Package Summary  Overview Summary

class:IntSummaryStatistics [NONE]

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class IntSummaryStatistics
    extends Object
    implements IntConsumer
    A state object for collecting statistics such as count, min, max, sum, and average.

    This class is designed to work with (though does not require) streams. For example, you can compute summary statistics on a stream of ints with:

     IntSummaryStatistics stats = intStream.collect(IntSummaryStatistics::new,

    IntSummaryStatistics can be used as a reduction target for a stream. For example:

     IntSummaryStatistics stats =
    This computes, in a single pass, the count of people, as well as the minimum, maximum, sum, and average of their number of dependents.

    Implementation Note:
    This implementation is not thread safe. However, it is safe to use Collectors.summarizingInt() on a parallel stream, because the parallel implementation of Stream.collect() provides the necessary partitioning, isolation, and merging of results for safe and efficient parallel execution.

    This implementation does not check for overflow of the sum.


constructor:<init>() [NONE]

  • IntSummaryStatistics

    public IntSummaryStatistics()
    Constructs an empty instance with zero count, zero sum, Integer.MAX_VALUE min, Integer.MIN_VALUE max and zero average.

constructor:<init>(long,int,int,long) [NONE]

  • IntSummaryStatistics

    public IntSummaryStatistics​(long count,
                                int min,
                                int max,
                                long sum)
                         throws IllegalArgumentException
    Constructs a non-empty instance with the specified count, min, max, and sum.

    If count is zero then the remaining arguments are ignored and an empty instance is constructed.

    If the arguments are inconsistent then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. The necessary consistent argument conditions are:

    • count >= 0
    • min <= max

    API Note:
    The enforcement of argument correctness means that the retrieved set of recorded values obtained from a IntSummaryStatistics source instance may not be a legal set of arguments for this constructor due to arithmetic overflow of the source's recorded count of values. The consistent argument conditions are not sufficient to prevent the creation of an internally inconsistent instance. An example of such a state would be an instance with: count = 2, min = 1, max = 2, and sum = 0.
    count - the count of values
    min - the minimum value
    max - the maximum value
    sum - the sum of all values
    IllegalArgumentException - if the arguments are inconsistent

method:accept(int) [NONE]

  • accept

    public void accept​(int value)
    Records a new value into the summary information
    Specified by:
    accept in interface IntConsumer
    value - the input value

method:combine(java.util.IntSummaryStatistics) [NONE]

  • combine

    public void combine​(IntSummaryStatistics other)
    Combines the state of another IntSummaryStatistics into this one.
    other - another IntSummaryStatistics
    NullPointerException - if other is null

method:getCount() [NONE]

  • getCount

    public final long getCount()
    Returns the count of values recorded.
    the count of values

method:getSum() [NONE]

  • getSum

    public final long getSum()
    Returns the sum of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
    the sum of values, or zero if none

method:getMin() [NONE]

  • getMin

    public final int getMin()
    Returns the minimum value recorded, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
    the minimum value, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if none

method:getMax() [NONE]

  • getMax

    public final int getMax()
    Returns the maximum value recorded, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if no values have been recorded.
    the maximum value, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if none

method:getAverage() [NONE]

  • getAverage

    public final double getAverage()
    Returns the arithmetic mean of values recorded, or zero if no values have been recorded.
    the arithmetic mean of values, or zero if none

method:toString() [NONE]

  • toString

    public String toString()
    Returns a non-empty string representation of this object suitable for debugging. The exact presentation format is unspecified and may vary between implementations and versions.
    toString in class Object
    a string representation of the object.

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