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*** 24,59 **** */ package build.tools.module; import jdk.internal.jimage.Archive; - import jdk.internal.jimage.ImageFile; - import jdk.internal.jimage.ImageModules; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; - import java.io.UncheckedIOException; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; - import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; /** * A tool for building a runtime image. * * java build.tools.module.ImageBuilder <options> --output <path> top/modules.xml,... --- 24,56 ---- */ package build.tools.module; import jdk.internal.jimage.Archive; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; + import jdk.internal.jimage.ImageFileCreator; /** * A tool for building a runtime image. * * java build.tools.module.ImageBuilder <options> --output <path> top/modules.xml,...
*** 82,96 **** final String format; final Object[] args; boolean showUsage; } ! static abstract class Option { final boolean hasArg; final String[] aliases; ! Option(boolean hasArg, String... aliases) { this.hasArg = hasArg; this.aliases = aliases; } boolean isHidden() { return false; } --- 79,105 ---- final String format; final Object[] args; boolean showUsage; } ! static class Option { ! ! interface Processing { ! ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs; ! } ! final boolean hasArg; final String[] aliases; ! final String description; ! final Processing processing; ! ! Option(boolean hasArg, String description, Processing processing, ! String... aliases) { this.hasArg = hasArg; + this.description = description; + this.processing = processing; this.aliases = aliases; } boolean isHidden() { return false; }
*** 105,116 **** return false; } boolean ignoreRest() { return false; } ! abstract void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs; ! abstract String description(); } private static Path CWD = Paths.get(""); private static List<Path> splitPath(String arg, String separator) --- 114,129 ---- return false; } boolean ignoreRest() { return false; } ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { ! processing.process(task, opt, arg); ! } ! String description() { ! return description; ! } } private static Path CWD = Paths.get(""); private static List<Path> splitPath(String arg, String separator)
*** 131,198 **** } return paths; } static Option[] recognizedOptions = { ! new Option(true, "--cmds") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { task.options.cmds = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! } ! String description() { return "Location of native commands"; } ! }, ! new Option(true, "--configs") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { task.options.configs = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! } ! String description() { return "Location of config files"; } ! }, ! new Option(false, "--help") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) { task.options.help = true; ! } ! String description() { return "Print this usage message"; } ! }, ! new Option(true, "--classes") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { task.options.classes = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! } ! String description() { return "Location of module classes files"; } ! }, ! new Option(true, "--libs") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { task.options.libs = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! } ! String description() { return "Location of native libraries"; } ! }, ! new Option(true, "--mods") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { for (String mn : arg.split(",")) { ! if (mn.isEmpty()) throw new BadArgs("Module not found", mn); - task.options.mods.add(mn); } } ! String description() { return "Comma separated list of module names"; } ! }, ! new Option(true, "--output") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { Path path = Paths.get(arg); task.options.output = path; ! } ! String description() { return "Location of the output path"; } ! }, ! new Option(true, "--endian") { ! void process(ImageBuilder task, String opt, String arg) throws BadArgs { ! if (arg.equals("little")) task.options.endian = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN; ! else if (arg.equals("big")) task.options.endian = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; ! else throw new BadArgs("Unknown byte order " + arg); } ! String description() { return "Byte order of the target runtime; {little,big}"; } ! } }; private final Options options = new Options(); private PrintWriter log; --- 144,191 ---- } return paths; } static Option[] recognizedOptions = { ! new Option(true, "Location of native commands", (task, opt, arg) -> { task.options.cmds = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! }, "--cmds"), ! new Option(true, "Location of config files", (task, opt, arg) -> { task.options.configs = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! }, "--configs"), ! new Option(false, "Print this usage message", (task, opt, arg) -> { task.options.help = true; ! }, "--help"), ! new Option(true, "Location of module classes files", (task, opt, arg) -> { task.options.classes = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! }, "--classes"), ! new Option(true, "Location of native libraries", (task, opt, arg) -> { task.options.libs = splitPath(arg, File.pathSeparator); ! }, "--libs"), ! new Option(true, "Comma separated list of module names", ! (task, opt, arg) -> { for (String mn : arg.split(",")) { ! if (mn.isEmpty()) { throw new BadArgs("Module not found", mn); } + task.options.mods.add(mn); } ! }, "--mods"), ! new Option(true, "Location of the output path", (task, opt, arg) -> { Path path = Paths.get(arg); task.options.output = path; ! }, "--output"), ! new Option(true, "Byte order of the target runtime; {little,big}", ! (task, opt, arg) -> { ! if (arg.equals("little")) { task.options.endian = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN; ! } else if (arg.equals("big")) { task.options.endian = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN; ! } else { throw new BadArgs("Unknown byte order " + arg); } ! }, "--endian") }; private final Options options = new Options(); private PrintWriter log;
*** 368,399 **** private class ImageFileHelper { final Collection<String> modules; final Set<String> bootModules; final Set<String> extModules; final Set<String> appModules; - final ImageModules imf; ImageFileHelper(Collection<String> modules) throws IOException { this.modules = modules; this.bootModules = modulesFor(BOOT_MODULES).stream() .filter(modules::contains) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); this.extModules = modulesFor(EXT_MODULES).stream() .filter(modules::contains) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); this.appModules = modules.stream() ! .filter(m -> !bootModules.contains(m) && !extModules.contains(m)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); - - this.imf = new ImageModules(bootModules, extModules, appModules); } void createModularImage(Path output) throws IOException { ! Set<Archive> archives = modules.stream() .map(this::toModuleArchive) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); ! ImageFile.create(output, archives, imf, options.endian); } ModuleArchive toModuleArchive(String mn) { return new ModuleArchive(mn, moduleToPath(mn, options.classes, false/*true*/), --- 361,399 ---- private class ImageFileHelper { final Collection<String> modules; final Set<String> bootModules; final Set<String> extModules; final Set<String> appModules; ImageFileHelper(Collection<String> modules) throws IOException { this.modules = modules; this.bootModules = modulesFor(BOOT_MODULES).stream() .filter(modules::contains) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); this.extModules = modulesFor(EXT_MODULES).stream() .filter(modules::contains) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); this.appModules = modules.stream() ! .filter(m -> m.length() != 0 && ! !bootModules.contains(m) && ! !extModules.contains(m)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } void createModularImage(Path output) throws IOException { ! Set<Archive> bootArchives = bootModules.stream() ! .map(this::toModuleArchive) ! .collect(Collectors.toSet()); ! Set<Archive> extArchives = extModules.stream() ! .map(this::toModuleArchive) ! .collect(Collectors.toSet()); ! Set<Archive> appArchives = appModules.stream() .map(this::toModuleArchive) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); ! ImageFileCreator.create(output, "bootmodules", bootArchives, options.endian); ! ImageFileCreator.create(output, "extmodules", extArchives, options.endian); ! ImageFileCreator.create(output, "appmodules", appArchives, options.endian); } ModuleArchive toModuleArchive(String mn) { return new ModuleArchive(mn, moduleToPath(mn, options.classes, false/*true*/),
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