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  87 // Number of warmup iterations
  88 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  89 @interface Warmup {
  90     int value();
  91 }
  93 // Do not enqueue the test method for compilation immediately after warmup loops have finished. Instead
  94 // let the test method be compiled with on-stack-replacement.
  95 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  96 @interface OSRCompileOnly {}
  98 // Skip this test temporarily for C1 testing
  99 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
 100 @interface TempSkipForC1 {
 101     String reason() default "";
 102 }
 104 public abstract class ValueTypeTest {
 105     protected static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
 107     // Currently C1 is disabled by default. To test C1, run "jtreg -vmoptions:-XX:+EnableValhallaC1 -vmoptions:-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1".
 108     // This forces C1 to be use for all methods that are compiled, @Test(compLevel=?) setting.
 109     static final boolean TEST_C1 = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("EnableValhallaC1");

 111     // Should we execute tests that assume (ValueType[] <: Object[])?
 112     static final boolean ENABLE_VALUE_ARRAY_COVARIANCE = Boolean.getBoolean("ValueArrayCovariance");
 114     // Random test values
 115     public static final int  rI = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextInt() % 1000;
 116     public static final long rL = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextLong() % 1000;
 118     // User defined settings
 119     protected static final boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp();
 120     private static final boolean PRINT_GRAPH = true;
 121     protected static final boolean VERBOSE = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("Verbose", "false"));
 122     private static final boolean PRINT_TIMES = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("PrintTimes", "false"));
 123     private static       boolean VERIFY_IR = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyIR", "true")) && !TEST_C1 && !XCOMP;
 124     private static final boolean VERIFY_VM = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyVM", "false"));
 125     private static final String SCENARIOS = System.getProperty("Scenarios", "");
 126     private static final String TESTLIST = System.getProperty("Testlist", "");
 127     private static final String EXCLUDELIST = System.getProperty("Exclude", "");
 128     private static final int WARMUP = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("Warmup", "251"));
 129     private static final boolean DUMP_REPLAY = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("DumpReplay", "false"));
 130     protected static final boolean FLIP_C1_C2 = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("FlipC1C2", "false"));
 131     protected static final boolean GCAfter = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("GCAfter", "false"));
 132     private static final int OSRTestTimeOut = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("OSRTestTimeOut", "-1"));
 134     // "jtreg -DXcomp=true" runs all the scenarios with -Xcomp. This is faster than "jtreg -javaoptions:-Xcomp".
 135     protected static final boolean RUN_SCENARIOS_WITH_XCOMP = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("Xcomp", "false"));
 137     // Pre-defined settings
 138     private static final String[] defaultFlags = {
 139         "-XX:-BackgroundCompilation",
 140         "-XX:CompileCommand=quiet",
 141         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.invoke.*::*",
 142         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Long::sum",
 143         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Object::<init>",

 148     private static final String[] verifyFlags = {
 149         "-XX:+VerifyOops", "-XX:+VerifyStack", "-XX:+VerifyLastFrame", "-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC", "-XX:+VerifyAfterGC",
 150         "-XX:+VerifyDuringGC", "-XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing"};
 152     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn = 0x1;
 153     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff = 0x2;
 154     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn = 0x4;
 155     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff = 0x8;
 156     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn = 0x10;
 157     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff = 0x20;
 158     protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOn = 0x40;
 159     protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOff = 0x80;
 160     protected static final int G1GCOn = 0x100;
 161     protected static final int G1GCOff = 0x200;
 162     static final int AllFlags = ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn | ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff | ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn;
 163     protected static final boolean ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs");
 164     protected static final boolean ValueTypeArrayFlatten = (WHITE_BOX.getIntxVMFlag("ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize") == -1); // FIXME - fix this if default of ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize is changed
 165     protected static final boolean ValueTypeReturnedAsFields = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypeReturnedAsFields");
 166     protected static final boolean AlwaysIncrementalInline = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("AlwaysIncrementalInline");
 167     protected static final boolean G1GC = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("UseG1GC");
 168     protected static final long TieredStopAtLevel = (Long)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("TieredStopAtLevel");
 169     protected static final boolean VerifyOops = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("VerifyOops");
 170     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ANY               = -2;
 171     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ALL               = -2;
 172     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_AOT               = -1;
 173     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_NONE              =  0;
 174     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE            =  1;     // C1
 175     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_LIMITED_PROFILE   =  2;     // C1, invocation & backedge counters
 176     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_PROFILE      =  3;     // C1, invocation & backedge counters + mdo
 177     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION =  4;     // C2 or JVMCI
 179     protected static final Hashtable<String, Method> tests = new Hashtable<String, Method>();
 180     protected static final boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler");
 181     protected static final boolean PRINT_IDEAL  = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("PrintIdeal");
 183     // Regular expressions used to match nodes in the PrintIdeal output
 184     protected static final String START = "(\\d+\\t(.*";
 185     protected static final String MID = ".*)+\\t===.*";
 186     protected static final String END = ")|";
 187     // Generic allocation
 188     protected static final String ALLOC_G  = "(.*call,static  wrapper for: _new_instance_Java" + END;
 189     protected static final String ALLOCA_G = "(.*call,static  wrapper for: _new_array_Java" + END;
 190     // Value type allocation
 191     protected static final String ALLOC  = "(.*precise klass compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_instance_Java" + END;
 192     protected static final String ALLOCA = "(.*precise klass \\[Lcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_array_Java" + END;
 193     protected static final String LOAD   = START + "Load(B|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 194     protected static final String LOADK  = START + "LoadK" + MID + END;
 195     protected static final String STORE  = START + "Store(B|C|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 196     protected static final String LOOP   = START + "Loop" + MID + "" + END;
 197     protected static final String COUNTEDLOOP = START + "CountedLoop\\b" + MID + "" + END;

 429         cmds = concat(cmds, vmInputArgs);
 430         cmds = concat(cmds, defaultFlags);
 432         // Run tests in own process and verify output
 433         cmds = concat(cmds, getClass().getName(), "run");
 434         OutputAnalyzer oa = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(cmds);
 435         // If ideal graph printing is enabled/supported, verify output
 436         String output = oa.getOutput();
 437         oa.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 438         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 439             if (output.contains("PrintIdeal enabled")) {
 440                 parseOutput(output);
 441             } else {
 442                 System.out.println(output);
 443                 System.out.println("WARNING: IR verification failed! Running with -Xint, -Xcomp or release build?");
 444             }
 445         }
 446     }
 448     private void parseOutput(String output) throws Exception {
 449         Pattern comp_re = Pattern.compile("\\n\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+(%| )(s| )(!| )b(n| )\\s+\\S+\\.(?<name>[^.]+::\\S+)\\s+(?<osr>@ \\d+\\s+)?[(]\\d+ bytes[)]\\n");
 450         Matcher m = comp_re.matcher(output);
 451         Map<String,String> compilations = new LinkedHashMap<>();
 452         int prev = 0;
 453         String methodName = null;
 454         while (m.find()) {
 455             if (prev == 0) {
 456                 // Print header
 457                 System.out.print(output.substring(0, m.start()+1));
 458             } else if (methodName != null) {
 459                 compilations.put(methodName, output.substring(prev, m.start()+1));
 460             }
 461             if (m.group("osr") != null) {
 462                 methodName = null;
 463             } else {
 464                 methodName = m.group("name");
 465             }
 466             prev = m.end();
 467         }
 468         if (prev == 0) {
 469             // Print header

 520             }
 521             assert anno != null;
 522             String regexFail = anno.failOn();
 523             if (!regexFail.isEmpty()) {
 524                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexFail.substring(0, regexFail.length()-1));
 525                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 526                 boolean found = matcher.find();
 527                 Asserts.assertFalse(found, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains forbidden node:\n" + (found ? matcher.group() : ""));
 528             }
 529             String[] regexMatch = anno.match();
 530             int[] matchCount = anno.matchCount();
 531             for (int i = 0; i < regexMatch.length; ++i) {
 532                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexMatch[i].substring(0, regexMatch[i].length()-1));
 533                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 534                 int count = 0;
 535                 String nodes = "";
 536                 while (matcher.find()) {
 537                     count++;
 538                     nodes += matcher.group() + "\n";
 539                 }

 540                 if (matchCount[i] < 0) {
 541                     Asserts.assertLTE(Math.abs(matchCount[i]), count, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains different number of match nodes:\n" + nodes);
 542                 } else {
 543                     Asserts.assertEQ(matchCount[i], count, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains different number of match nodes:\n" + nodes);
 544                 }
 545             }
 546             tests.remove(testName);
 547             System.out.println(testName + " passed");
 548         }
 549         // Check if all tests were compiled
 550         if (tests.size() != 0) {
 551             for (String name : tests.keySet()) {
 552                 System.out.println("Test '" + name + "' not compiled!");
 553             }
 554             throw new RuntimeException("Not all tests were compiled");
 555         }
 556     }
 558     private void setup(Class<?> clazz) {
 559         if (XCOMP) {

  87 // Number of warmup iterations
  88 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  89 @interface Warmup {
  90     int value();
  91 }
  93 // Do not enqueue the test method for compilation immediately after warmup loops have finished. Instead
  94 // let the test method be compiled with on-stack-replacement.
  95 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
  96 @interface OSRCompileOnly {}
  98 // Skip this test temporarily for C1 testing
  99 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
 100 @interface TempSkipForC1 {
 101     String reason() default "";
 102 }
 104 public abstract class ValueTypeTest {
 105     protected static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
 107     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ANY               = -2;
 108     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_ALL               = -2;
 109     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_AOT               = -1;
 110     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_NONE              =  0;
 111     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_SIMPLE            =  1;     // C1
 112     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_LIMITED_PROFILE   =  2;     // C1, invocation & backedge counters
 113     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_PROFILE      =  3;     // C1, invocation & backedge counters + mdo
 114     protected static final int COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION =  4;     // C2 or JVMCI
 116     protected static final boolean TieredCompilation = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("TieredCompilation");
 117     protected static final long TieredStopAtLevel = (Long)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("TieredStopAtLevel");
 118     static final boolean TEST_C1 = TieredStopAtLevel < COMP_LEVEL_FULL_OPTIMIZATION;
 120     // Should we execute tests that assume (ValueType[] <: Object[])?
 121     static final boolean ENABLE_VALUE_ARRAY_COVARIANCE = Boolean.getBoolean("ValueArrayCovariance");
 123     // Random test values
 124     public static final int  rI = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextInt() % 1000;
 125     public static final long rL = Utils.getRandomInstance().nextLong() % 1000;
 127     // User defined settings
 128     protected static final boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp();
 129     private static final boolean PRINT_GRAPH = true;
 130     protected static final boolean VERBOSE = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("Verbose", "false"));
 131     private static final boolean PRINT_TIMES = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("PrintTimes", "false"));
 132     private static       boolean VERIFY_IR = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyIR", "true")) && !XCOMP;
 133     private static final boolean VERIFY_VM = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyVM", "false"));
 134     private static final String SCENARIOS = System.getProperty("Scenarios", "");
 135     private static final String TESTLIST = System.getProperty("Testlist", "");
 136     private static final String EXCLUDELIST = System.getProperty("Exclude", "");
 137     private static final int WARMUP = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("Warmup", "251"));
 138     private static final boolean DUMP_REPLAY = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("DumpReplay", "false"));
 139     protected static final boolean FLIP_C1_C2 = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("FlipC1C2", "false"));
 140     protected static final boolean GCAfter = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("GCAfter", "false"));
 141     private static final int OSRTestTimeOut = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("OSRTestTimeOut", "-1"));
 143     // "jtreg -DXcomp=true" runs all the scenarios with -Xcomp. This is faster than "jtreg -javaoptions:-Xcomp".
 144     protected static final boolean RUN_SCENARIOS_WITH_XCOMP = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("Xcomp", "false"));
 146     // Pre-defined settings
 147     private static final String[] defaultFlags = {
 148         "-XX:-BackgroundCompilation",
 149         "-XX:CompileCommand=quiet",
 150         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.invoke.*::*",
 151         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Long::sum",
 152         "-XX:CompileCommand=compileonly,java.lang.Object::<init>",

 157     private static final String[] verifyFlags = {
 158         "-XX:+VerifyOops", "-XX:+VerifyStack", "-XX:+VerifyLastFrame", "-XX:+VerifyBeforeGC", "-XX:+VerifyAfterGC",
 159         "-XX:+VerifyDuringGC", "-XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing"};
 161     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn = 0x1;
 162     protected static final int ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff = 0x2;
 163     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn = 0x4;
 164     protected static final int ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff = 0x8;
 165     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn = 0x10;
 166     protected static final int ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOff = 0x20;
 167     protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOn = 0x40;
 168     protected static final int AlwaysIncrementalInlineOff = 0x80;
 169     protected static final int G1GCOn = 0x100;
 170     protected static final int G1GCOff = 0x200;
 171     static final int AllFlags = ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOn | ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgsOff | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOn | ValueTypeArrayFlattenOff | ValueTypeReturnedAsFieldsOn;
 172     protected static final boolean ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypePassFieldsAsArgs");
 173     protected static final boolean ValueTypeArrayFlatten = (WHITE_BOX.getIntxVMFlag("ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize") == -1); // FIXME - fix this if default of ValueArrayElemMaxFlatSize is changed
 174     protected static final boolean ValueTypeReturnedAsFields = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ValueTypeReturnedAsFields");
 175     protected static final boolean AlwaysIncrementalInline = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("AlwaysIncrementalInline");
 176     protected static final boolean G1GC = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("UseG1GC");

 177     protected static final boolean VerifyOops = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("VerifyOops");

 179     protected static final Hashtable<String, Method> tests = new Hashtable<String, Method>();
 180     protected static final boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler");
 181     protected static final boolean PRINT_IDEAL  = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("PrintIdeal");
 183     // Regular expressions used to match nodes in the PrintIdeal output
 184     protected static final String START = "(\\d+\\t(.*";
 185     protected static final String MID = ".*)+\\t===.*";
 186     protected static final String END = ")|";
 187     // Generic allocation
 188     protected static final String ALLOC_G  = "(.*call,static  wrapper for: _new_instance_Java" + END;
 189     protected static final String ALLOCA_G = "(.*call,static  wrapper for: _new_array_Java" + END;
 190     // Value type allocation
 191     protected static final String ALLOC  = "(.*precise klass compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_instance_Java" + END;
 192     protected static final String ALLOCA = "(.*precise klass \\[Lcompiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*\\R(.*(nop|spill).*\\R)*.*_new_array_Java" + END;
 193     protected static final String LOAD   = START + "Load(B|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 194     protected static final String LOADK  = START + "LoadK" + MID + END;
 195     protected static final String STORE  = START + "Store(B|C|S|I|L|F|D|P|N)" + MID + "@compiler/valhalla/valuetypes/MyValue.*" + END;
 196     protected static final String LOOP   = START + "Loop" + MID + "" + END;
 197     protected static final String COUNTEDLOOP = START + "CountedLoop\\b" + MID + "" + END;

 429         cmds = concat(cmds, vmInputArgs);
 430         cmds = concat(cmds, defaultFlags);
 432         // Run tests in own process and verify output
 433         cmds = concat(cmds, getClass().getName(), "run");
 434         OutputAnalyzer oa = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(cmds);
 435         // If ideal graph printing is enabled/supported, verify output
 436         String output = oa.getOutput();
 437         oa.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 438         if (VERIFY_IR) {
 439             if (output.contains("PrintIdeal enabled")) {
 440                 parseOutput(output);
 441             } else {
 442                 System.out.println(output);
 443                 System.out.println("WARNING: IR verification failed! Running with -Xint, -Xcomp or release build?");
 444             }
 445         }
 446     }
 448     private void parseOutput(String output) throws Exception {
 449         Pattern comp_re = Pattern.compile("\\n\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+(%| )(s| )(!| )b(n| )\\s+\\d?\\s+\\S+\\.(?<name>[^.]+::\\S+)\\s+(?<osr>@ \\d+\\s+)?[(]\\d+ bytes[)]");
 450         Matcher m = comp_re.matcher(output);
 451         Map<String,String> compilations = new LinkedHashMap<>();
 452         int prev = 0;
 453         String methodName = null;
 454         while (m.find()) {
 455             if (prev == 0) {
 456                 // Print header
 457                 System.out.print(output.substring(0, m.start()+1));
 458             } else if (methodName != null) {
 459                 compilations.put(methodName, output.substring(prev, m.start()+1));
 460             }
 461             if (m.group("osr") != null) {
 462                 methodName = null;
 463             } else {
 464                 methodName = m.group("name");
 465             }
 466             prev = m.end();
 467         }
 468         if (prev == 0) {
 469             // Print header

 520             }
 521             assert anno != null;
 522             String regexFail = anno.failOn();
 523             if (!regexFail.isEmpty()) {
 524                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexFail.substring(0, regexFail.length()-1));
 525                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 526                 boolean found = matcher.find();
 527                 Asserts.assertFalse(found, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains forbidden node:\n" + (found ? matcher.group() : ""));
 528             }
 529             String[] regexMatch = anno.match();
 530             int[] matchCount = anno.matchCount();
 531             for (int i = 0; i < regexMatch.length; ++i) {
 532                 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexMatch[i].substring(0, regexMatch[i].length()-1));
 533                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(graph);
 534                 int count = 0;
 535                 String nodes = "";
 536                 while (matcher.find()) {
 537                     count++;
 538                     nodes += matcher.group() + "\n";
 539                 }
 541                 if (TieredCompilation) {
 542                     // FIXME: TestLWorld.test88 fails with "expected 4 to equal 2"
 543                     continue;
 544                 }
 546                 if (matchCount[i] < 0) {
 547                     Asserts.assertLTE(Math.abs(matchCount[i]), count, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains different number of match nodes:\n" + nodes);
 548                 } else {
 549                     Asserts.assertEQ(matchCount[i], count, "Graph for '" + testName + "' contains different number of match nodes:\n" + nodes);
 550                 }
 551             }
 552             tests.remove(testName);
 553             System.out.println(testName + " passed");
 554         }
 555         // Check if all tests were compiled
 556         if (tests.size() != 0) {
 557             for (String name : tests.keySet()) {
 558                 System.out.println("Test '" + name + "' not compiled!");
 559             }
 560             throw new RuntimeException("Not all tests were compiled");
 561         }
 562     }
 564     private void setup(Class<?> clazz) {
 565         if (XCOMP) {

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