1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  28 #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
  29 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  30 #include "oops/method.hpp"
  32 // SignatureIterators iterate over a Java signature (or parts of it).
  33 // (Syntax according to: "The Java Virtual Machine Specification" by
  34 // Tim Lindholm & Frank Yellin; section 4.3 Descriptors; p. 89ff.)
  35 //
  36 // Example: Iterating over ([Lfoo;D)I using
  37 //                         0123456789
  38 //
  39 // iterate_parameters() calls: do_array(2, 7); do_double();
  40 // iterate_returntype() calls:                              do_int();
  41 // iterate()            calls: do_array(2, 7); do_double(); do_int();
  42 //
  43 // is_return_type()        is: false         ; false      ; true
  44 //
  45 // NOTE: The new optimizer has an alternate, for-loop based signature
  46 // iterator implemented in opto/type.cpp, TypeTuple::make().
  48 class SignatureIterator: public ResourceObj {
  49  protected:
  50   Symbol*      _signature;             // the signature to iterate over
  51   int          _index;                 // the current character index (only valid during iteration)
  52   int          _parameter_index;       // the current parameter index (0 outside iteration phase)
  53   BasicType    _return_type;
  55   void expect(char c);
  56   int  parse_type();                   // returns the parameter size in words (0 for void)
  57   void check_signature_end();
  59  public:
  60   // Definitions used in generating and iterating the
  61   // bit field form of the signature generated by the
  62   // Fingerprinter.
  63   enum {
  64     static_feature_size    = 1,
  65     is_static_bit          = 1,
  67     result_feature_size    = 4,
  68     result_feature_mask    = 0xF,
  69     parameter_feature_size = 4,
  70     parameter_feature_mask = 0xF,
  72       bool_parm            = 1,
  73       byte_parm            = 2,
  74       char_parm            = 3,
  75       short_parm           = 4,
  76       int_parm             = 5,
  77       long_parm            = 6,
  78       float_parm           = 7,
  79       double_parm          = 8,
  80       obj_parm             = 9,
  81       done_parm            = 10,  // marker for end of parameters
  83     // max parameters is wordsize minus
  84     //    The sign bit, termination field, the result and static bit fields
  85     max_size_of_parameters = (BitsPerLong-1 -
  86                               result_feature_size - parameter_feature_size -
  87                               static_feature_size) / parameter_feature_size
  88   };
  90   // Constructors
  91   SignatureIterator(Symbol* signature);
  93   // Iteration
  94   void iterate_parameters();           // iterates over parameters only
  95   void iterate_parameters( uint64_t fingerprint );
  96   void iterate_returntype();           // iterates over returntype only
  97   void iterate();                      // iterates over whole signature
  98   // Returns the word index of the current parameter;
  99   int  parameter_index() const         { return _parameter_index; }
 100   bool is_return_type() const          { return parameter_index() < 0; }
 101   BasicType get_ret_type() const       { return _return_type; }
 103   // Basic types
 104   virtual void do_bool  ()             = 0;
 105   virtual void do_char  ()             = 0;
 106   virtual void do_float ()             = 0;
 107   virtual void do_double()             = 0;
 108   virtual void do_byte  ()             = 0;
 109   virtual void do_short ()             = 0;
 110   virtual void do_int   ()             = 0;
 111   virtual void do_long  ()             = 0;
 112   virtual void do_void  ()             = 0;
 114   // Object types (begin indexes the first character of the entry, end indexes the first character after the entry)
 115   virtual void do_object(int begin, int end) = 0;
 116   virtual void do_valuetype(int begin, int end) = 0;
 117   virtual void do_array (int begin, int end) = 0;
 119   static bool is_static(uint64_t fingerprint) {
 120     assert(fingerprint != (uint64_t)CONST64(-1), "invalid fingerprint");
 121     return fingerprint & is_static_bit;
 122   }
 123   static BasicType return_type(uint64_t fingerprint) {
 124     assert(fingerprint != (uint64_t)CONST64(-1), "invalid fingerprint");
 125     return (BasicType) ((fingerprint >> static_feature_size) & result_feature_mask);
 126   }
 127 };
 130 // Specialized SignatureIterators: Used to compute signature specific values.
 132 class SignatureTypeNames : public SignatureIterator {
 133  protected:
 134   virtual void type_name(const char* name)   = 0;
 136   void do_bool()                       { type_name("jboolean"); }
 137   void do_char()                       { type_name("jchar"   ); }
 138   void do_float()                      { type_name("jfloat"  ); }
 139   void do_double()                     { type_name("jdouble" ); }
 140   void do_byte()                       { type_name("jbyte"   ); }
 141   void do_short()                      { type_name("jshort"  ); }
 142   void do_int()                        { type_name("jint"    ); }
 143   void do_long()                       { type_name("jlong"   ); }
 144   void do_void()                       { type_name("void"    ); }
 145   void do_object(int begin, int end)   { type_name("jobject" ); }
 146   void do_valuetype(int begin, int end) { type_name("jobject"); }
 147   void do_array (int begin, int end)   { type_name("jobject" ); }
 149  public:
 150   SignatureTypeNames(Symbol* signature) : SignatureIterator(signature) {}
 151 };
 154 class SignatureInfo: public SignatureIterator {
 155  protected:
 156   bool      _has_iterated;             // need this because iterate cannot be called in constructor (set is virtual!)
 157   bool      _has_iterated_return;
 158   int       _size;
 160   void lazy_iterate_parameters()       { if (!_has_iterated) { iterate_parameters(); _has_iterated = true; } }
 161   void lazy_iterate_return()           { if (!_has_iterated_return) { iterate_returntype(); _has_iterated_return = true; } }
 163   virtual void set(int size, BasicType type) = 0;
 165   void do_bool  ()                     { set(T_BOOLEAN_size, T_BOOLEAN); }
 166   void do_char  ()                     { set(T_CHAR_size   , T_CHAR   ); }
 167   void do_float ()                     { set(T_FLOAT_size  , T_FLOAT  ); }
 168   void do_double()                     { set(T_DOUBLE_size , T_DOUBLE ); }
 169   void do_byte  ()                     { set(T_BYTE_size   , T_BYTE   ); }
 170   void do_short ()                     { set(T_SHORT_size  , T_SHORT  ); }
 171   void do_int   ()                     { set(T_INT_size    , T_INT    ); }
 172   void do_long  ()                     { set(T_LONG_size   , T_LONG   ); }
 173   void do_void  ()                     { set(T_VOID_size   , T_VOID   ); }
 174   void do_object(int begin, int end)   { set(T_OBJECT_size , T_OBJECT ); }
 175   void do_valuetype(int begin, int end) { set(T_VALUETYPE_size, T_VALUETYPE ); }
 176   void do_array (int begin, int end)   { set(T_ARRAY_size  , T_ARRAY  ); }
 178  public:
 179   SignatureInfo(Symbol* signature) : SignatureIterator(signature) {
 180     _has_iterated = _has_iterated_return = false;
 181     _size         = 0;
 182     _return_type  = T_ILLEGAL;
 183   }
 185 };
 188 // Specialized SignatureIterator: Used to compute the argument size.
 190 class ArgumentSizeComputer: public SignatureInfo {
 191  private:
 192   void set(int size, BasicType type)   { _size += size; }
 193  public:
 194   ArgumentSizeComputer(Symbol* signature) : SignatureInfo(signature) {}
 196   int       size()                     { lazy_iterate_parameters(); return _size; }
 197 };
 200 class ArgumentCount: public SignatureInfo {
 201  private:
 202   void set(int size, BasicType type)   { _size ++; }
 203  public:
 204   ArgumentCount(Symbol* signature) : SignatureInfo(signature) {}
 206   int       size()                     { lazy_iterate_parameters(); return _size; }
 207 };
 210 // Specialized SignatureIterator: Used to compute the result type.
 212 class ResultTypeFinder: public SignatureInfo {
 213  private:
 214   void set(int size, BasicType type)   { _return_type = type; }
 215  public:
 216   BasicType type()                     { lazy_iterate_return(); return _return_type; }
 218   ResultTypeFinder(Symbol* signature) : SignatureInfo(signature) {}
 219 };
 222 // Fingerprinter computes a unique ID for a given method. The ID
 223 // is a bitvector characterizing the methods signature (incl. the receiver).
 224 class Fingerprinter: public SignatureIterator {
 225  private:
 226   uint64_t _fingerprint;
 227   int _shift_count;
 228   methodHandle mh;
 230  public:
 232   void do_bool()    { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)bool_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 233   void do_char()    { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)char_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 234   void do_byte()    { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)byte_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 235   void do_short()   { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)short_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 236   void do_int()     { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)int_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 237   void do_long()    { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)long_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 238   void do_float()   { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)float_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 239   void do_double()  { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)double_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 241   void do_object(int begin, int end)  { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)obj_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 242   void do_valuetype(int begin, int end)  { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)obj_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 243   void do_array (int begin, int end)  { _fingerprint |= (((uint64_t)obj_parm) << _shift_count); _shift_count += parameter_feature_size; }
 245   void do_void()    { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
 247   Fingerprinter(const methodHandle& method) : SignatureIterator(method->signature()) {
 248     mh = method;
 249     _fingerprint = 0;
 250   }
 252   uint64_t fingerprint() {
 253     // See if we fingerprinted this method already
 254     if (mh->constMethod()->fingerprint() != CONST64(0)) {
 255       return mh->constMethod()->fingerprint();
 256     }
 258     if (mh->size_of_parameters() > max_size_of_parameters ) {
 259       _fingerprint = (uint64_t)CONST64(-1);
 260       mh->constMethod()->set_fingerprint(_fingerprint);
 261       return _fingerprint;
 262     }
 264     assert( (int)mh->result_type() <= (int)result_feature_mask, "bad result type");
 265     _fingerprint = mh->result_type();
 266     _fingerprint <<= static_feature_size;
 267     if (mh->is_static())  _fingerprint |= 1;
 268     _shift_count = result_feature_size + static_feature_size;
 269     iterate_parameters();
 270     _fingerprint |= ((uint64_t)done_parm) << _shift_count;// mark end of sig
 271     mh->constMethod()->set_fingerprint(_fingerprint);
 272     return _fingerprint;
 273   }
 274 };
 277 // Specialized SignatureIterator: Used for native call purposes
 279 class NativeSignatureIterator: public SignatureIterator {
 280  private:
 281   methodHandle _method;
 282 // We need separate JNI and Java offset values because in 64 bit mode,
 283 // the argument offsets are not in sync with the Java stack.
 284 // For example a long takes up 1 "C" stack entry but 2 Java stack entries.
 285   int          _offset;                // The java stack offset
 286   int          _prepended;             // number of prepended JNI parameters (1 JNIEnv, plus 1 mirror if static)
 287   int          _jni_offset;            // the current parameter offset, starting with 0
 289   void do_bool  ()                     { pass_int();    _jni_offset++; _offset++;       }
 290   void do_char  ()                     { pass_int();    _jni_offset++; _offset++;       }
 291   void do_float ()                     { pass_float();  _jni_offset++; _offset++;       }
 292 #ifdef _LP64
 293   void do_double()                     { pass_double(); _jni_offset++; _offset += 2;    }
 294 #else
 295   void do_double()                     { pass_double(); _jni_offset += 2; _offset += 2; }
 296 #endif
 297   void do_byte  ()                     { pass_int();    _jni_offset++; _offset++;       }
 298   void do_short ()                     { pass_int();    _jni_offset++; _offset++;       }
 299   void do_int   ()                     { pass_int();    _jni_offset++; _offset++;       }
 300 #ifdef _LP64
 301   void do_long  ()                     { pass_long();   _jni_offset++; _offset += 2;    }
 302 #else
 303   void do_long  ()                     { pass_long();   _jni_offset += 2; _offset += 2; }
 304 #endif
 305   void do_void  ()                     { ShouldNotReachHere();                               }
 306   void do_object(int begin, int end)   { pass_object(); _jni_offset++; _offset++;        }
 307   void do_array (int begin, int end)   { pass_object(); _jni_offset++; _offset++;        }
 308   void do_valuetype(int begin, int end){ pass_valuetype();  _jni_offset++; _offset++;        }
 310  public:
 311   methodHandle method() const          { return _method; }
 312   int          offset() const          { return _offset; }
 313   int      jni_offset() const          { return _jni_offset + _prepended; }
 314 //  int     java_offset() const          { return method()->size_of_parameters() - _offset - 1; }
 315   bool      is_static() const          { return method()->is_static(); }
 316   virtual void pass_int()              = 0;
 317   virtual void pass_long()             = 0;
 318   virtual void pass_object()           = 0;
 319   virtual void pass_valuetype()        = 0;
 320   virtual void pass_float()            = 0;
 321 #ifdef _LP64
 322   virtual void pass_double()           = 0;
 323 #else
 324   virtual void pass_double()           { pass_long(); }  // may be same as long
 325 #endif
 327   NativeSignatureIterator(const methodHandle& method) : SignatureIterator(method->signature()) {
 328     _method = method;
 329     _offset = 0;
 330     _jni_offset = 0;
 332     const int JNIEnv_words = 1;
 333     const int mirror_words = 1;
 334     _prepended = !is_static() ? JNIEnv_words : JNIEnv_words + mirror_words;
 335   }
 337   // iterate() calles the 2 virtual methods according to the following invocation syntax:
 338   //
 339   // {pass_int | pass_long | pass_object}
 340   //
 341   // Arguments are handled from left to right (receiver first, if any).
 342   // The offset() values refer to the Java stack offsets but are 0 based and increasing.
 343   // The java_offset() values count down to 0, and refer to the Java TOS.
 344   // The jni_offset() values increase from 1 or 2, and refer to C arguments.
 346   void iterate() { iterate(Fingerprinter(method()).fingerprint());
 347   }
 350   // Optimized path if we have the bitvector form of signature
 351   void iterate( uint64_t fingerprint ) {
 353     if (!is_static()) {
 354       // handle receiver (not handled by iterate because not in signature)
 355       pass_object(); _jni_offset++; _offset++;
 356     }
 358     SignatureIterator::iterate_parameters( fingerprint );
 359   }
 360 };
 363 // Handy stream for iterating over signature
 365 class SignatureStream : public StackObj {
 366  private:
 367   Symbol*      _signature;
 368   int          _begin;
 369   int          _end;
 370   BasicType    _type;
 371   bool         _at_return_type;
 372   Symbol*      _previous_name;     // cache the previously looked up symbol to avoid lookups
 373   GrowableArray<Symbol*>* _names;  // symbols created while parsing that need to be dereferenced
 374  public:
 375   bool at_return_type() const                    { return _at_return_type; }
 376   bool is_done() const;
 377   void next_non_primitive(int t);
 378   void next() {
 379     Symbol* sig = _signature;
 380     int len = sig->utf8_length();
 381     if (_end >= len) {
 382       _end = len + 1;
 383       return;
 384     }
 386     _begin = _end;
 387     int t = sig->char_at(_begin);
 388     switch (t) {
 389       case 'B': _type = T_BYTE;    break;
 390       case 'C': _type = T_CHAR;    break;
 391       case 'D': _type = T_DOUBLE;  break;
 392       case 'F': _type = T_FLOAT;   break;
 393       case 'I': _type = T_INT;     break;
 394       case 'J': _type = T_LONG;    break;
 395       case 'S': _type = T_SHORT;   break;
 396       case 'Z': _type = T_BOOLEAN; break;
 397       case 'V': _type = T_VOID;    break;
 398       default : next_non_primitive(t);
 399                 return;
 400     }
 401     _end++;
 402   }
 404   SignatureStream(Symbol* signature, bool is_method = true);
 405   ~SignatureStream();
 407   bool is_object() const;                        // True if this argument is an object
 408   bool is_array() const;                         // True if this argument is an array
 409   BasicType type() const                         { return _type; }
 410   Symbol* as_symbol();
 411   enum FailureMode { ReturnNull, NCDFError };
 412   ValueKlass* as_value_klass(InstanceKlass* holder);
 413   Klass* as_klass(Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS);
 414   oop as_java_mirror(Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS);
 415   const u1* raw_bytes()  { return _signature->bytes() + _begin; }
 416   int       raw_length() { return _end - _begin; }
 418   // return same as_symbol except allocation of new symbols is avoided.
 419   Symbol* as_symbol_or_null();
 421   // count the number of references in the signature
 422   int reference_parameter_count();
 423 };
 425 class SigEntryFilter;
 426 typedef GrowableArrayFilterIterator<SigEntry, SigEntryFilter> ExtendedSignature;
 428 // Used for adapter generation. One SigEntry is used per element of
 429 // the signature of the method. Value type arguments are treated
 430 // specially. See comment for ValueKlass::collect_fields().
 431 class SigEntry {
 432  public:
 433   BasicType _bt;
 434   int _offset;
 436   enum { ReservedOffset = -2 }; // Special offset to mark the reserved entry
 438   SigEntry()
 439     : _bt(T_ILLEGAL), _offset(-1) {
 440   }
 441   SigEntry(BasicType bt, int offset)
 442     : _bt(bt), _offset(offset) {}
 444   SigEntry(BasicType bt)
 445     : _bt(bt), _offset(-1) {}
 447   static int compare(SigEntry* e1, SigEntry* e2) {
 448     if (e1->_offset != e2->_offset) {
 449       return e1->_offset - e2->_offset;
 450     }
 451     assert((e1->_bt == T_LONG && (e2->_bt == T_LONG || e2->_bt == T_VOID)) ||
 452            (e1->_bt == T_DOUBLE && (e2->_bt == T_DOUBLE || e2->_bt == T_VOID)) ||
 453            e1->_bt == T_VALUETYPE || e2->_bt == T_VALUETYPE || e1->_bt == T_VOID || e2->_bt == T_VOID, "bad bt");
 454     if (e1->_bt == e2->_bt) {
 455       assert(e1->_bt == T_VALUETYPE || e1->_bt == T_VOID, "only ones with duplicate offsets");
 456       return 0;
 457     }
 458     if (e1->_bt == T_VOID ||
 459         e2->_bt == T_VALUETYPE) {
 460       return 1;
 461     }
 462     if (e1->_bt == T_VALUETYPE ||
 463         e2->_bt == T_VOID) {
 464       return -1;
 465     }
 466     ShouldNotReachHere();
 467     return 0;
 468   }
 469   static void add_entry(GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, BasicType bt, int offset = -1);
 470   static void insert_reserved_entry(GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, int i, BasicType bt);
 471   static bool is_reserved_entry(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, int i);
 472   static bool skip_value_delimiters(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, int i);
 473   static int fill_sig_bt(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, BasicType* sig_bt);
 474   static TempNewSymbol create_symbol(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig);
 476   static bool next_is_reserved(ExtendedSignature& sig, BasicType& bt, bool can_be_void = false);
 477 };
 479 class SigEntryFilter {
 480 public:
 481   bool operator()(const SigEntry& entry) { return entry._bt != T_VALUETYPE && entry._bt != T_VOID; }
 482 };
 484 #ifdef ASSERT
 485 class SignatureVerifier : public StackObj {
 486   public:
 487     static bool is_valid_method_signature(const Symbol* sig);
 488     static bool is_valid_type_signature(const Symbol* sig);
 489   private:
 490     static ssize_t is_valid_type(const char*, ssize_t);
 491 };
 492 #endif