         "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-jcov-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin." + jdk_suffix
 768                     ],
 769                     subdir: jdk_subdir,
 770                     exploded: "images/jdk-jcov"
 771                 }
 772             };
 773         });

 775     // Profiles used to run tests.
 776     var testOnlyProfiles = {
 777         "run-test": {
 778             target_os: input.build_os,
 779             target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
 780             dependencies: [ "jtreg", "gnumake", "boot_jdk", "devkit", "jib" ],
 781             labels: "test",
 782             environment: {
 783                 "JT_JAVA": common.boot_jdk_home
 784             }
 785         }
 786     };
 787     profiles = concatObjects(profiles, testOnlyProfiles);
 789     // Profiles used to run tests using Jib for internal dependencies.
 790     var testedProfile = input.testedProfile;
 791     if (testedProfile == null) {
 792         testedProfile = input.build_os + "-" + input.build_cpu;
 793     }
 794     var testedProfileJDK = testedProfile + ".jdk";
 795     var testedProfileTest = ""
 796     if (testedProfile.endsWith("-jcov")) {
 797         testedProfileTest = testedProfile.substring(0, testedProfile.length - "-jcov".length) + ".test";
 798     } else {
 799         testedProfileTest = testedProfile + ".test";
 800     }

 801     var testOnlyProfilesPrebuilt = {
 802         "run-test-prebuilt": {
 803             target_os: input.build_os,
 804             target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
 805             dependencies: [
 806                 "jtreg", "gnumake", "boot_jdk", "devkit", "jib", "jcov", testedProfileJDK,
 807                 testedProfileTest
 808             ],
 809             src: "src.conf",
 810             make_args: [ "run-test-prebuilt", "LOG_CMDLINES=true", "JTREG_VERBOSE=fail,error,time" ],
 811             environment: {
 812                 "BOOT_JDK": common.boot_jdk_home,
 813                 "JDK_IMAGE_DIR": input.get(testedProfileJDK, "home_path"),
 814                 "TEST_IMAGE_DIR": input.get(testedProfileTest, "home_path")
 815             },
 816             labels: "test"
 817         }
 818     };
 820     // If actually running the run-test-prebuilt profile, verify that the input
 821     // variable is valid and if so, add the appropriate target_* values from
 822     // the tested profile.
 823     if (input.profile == "run-test-prebuilt") {
 824         if (profiles[testedProfile] == null) {
 825             error("testedProfile is not defined: " + testedProfile);
 826         }
 827     }
 828     if (profiles[testedProfile] != null) {
 829         testOnlyProfilesPrebuilt["run-test-prebuilt"]["target_os"]
 830             = profiles[testedProfile]["target_os"];

 504         var debugName = name + common.slowdebug_suffix;
 505         profiles[debugName] = concatObjects(profiles[name],
 506                                             common.slowdebug_profile_base);
 507     });
 508     // Generate testmake profiles for the main profile of each build host
 509     // platform. This profile only runs the makefile tests.
 510     // Ant is needed to run the idea project generator test.
 511     var testmakeBase = {
 512         dependencies: [ "ant" ],
 513         environment: {
 514             "ANT_HOME": input.get("ant", "home_path")
 515         }
 516     };
 517     [ "linux-x64", "macosx-x64", "solaris-sparcv9", "solaris-x64", "windows-x64"]
 518         .forEach(function (name) {
 519             var maketestName = name + "-testmake";
 520             profiles[maketestName] = concatObjects(profiles[name], testmakeBase);
 521             profiles[maketestName].default_make_targets = [ "test-make" ];
 522         });
 524     // Generate -gcov profiles
 525     [ "linux-x64", "macosx-x64" ].forEach(function (name) {
 526         var gcovName = name + "-gcov";
 527         profiles[gcovName] = clone(profiles[name]);
 528         profiles[gcovName].configure_args = concat(profiles[gcovName].configure_args,
 529             ["--enable-native-coverage", "--disable-warnings-as-errors"]);
 530     });
 532     // Profiles for building the zero jvm variant. These are used for verification.
 533     var zeroProfiles = {
 534         "linux-x64-zero": {
 535             target_os: "linux",
 536             target_cpu: "x64",
 537             dependencies: ["devkit"],
 538             configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit, [
 539                 "--with-zlib=system",
 540                 "--with-jvm-variants=zero",
 541                 "--enable-libffi-bundling"
 542             ])
 543         },
 545         "linux-x86-zero": {
 546             target_os: "linux",
 547             target_cpu: "x86",
 548             build_cpu: "x64",
 549             dependencies: ["devkit"],
 550             configure_args:  concat(common.configure_args_32bit, [
 551                 "--with-zlib=system",

 763     // Artifacts of JCov profiles
 764     [ "linux-x64", "macosx-x64", "solaris-sparcv9", "windows-x64"]
 765         .forEach(function (name) {
 766             var o = artifactData[name]
 767             var jdk_subdir = (o.jdk_subdir != null ? o.jdk_subdir : "jdk-" + data.version);
 768             var jdk_suffix = (o.jdk_suffix != null ? o.jdk_suffix : "tar.gz");
 769             var pf = o.platform
 770             var jcovName = name + "-jcov";
 771             profiles[jcovName].artifacts = {
 772                 jdk: {
 773                     local: "bundles/\\(jdk-jcov.*bin." + jdk_suffix + "\\)",
 774                     remote: [
 775                         "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-jcov-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin." + jdk_suffix
 776                     ],
 777                     subdir: jdk_subdir,
 778                     exploded: "images/jdk-jcov"
 779                 }
 780             };
 781         });
 783     // Artifacts of gcov (native-code-coverage) profiles
 784     [ "linux-x64", "macosx-x64" ].forEach(function (name) {
 785         var o = artifactData[name]
 786         var pf = o.platform
 787         var jdk_subdir = (o.jdk_subdir != null ? o.jdk_subdir : "jdk-" + data.version);
 788         var jdk_suffix = (o.jdk_suffix != null ? o.jdk_suffix : "tar.gz");
 789         var gcovName = name + "-gcov";
 790         profiles[gcovName].artifacts = {
 791             jdk: {
 792                 local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin." + jdk_suffix + "\\)",
 793                 remote: [
 794                     "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-gcov." + jdk_suffix,
 795                     // "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
 796                 ],
 797                 subdir: jdk_subdir,
 798                 exploded: "images/jdk",
 799             },
 800             test: {
 801                     local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-tests.tar.gz\\)",
 802                     remote: [
 803                         "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-gcov-tests.tar.gz",
 804                         // "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
 805                     ],
 806                     exploded: "images/test"
 807             },
 808             jdk_symbols: {
 809                     local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-symbols.tar.gz\\)",
 810                     remote: [
 811                         "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-gcov-symbols.tar.gz",
 812                         // "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
 813                     ],
 814                     subdir: jdk_subdir,
 815                     exploded: "images/jdk"
 816                 },
 817             };
 818     });
 820     // Profiles used to run tests.
 821     var testOnlyProfiles = {
 822         "run-test": {
 823             target_os: input.build_os,
 824             target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
 825             dependencies: [ "jtreg", "gnumake", "boot_jdk", "devkit", "jib" ],
 826             labels: "test",
 827             environment: {
 828                 "JT_JAVA": common.boot_jdk_home
 829             }
 830         }
 831     };
 832     profiles = concatObjects(profiles, testOnlyProfiles);
 834     // Profiles used to run tests using Jib for internal dependencies.
 835     var testedProfile = input.testedProfile;
 836     if (testedProfile == null) {
 837         testedProfile = input.build_os + "-" + input.build_cpu;
 838     }
 839     var testedProfileJDK = testedProfile + ".jdk";
 840     var testedProfileTest = ""
 841     if (testedProfile.endsWith("-jcov")) {
 842         testedProfileTest = testedProfile.substring(0, testedProfile.length - "-jcov".length) + ".test";
 843     } else {
 844         testedProfileTest = testedProfile + ".test";
 845     }
 846     var testOnlyMake = [ "run-test-prebuilt", "LOG_CMDLINES=true", "JTREG_VERBOSE=fail,error,time" ];
 847     if (testedProfile.endsWith("-gcov")) {
 848         testOnlyMake = concat(testOnlyMake, "GCOV_ENABLED=true")
 849     }
 850     var testOnlyProfilesPrebuilt = {
 851         "run-test-prebuilt": {
 852             target_os: input.build_os,
 853             target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
 854             dependencies: [
 855                 "jtreg", "gnumake", "boot_jdk", "devkit", "jib", "jcov", testedProfileJDK,
 856                 testedProfileTest
 857             ],
 858             src: "src.conf",
 859             make_args: testOnlyMake,
 860             environment: {
 861                 "BOOT_JDK": common.boot_jdk_home,
 862                 "JDK_IMAGE_DIR": input.get(testedProfileJDK, "home_path"),
 863                 "TEST_IMAGE_DIR": input.get(testedProfileTest, "home_path")
 864             },
 865             labels: "test"
 866         }
 867     };
 869     // If actually running the run-test-prebuilt profile, verify that the input
 870     // variable is valid and if so, add the appropriate target_* values from
 871     // the tested profile.
 872     if (input.profile == "run-test-prebuilt") {
 873         if (profiles[testedProfile] == null) {
 874             error("testedProfile is not defined: " + testedProfile);
 875         }
 876     }
 877     if (profiles[testedProfile] != null) {
 878         testOnlyProfilesPrebuilt["run-test-prebuilt"]["target_os"]
 879             = profiles[testedProfile]["target_os"];

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