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218   //      validate_shared_path_table()
219   //      validate_non_existent_class_paths()
220   size_t _shared_path_table_offset;
221   int    _shared_path_table_size;
223   jshort _app_class_paths_start_index;  // Index of first app classpath entry
224   jshort _app_module_paths_start_index; // Index of first module path entry
225   jshort _num_module_paths;             // number of module path entries
226   jshort _max_used_path_index;          // max path index referenced during CDS dump
227   bool   _verify_local;                 // BytecodeVerificationLocal setting
228   bool   _verify_remote;                // BytecodeVerificationRemote setting
229   bool   _has_platform_or_app_classes;  // Archive contains app classes
230   char*  _requested_base_address;       // Archive relocation is not necessary if we map with this base address.
231   char*  _mapped_base_address;          // Actual base address where archive is mapped.
233   bool   _allow_archiving_with_java_agent; // setting of the AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent option
234   bool   _use_optimized_module_handling;// No module-relation VM options were specified, so we can skip
235                                         // some expensive operations.
236   bool   _use_full_module_graph;        // Can we use the full archived module graph?
237   size_t _ptrmap_size_in_bits;          // Size of pointer relocation bitmap
239   char* from_mapped_offset(size_t offset) const {
240     return mapped_base_address() + offset;
241   }
242   void set_mapped_offset(char* p, size_t *offset) {
243     assert(p >= mapped_base_address(), "sanity");
244     *offset = p - mapped_base_address();
245   }
246 public:
247   // Accessors -- fields declared in CDSFileMapHeaderBase
248   unsigned int magic() const {return _magic;}
249   int crc()                               const { return _crc; }
250   int version()                           const { return _version; }
252   void set_crc(int crc_value)                   { _crc = crc_value; }
253   void set_version(int v)                       { _version = v; }
255   // Accessors -- fields declared in FileMapHeader
257   size_t header_size()                     const { return _header_size; }
258   size_t alignment()                       const { return _alignment; }

266   address narrow_klass_base()              const { return (address)mapped_base_address(); }
267   char* cloned_vtables()                   const { return from_mapped_offset(_cloned_vtables_offset); }
268   char* serialized_data()                  const { return from_mapped_offset(_serialized_data_offset); }
269   address i2i_entry_code_buffers()         const { return (address)from_mapped_offset(_i2i_entry_code_buffers_offset); }
270   size_t i2i_entry_code_buffers_size()     const { return _i2i_entry_code_buffers_size; }
271   address heap_end()                       const { return _heap_end; }
272   bool base_archive_is_default()           const { return _base_archive_is_default; }
273   const char* jvm_ident()                  const { return _jvm_ident; }
274   size_t base_archive_name_size()          const { return _base_archive_name_size; }
275   char* requested_base_address()           const { return _requested_base_address; }
276   char* mapped_base_address()              const { return _mapped_base_address; }
277   bool has_platform_or_app_classes()       const { return _has_platform_or_app_classes; }
278   size_t ptrmap_size_in_bits()             const { return _ptrmap_size_in_bits; }
279   bool compressed_oops()                   const { return _compressed_oops; }
280   bool compressed_class_pointers()         const { return _compressed_class_ptrs; }
281   // FIXME: These should really return int
282   jshort max_used_path_index()             const { return _max_used_path_index; }
283   jshort app_module_paths_start_index()    const { return _app_module_paths_start_index; }
284   jshort app_class_paths_start_index()     const { return _app_class_paths_start_index; }
285   jshort num_module_paths()                const { return _num_module_paths; }

287   void set_has_platform_or_app_classes(bool v)   { _has_platform_or_app_classes = v; }
288   void set_cloned_vtables(char* p)               { set_mapped_offset(p, &_cloned_vtables_offset); }
289   void set_serialized_data(char* p)              { set_mapped_offset(p, &_serialized_data_offset); }
290   void set_base_archive_name_size(size_t s)      { _base_archive_name_size = s; }
291   void set_base_archive_is_default(bool b)       { _base_archive_is_default = b; }
292   void set_header_size(size_t s)                 { _header_size = s; }
293   void set_ptrmap_size_in_bits(size_t s)         { _ptrmap_size_in_bits = s; }
294   void set_mapped_base_address(char* p)          { _mapped_base_address = p; }

295   void set_i2i_entry_code_buffers(address p, size_t s) {
296     set_mapped_offset((char*)p, &_i2i_entry_code_buffers_offset);
297     _i2i_entry_code_buffers_size = s;
298   }
300   void set_shared_path_table(SharedPathTable table) {
301     set_mapped_offset((char*)table.table(), &_shared_path_table_offset);
302     _shared_path_table_size = table.size();
303   }
305   void set_final_requested_base(char* b) {
306     _requested_base_address = b;
307     _mapped_base_address = 0;
308   }
310   SharedPathTable shared_path_table() const {
311     return SharedPathTable((Array<u8>*)from_mapped_offset(_shared_path_table_offset),
312                            _shared_path_table_size);
313   }

218   //      validate_shared_path_table()
219   //      validate_non_existent_class_paths()
220   size_t _shared_path_table_offset;
221   int    _shared_path_table_size;
223   jshort _app_class_paths_start_index;  // Index of first app classpath entry
224   jshort _app_module_paths_start_index; // Index of first module path entry
225   jshort _num_module_paths;             // number of module path entries
226   jshort _max_used_path_index;          // max path index referenced during CDS dump
227   bool   _verify_local;                 // BytecodeVerificationLocal setting
228   bool   _verify_remote;                // BytecodeVerificationRemote setting
229   bool   _has_platform_or_app_classes;  // Archive contains app classes
230   char*  _requested_base_address;       // Archive relocation is not necessary if we map with this base address.
231   char*  _mapped_base_address;          // Actual base address where archive is mapped.
233   bool   _allow_archiving_with_java_agent; // setting of the AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent option
234   bool   _use_optimized_module_handling;// No module-relation VM options were specified, so we can skip
235                                         // some expensive operations.
236   bool   _use_full_module_graph;        // Can we use the full archived module graph?
237   size_t _ptrmap_size_in_bits;          // Size of pointer relocation bitmap
238   narrowOop _heap_obj_roots;            // An objArray that stores all the roots of archived heap objects
239   char* from_mapped_offset(size_t offset) const {
240     return mapped_base_address() + offset;
241   }
242   void set_mapped_offset(char* p, size_t *offset) {
243     assert(p >= mapped_base_address(), "sanity");
244     *offset = p - mapped_base_address();
245   }
246 public:
247   // Accessors -- fields declared in CDSFileMapHeaderBase
248   unsigned int magic() const {return _magic;}
249   int crc()                               const { return _crc; }
250   int version()                           const { return _version; }
252   void set_crc(int crc_value)                   { _crc = crc_value; }
253   void set_version(int v)                       { _version = v; }
255   // Accessors -- fields declared in FileMapHeader
257   size_t header_size()                     const { return _header_size; }
258   size_t alignment()                       const { return _alignment; }

266   address narrow_klass_base()              const { return (address)mapped_base_address(); }
267   char* cloned_vtables()                   const { return from_mapped_offset(_cloned_vtables_offset); }
268   char* serialized_data()                  const { return from_mapped_offset(_serialized_data_offset); }
269   address i2i_entry_code_buffers()         const { return (address)from_mapped_offset(_i2i_entry_code_buffers_offset); }
270   size_t i2i_entry_code_buffers_size()     const { return _i2i_entry_code_buffers_size; }
271   address heap_end()                       const { return _heap_end; }
272   bool base_archive_is_default()           const { return _base_archive_is_default; }
273   const char* jvm_ident()                  const { return _jvm_ident; }
274   size_t base_archive_name_size()          const { return _base_archive_name_size; }
275   char* requested_base_address()           const { return _requested_base_address; }
276   char* mapped_base_address()              const { return _mapped_base_address; }
277   bool has_platform_or_app_classes()       const { return _has_platform_or_app_classes; }
278   size_t ptrmap_size_in_bits()             const { return _ptrmap_size_in_bits; }
279   bool compressed_oops()                   const { return _compressed_oops; }
280   bool compressed_class_pointers()         const { return _compressed_class_ptrs; }
281   // FIXME: These should really return int
282   jshort max_used_path_index()             const { return _max_used_path_index; }
283   jshort app_module_paths_start_index()    const { return _app_module_paths_start_index; }
284   jshort app_class_paths_start_index()     const { return _app_class_paths_start_index; }
285   jshort num_module_paths()                const { return _num_module_paths; }
286   narrowOop heap_obj_roots()               const { return _heap_obj_roots; }
288   void set_has_platform_or_app_classes(bool v)   { _has_platform_or_app_classes = v; }
289   void set_cloned_vtables(char* p)               { set_mapped_offset(p, &_cloned_vtables_offset); }
290   void set_serialized_data(char* p)              { set_mapped_offset(p, &_serialized_data_offset); }
291   void set_base_archive_name_size(size_t s)      { _base_archive_name_size = s; }
292   void set_base_archive_is_default(bool b)       { _base_archive_is_default = b; }
293   void set_header_size(size_t s)                 { _header_size = s; }
294   void set_ptrmap_size_in_bits(size_t s)         { _ptrmap_size_in_bits = s; }
295   void set_mapped_base_address(char* p)          { _mapped_base_address = p; }
296   void set_heap_obj_roots(narrowOop r)           { _heap_obj_roots = r; }
298   void set_i2i_entry_code_buffers(address p, size_t s) {
299     set_mapped_offset((char*)p, &_i2i_entry_code_buffers_offset);
300     _i2i_entry_code_buffers_size = s;
301   }
303   void set_shared_path_table(SharedPathTable table) {
304     set_mapped_offset((char*)table.table(), &_shared_path_table_offset);
305     _shared_path_table_size = table.size();
306   }
308   void set_final_requested_base(char* b) {
309     _requested_base_address = b;
310     _mapped_base_address = 0;
311   }
313   SharedPathTable shared_path_table() const {
314     return SharedPathTable((Array<u8>*)from_mapped_offset(_shared_path_table_offset),
315                            _shared_path_table_size);
316   }
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