1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "c1/c1_FrameMap.hpp"
  27 #include "c1/c1_LIR.hpp"
  28 #include "code/vmreg.inline.hpp"
  29 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  30 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  32 //-----------------------------------------------------
  34 // Convert method signature into an array of BasicTypes for the arguments
  35 BasicTypeArray* FrameMap::signature_type_array_for(const ciMethod* method) {
  36   ciSignature* sig = method->signature();
  37   BasicTypeList* sta = new BasicTypeList(method->arg_size());
  38   // add receiver, if any
  39   if (!method->is_static()) sta->append(T_OBJECT);
  40   // add remaining arguments
  41   for (int i = 0; i < sig->count(); i++) {
  42     ciType* type = sig->type_at(i);
  43     BasicType t = type->basic_type();
  44     if (t == T_ARRAY || t == T_VALUETYPE) {
  45       t = T_OBJECT;
  46     }
  47     sta->append(t);
  48   }
  49   // done
  50   return sta;
  51 }
  54 CallingConvention* FrameMap::java_calling_convention(const BasicTypeArray* signature, bool outgoing) {
  55   // compute the size of the arguments first.  The signature array
  56   // that java_calling_convention takes includes a T_VOID after double
  57   // work items but our signatures do not.
  58   int i;
  59   int sizeargs = 0;
  60   for (i = 0; i < signature->length(); i++) {
  61     sizeargs += type2size[signature->at(i)];
  62   }
  64   BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sizeargs);
  65   VMRegPair* regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, sizeargs);
  66   int sig_index = 0;
  67   for (i = 0; i < sizeargs; i++, sig_index++) {
  68     sig_bt[i] = signature->at(sig_index);
  69     if (sig_bt[i] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i] == T_DOUBLE) {
  70       sig_bt[i + 1] = T_VOID;
  71       i++;
  72     }
  73   }
  75   intptr_t out_preserve = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, sizeargs, outgoing);
  76   LIR_OprList* args = new LIR_OprList(signature->length());
  77   for (i = 0; i < sizeargs;) {
  78     BasicType t = sig_bt[i];
  79     assert(t != T_VOID, "should be skipping these");
  80     LIR_Opr opr = map_to_opr(t, regs + i, outgoing);
  81     args->append(opr);
  82     if (opr->is_address()) {
  83       LIR_Address* addr = opr->as_address_ptr();
  84       assert(addr->disp() == (int)addr->disp(), "out of range value");
  85       out_preserve = MAX2(out_preserve, (intptr_t)(addr->disp() - STACK_BIAS) / 4);
  86     }
  87     i += type2size[t];
  88   }
  89   assert(args->length() == signature->length(), "size mismatch");
  90   out_preserve += SharedRuntime::out_preserve_stack_slots();
  92   if (outgoing) {
  93     // update the space reserved for arguments.
  94     update_reserved_argument_area_size(out_preserve * BytesPerWord);
  95   }
  96   return new CallingConvention(args, out_preserve);
  97 }
 100 CallingConvention* FrameMap::c_calling_convention(const BasicTypeArray* signature) {
 101   // compute the size of the arguments first.  The signature array
 102   // that java_calling_convention takes includes a T_VOID after double
 103   // work items but our signatures do not.
 104   int i;
 105   int sizeargs = 0;
 106   for (i = 0; i < signature->length(); i++) {
 107     sizeargs += type2size[signature->at(i)];
 108   }
 110   BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sizeargs);
 111   VMRegPair* regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, sizeargs);
 112   int sig_index = 0;
 113   for (i = 0; i < sizeargs; i++, sig_index++) {
 114     sig_bt[i] = signature->at(sig_index);
 115     if (sig_bt[i] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i] == T_DOUBLE) {
 116       sig_bt[i + 1] = T_VOID;
 117       i++;
 118     }
 119   }
 121   intptr_t out_preserve = SharedRuntime::c_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, NULL, sizeargs);
 122   LIR_OprList* args = new LIR_OprList(signature->length());
 123   for (i = 0; i < sizeargs;) {
 124     BasicType t = sig_bt[i];
 125     assert(t != T_VOID, "should be skipping these");
 127     // C calls are always outgoing
 128     bool outgoing = true;
 129     LIR_Opr opr = map_to_opr(t, regs + i, outgoing);
 130     // they might be of different types if for instance floating point
 131     // values are passed in cpu registers, but the sizes must match.
 132     assert(type2size[opr->type()] == type2size[t], "type mismatch");
 133     args->append(opr);
 134     if (opr->is_address()) {
 135       LIR_Address* addr = opr->as_address_ptr();
 136       out_preserve = MAX2(out_preserve, (intptr_t)(addr->disp() - STACK_BIAS) / 4);
 137     }
 138     i += type2size[t];
 139   }
 140   assert(args->length() == signature->length(), "size mismatch");
 141   out_preserve += SharedRuntime::out_preserve_stack_slots();
 142   update_reserved_argument_area_size(out_preserve * BytesPerWord);
 143   return new CallingConvention(args, out_preserve);
 144 }
 147 //--------------------------------------------------------
 148 //               FrameMap
 149 //--------------------------------------------------------
 151 bool      FrameMap::_init_done = false;
 152 Register  FrameMap::_cpu_rnr2reg [FrameMap::nof_cpu_regs];
 153 int       FrameMap::_cpu_reg2rnr [FrameMap::nof_cpu_regs];
 156 FrameMap::FrameMap(ciMethod* method, int monitors, int reserved_argument_area_size) {
 157   assert(_init_done, "should already be completed");
 159   _framesize = -1;
 160   _num_spills = -1;
 162   assert(monitors >= 0, "not set");
 163   _num_monitors = monitors;
 164   assert(reserved_argument_area_size >= 0, "not set");
 165   _reserved_argument_area_size = MAX2(4, reserved_argument_area_size) * BytesPerWord;
 167   _argcount = method->arg_size();
 168   _argument_locations = new intArray(_argcount, _argcount, -1);
 169   _incoming_arguments = java_calling_convention(signature_type_array_for(method), false);
 170   _oop_map_arg_count = _incoming_arguments->reserved_stack_slots();
 172   int java_index = 0;
 173   for (int i = 0; i < _incoming_arguments->length(); i++) {
 174     LIR_Opr opr = _incoming_arguments->at(i);
 175     if (opr->is_address()) {
 176       LIR_Address* address = opr->as_address_ptr();
 177       _argument_locations->at_put(java_index, address->disp() - STACK_BIAS);
 178       _incoming_arguments->args()->at_put(i, LIR_OprFact::stack(java_index, as_BasicType(as_ValueType(address->type()))));
 179     }
 180     java_index += type2size[opr->type()];
 181   }
 183 }
 186 bool FrameMap::finalize_frame(int nof_slots) {
 187   assert(nof_slots >= 0, "must be positive");
 188   assert(_num_spills == -1, "can only be set once");
 189   _num_spills = nof_slots;
 190   assert(_framesize == -1, "should only be calculated once");
 191   _framesize =  align_up(in_bytes(sp_offset_for_monitor_base(0)) +
 192                          _num_monitors * (int)sizeof(BasicObjectLock) +
 193                          (int)sizeof(intptr_t) +                        // offset of deopt orig pc
 194                          frame_pad_in_bytes,
 195                          StackAlignmentInBytes) / 4;
 196   int java_index = 0;
 197   for (int i = 0; i < _incoming_arguments->length(); i++) {
 198     LIR_Opr opr = _incoming_arguments->at(i);
 199     if (opr->is_stack()) {
 200       _argument_locations->at_put(java_index, in_bytes(framesize_in_bytes()) +
 201                                   _argument_locations->at(java_index));
 202     }
 203     java_index += type2size[opr->type()];
 204   }
 205   // make sure it's expressible on the platform
 206   return validate_frame();
 207 }
 209 VMReg FrameMap::sp_offset2vmreg(ByteSize offset) const {
 210   int offset_in_bytes = in_bytes(offset);
 211   assert(offset_in_bytes % 4 == 0, "must be multiple of 4 bytes");
 212   assert(offset_in_bytes / 4 < framesize() + oop_map_arg_count(), "out of range");
 213   return VMRegImpl::stack2reg(offset_in_bytes / 4);
 214 }
 217 bool FrameMap::location_for_sp_offset(ByteSize byte_offset_from_sp,
 218                                       Location::Type loc_type,
 219                                       Location* loc) const {
 220   int offset = in_bytes(byte_offset_from_sp);
 221   assert(offset >= 0, "incorrect offset");
 222   if (!Location::legal_offset_in_bytes(offset)) {
 223     return false;
 224   }
 225   Location tmp_loc = Location::new_stk_loc(loc_type, offset);
 226   *loc = tmp_loc;
 227   return true;
 228 }
 231 bool FrameMap::locations_for_slot  (int index, Location::Type loc_type,
 232                                      Location* loc, Location* second) const {
 233   ByteSize offset_from_sp = sp_offset_for_slot(index);
 234   if (!location_for_sp_offset(offset_from_sp, loc_type, loc)) {
 235     return false;
 236   }
 237   if (second != NULL) {
 238     // two word item
 239     offset_from_sp = offset_from_sp + in_ByteSize(4);
 240     return location_for_sp_offset(offset_from_sp, loc_type, second);
 241   }
 242   return true;
 243 }
 245 //////////////////////
 246 // Public accessors //
 247 //////////////////////
 250 ByteSize FrameMap::sp_offset_for_slot(const int index) const {
 251   if (index < argcount()) {
 252     int offset = _argument_locations->at(index);
 253     assert(offset != -1, "not a memory argument");
 254     assert(offset >= framesize() * 4, "argument inside of frame");
 255     return in_ByteSize(offset);
 256   }
 257   ByteSize offset = sp_offset_for_spill(index - argcount());
 258   assert(in_bytes(offset) < framesize() * 4, "spill outside of frame");
 259   return offset;
 260 }
 263 ByteSize FrameMap::sp_offset_for_double_slot(const int index) const {
 264   ByteSize offset = sp_offset_for_slot(index);
 265   if (index >= argcount()) {
 266     assert(in_bytes(offset) + 4 < framesize() * 4, "spill outside of frame");
 267   }
 268   return offset;
 269 }
 272 ByteSize FrameMap::sp_offset_for_spill(const int index) const {
 273   assert(index >= 0 && index < _num_spills, "out of range");
 274   int offset = align_up(first_available_sp_in_frame + _reserved_argument_area_size, (int)sizeof(double)) +
 275     index * spill_slot_size_in_bytes;
 276   return in_ByteSize(offset);
 277 }
 279 ByteSize FrameMap::sp_offset_for_monitor_base(const int index) const {
 280   int end_of_spills = align_up(first_available_sp_in_frame + _reserved_argument_area_size, (int)sizeof(double)) +
 281     _num_spills * spill_slot_size_in_bytes;
 282   int offset = align_up(end_of_spills, HeapWordSize) + index * (int)sizeof(BasicObjectLock);
 283   return in_ByteSize(offset);
 284 }
 286 ByteSize FrameMap::sp_offset_for_monitor_lock(int index) const {
 287   check_monitor_index(index);
 288   return sp_offset_for_monitor_base(index) + in_ByteSize(BasicObjectLock::lock_offset_in_bytes());;
 289 }
 291 ByteSize FrameMap::sp_offset_for_monitor_object(int index) const {
 292   check_monitor_index(index);
 293   return sp_offset_for_monitor_base(index) + in_ByteSize(BasicObjectLock::obj_offset_in_bytes());
 294 }
 297 // For OopMaps, map a local variable or spill index to an VMReg.
 298 // This is the offset from sp() in the frame of the slot for the index,
 299 // skewed by SharedInfo::stack0 to indicate a stack location (vs.a register.)
 300 //
 301 //         C ABI size +
 302 //         framesize +     framesize +
 303 //         stack0          stack0         stack0          0 <- VMReg->value()
 304 //            |              |              | <registers> |
 305 //  ..........|..............|..............|.............|
 306 //    0 1 2 3 | <C ABI area> | 4 5 6 ...... |               <- local indices
 307 //    ^                        ^          sp()
 308 //    |                        |
 309 //  arguments            non-argument locals
 312 VMReg FrameMap::regname(LIR_Opr opr) const {
 313   if (opr->is_single_cpu()) {
 314     assert(!opr->is_virtual(), "should not see virtual registers here");
 315     return opr->as_register()->as_VMReg();
 316   } else if (opr->is_single_stack()) {
 317     return sp_offset2vmreg(sp_offset_for_slot(opr->single_stack_ix()));
 318   } else if (opr->is_address()) {
 319     LIR_Address* addr = opr->as_address_ptr();
 320     assert(addr->base() == stack_pointer(), "sp based addressing only");
 321     return sp_offset2vmreg(in_ByteSize(addr->index()->as_jint()));
 322   }
 323   ShouldNotReachHere();
 324   return VMRegImpl::Bad();
 325 }
 330 // ------------ extra spill slots ---------------