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*** 43,57 **** import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.FieldIntrospection; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.Fields; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.FieldsScanner; ! import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Debug; import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable; ! import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCounter; ! import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugTimer; import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Edges.Type; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.DuplicationReplacement; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.EdgeVisitor; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.Input; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.OptionalInput; --- 43,57 ---- import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.FieldIntrospection; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.Fields; import org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.FieldsScanner; ! import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.CounterKey; import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugCloseable; ! import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext; import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError; + import org.graalvm.compiler.debug.TimerKey; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Edges.Type; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph.DuplicationReplacement; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.EdgeVisitor; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.Input; import org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node.OptionalInput;
*** 77,103 **** * </ul> */ public final class NodeClass<T> extends FieldIntrospection<T> { // Timers for creation of a NodeClass instance ! private static final DebugTimer Init_FieldScanning = Debug.timer("NodeClass.Init.FieldScanning"); ! private static final DebugTimer Init_FieldScanningInner = Debug.timer("NodeClass.Init.FieldScanning.Inner"); ! private static final DebugTimer Init_AnnotationParsing = Debug.timer("NodeClass.Init.AnnotationParsing"); ! private static final DebugTimer Init_Edges = Debug.timer("NodeClass.Init.Edges"); ! private static final DebugTimer Init_Data = Debug.timer("NodeClass.Init.Data"); ! private static final DebugTimer Init_AllowedUsages = Debug.timer("NodeClass.Init.AllowedUsages"); ! private static final DebugTimer Init_IterableIds = Debug.timer("NodeClass.Init.IterableIds"); public static final long MAX_EDGES = 8; public static final long MAX_LIST_EDGES = 6; public static final long OFFSET_MASK = 0xFC; public static final long LIST_MASK = 0x01; public static final long NEXT_EDGE = 0x08; @SuppressWarnings("try") ! private static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotationTimed(AnnotatedElement e, Class<T> annotationClass) { ! try (DebugCloseable s = Init_AnnotationParsing.start()) { return e.getAnnotation(annotationClass); } } /** --- 77,103 ---- * </ul> */ public final class NodeClass<T> extends FieldIntrospection<T> { // Timers for creation of a NodeClass instance ! private static final TimerKey Init_FieldScanning = DebugContext.timer("NodeClass.Init.FieldScanning"); ! private static final TimerKey Init_FieldScanningInner = DebugContext.timer("NodeClass.Init.FieldScanning.Inner"); ! private static final TimerKey Init_AnnotationParsing = DebugContext.timer("NodeClass.Init.AnnotationParsing"); ! private static final TimerKey Init_Edges = DebugContext.timer("NodeClass.Init.Edges"); ! private static final TimerKey Init_Data = DebugContext.timer("NodeClass.Init.Data"); ! private static final TimerKey Init_AllowedUsages = DebugContext.timer("NodeClass.Init.AllowedUsages"); ! private static final TimerKey Init_IterableIds = DebugContext.timer("NodeClass.Init.IterableIds"); public static final long MAX_EDGES = 8; public static final long MAX_LIST_EDGES = 6; public static final long OFFSET_MASK = 0xFC; public static final long LIST_MASK = 0x01; public static final long NEXT_EDGE = 0x08; @SuppressWarnings("try") ! private static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotationTimed(AnnotatedElement e, Class<T> annotationClass, DebugContext debug) { ! try (DebugCloseable s = Init_AnnotationParsing.start(debug)) { return e.getAnnotation(annotationClass); } } /**
*** 142,153 **** private final EnumSet<InputType> allowedUsageTypes; private int[] iterableIds; private final long inputsIteration; private final long successorIteration; ! private static final DebugCounter ITERABLE_NODE_TYPES = Debug.counter("IterableNodeTypes"); ! private final DebugCounter nodeIterableCount; /** * Determines if this node type implements {@link Canonicalizable}. */ private final boolean isCanonicalizable; --- 142,152 ---- private final EnumSet<InputType> allowedUsageTypes; private int[] iterableIds; private final long inputsIteration; private final long successorIteration; ! private static final CounterKey ITERABLE_NODE_TYPES = DebugContext.counter("IterableNodeTypes"); /** * Determines if this node type implements {@link Canonicalizable}. */ private final boolean isCanonicalizable;
*** 170,179 **** --- 169,179 ---- } @SuppressWarnings("try") public NodeClass(Class<T> clazz, NodeClass<? super T> superNodeClass, FieldsScanner.CalcOffset calcOffset, int[] presetIterableIds, int presetIterableId) { super(clazz); + DebugContext debug = DebugContext.forCurrentThread(); this.superNodeClass = superNodeClass; assert NODE_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(clazz); this.isCanonicalizable = Canonicalizable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); this.isCommutative = BinaryCommutative.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
*** 181,202 **** assert Canonicalizable.Unary.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) ^ Canonicalizable.Binary.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) : clazz + " should implement either Unary or Binary, not both"; } this.isSimplifiable = Simplifiable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); ! NodeFieldsScanner fs = new NodeFieldsScanner(calcOffset, superNodeClass); ! try (DebugCloseable t = Init_FieldScanning.start()) { fs.scan(clazz, clazz.getSuperclass(), false); } ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_Edges.start()) { successors = new SuccessorEdges(fs.directSuccessors, fs.successors); successorIteration = computeIterationMask(successors.type(), successors.getDirectCount(), successors.getOffsets()); inputs = new InputEdges(fs.directInputs, fs.inputs); inputsIteration = computeIterationMask(inputs.type(), inputs.getDirectCount(), inputs.getOffsets()); } ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_Data.start()) { data = new Fields(; } isLeafNode = inputs.getCount() + successors.getCount() == 0; if (isLeafNode) { --- 181,202 ---- assert Canonicalizable.Unary.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) ^ Canonicalizable.Binary.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz) : clazz + " should implement either Unary or Binary, not both"; } this.isSimplifiable = Simplifiable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); ! NodeFieldsScanner fs = new NodeFieldsScanner(calcOffset, superNodeClass, debug); ! try (DebugCloseable t = Init_FieldScanning.start(debug)) { fs.scan(clazz, clazz.getSuperclass(), false); } ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_Edges.start(debug)) { successors = new SuccessorEdges(fs.directSuccessors, fs.successors); successorIteration = computeIterationMask(successors.type(), successors.getDirectCount(), successors.getOffsets()); inputs = new InputEdges(fs.directInputs, fs.inputs); inputsIteration = computeIterationMask(inputs.type(), inputs.getDirectCount(), inputs.getOffsets()); } ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_Data.start(debug)) { data = new Fields(; } isLeafNode = inputs.getCount() + successors.getCount() == 0; if (isLeafNode) {
*** 206,236 **** } canGVN = Node.ValueNumberable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); startGVNNumber = clazz.getName().hashCode(); ! NodeInfo info = getAnnotationTimed(clazz, NodeInfo.class); assert info != null : "Missing NodeInfo annotation on " + clazz; if (!info.nameTemplate().isEmpty()) { this.nameTemplate = info.nameTemplate(); } else if (!info.shortName().isEmpty()) { this.nameTemplate = info.shortName(); } else { this.nameTemplate = ""; } ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_AllowedUsages.start()) { allowedUsageTypes = superNodeClass == null ? EnumSet.noneOf(InputType.class) : superNodeClass.allowedUsageTypes.clone(); allowedUsageTypes.addAll(Arrays.asList(info.allowedUsageTypes())); } if (presetIterableIds != null) { this.iterableIds = presetIterableIds; this.iterableId = presetIterableId; } else if (IterableNodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { ! ITERABLE_NODE_TYPES.increment(); ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_IterableIds.start()) { this.iterableId = nextIterableId.getAndIncrement(); NodeClass<?> snc = superNodeClass; while (snc != null && IterableNodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(snc.getClazz())) { snc.addIterableId(iterableId); --- 206,236 ---- } canGVN = Node.ValueNumberable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); startGVNNumber = clazz.getName().hashCode(); ! NodeInfo info = getAnnotationTimed(clazz, NodeInfo.class, debug); assert info != null : "Missing NodeInfo annotation on " + clazz; if (!info.nameTemplate().isEmpty()) { this.nameTemplate = info.nameTemplate(); } else if (!info.shortName().isEmpty()) { this.nameTemplate = info.shortName(); } else { this.nameTemplate = ""; } ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_AllowedUsages.start(debug)) { allowedUsageTypes = superNodeClass == null ? EnumSet.noneOf(InputType.class) : superNodeClass.allowedUsageTypes.clone(); allowedUsageTypes.addAll(Arrays.asList(info.allowedUsageTypes())); } if (presetIterableIds != null) { this.iterableIds = presetIterableIds; this.iterableId = presetIterableId; } else if (IterableNodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { ! ITERABLE_NODE_TYPES.increment(debug); ! try (DebugCloseable t1 = Init_IterableIds.start(debug)) { this.iterableId = nextIterableId.getAndIncrement(); NodeClass<?> snc = superNodeClass; while (snc != null && IterableNodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(snc.getClazz())) { snc.addIterableId(iterableId);
*** 241,254 **** } } else { this.iterableId = Node.NOT_ITERABLE; this.iterableIds = null; } - nodeIterableCount = Debug.counter("NodeIterable_%s", clazz); assert verifyIterableIds(); ! try (Debug.Scope scope = Debug.scope("NodeCosts")) { /* * Note: We do not check for the existence of the node cost annotations during * construction as not every node needs to have them set. However if costs are queried, * after the construction of the node class, they must be properly set. This is * important as we can not trust our cost model if there are unspecified nodes. Nodes --- 241,253 ---- } } else { this.iterableId = Node.NOT_ITERABLE; this.iterableIds = null; } assert verifyIterableIds(); ! try (DebugContext.Scope scope = debug.scope("NodeCosts")) { /* * Note: We do not check for the existence of the node cost annotations during * construction as not every node needs to have them set. However if costs are queried, * after the construction of the node class, they must be properly set. This is * important as we can not trust our cost model if there are unspecified nodes. Nodes
*** 269,281 **** size = superNodeClass != null ? superNodeClass.size : NodeSize.SIZE_UNSET; } else { size = s; } assert size != null; ! Debug.log("Node cost for node of type __| %s |_, cycles:%s,size:%s", clazz, cycles, size); } - } private final NodeCycles cycles; private final NodeSize size; --- 268,279 ---- size = superNodeClass != null ? superNodeClass.size : NodeSize.SIZE_UNSET; } else { size = s; } assert size != null; ! debug.log("Node cost for node of type __| %s |_, cycles:%s,size:%s", clazz, cycles, size); } } private final NodeCycles cycles; private final NodeSize size;
*** 355,366 **** @Override public Fields[] getAllFields() { return new Fields[]{data, inputs, successors}; } ! public int[] iterableIds() { ! nodeIterableCount.increment(); return iterableIds; } public int iterableId() { return iterableId; --- 353,363 ---- @Override public Fields[] getAllFields() { return new Fields[]{data, inputs, successors}; } ! int[] iterableIds() { return iterableIds; } public int iterableId() { return iterableId;
*** 449,461 **** public final ArrayList<InputInfo> inputs = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList<EdgeInfo> successors = new ArrayList<>(); int directInputs; int directSuccessors; ! protected NodeFieldsScanner(FieldsScanner.CalcOffset calc, NodeClass<?> superNodeClass) { super(calc); if (superNodeClass != null) { translateInto(superNodeClass.inputs, inputs); translateInto(superNodeClass.successors, successors); translateInto(, data); directInputs = superNodeClass.inputs.getDirectCount(); --- 446,460 ---- public final ArrayList<InputInfo> inputs = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList<EdgeInfo> successors = new ArrayList<>(); int directInputs; int directSuccessors; + final DebugContext debug; ! protected NodeFieldsScanner(FieldsScanner.CalcOffset calc, NodeClass<?> superNodeClass, DebugContext debug) { super(calc); + this.debug = debug; if (superNodeClass != null) { translateInto(superNodeClass.inputs, inputs); translateInto(superNodeClass.successors, successors); translateInto(, data); directInputs = superNodeClass.inputs.getDirectCount();
*** 464,477 **** } @SuppressWarnings("try") @Override protected void scanField(Field field, long offset) { ! Input inputAnnotation = getAnnotationTimed(field, Node.Input.class); ! OptionalInput optionalInputAnnotation = getAnnotationTimed(field, Node.OptionalInput.class); ! Successor successorAnnotation = getAnnotationTimed(field, Successor.class); ! try (DebugCloseable s = Init_FieldScanningInner.start()) { Class<?> type = field.getType(); int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (inputAnnotation != null || optionalInputAnnotation != null) { assert successorAnnotation == null : "field cannot be both input and successor"; --- 463,476 ---- } @SuppressWarnings("try") @Override protected void scanField(Field field, long offset) { ! Input inputAnnotation = getAnnotationTimed(field, Node.Input.class, debug); ! OptionalInput optionalInputAnnotation = getAnnotationTimed(field, Node.OptionalInput.class, debug); ! Successor successorAnnotation = getAnnotationTimed(field, Successor.class, debug); ! try (DebugCloseable s = Init_FieldScanningInner.start(debug)) { Class<?> type = field.getType(); int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (inputAnnotation != null || optionalInputAnnotation != null) { assert successorAnnotation == null : "field cannot be both input and successor";
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