/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.oracle.graal.hotspot; import static com.oracle.graal.compiler.common.UnsafeAccess.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; import com.oracle.graal.compiler.common.*; import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.bridge.*; import com.oracle.graal.hotspot.meta.*; import com.oracle.graal.hotspotvmconfig.*; //JaCoCo Exclude /** * Used to access native configuration details. * * All non-static, public fields in this class are so that they can be compiled as constants. */ public class HotSpotVMConfig extends CompilerObject { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4744897993263044184L; /** * Determines if the current architecture is included in a given architecture set specification. * * @param currentArch * @param archsSpecification specifies a set of architectures. A zero length value implies all * architectures. */ private static boolean isRequired(String currentArch, String[] archsSpecification) { if (archsSpecification.length == 0) { return true; } for (String arch : archsSpecification) { if (arch.equals(currentArch)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Maximum allowed size of allocated area for a frame. */ public final int maxFrameSize = 16 * 1024; HotSpotVMConfig(CompilerToVM compilerToVm) { compilerToVm.initializeConfiguration(this); assert verifyInitialization(); oopEncoding = new CompressEncoding(narrowOopBase, narrowOopShift, logMinObjAlignment()); klassEncoding = new CompressEncoding(narrowKlassBase, narrowKlassShift, logKlassAlignment); assert check(); } /** * Check that the initialization produces the same result as the values captured through * vmStructs. */ private boolean verifyInitialization() { /** These fields are set in {@link CompilerToVM#initializeConfiguration}. */ assert gHotSpotVMStructs != 0; assert gHotSpotVMTypes != 0; assert gHotSpotVMIntConstants != 0; assert gHotSpotVMLongConstants != 0; // Fill the VM fields hash map. HashMap vmFields = new HashMap<>(); for (VMFields.Field e : new VMFields(gHotSpotVMStructs)) { vmFields.put(e.getName(), e); } // Fill the VM types hash map. HashMap vmTypes = new HashMap<>(); for (VMTypes.Type e : new VMTypes(gHotSpotVMTypes)) { vmTypes.put(e.getTypeName(), e); } // Fill the VM constants hash map. HashMap vmConstants = new HashMap<>(); for (AbstractConstant e : new VMIntConstants(gHotSpotVMIntConstants)) { vmConstants.put(e.getName(), e); } for (AbstractConstant e : new VMLongConstants(gHotSpotVMLongConstants)) { vmConstants.put(e.getName(), e); } // Fill the flags hash map. HashMap flags = new HashMap<>(); for (Flags.Flag e : new Flags(vmFields, vmTypes)) { flags.put(e.getName(), e); } String currentArch = getHostArchitectureName(); for (Field f : HotSpotVMConfig.class.getDeclaredFields()) { if (f.isAnnotationPresent(HotSpotVMField.class)) { HotSpotVMField annotation = f.getAnnotation(HotSpotVMField.class); String name = annotation.name(); String type = annotation.type(); VMFields.Field entry = vmFields.get(name); if (entry == null) { if (!isRequired(currentArch, annotation.archs())) { continue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("field not found: " + name); } // Make sure the native type is still the type we expect. if (!type.equals("")) { if (!type.equals(entry.getTypeString())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("compiler expects type " + type + " but field " + name + " is of type " + entry.getTypeString()); } } switch (annotation.get()) { case OFFSET: checkField(f, entry.getOffset()); break; case ADDRESS: checkField(f, entry.getAddress()); break; case VALUE: checkField(f, entry.getValue()); break; default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere("unknown kind " + annotation.get()); } } else if (f.isAnnotationPresent(HotSpotVMType.class)) { HotSpotVMType annotation = f.getAnnotation(HotSpotVMType.class); String name = annotation.name(); VMTypes.Type entry = vmTypes.get(name); if (entry == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("type not found: " + name); } switch (annotation.get()) { case SIZE: checkField(f, entry.getSize()); break; default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere("unknown kind " + annotation.get()); } } else if (f.isAnnotationPresent(HotSpotVMConstant.class)) { HotSpotVMConstant annotation = f.getAnnotation(HotSpotVMConstant.class); String name = annotation.name(); AbstractConstant entry = vmConstants.get(name); if (entry == null) { if (!isRequired(currentArch, annotation.archs())) { continue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("constant not found: " + name); } checkField(f, entry.getValue()); } else if (f.isAnnotationPresent(HotSpotVMFlag.class)) { HotSpotVMFlag annotation = f.getAnnotation(HotSpotVMFlag.class); String name = annotation.name(); Flags.Flag entry = flags.get(name); if (entry == null) { if (annotation.optional() || !isRequired(currentArch, annotation.archs())) { continue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("flag not found: " + name); } checkField(f, entry.getValue()); } } return true; } private final CompressEncoding oopEncoding; private final CompressEncoding klassEncoding; public CompressEncoding getOopEncoding() { return oopEncoding; } public CompressEncoding getKlassEncoding() { return klassEncoding; } private void checkField(Field field, Object value) { try { Class fieldType = field.getType(); if (fieldType == boolean.class) { if (value instanceof String) { assert field.getBoolean(this) == Boolean.valueOf((String) value) : field + " " + value + " " + field.getBoolean(this); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { assert field.getBoolean(this) == (boolean) value : field + " " + value + " " + field.getBoolean(this); } else if (value instanceof Long) { assert field.getBoolean(this) == (((long) value) != 0) : field + " " + value + " " + field.getBoolean(this); } else { GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(value.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } else if (fieldType == int.class) { if (value instanceof Integer) { assert field.getInt(this) == (int) value : field + " " + value + " " + field.getInt(this); } else if (value instanceof Long) { assert field.getInt(this) == (int) (long) value : field + " " + value + " " + field.getInt(this); } else { GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(value.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } else if (fieldType == long.class) { assert field.getLong(this) == (long) value : field + " " + value + " " + field.getLong(this); } else { GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(field.toString()); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(field.toString() + ": " + e); } } /** * Gets the host architecture name for the purpose of finding the corresponding * {@linkplain HotSpotBackendFactory backend}. */ public String getHostArchitectureName() { String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch"); switch (arch) { case "x86_64": arch = "amd64"; break; case "sparcv9": arch = "sparc"; break; } return arch; } /** * VMStructEntry (see vmStructs.hpp). */ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructs", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructs; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructEntryTypeNameOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructEntryTypeNameOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructEntryFieldNameOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructEntryFieldNameOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructEntryTypeStringOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructEntryTypeStringOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructEntryIsStaticOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructEntryIsStaticOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructEntryOffsetOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructEntryOffsetOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructEntryAddressOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructEntryAddressOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMStructEntryArrayStride") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMStructEntryArrayStride; class VMFields implements Iterable { private long address; public VMFields(long address) { this.address = address; } public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { private int index = 0; private Field current() { return new Field(address + gHotSpotVMStructEntryArrayStride * index); } /** * The last entry is identified by a NULL fieldName. */ public boolean hasNext() { Field entry = current(); return entry.getFieldName() != null; } public Field next() { Field entry = current(); index++; return entry; } @Override public void remove() { throw GraalInternalError.unimplemented(); } }; } class Field { private long entryAddress; Field(long address) { this.entryAddress = address; } public String getTypeName() { long typeNameAddress = unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMStructEntryTypeNameOffset); return readCString(typeNameAddress); } public String getFieldName() { long fieldNameAddress = unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMStructEntryFieldNameOffset); return readCString(fieldNameAddress); } public String getTypeString() { long typeStringAddress = unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMStructEntryTypeStringOffset); return readCString(typeStringAddress); } public boolean isStatic() { return unsafe.getInt(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMStructEntryIsStaticOffset) != 0; } public long getOffset() { return unsafe.getLong(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMStructEntryOffsetOffset); } public long getAddress() { return unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMStructEntryAddressOffset); } public String getName() { String typeName = getTypeName(); String fieldName = getFieldName(); return typeName + "::" + fieldName; } public long getValue() { String type = getTypeString(); switch (type) { case "int": return unsafe.getInt(getAddress()); case "address": case "intptr_t": return unsafe.getAddress(getAddress()); default: // All foo* types are addresses. if (type.endsWith("*")) { return unsafe.getAddress(getAddress()); } throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(type); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Field[typeName=%s, fieldName=%s, typeString=%s, isStatic=%b, offset=%d, address=0x%x]", getTypeName(), getFieldName(), getTypeString(), isStatic(), getOffset(), getAddress()); } } } /** * VMTypeEntry (see vmStructs.hpp). */ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypes", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypes; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypeEntryTypeNameOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypeEntryTypeNameOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySuperclassNameOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySuperclassNameOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsOopTypeOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsOopTypeOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsIntegerTypeOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsIntegerTypeOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsUnsignedOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsUnsignedOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySizeOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySizeOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMTypeEntryArrayStride") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMTypeEntryArrayStride; class VMTypes implements Iterable { private long address; public VMTypes(long address) { this.address = address; } public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { private int index = 0; private Type current() { return new Type(address + gHotSpotVMTypeEntryArrayStride * index); } /** * The last entry is identified by a NULL type name. */ public boolean hasNext() { Type entry = current(); return entry.getTypeName() != null; } public Type next() { Type entry = current(); index++; return entry; } @Override public void remove() { throw GraalInternalError.unimplemented(); } }; } class Type { private long entryAddress; Type(long address) { this.entryAddress = address; } public String getTypeName() { long typeNameAddress = unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMTypeEntryTypeNameOffset); return readCString(typeNameAddress); } public String getSuperclassName() { long superclassNameAddress = unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySuperclassNameOffset); return readCString(superclassNameAddress); } public boolean isOopType() { return unsafe.getInt(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsOopTypeOffset) != 0; } public boolean isIntegerType() { return unsafe.getInt(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsIntegerTypeOffset) != 0; } public boolean isUnsigned() { return unsafe.getInt(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMTypeEntryIsUnsignedOffset) != 0; } public long getSize() { return unsafe.getLong(entryAddress + gHotSpotVMTypeEntrySizeOffset); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Type[typeName=%s, superclassName=%s, isOopType=%b, isIntegerType=%b, isUnsigned=%b, size=%d]", getTypeName(), getSuperclassName(), isOopType(), isIntegerType(), isUnsigned(), getSize()); } } } public abstract class AbstractConstant { protected long address; protected long nameOffset; protected long valueOffset; AbstractConstant(long address, long nameOffset, long valueOffset) { this.address = address; this.nameOffset = nameOffset; this.valueOffset = valueOffset; } public String getName() { long nameAddress = unsafe.getAddress(address + nameOffset); return readCString(nameAddress); } public abstract long getValue(); } /** * VMIntConstantEntry (see vmStructs.hpp). */ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMIntConstants", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable private long gHotSpotVMIntConstants; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryNameOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryNameOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryValueOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryValueOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryArrayStride") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryArrayStride; class VMIntConstants implements Iterable { private long address; public VMIntConstants(long address) { this.address = address; } public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { private int index = 0; private Constant current() { return new Constant(address + gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryArrayStride * index); } /** * The last entry is identified by a NULL name. */ public boolean hasNext() { Constant entry = current(); return entry.getName() != null; } public Constant next() { Constant entry = current(); index++; return entry; } @Override public void remove() { throw GraalInternalError.unimplemented(); } }; } class Constant extends AbstractConstant { Constant(long address) { super(address, gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryNameOffset, gHotSpotVMIntConstantEntryValueOffset); } @Override public long getValue() { return unsafe.getInt(address + valueOffset); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("IntConstant[name=%s, value=%d (0x%x)]", getName(), getValue(), getValue()); } } } /** * VMLongConstantEntry (see vmStructs.hpp). */ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMLongConstants", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable private long gHotSpotVMLongConstants; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryNameOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryNameOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryValueOffset") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryValueOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryArrayStride") @Stable private long gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryArrayStride; class VMLongConstants implements Iterable { private long address; public VMLongConstants(long address) { this.address = address; } public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { private int index = 0; private Constant currentEntry() { return new Constant(address + gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryArrayStride * index); } /** * The last entry is identified by a NULL name. */ public boolean hasNext() { Constant entry = currentEntry(); return entry.getName() != null; } public Constant next() { Constant entry = currentEntry(); index++; return entry; } @Override public void remove() { throw GraalInternalError.unimplemented(); } }; } class Constant extends AbstractConstant { Constant(long address) { super(address, gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryNameOffset, gHotSpotVMLongConstantEntryValueOffset); } @Override public long getValue() { return unsafe.getLong(address + valueOffset); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("LongConstant[name=%s, value=%d (0x%x)]", getName(), getValue(), getValue()); } } } class Flags implements Iterable { private long address; private long entrySize; private long typeOffset; private long nameOffset; private long addrOffset; public Flags(HashMap vmStructs, HashMap vmTypes) { address = vmStructs.get("Flag::flags").getValue(); entrySize = vmTypes.get("Flag").getSize(); typeOffset = vmStructs.get("Flag::_type").getOffset(); nameOffset = vmStructs.get("Flag::_name").getOffset(); addrOffset = vmStructs.get("Flag::_addr").getOffset(); assert vmTypes.get("bool").getSize() == Byte.BYTES; assert vmTypes.get("intx").getSize() == Long.BYTES; assert vmTypes.get("uintx").getSize() == Long.BYTES; } public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { private int index = 0; private Flag current() { return new Flag(address + entrySize * index); } /** * The last entry is identified by a NULL name. */ public boolean hasNext() { Flag entry = current(); return entry.getName() != null; } public Flag next() { Flag entry = current(); index++; return entry; } @Override public void remove() { throw GraalInternalError.unimplemented(); } }; } class Flag { private long entryAddress; Flag(long address) { this.entryAddress = address; } public String getType() { long typeAddress = unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + typeOffset); return readCString(typeAddress); } public String getName() { long nameAddress = unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + nameOffset); return readCString(nameAddress); } public long getAddr() { return unsafe.getAddress(entryAddress + addrOffset); } public Object getValue() { switch (getType()) { case "bool": return Boolean.valueOf(unsafe.getByte(getAddr()) != 0); case "intx": case "uintx": case "uint64_t": return Long.valueOf(unsafe.getLong(getAddr())); case "double": return Double.valueOf(unsafe.getDouble(getAddr())); case "ccstr": case "ccstrlist": return readCString(getAddr()); default: throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere(getType()); } } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Flag[type=%s, name=%s, value=%s]", getType(), getName(), getValue()); } } } // os information, register layout, code generation, ... @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "DEBUG_ONLY(1) NOT_DEBUG(0)") @Stable public boolean cAssertions; public final boolean windowsOs = System.getProperty("os.name", "").startsWith("Windows"); @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "CodeEntryAlignment") @Stable public int codeEntryAlignment; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "VerifyOops") @Stable public boolean verifyOops; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "CITime") @Stable public boolean ciTime; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "CITimeEach") @Stable public boolean ciTimeEach; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "CompileThreshold") @Stable public long compileThreshold; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "CompileTheWorldStartAt", optional = true) @Stable public int compileTheWorldStartAt; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "CompileTheWorldStopAt", optional = true) @Stable public int compileTheWorldStopAt; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "DontCompileHugeMethods") @Stable public boolean dontCompileHugeMethods; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "HugeMethodLimit") @Stable public int hugeMethodLimit; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "PrintInlining") @Stable public boolean printInlining; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "GraalUseFastLocking") @Stable public boolean useFastLocking; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "ForceUnreachable") @Stable public boolean forceUnreachable; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "GPUOffload") @Stable public boolean gpuOffload; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseTLAB") @Stable public boolean useTLAB; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseBiasedLocking") @Stable public boolean useBiasedLocking; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UsePopCountInstruction") @Stable public boolean usePopCountInstruction; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseCountLeadingZerosInstruction", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public boolean useCountLeadingZerosInstruction; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseCountTrailingZerosInstruction", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public boolean useCountTrailingZerosInstruction; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseAESIntrinsics") @Stable public boolean useAESIntrinsics; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseCRC32Intrinsics") @Stable public boolean useCRC32Intrinsics; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseG1GC") @Stable public boolean useG1GC; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseConcMarkSweepGC") @Stable public boolean useCMSGC; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "AllocatePrefetchStyle") @Stable public int allocatePrefetchStyle; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "AllocatePrefetchInstr") @Stable public int allocatePrefetchInstr; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "AllocatePrefetchLines") @Stable public int allocatePrefetchLines; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "AllocateInstancePrefetchLines") @Stable public int allocateInstancePrefetchLines; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "AllocatePrefetchStepSize") @Stable public int allocatePrefetchStepSize; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "AllocatePrefetchDistance") @Stable public int allocatePrefetchDistance; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "FlightRecorder", optional = true) @Stable public boolean flightRecorder; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Universe::_collectedHeap", type = "CollectedHeap*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable private long universeCollectedHeap; @HotSpotVMField(name = "CollectedHeap::_total_collections", type = "unsigned int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int collectedHeapTotalCollectionsOffset; public long gcTotalCollectionsAddress() { return universeCollectedHeap + collectedHeapTotalCollectionsOffset; } @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "GraalDeferredInitBarriers") @Stable public boolean useDeferredInitBarriers; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "GraalHProfEnabled") @Stable public boolean useHeapProfiler; // Compressed Oops related values. @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseCompressedOops") @Stable public boolean useCompressedOops; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseCompressedClassPointers") @Stable public boolean useCompressedClassPointers; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Universe::_narrow_oop._base", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long narrowOopBase; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Universe::_narrow_oop._shift", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public int narrowOopShift; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "ObjectAlignmentInBytes") @Stable public int objectAlignment; public int logMinObjAlignment() { return (int) (Math.log(objectAlignment) / Math.log(2)); } @HotSpotVMField(name = "Universe::_narrow_klass._base", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long narrowKlassBase; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Universe::_narrow_klass._shift", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public int narrowKlassShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "LogKlassAlignmentInBytes") @Stable public int logKlassAlignment; // CPU capabilities @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseSSE") @Stable public int useSSE; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseAVX", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int useAVX; // X86 specific values @HotSpotVMField(name = "VM_Version::_cpuFeatures", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE, archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int x86CPUFeatures; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_CX8", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuCX8; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_CMOV", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuCMOV; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_FXSR", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuFXSR; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_HT", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuHT; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_MMX", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuMMX; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_3DNOW_PREFETCH", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpu3DNOWPREFETCH; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_SSE", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuSSE; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_SSE2", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuSSE2; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_SSE3", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuSSE3; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_SSSE3", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuSSSE3; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_SSE4A", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuSSE4A; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_SSE4_1", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuSSE41; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_SSE4_2", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuSSE42; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_POPCNT", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuPOPCNT; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_LZCNT", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuLZCNT; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_TSC", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuTSC; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_TSCINV", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuTSCINV; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_AVX", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuAVX; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_AVX2", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuAVX2; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_AES", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuAES; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_ERMS", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuERMS; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_CLMUL", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuCLMUL; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::CPU_BMI1", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int cpuBMI1; // SPARC specific values @HotSpotVMField(name = "VM_Version::_features", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE, archs = {"sparc"}) @Stable public int sparcFeatures; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::vis3_instructions_m", archs = {"sparc"}) @Stable public int vis3Instructions; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::vis2_instructions_m", archs = {"sparc"}) @Stable public int vis2Instructions; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::vis1_instructions_m", archs = {"sparc"}) @Stable public int vis1Instructions; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "VM_Version::cbcond_instructions_m", archs = {"sparc"}) @Stable public int cbcondInstructions; // offsets, ... @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "StackShadowPages") @Stable public int stackShadowPages; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseStackBanging") @Stable public boolean useStackBanging; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "STACK_BIAS") @Stable public int stackBias; @HotSpotVMField(name = "oopDesc::_mark", type = "markOop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int markOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "oopDesc::_metadata._klass", type = "Klass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hubOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_prototype_header", type = "markOop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int prototypeMarkWordOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_subklass", type = "Klass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int subklassOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_next_sibling", type = "Klass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int nextSiblingOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_super_check_offset", type = "juint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int superCheckOffsetOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_secondary_super_cache", type = "Klass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int secondarySuperCacheOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_secondary_supers", type = "Array*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int secondarySupersOffset; /** * The offset of the _java_mirror field (of type {@link Class}) in a Klass. */ @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_java_mirror", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int classMirrorOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_super", type = "Klass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassSuperKlassOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_modifier_flags", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassModifierFlagsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_access_flags", type = "AccessFlags", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassAccessFlagsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Klass::_layout_helper", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int klassLayoutHelperOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_neutral_value") @Stable public int klassLayoutHelperNeutralValue; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_instance_slow_path_bit") @Stable public int klassLayoutHelperInstanceSlowPathBit; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_log2_element_size_shift") @Stable public int layoutHelperLog2ElementSizeShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_log2_element_size_mask") @Stable public int layoutHelperLog2ElementSizeMask; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_element_type_shift") @Stable public int layoutHelperElementTypeShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_element_type_mask") @Stable public int layoutHelperElementTypeMask; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_header_size_shift") @Stable public int layoutHelperHeaderSizeShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_header_size_mask") @Stable public int layoutHelperHeaderSizeMask; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_array_tag_shift") @Stable public int layoutHelperArrayTagShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_array_tag_type_value") @Stable public int layoutHelperArrayTagTypeValue; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Klass::_lh_array_tag_obj_value") @Stable public int layoutHelperArrayTagObjectValue; /** * This filters out the bit that differentiates a type array from an object array. */ public int layoutHelperElementTypePrimitiveInPlace() { return (layoutHelperArrayTagTypeValue & ~layoutHelperArrayTagObjectValue) << layoutHelperArrayTagShift; } /** * Bit pattern in the klass layout helper that can be used to identify arrays. */ public final int arrayKlassLayoutHelperIdentifier = 0x80000000; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ArrayKlass::_component_mirror", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int arrayKlassComponentMirrorOffset; @HotSpotVMType(name = "vtableEntry", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int vtableEntrySize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "vtableEntry::_method", type = "Method*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int vtableEntryMethodOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "InstanceKlass::vtable_start_offset() * HeapWordSize") @Stable public int instanceKlassVtableStartOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "InstanceKlass::vtable_length_offset() * HeapWordSize") @Stable public int instanceKlassVtableLengthOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Universe::base_vtable_size() / vtableEntry::size()") @Stable public int baseVtableLength; /** * The offset of the array length word in an array object's header. */ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes()") @Stable public int arrayLengthOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Array::_length", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int arrayU1LengthOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Array::_data", type = "", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int arrayU1DataOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Array::_data", type = "", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int arrayU2DataOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Array::_length", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int metaspaceArrayLengthOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Array::_data[0]", type = "Klass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int metaspaceArrayBaseOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "InstanceKlass::_graal_node_class", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int instanceKlassNodeClassOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "InstanceKlass::_source_file_name_index", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int instanceKlassSourceFileNameIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "InstanceKlass::_init_state", type = "u1", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int instanceKlassInitStateOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "InstanceKlass::_constants", type = "ConstantPool*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int instanceKlassConstantsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "InstanceKlass::_fields", type = "Array*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int instanceKlassFieldsOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "InstanceKlass::linked") @Stable public int instanceKlassStateLinked; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "InstanceKlass::fully_initialized") @Stable public int instanceKlassStateFullyInitialized; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ObjArrayKlass::_element_klass", type = "Klass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int arrayClassElementOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FieldInfo::access_flags_offset") @Stable public int fieldInfoAccessFlagsOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FieldInfo::name_index_offset") @Stable public int fieldInfoNameIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FieldInfo::signature_index_offset") @Stable public int fieldInfoSignatureIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FieldInfo::initval_index_offset") @Stable public int fieldInfoInitvalIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FieldInfo::low_packed_offset") @Stable public int fieldInfoLowPackedOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FieldInfo::high_packed_offset") @Stable public int fieldInfoHighPackedOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FieldInfo::field_slots") @Stable public int fieldInfoFieldSlots; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "FIELDINFO_TAG_SIZE") @Stable public int fieldInfoTagSize; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_ACC_FIELD_INTERNAL") @Stable public int jvmAccFieldInternal; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_ACC_FIELD_STABLE") @Stable public int jvmAccFieldStable; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_ACC_FIELD_HAS_GENERIC_SIGNATURE") @Stable public int jvmAccFieldHasGenericSignature; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Thread::_tlab", type = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int threadTlabOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_anchor", type = "JavaFrameAnchor", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int javaThreadAnchorOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_threadObj", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int threadObjectOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_osthread", type = "OSThread*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int osThreadOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_dirty_card_queue", type = "DirtyCardQueue", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int javaThreadDirtyCardQueueOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_is_method_handle_return", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int threadIsMethodHandleReturnOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_satb_mark_queue", type = "ObjPtrQueue", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int javaThreadSatbMarkQueueOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_vm_result", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int threadObjectResultOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "in_bytes(JavaThread::graal_counters_offset())") @Stable public int graalCountersThreadOffset; /** * An invalid value for {@link #rtldDefault}. */ public static final long INVALID_RTLD_DEFAULT_HANDLE = 0xDEADFACE; /** * Address of the library lookup routine. The C signature of this routine is: * *
     *     void* (const char *filename, char *ebuf, int ebuflen)
*/ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "os::dll_load", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long dllLoad; /** * Address of the library lookup routine. The C signature of this routine is: * *
     *     void* (void* handle, const char* name)
*/ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "os::dll_lookup", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long dllLookup; /** * A pseudo-handle which when used as the first argument to {@link #dllLookup} means lookup will * return the first occurrence of the desired symbol using the default library search order. If * this field is {@value #INVALID_RTLD_DEFAULT_HANDLE}, then this capability is not supported on * the current platform. */ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "RTLD_DEFAULT", defines = {"TARGET_OS_FAMILY_bsd", "TARGET_OS_FAMILY_linux"}, get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long rtldDefault = INVALID_RTLD_DEFAULT_HANDLE; /** * This field is used to pass exception objects into and out of the runtime system during * exception handling for compiled code. *

* NOTE: This is not the same as {@link #pendingExceptionOffset}. */ @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_exception_oop", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int threadExceptionOopOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaThread::_exception_pc", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int threadExceptionPcOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaFrameAnchor::_last_Java_sp", type = "intptr_t*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int javaFrameAnchorLastJavaSpOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaFrameAnchor::_last_Java_pc", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int javaFrameAnchorLastJavaPcOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaFrameAnchor::_last_Java_fp", type = "intptr_t*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET, archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable private int javaFrameAnchorLastJavaFpOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "JavaFrameAnchor::_flags", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET, archs = {"sparc"}) @Stable private int javaFrameAnchorFlagsOffset; public int threadLastJavaSpOffset() { return javaThreadAnchorOffset + javaFrameAnchorLastJavaSpOffset; } public int threadLastJavaPcOffset() { return javaThreadAnchorOffset + javaFrameAnchorLastJavaPcOffset; } /** * This value is only valid on AMD64. */ public int threadLastJavaFpOffset() { // TODO add an assert for AMD64 return javaThreadAnchorOffset + javaFrameAnchorLastJavaFpOffset; } /** * This value is only valid on SPARC. */ public int threadJavaFrameAnchorFlagsOffset() { // TODO add an assert for SPARC return javaThreadAnchorOffset + javaFrameAnchorFlagsOffset; } // These are only valid on AMD64. @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "frame::arg_reg_save_area_bytes", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int runtimeCallStackSize; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp_offset", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int frameInterpreterFrameSenderSpOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp_offset", archs = {"amd64"}) @Stable public int frameInterpreterFrameLastSpOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "PtrQueue::_active", type = "bool", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int ptrQueueActiveOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "PtrQueue::_buf", type = "void**", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int ptrQueueBufferOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "PtrQueue::_index", type = "size_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int ptrQueueIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "OSThread::_interrupted", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int osThreadInterruptedOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::unlocked_value") @Stable public int unlockedMask; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::biased_lock_mask_in_place") @Stable public int biasedLockMaskInPlace; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::age_mask_in_place") @Stable public int ageMaskInPlace; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::epoch_mask_in_place") @Stable public int epochMaskInPlace; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::hash_shift") @Stable public long markOopDescHashShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::hash_mask") @Stable public long markOopDescHashMask; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::hash_mask_in_place") @Stable public long markOopDescHashMaskInPlace; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::biased_lock_pattern") @Stable public int biasedLockPattern; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::no_hash_in_place") @Stable public int markWordNoHashInPlace; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::no_lock_in_place") @Stable public int markWordNoLockInPlace; /** * See markOopDesc::prototype(). */ public long arrayPrototypeMarkWord() { return markWordNoHashInPlace | markWordNoLockInPlace; } /** * See markOopDesc::copy_set_hash(). */ public long tlabIntArrayMarkWord() { long tmp = arrayPrototypeMarkWord() & (~markOopDescHashMaskInPlace); tmp |= ((0x2 & markOopDescHashMask) << markOopDescHashShift); return tmp; } /** * Offset of the _pending_exception field in ThreadShadow (defined in exceptions.hpp). This * field is used to propagate exceptions through C/C++ calls. *

* NOTE: This is not the same as {@link #threadExceptionOopOffset}. */ @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadShadow::_pending_exception", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int pendingExceptionOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadShadow::_pending_deoptimization", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int pendingDeoptimizationOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadShadow::_pending_failed_speculation", type = "oop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int pendingFailedSpeculationOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadShadow::_pending_transfer_to_interpreter", type = "bool", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int pendingTransferToInterpreterOffset; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseHSAILDeoptimization") @Stable public boolean useHSAILDeoptimization; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "UseHSAILSafepoints") @Stable public boolean useHSAILSafepoints; /** * Offsets of Hsail deoptimization fields (defined in gpu_hsail.hpp). Used to propagate * exceptions from Hsail back to C++ runtime. */ @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILDeoptimizationInfo::_notice_safepoints", type = "jint*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailNoticeSafepointsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILDeoptimizationInfo::_deopt_occurred", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailDeoptOccurredOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILDeoptimizationInfo::_never_ran_array", type = "jboolean*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailNeverRanArrayOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILDeoptimizationInfo::_deopt_next_index", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailDeoptNextIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILDeoptimizationInfo::_alloc_info", type = "HSAILAllocationInfo*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailAllocInfoOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILDeoptimizationInfo::_cur_tlab_info", type = "HSAILTlabInfo**", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailCurTlabInfoOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILKernelDeoptimization::_workitemid", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailDeoptimizationWorkItem; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Hsail::HSAILKernelDeoptimization::_actionAndReason", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailDeoptimizationReason; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILFrame::_pc_offset", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailFramePcOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILFrame::_num_s_regs", type = "jbyte", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailFrameNumSRegOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILFrame::_num_d_regs", type = "jbyte", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailFrameNumDRegOffset; @HotSpotVMType(name = "HSAILFrame", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int hsailFrameHeaderSize; @HotSpotVMType(name = "Hsail::HSAILKernelDeoptimization", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int hsailKernelDeoptimizationHeaderSize; @HotSpotVMType(name = "Hsail::HSAILDeoptimizationInfo", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int hsailDeoptimizationInfoHeaderSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILAllocationInfo::_tlab_infos_pool_start", type = "HSAILTlabInfo*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailAllocInfoTlabInfosPoolStartOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILAllocationInfo::_tlab_infos_pool_next", type = "HSAILTlabInfo*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailAllocInfoTlabInfosPoolNextOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILAllocationInfo::_tlab_infos_pool_end", type = "HSAILTlabInfo*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailAllocInfoTlabInfosPoolEndOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILAllocationInfo::_tlab_align_reserve_bytes", type = "size_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailAllocInfoTlabAlignReserveBytesOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILTlabInfo::_start", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoStartOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILTlabInfo::_top", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoTopOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILTlabInfo::_end", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoEndOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILTlabInfo::_last_good_top", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoLastGoodTopOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILTlabInfo::_original_top", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoOriginalTopOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILTlabInfo::_alloc_info", type = "HSAILAllocationInfo*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoAllocInfoOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HSAILTlabInfo::_tlab", type = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoTlabOffset; @HotSpotVMType(name = "HSAILTlabInfo", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int hsailTlabInfoSize; /** * Mark word right shift to get identity hash code. */ @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::hash_shift") @Stable public int identityHashCodeShift; /** * Identity hash code value when uninitialized. */ @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "markOopDesc::no_hash") @Stable public int uninitializedIdentityHashCodeValue; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_access_flags", type = "AccessFlags", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodAccessFlagsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_constMethod", type = "ConstMethod*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodConstMethodOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_intrinsic_id", type = "u1", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodIntrinsicIdOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_flags", type = "u1", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodFlagsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_vtable_index", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodVtableIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_jfr_towrite") @Stable public int methodFlagsJfrTowrite; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_caller_sensitive") @Stable public int methodFlagsCallerSensitive; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_force_inline") @Stable public int methodFlagsForceInline; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_dont_inline") @Stable public int methodFlagsDontInline; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::_hidden") @Stable public int methodFlagsHidden; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::nonvirtual_vtable_index") @Stable public int nonvirtualVtableIndex; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Method::invalid_vtable_index") @Stable public int invalidVtableIndex; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_ACC_MONITOR_MATCH") @Stable public int jvmAccMonitorMatch; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_ACC_HAS_MONITOR_BYTECODES") @Stable public int jvmAccHasMonitorBytecodes; @HotSpotVMField(name = "CompileTask::_num_inlined_bytecodes", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int compileTaskNumInlinedBytecodesOffset; /** * Value of Method::extra_stack_entries(). */ @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Method::extra_stack_entries()") @Stable public int extraStackEntries; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstMethod::_constants", type = "ConstantPool*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constMethodConstantsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstMethod::_flags", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constMethodFlagsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstMethod::_code_size", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constMethodCodeSizeOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstMethod::_name_index", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constMethodNameIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstMethod::_signature_index", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constMethodSignatureIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstMethod::_max_stack", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constMethodMaxStackOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstMethod::_max_locals", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodMaxLocalsOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "ConstMethod::_has_linenumber_table") @Stable public int constMethodHasLineNumberTable; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "ConstMethod::_has_localvariable_table") @Stable public int constMethodHasLocalVariableTable; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "ConstMethod::_has_exception_table") @Stable public int constMethodHasExceptionTable; @HotSpotVMType(name = "ExceptionTableElement", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int exceptionTableElementSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ExceptionTableElement::start_pc", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int exceptionTableElementStartPcOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ExceptionTableElement::end_pc", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int exceptionTableElementEndPcOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ExceptionTableElement::handler_pc", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int exceptionTableElementHandlerPcOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ExceptionTableElement::catch_type_index", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int exceptionTableElementCatchTypeIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMType(name = "LocalVariableTableElement", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int localVariableTableElementSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "LocalVariableTableElement::start_bci", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int localVariableTableElementStartBciOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "LocalVariableTableElement::length", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int localVariableTableElementLengthOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "LocalVariableTableElement::name_cp_index", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int localVariableTableElementNameCpIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "LocalVariableTableElement::descriptor_cp_index", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int localVariableTableElementDescriptorCpIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "LocalVariableTableElement::signature_cp_index", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int localVariableTableElementSignatureCpIndexOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "LocalVariableTableElement::slot", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int localVariableTableElementSlotOffset; @HotSpotVMType(name = "ConstantPool", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int constantPoolSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstantPool::_tags", type = "Array*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constantPoolTagsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstantPool::_pool_holder", type = "InstanceKlass*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constantPoolHolderOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ConstantPool::_length", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int constantPoolLengthOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "ConstantPool::CPCACHE_INDEX_TAG") @Stable public int constantPoolCpCacheIndexTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Utf8") @Stable public int jvmConstantUtf8; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Integer") @Stable public int jvmConstantInteger; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Long") @Stable public int jvmConstantLong; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Float") @Stable public int jvmConstantFloat; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Double") @Stable public int jvmConstantDouble; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Class") @Stable public int jvmConstantClass; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClass") @Stable public int jvmConstantUnresolvedClass; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_UnresolvedClassInError") @Stable public int jvmConstantUnresolvedClassInError; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_String") @Stable public int jvmConstantString; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Fieldref") @Stable public int jvmConstantFieldref; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_Methodref") @Stable public int jvmConstantMethodref; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref") @Stable public int jvmConstantInterfaceMethodref; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_NameAndType") @Stable public int jvmConstantNameAndType; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle") @Stable public int jvmConstantMethodHandle; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandleInError") @Stable public int jvmConstantMethodHandleInError; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_MethodType") @Stable public int jvmConstantMethodType; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_MethodTypeInError") @Stable public int jvmConstantMethodTypeInError; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic") @Stable public int jvmConstantInvokeDynamic; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_ExternalMax") @Stable public int jvmConstantExternalMax; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_InternalMin") @Stable public int jvmConstantInternalMin; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_CONSTANT_InternalMax") @Stable public int jvmConstantInternalMax; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "HeapWordSize") @Stable public int heapWordSize; @HotSpotVMType(name = "Symbol*", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int symbolPointerSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Symbol::_length", type = "unsigned short", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int symbolLengthOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Symbol::_body[0]", type = "jbyte", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int symbolBodyOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "vmSymbols::_symbols[0]", type = "Symbol*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long vmSymbolsSymbols; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "vmSymbols::FIRST_SID") @Stable public int vmSymbolsFirstSID; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "vmSymbols::SID_LIMIT") @Stable public int vmSymbolsSIDLimit; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_ACC_HAS_FINALIZER") @Stable public int klassHasFinalizerFlag; // Modifier.SYNTHETIC is not public so we get it via vmStructs. @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_ACC_SYNTHETIC") @Stable public int syntheticFlag; /** * @see HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl#createField */ @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "JVM_RECOGNIZED_FIELD_MODIFIERS") @Stable public int recognizedFieldModifiers; /** * Bit pattern that represents a non-oop. Neither the high bits nor the low bits of this value * are allowed to look like (respectively) the high or low bits of a real oop. */ @HotSpotVMField(name = "Universe::_non_oop_bits", type = "intptr_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long nonOopBits; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_verify_oop_count", type = "jint", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long verifyOopCounterAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Universe::verify_oop_mask()") @Stable public long verifyOopMask; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Universe::verify_oop_bits()") @Stable public long verifyOopBits; @HotSpotVMField(name = "CollectedHeap::_barrier_set", type = "BarrierSet*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int collectedHeapBarrierSetOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "HeapRegion::LogOfHRGrainBytes", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public int logOfHRGrainBytes; @HotSpotVMField(name = "BarrierSet::_kind", type = "BarrierSet::Name", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int barrierSetKindOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "BarrierSet::CardTableModRef") @Stable public int barrierSetCardTableModRef; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "BarrierSet::CardTableExtension") @Stable public int barrierSetCardTableExtension; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "BarrierSet::G1SATBCT") @Stable public int barrierSetG1SATBCT; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "BarrierSet::G1SATBCTLogging") @Stable public int barrierSetG1SATBCTLogging; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "BarrierSet::ModRef") @Stable public int barrierSetModRef; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "BarrierSet::Other") @Stable public int barrierSetOther; @HotSpotVMField(name = "CardTableModRefBS::byte_map_base", type = "jbyte*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int cardTableModRefBSByteMapBaseOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CardTableModRefBS::card_shift") @Stable public int cardTableModRefBSCardShift; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "(jbyte)CardTableModRefBS::dirty_card_val()") @Stable public byte dirtyCardValue; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "(jbyte)G1SATBCardTableModRefBS::g1_young_card_val()") @Stable public byte g1YoungCardValue; public long cardtableStartAddress() { final long barrierSetAddress = unsafe.getAddress(universeCollectedHeap + collectedHeapBarrierSetOffset); final int kind = unsafe.getInt(barrierSetAddress + barrierSetKindOffset); if ((kind == barrierSetCardTableModRef) || (kind == barrierSetCardTableExtension) || (kind == barrierSetG1SATBCT) || (kind == barrierSetG1SATBCTLogging)) { final long base = unsafe.getAddress(barrierSetAddress + cardTableModRefBSByteMapBaseOffset); assert base != 0 : "unexpected byte_map_base: " + base; return base; } if ((kind == barrierSetModRef) || (kind == barrierSetOther)) { // No post barriers return 0; } throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere("kind: " + kind); } public int cardtableShift() { final long barrierSetAddress = unsafe.getAddress(universeCollectedHeap + collectedHeapBarrierSetOffset); final int kind = unsafe.getInt(barrierSetAddress + barrierSetKindOffset); if ((kind == barrierSetCardTableModRef) || (kind == barrierSetCardTableExtension) || (kind == barrierSetG1SATBCT) || (kind == barrierSetG1SATBCTLogging)) { return cardTableModRefBSCardShift; } if ((kind == barrierSetModRef) || (kind == barrierSetOther)) { // No post barriers return 0; } throw GraalInternalError.shouldNotReachHere("kind: " + kind); } @HotSpotVMField(name = "os::_polling_page", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long safepointPollingAddress; // G1 Collector Related Values. public int g1CardQueueIndexOffset() { return javaThreadDirtyCardQueueOffset + ptrQueueIndexOffset; } public int g1CardQueueBufferOffset() { return javaThreadDirtyCardQueueOffset + ptrQueueBufferOffset; } public int g1SATBQueueMarkingOffset() { return javaThreadSatbMarkQueueOffset + ptrQueueActiveOffset; } public int g1SATBQueueIndexOffset() { return javaThreadSatbMarkQueueOffset + ptrQueueIndexOffset; } public int g1SATBQueueBufferOffset() { return javaThreadSatbMarkQueueOffset + ptrQueueBufferOffset; } @HotSpotVMField(name = "java_lang_Class::_klass_offset", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public int klassOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "java_lang_Class::_array_klass_offset", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public int arrayKlassOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_method_data", type = "MethodData*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodDataOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_from_compiled_entry", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodCompiledEntryOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Method::_code", type = "nmethod*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodCodeOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "MethodData::_size", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodDataSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "MethodData::_data_size", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodDataDataSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "MethodData::_data[0]", type = "intptr_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodDataOopDataOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "MethodData::_trap_hist._array[0]", type = "u1", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodDataOopTrapHistoryOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "MethodData::_graal_node_count", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int methodDataGraalNodeCountOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "nmethod::_verified_entry_point", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int nmethodEntryOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "nmethod::_comp_level", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int nmethodCompLevelOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CompLevel_full_optimization") @Stable public int compilationLevelFullOptimization; @HotSpotVMType(name = "BasicLock", get = HotSpotVMType.Type.SIZE) @Stable public int basicLockSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "BasicLock::_displaced_header", type = "markOop", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int basicLockDisplacedHeaderOffset; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Universe::heap()->end_addr()", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long heapEndAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Universe::heap()->top_addr()", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long heapTopAddress; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Thread::_allocated_bytes", type = "jlong", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int threadAllocatedBytesOffset; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "TLABWasteIncrement") @Stable public int tlabRefillWasteIncrement; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::alignment_reserve()") @Stable public int tlabAlignmentReserve; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_start", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferStartOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_end", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferEndOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_top", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferTopOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_pf_top", type = "HeapWord*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferPfTopOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_slow_allocations", type = "unsigned", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferSlowAllocationsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_fast_refill_waste", type = "unsigned", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferFastRefillWasteOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_number_of_refills", type = "unsigned", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferNumberOfRefillsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_refill_waste_limit", type = "size_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferRefillWasteLimitOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::_desired_size", type = "size_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int threadLocalAllocBufferDesiredSizeOffset; public int tlabSlowAllocationsOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferSlowAllocationsOffset; } public int tlabFastRefillWasteOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferFastRefillWasteOffset; } public int tlabNumberOfRefillsOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferNumberOfRefillsOffset; } public int tlabRefillWasteLimitOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferRefillWasteLimitOffset; } public int threadTlabSizeOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferDesiredSizeOffset; } public int threadTlabStartOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferStartOffset; } public int threadTlabEndOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferEndOffset; } public int threadTlabTopOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferTopOffset; } public int threadTlabPfTopOffset() { return threadTlabOffset + threadLocalAllocBufferPfTopOffset; } @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "TLABStats") @Stable public boolean tlabStats; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = " !CMSIncrementalMode && Universe::heap()->supports_inline_contig_alloc()") @Stable public boolean inlineContiguousAllocationSupported; /** * The DataLayout header size is the same as the cell size. */ @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::cell_size") @Stable public int dataLayoutHeaderSize; @HotSpotVMField(name = "DataLayout::_header._struct._tag", type = "u1", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int dataLayoutTagOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "DataLayout::_header._struct._flags", type = "u1", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int dataLayoutFlagsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "DataLayout::_header._struct._bci", type = "u2", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int dataLayoutBCIOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "DataLayout::_cells[0]", type = "intptr_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int dataLayoutCellsOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::cell_size") @Stable public int dataLayoutCellSize; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::no_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutNoTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::bit_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutBitDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::counter_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutCounterDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::jump_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutJumpDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::receiver_type_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutReceiverTypeDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::virtual_call_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutVirtualCallDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::ret_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutRetDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::branch_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutBranchDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::multi_branch_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutMultiBranchDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::arg_info_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutArgInfoDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::call_type_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutCallTypeDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::virtual_call_type_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutVirtualCallTypeDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::parameters_type_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutParametersTypeDataTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "DataLayout::speculative_trap_data_tag") @Stable public int dataLayoutSpeculativeTrapDataTag; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "BciProfileWidth") @Stable public int bciProfileWidth; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "TypeProfileWidth") @Stable public int typeProfileWidth; @HotSpotVMFlag(name = "MethodProfileWidth") @Stable public int methodProfileWidth; @HotSpotVMField(name = "CodeBlob::_code_offset", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int codeBlobCodeOffsetOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "SharedRuntime::_ic_miss_blob", type = "RuntimeStub*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable private long inlineCacheMissBlob; public long inlineCacheMissStub() { return inlineCacheMissBlob + unsafe.getInt(inlineCacheMissBlob + codeBlobCodeOffsetOffset); } @HotSpotVMField(name = "CodeCache::_heap", type = "CodeHeap*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable private long codeCacheHeap; @HotSpotVMField(name = "CodeHeap::_memory", type = "VirtualSpace", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int codeHeapMemoryOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "VirtualSpace::_low_boundary", type = "char*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int virtualSpaceLowBoundaryOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "VirtualSpace::_high_boundary", type = "char*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable private int virtualSpaceHighBoundaryOffset; /** * @return CodeCache::_heap->_memory._low_boundary */ public long codeCacheLowBoundary() { return unsafe.getAddress(codeCacheHeap + codeHeapMemoryOffset + virtualSpaceLowBoundaryOffset); } /** * @return CodeCache::_heap->_memory._high_boundary */ public long codeCacheHighBoundary() { return unsafe.getAddress(codeCacheHeap + codeHeapMemoryOffset + virtualSpaceHighBoundaryOffset); } @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_aescrypt_encryptBlock", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long aescryptEncryptBlockStub; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_aescrypt_decryptBlock", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long aescryptDecryptBlockStub; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long cipherBlockChainingEncryptAESCryptStub; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long cipherBlockChainingDecryptAESCryptStub; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_updateBytesCRC32", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long updateBytesCRC32Stub; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_crc_table_adr", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long crcTableAddress; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jbyte_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jbyteArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jshort_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jshortArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jintArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jlong_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jlongArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_oop_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_oop_arraycopy_uninit", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopArraycopyUninit; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jbyteDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jshortDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jint_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jintDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jlongDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_oop_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopDisjointArraycopyUninit; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jbyte_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jbyteAlignedArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jshort_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jshortAlignedArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jintAlignedArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jlong_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jlongAlignedArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopAlignedArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_arraycopy_uninit", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopAlignedArraycopyUninit; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jbyteAlignedDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jshortAlignedDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jint_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jintAlignedDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long jlongAlignedDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopAlignedDisjointArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long oopAlignedDisjointArraycopyUninit; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_checkcast_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long checkcastArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_checkcast_arraycopy_uninit", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long checkcastArraycopyUninit; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_unsafe_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long unsafeArraycopy; @HotSpotVMField(name = "StubRoutines::_generic_arraycopy", type = "address", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) @Stable public long genericArraycopy; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::new_instance", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long newInstanceAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::new_array", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long newArrayAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::new_multi_array", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long newMultiArrayAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::dynamic_new_array", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long dynamicNewArrayAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::dynamic_new_instance", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long dynamicNewInstanceAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::thread_is_interrupted", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long threadIsInterruptedAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::vm_message", signature = "(unsigned char, long, long, long, long)", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long vmMessageAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::identity_hash_code", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long identityHashCodeAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::exception_handler_for_pc", signature = "(JavaThread*)", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long exceptionHandlerForPcAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::monitorenter", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long monitorenterAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::monitorexit", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long monitorexitAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::create_null_exception", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long createNullPointerExceptionAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::create_out_of_bounds_exception", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long createOutOfBoundsExceptionAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::log_primitive", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long logPrimitiveAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::log_object", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long logObjectAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::log_printf", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long logPrintfAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::vm_error", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long vmErrorAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::load_and_clear_exception", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long loadAndClearExceptionAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::write_barrier_pre", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long writeBarrierPreAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::write_barrier_post", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long writeBarrierPostAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::validate_object", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long validateObject; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "GraalRuntime::test_deoptimize_call_int", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long testDeoptimizeCallInt; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "SharedRuntime::register_finalizer", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long registerFinalizerAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "SharedRuntime::exception_handler_for_return_address", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long exceptionHandlerForReturnAddressAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "SharedRuntime::OSR_migration_end", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long osrMigrationEndAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "os::javaTimeMillis", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long javaTimeMillisAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "os::javaTimeNanos", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long javaTimeNanosAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "SharedRuntime::dsin", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long arithmeticSinAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "SharedRuntime::dcos", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long arithmeticCosAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "SharedRuntime::dtan", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long arithmeticTanAddress; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "(jint) GraalCounterSize") @Stable public int graalCountersSize; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Deoptimization::fetch_unroll_info", signature = "(JavaThread*)", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long deoptimizationFetchUnrollInfo; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Deoptimization::uncommon_trap", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long deoptimizationUncommonTrap; @HotSpotVMValue(expression = "Deoptimization::unpack_frames", signature = "(JavaThread*, int)", get = HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) @Stable public long deoptimizationUnpackFrames; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_none") @Stable public int deoptReasonNone; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_null_check") @Stable public int deoptReasonNullCheck; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_range_check") @Stable public int deoptReasonRangeCheck; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_class_check") @Stable public int deoptReasonClassCheck; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_array_check") @Stable public int deoptReasonArrayCheck; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_null_assert") @Stable public int deoptReasonUnreached0; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_intrinsic") @Stable public int deoptReasonTypeCheckInlining; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_bimorphic") @Stable public int deoptReasonOptimizedTypeCheck; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_unhandled") @Stable public int deoptReasonNotCompiledExceptionHandler; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_uninitialized") @Stable public int deoptReasonUnresolved; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_age") @Stable public int deoptReasonJsrMismatch; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_div0_check") @Stable public int deoptReasonDiv0Check; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_constraint") @Stable public int deoptReasonConstraint; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_loop_limit_check") @Stable public int deoptReasonLoopLimitCheck; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_aliasing") @Stable public int deoptReasonAliasing; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_transfer_to_interpreter") @Stable public int deoptReasonTransferToInterpreter; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Reason_LIMIT") @Stable public int deoptReasonOSROffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Action_none") @Stable public int deoptActionNone; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Action_maybe_recompile") @Stable public int deoptActionMaybeRecompile; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Action_reinterpret") @Stable public int deoptActionReinterpret; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Action_make_not_entrant") @Stable public int deoptActionMakeNotEntrant; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Action_make_not_compilable") @Stable public int deoptActionMakeNotCompilable; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::_action_bits") @Stable public int deoptimizationActionBits; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::_reason_bits") @Stable public int deoptimizationReasonBits; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::_debug_id_bits") @Stable public int deoptimizationDebugIdBits; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::_action_shift") @Stable public int deoptimizationActionShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::_reason_shift") @Stable public int deoptimizationReasonShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::_debug_id_shift") @Stable public int deoptimizationDebugIdShift; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Unpack_deopt") @Stable public int deoptimizationUnpackDeopt; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Unpack_exception") @Stable public int deoptimizationUnpackException; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Unpack_uncommon_trap") @Stable public int deoptimizationUnpackUncommonTrap; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "Deoptimization::Unpack_reexecute") @Stable public int deoptimizationUnpackReexecute; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::_size_of_deoptimized_frame", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int deoptimizationUnrollBlockSizeOfDeoptimizedFrameOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::_caller_adjustment", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int deoptimizationUnrollBlockCallerAdjustmentOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::_number_of_frames", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int deoptimizationUnrollBlockNumberOfFramesOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::_total_frame_sizes", type = "int", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int deoptimizationUnrollBlockTotalFrameSizesOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::_frame_sizes", type = "intptr_t*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int deoptimizationUnrollBlockFrameSizesOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::_frame_pcs", type = "address*", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int deoptimizationUnrollBlockFramePcsOffset; @HotSpotVMField(name = "Deoptimization::UnrollBlock::_initial_info", type = "intptr_t", get = HotSpotVMField.Type.OFFSET) @Stable public int deoptimizationUnrollBlockInitialInfoOffset; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "vmIntrinsics::_invokeBasic") @Stable public int vmIntrinsicInvokeBasic; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual") @Stable public int vmIntrinsicLinkToVirtual; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "vmIntrinsics::_linkToStatic") @Stable public int vmIntrinsicLinkToStatic; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "vmIntrinsics::_linkToSpecial") @Stable public int vmIntrinsicLinkToSpecial; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface") @Stable public int vmIntrinsicLinkToInterface; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "GraalEnv::ok") @Stable public int codeInstallResultOk; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "GraalEnv::dependencies_failed") @Stable public int codeInstallResultDependenciesFailed; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "GraalEnv::cache_full") @Stable public int codeInstallResultCacheFull; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "GraalEnv::code_too_large") @Stable public int codeInstallResultCodeTooLarge; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CompilerToVM::KLASS_TAG") @Stable public int compilerToVMKlassTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CompilerToVM::SYMBOL_TAG") @Stable public int compilerToVMSymbolTag; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::VERIFIED_ENTRY") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdVerifiedEntry; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::UNVERIFIED_ENTRY") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdUnverifiedEntry; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::OSR_ENTRY") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdOsrEntry; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::EXCEPTION_HANDLER_ENTRY") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdExceptionHandlerEntry; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::DEOPT_HANDLER_ENTRY") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdDeoptHandlerEntry; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::INVOKEINTERFACE") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdInvokeinterface; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::INVOKEVIRTUAL") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdInvokevirtual; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::INVOKESTATIC") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdInvokestatic; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::INVOKESPECIAL") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdInvokespecial; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::INLINE_INVOKE") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdInlineInvoke; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::POLL_NEAR") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdPollNear; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::POLL_RETURN_NEAR") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdPollReturnNear; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::POLL_FAR") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdPollFar; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::POLL_RETURN_FAR") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdPollReturnFar; @HotSpotVMConstant(name = "CodeInstaller::INVOKE_INVALID") @Stable public int codeInstallerMarkIdInvokeInvalid; public boolean check() { for (Field f : getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { int modifiers = f.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { assert Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) || f.getAnnotation(Stable.class) != null : "field should either be final or @Stable: " + f; } } assert codeEntryAlignment > 0 : codeEntryAlignment; assert (layoutHelperArrayTagObjectValue & (1 << (Integer.SIZE - 1))) != 0 : "object array must have first bit set"; assert (layoutHelperArrayTagTypeValue & (1 << (Integer.SIZE - 1))) != 0 : "type array must have first bit set"; return true; } /** * A compact representation of the different encoding strategies for Objects and metadata. */ public static class CompressEncoding { public final long base; public final int shift; public final int alignment; CompressEncoding(long base, int shift, int alignment) { this.base = base; this.shift = shift; this.alignment = alignment; } public int compress(long ptr) { if (ptr == 0L) { return 0; } else { return (int) ((ptr - base) >>> shift); } } public long uncompress(int ptr) { if (ptr == 0) { return 0L; } else { return ((ptr & 0xFFFFFFFFL) << shift) + base; } } @Override public String toString() { return "base: " + base + " shift: " + shift + " alignment: " + alignment; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + alignment; result = prime * result + (int) (base ^ (base >>> 32)); result = prime * result + shift; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof CompressEncoding) { CompressEncoding other = (CompressEncoding) obj; return alignment == other.alignment && base == other.base && shift == other.shift; } else { return false; } } } /** * Returns the name of the C/C++ symbol that is associated (via HotSpotVMValue annotation) with * the HotSpotVMConfig object's field containing {@code value}; returns null if no field holds * the provided address. * * @param value value of the field * @return C/C++ symbol name or null */ public String getVMValueCSymbol(long value) { for (Field f : HotSpotVMConfig.class.getDeclaredFields()) { if (f.isAnnotationPresent(HotSpotVMValue.class)) { HotSpotVMValue annotation = f.getAnnotation(HotSpotVMValue.class); if (annotation.get() == HotSpotVMValue.Type.ADDRESS) { try { if (value == f.getLong(this)) { return (annotation.expression() + annotation.signature()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } } } return null; } /** * Returns the name of the C/C++ symbol that is associated (via HotSpotVMField annotation) with * the HotSpotVMConfig object's field containing {@code value}; returns null if no field holds * the provided address. * * @param value value of the field * @return C/C++ symbol name or null */ public String getVMFieldCSymbol(long value) { for (Field f : HotSpotVMConfig.class.getDeclaredFields()) { if (f.isAnnotationPresent(HotSpotVMField.class)) { HotSpotVMField annotation = f.getAnnotation(HotSpotVMField.class); if (annotation.get() == HotSpotVMField.Type.VALUE) { try { if (value == f.getLong(this)) { return (annotation.name()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } } } return null; } }