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 310           case Bytecodes::_ishl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 311           case Bytecodes::_ishr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 312           case Bytecodes::_iushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;
 313         }
 314       } else if (t->tag() == longTag) {
 315         jlong value = t->as_LongConstant()->value();
 316         int shift = t2->as_IntConstant()->value() & 63;
 317         jlong mask = ~(~jlong_cast(0) << (64 - shift));
 318         if (shift == 0) mask = ~jlong_cast(0);
 319         switch (x->op()) {
 320           case Bytecodes::_lshl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 321           case Bytecodes::_lshr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 322           case Bytecodes::_lushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;
 323         }
 324       }
 325     }
 326   }
 327   if (t2->is_constant()) {
 328     switch (t2->tag()) {
 329       case intTag   : if (t2->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 330       case longTag  : if (t2->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 331       default       : ShouldNotReachHere();
 332     }
 333   }
 334 }
 337 void Canonicalizer::do_LogicOp        (LogicOp*         x) { do_Op2(x); }
 338 void Canonicalizer::do_CompareOp      (CompareOp*       x) {
 339   if (x->x() == x->y()) {
 340     switch (x->x()->type()->tag()) {
 341       case longTag: set_constant(0); break;
 342       case floatTag: {
 343         FloatConstant* fc = x->x()->type()->as_FloatConstant();
 344         if (fc) {
 345           if (g_isnan(fc->value())) {
 346             set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_fcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 347           } else {
 348             set_constant(0);
 349           }
 350         }

 791     //       (Constant & If) and the Canonicalizer cannot return them correctly
 792     //       yet. For now we copied the corresponding code directly into the
 793     //       GraphBuilder (i.e., we should never reach here).
 794     return;
 795     // simplify to If
 796     assert(x->length() == 1, "length must be the same");
 797     Constant* key = new Constant(new IntConstant(x->key_at(0)));
 798     set_canonical(new If(x->tag(), If::eql, true, key, x->sux_at(0), x->default_sux(), x->state_before(), x->is_safepoint()));
 799   }
 800 }
 803 void Canonicalizer::do_Return         (Return*          x) {}
 804 void Canonicalizer::do_Throw          (Throw*           x) {}
 805 void Canonicalizer::do_Base           (Base*            x) {}
 806 void Canonicalizer::do_OsrEntry       (OsrEntry*        x) {}
 807 void Canonicalizer::do_ExceptionObject(ExceptionObject* x) {}
 809 static bool match_index_and_scale(Instruction*  instr,
 810                                   Instruction** index,
 811                                   int*          log2_scale,
 812                                   Instruction** instr_to_unpin) {
 813   *instr_to_unpin = NULL;
 815   // Skip conversion ops
 816   Convert* convert = instr->as_Convert();
 817   if (convert != NULL) {

 818     instr = convert->value();
 819   }

 821   ShiftOp* shift = instr->as_ShiftOp();
 822   if (shift != NULL) {
 823     if (shift->is_pinned()) {
 824       *instr_to_unpin = shift;

 825     }

 826     // Constant shift value?
 827     Constant* con = shift->y()->as_Constant();
 828     if (con == NULL) return false;
 829     // Well-known type and value?
 830     IntConstant* val = con->type()->as_IntConstant();
 831     if (val == NULL) return false;
 832     if (shift->x()->type() != intType) return false;
 833     *index = shift->x();
 834     int tmp_scale = val->value();
 835     if (tmp_scale >= 0 && tmp_scale < 4) {
 836       *log2_scale = tmp_scale;
 837       return true;
 838     } else {
 839       return false;
 840     }
 841   }
 843   ArithmeticOp* arith = instr->as_ArithmeticOp();
 844   if (arith != NULL) {
 845     if (arith->is_pinned()) {
 846       *instr_to_unpin = arith;
 847     }
 848     // Check for integer multiply
 849     if (arith->op() == Bytecodes::_imul) {
 850       // See if either arg is a known constant
 851       Constant* con = arith->x()->as_Constant();
 852       if (con != NULL) {
 853         *index = arith->y();
 854       } else {
 855         con = arith->y()->as_Constant();
 856         if (con == NULL) return false;
 857         *index = arith->x();
 858       }
 859       if ((*index)->type() != intType) return false;
 860       // Well-known type and value?

 861       IntConstant* val = con->type()->as_IntConstant();
 862       if (val == NULL) return false;
 863       switch (val->value()) {

 864       case 1: *log2_scale = 0; return true;
 865       case 2: *log2_scale = 1; return true;
 866       case 4: *log2_scale = 2; return true;
 867       case 8: *log2_scale = 3; return true;
 868       default:            return false;
 869       }
 870     }
 871   }
 873   // Unknown instruction sequence; don't touch it
 874   return false;
 875 }
 878 static bool match(UnsafeRawOp* x,
 879                   Instruction** base,
 880                   Instruction** index,
 881                   int*          log2_scale) {
 882   Instruction* instr_to_unpin = NULL;
 883   ArithmeticOp* root = x->base()->as_ArithmeticOp();
 884   if (root == NULL) return false;
 885   // Limit ourselves to addition for now
 886   if (root->op() != Bytecodes::_ladd) return false;

 887   // Try to find shift or scale op
 888   if (match_index_and_scale(root->y(), index, log2_scale, &instr_to_unpin)) {
 889     *base = root->x();
 890   } else if (match_index_and_scale(root->x(), index, log2_scale, &instr_to_unpin)) {

 891     *base = root->y();
 892   } else if (root->y()->as_Convert() != NULL) {

 893     Convert* convert = root->y()->as_Convert();
 894     if (convert->op() == Bytecodes::_i2l && convert->value()->type() == intType) {

 895       // pick base and index, setting scale at 1
 896       *base  = root->x();
 897       *index = convert->value();
 898       *log2_scale = 0;
 899     } else {
 900       return false;
 901     }
 902   } else {
 903     // doesn't match any expected sequences
 904     return false;

 905   }
 907   // If the value is pinned then it will be always be computed so
 908   // there's no profit to reshaping the expression.
 909   return !root->is_pinned();
 910 }
 913 void Canonicalizer::do_UnsafeRawOp(UnsafeRawOp* x) {
 914   Instruction* base = NULL;
 915   Instruction* index = NULL;
 916   int          log2_scale;
 918   if (match(x, &base, &index, &log2_scale)) {
 919     x->set_base(base);
 920     x->set_index(index);
 921     x->set_log2_scale(log2_scale);
 922     if (PrintUnsafeOptimization) {
 923       tty->print_cr("Canonicalizer: UnsafeRawOp id %d: base = id %d, index = id %d, log2_scale = %d",
 924                     x->id(), x->base()->id(), x->index()->id(), x->log2_scale());

 310           case Bytecodes::_ishl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 311           case Bytecodes::_ishr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 312           case Bytecodes::_iushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;
 313         }
 314       } else if (t->tag() == longTag) {
 315         jlong value = t->as_LongConstant()->value();
 316         int shift = t2->as_IntConstant()->value() & 63;
 317         jlong mask = ~(~jlong_cast(0) << (64 - shift));
 318         if (shift == 0) mask = ~jlong_cast(0);
 319         switch (x->op()) {
 320           case Bytecodes::_lshl:  set_constant(value << shift); return;
 321           case Bytecodes::_lshr:  set_constant(value >> shift); return;
 322           case Bytecodes::_lushr: set_constant((value >> shift) & mask); return;
 323         }
 324       }
 325     }
 326   }
 327   if (t2->is_constant()) {
 328     switch (t2->tag()) {
 329       case intTag   : if (t2->as_IntConstant()->value() == 0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 330       case longTag  : if (t2->as_LongConstant()->value() == (jlong)0)  set_canonical(x->x()); return;
 331       default       : ShouldNotReachHere();
 332     }
 333   }
 334 }
 337 void Canonicalizer::do_LogicOp        (LogicOp*         x) { do_Op2(x); }
 338 void Canonicalizer::do_CompareOp      (CompareOp*       x) {
 339   if (x->x() == x->y()) {
 340     switch (x->x()->type()->tag()) {
 341       case longTag: set_constant(0); break;
 342       case floatTag: {
 343         FloatConstant* fc = x->x()->type()->as_FloatConstant();
 344         if (fc) {
 345           if (g_isnan(fc->value())) {
 346             set_constant(x->op() == Bytecodes::_fcmpl ? -1 : 1);
 347           } else {
 348             set_constant(0);
 349           }
 350         }

 791     //       (Constant & If) and the Canonicalizer cannot return them correctly
 792     //       yet. For now we copied the corresponding code directly into the
 793     //       GraphBuilder (i.e., we should never reach here).
 794     return;
 795     // simplify to If
 796     assert(x->length() == 1, "length must be the same");
 797     Constant* key = new Constant(new IntConstant(x->key_at(0)));
 798     set_canonical(new If(x->tag(), If::eql, true, key, x->sux_at(0), x->default_sux(), x->state_before(), x->is_safepoint()));
 799   }
 800 }
 803 void Canonicalizer::do_Return         (Return*          x) {}
 804 void Canonicalizer::do_Throw          (Throw*           x) {}
 805 void Canonicalizer::do_Base           (Base*            x) {}
 806 void Canonicalizer::do_OsrEntry       (OsrEntry*        x) {}
 807 void Canonicalizer::do_ExceptionObject(ExceptionObject* x) {}
 809 static bool match_index_and_scale(Instruction*  instr,
 810                                   Instruction** index,
 811                                   int*          log2_scale) {
 812   // Skip conversion ops. This works only on 32bit because of the implicit l2i that the
 813   // unsafe performs.
 814 #ifndef _LP64

 815   Convert* convert = instr->as_Convert();
 816   if (convert != NULL && convert->op() == Bytecodes::_i2l) {
 817     assert(convert->value()->type() == intType, "invalid input type");
 818     instr = convert->value();
 819   }
 820 #endif
 822   ShiftOp* shift = instr->as_ShiftOp();
 823   if (shift != NULL) {
 824     if (shift->op() == Bytecodes::_lshl) {
 825       assert(shift->x()->type() == longType, "invalid input type");
 826     } else {
 827 #ifndef _LP64
 828       if (shift->op() == Bytecodes::_ishl) {
 829         assert(shift->x()->type() == intType, "invalid input type");
 830       } else {
 831         return false;
 832       }
 833 #else
 834       return false;
 835 #endif
 836     }
 839     // Constant shift value?
 840     Constant* con = shift->y()->as_Constant();
 841     if (con == NULL) return false;
 842     // Well-known type and value?
 843     IntConstant* val = con->type()->as_IntConstant();
 844     assert(val != NULL, "Should be an int constant");
 846     *index = shift->x();
 847     int tmp_scale = val->value();
 848     if (tmp_scale >= 0 && tmp_scale < 4) {
 849       *log2_scale = tmp_scale;
 850       return true;
 851     } else {
 852       return false;
 853     }
 854   }
 856   ArithmeticOp* arith = instr->as_ArithmeticOp();
 857   if (arith != NULL) {

 858     // See if either arg is a known constant
 859     Constant* con = arith->x()->as_Constant();
 860     if (con != NULL) {
 861       *index = arith->y();
 862     } else {
 863       con = arith->y()->as_Constant();
 864       if (con == NULL) return false;
 865       *index = arith->x();
 866     }
 867     long const_value;
 868     // Check for integer multiply
 869     if (arith->op() == Bytecodes::_lmul) {
 870       assert((*index)->type() == longType, "invalid input type");
 871       LongConstant* val = con->type()->as_LongConstant();
 872       assert(val != NULL, "expecting a long constant");
 873       const_value = val->value();
 874     } else {
 875 #ifndef _LP64
 876       if (arith->op() == Bytecodes::_imul) {
 877         assert((*index)->type() == intType, "invalid input type");
 878         IntConstant* val = con->type()->as_IntConstant();
 879         assert(val != NULL, "expecting an int constant");
 880         const_value = val->value();
 881       } else {
 882         return false;
 883       }
 884 #else
 885       return false;
 886 #endif
 887     }
 888     switch (const_value) {
 889     case 1: *log2_scale = 0; return true;
 890     case 2: *log2_scale = 1; return true;
 891     case 4: *log2_scale = 2; return true;
 892     case 8: *log2_scale = 3; return true;
 893     default:            return false;
 894     }
 895   }

 897   // Unknown instruction sequence; don't touch it
 898   return false;
 899 }
 902 static bool match(UnsafeRawOp* x,
 903                   Instruction** base,
 904                   Instruction** index,
 905                   int*          log2_scale) {

 906   ArithmeticOp* root = x->base()->as_ArithmeticOp();
 907   if (root == NULL) return false;
 908   // Limit ourselves to addition for now
 909   if (root->op() != Bytecodes::_ladd) return false;
 911   bool match_found = false;
 912   // Try to find shift or scale op
 913   if (match_index_and_scale(root->y(), index, log2_scale)) {
 914     *base = root->x();
 915     match_found = true;
 916   } else if (match_index_and_scale(root->x(), index, log2_scale)) {
 917     *base = root->y();
 918     match_found = true;
 919   } else if (NOT_LP64(root->y()->as_Convert() != NULL) LP64_ONLY(false)) {
 920     // Skipping i2l works only on 32bit because of the implicit l2i that the unsafe performs.
 921     // 64bit needs a real sign-extending conversion.
 922     Convert* convert = root->y()->as_Convert();
 923     if (convert->op() == Bytecodes::_i2l) {
 924       assert(convert->value()->type() == intType, "should be an int");
 925       // pick base and index, setting scale at 1
 926       *base  = root->x();
 927       *index = convert->value();
 928       *log2_scale = 0;
 929       match_found = true;

 930     }
 931   }
 932   // The default solution
 933   if (!match_found) {
 934     *base = root->x();
 935     *index = root->y();
 936     *log2_scale = 0;
 937   }
 939   // If the value is pinned then it will be always be computed so
 940   // there's no profit to reshaping the expression.
 941   return !root->is_pinned();
 942 }
 945 void Canonicalizer::do_UnsafeRawOp(UnsafeRawOp* x) {
 946   Instruction* base = NULL;
 947   Instruction* index = NULL;
 948   int          log2_scale;
 950   if (match(x, &base, &index, &log2_scale)) {
 951     x->set_base(base);
 952     x->set_index(index);
 953     x->set_log2_scale(log2_scale);
 954     if (PrintUnsafeOptimization) {
 955       tty->print_cr("Canonicalizer: UnsafeRawOp id %d: base = id %d, index = id %d, log2_scale = %d",
 956                     x->id(), x->base()->id(), x->index()->id(), x->log2_scale());

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