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  25 class ValueStack: public CompilationResourceObj {
  26  private:
  27   IRScope* _scope;                               // the enclosing scope
  28   bool     _lock_stack;                          // indicates that this ValueStack is for an exception site
  29   Values   _locals;                              // the locals
  30   Values   _stack;                               // the expression stack
  31   Values   _locks;                               // the monitor stack (holding the locked values)
  33   Value check(ValueTag tag, Value t) {
  34     assert(tag == t->type()->tag() || tag == objectTag && t->type()->tag() == addressTag, "types must correspond");
  35     return t;
  36   }
  38   Value check(ValueTag tag, Value t, Value h) {
  39     assert(h->as_HiWord()->lo_word() == t, "incorrect stack pair");
  40     return check(tag, t);
  41   }
  43   // helper routine
  44   static void apply(Values list, void f(Value*));
  46  public:
  47   // creation
  48   ValueStack(IRScope* scope, int locals_size, int max_stack_size);
  50   // merging
  51   ValueStack* copy();                            // returns a copy of this w/ cleared locals
  52   ValueStack* copy_locks();                      // returns a copy of this w/ cleared locals and stack
  53                                                  // Note that when inlining of methods with exception
  54                                                  // handlers is enabled, this stack may have a
  55                                                  // non-empty expression stack (size defined by
  56                                                  // scope()->lock_stack_size())
  57   bool is_same(ValueStack* s);                   // returns true if this & s's types match (w/o checking locals)
  58   bool is_same_across_scopes(ValueStack* s);     // same as is_same but returns true even if stacks are in different scopes (used for block merging w/inlining)
  60   // accessors
  61   IRScope* scope() const                         { return _scope; }
  62   bool is_lock_stack() const                     { return _lock_stack; }
  63   int locals_size() const                        { return _locals.length(); }
  64   int stack_size() const                         { return _stack.length(); }

 127   // stack access
 128   Value stack_at(int i) const {
 129     Value x =;
 130     assert(x->as_HiWord() == NULL, "index points to hi word");
 131     assert(x->type()->is_single_word() ||
 132            x->subst() ==>as_HiWord()->lo_word(), "stack inconsistent");
 133     return x;
 134   }
 136   Value stack_at_inc(int& i) const {
 137     Value x = stack_at(i);
 138     i += x->type()->size();
 139     return x;
 140   }
 142   // pinning support
 143   void pin_stack_for_linear_scan();
 145   // iteration
 146   void values_do(void f(Value*));
 148   // untyped manipulation (for dup_x1, etc.)
 149   void clear_stack()                             { _stack.clear(); }
 150   void truncate_stack(int size)                  { _stack.trunc_to(size); }
 151   void raw_push(Value t)                         { _stack.push(t); }
 152   Value raw_pop()                                { return _stack.pop(); }
 154   // typed manipulation
 155   void ipush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(intTag    , t)); }
 156   void fpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(floatTag  , t)); }
 157   void apush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(objectTag , t)); }
 158   void rpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(addressTag, t)); }
 159 #ifdef ASSERT
 160   // in debug mode, use HiWord for 2-word values
 161   void lpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(longTag   , t)); _stack.push(new HiWord(t)); }
 162   void dpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(doubleTag , t)); _stack.push(new HiWord(t)); }
 163 #else
 164   // in optimized mode, use NULL for 2-word values
 165   void lpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(longTag   , t)); _stack.push(NULL); }
 166   void dpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(doubleTag , t)); _stack.push(NULL); }

  25 class ValueStack: public CompilationResourceObj {
  26  private:
  27   IRScope* _scope;                               // the enclosing scope
  28   bool     _lock_stack;                          // indicates that this ValueStack is for an exception site
  29   Values   _locals;                              // the locals
  30   Values   _stack;                               // the expression stack
  31   Values   _locks;                               // the monitor stack (holding the locked values)
  33   Value check(ValueTag tag, Value t) {
  34     assert(tag == t->type()->tag() || tag == objectTag && t->type()->tag() == addressTag, "types must correspond");
  35     return t;
  36   }
  38   Value check(ValueTag tag, Value t, Value h) {
  39     assert(h->as_HiWord()->lo_word() == t, "incorrect stack pair");
  40     return check(tag, t);
  41   }
  43   // helper routine
  44   static void apply(Values list, ValueVisitor* f);
  46  public:
  47   // creation
  48   ValueStack(IRScope* scope, int locals_size, int max_stack_size);
  50   // merging
  51   ValueStack* copy();                            // returns a copy of this w/ cleared locals
  52   ValueStack* copy_locks();                      // returns a copy of this w/ cleared locals and stack
  53                                                  // Note that when inlining of methods with exception
  54                                                  // handlers is enabled, this stack may have a
  55                                                  // non-empty expression stack (size defined by
  56                                                  // scope()->lock_stack_size())
  57   bool is_same(ValueStack* s);                   // returns true if this & s's types match (w/o checking locals)
  58   bool is_same_across_scopes(ValueStack* s);     // same as is_same but returns true even if stacks are in different scopes (used for block merging w/inlining)
  60   // accessors
  61   IRScope* scope() const                         { return _scope; }
  62   bool is_lock_stack() const                     { return _lock_stack; }
  63   int locals_size() const                        { return _locals.length(); }
  64   int stack_size() const                         { return _stack.length(); }

 127   // stack access
 128   Value stack_at(int i) const {
 129     Value x =;
 130     assert(x->as_HiWord() == NULL, "index points to hi word");
 131     assert(x->type()->is_single_word() ||
 132            x->subst() ==>as_HiWord()->lo_word(), "stack inconsistent");
 133     return x;
 134   }
 136   Value stack_at_inc(int& i) const {
 137     Value x = stack_at(i);
 138     i += x->type()->size();
 139     return x;
 140   }
 142   // pinning support
 143   void pin_stack_for_linear_scan();
 145   // iteration
 146   void values_do(ValueVisitor* f);
 148   // untyped manipulation (for dup_x1, etc.)
 149   void clear_stack()                             { _stack.clear(); }
 150   void truncate_stack(int size)                  { _stack.trunc_to(size); }
 151   void raw_push(Value t)                         { _stack.push(t); }
 152   Value raw_pop()                                { return _stack.pop(); }
 154   // typed manipulation
 155   void ipush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(intTag    , t)); }
 156   void fpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(floatTag  , t)); }
 157   void apush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(objectTag , t)); }
 158   void rpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(addressTag, t)); }
 159 #ifdef ASSERT
 160   // in debug mode, use HiWord for 2-word values
 161   void lpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(longTag   , t)); _stack.push(new HiWord(t)); }
 162   void dpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(doubleTag , t)); _stack.push(new HiWord(t)); }
 163 #else
 164   // in optimized mode, use NULL for 2-word values
 165   void lpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(longTag   , t)); _stack.push(NULL); }
 166   void dpush(Value t)                            { _stack.push(check(doubleTag , t)); _stack.push(NULL); }