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  64     private Class<?>            clazz;
  65     private int                 slot;
  66     // This is guaranteed to be interned by the VM in the 1.4
  67     // reflection implementation
  68     private String              name;
  69     private Class<?>            type;
  70     private int                 modifiers;
  71     // Generics and annotations support
  72     private transient String    signature;
  73     // generic info repository; lazily initialized
  74     private transient FieldRepository genericInfo;
  75     private byte[]              annotations;
  76     // Cached field accessor created without override
  77     private FieldAccessor fieldAccessor;
  78     // Cached field accessor created with override
  79     private FieldAccessor overrideFieldAccessor;
  80     // For sharing of FieldAccessors. This branching structure is
  81     // currently only two levels deep (i.e., one root Field and
  82     // potentially many Field objects pointing to it.)
  83     private Field               root;
  84     // This is set by the vm at Field creation
  85     private byte[]              typeAnnotations;
  87     // Generics infrastructure
  89     private String getGenericSignature() {return signature;}
  91     // Accessor for factory
  92     private GenericsFactory getFactory() {
  93         Class<?> c = getDeclaringClass();
  94         // create scope and factory
  95         return CoreReflectionFactory.make(c, ClassScope.make(c));
  96     }
  98     // Accessor for generic info repository
  99     private FieldRepository getGenericInfo() {
 100         // lazily initialize repository if necessary
 101         if (genericInfo == null) {
 102             // create and cache generic info repository
 103             genericInfo = FieldRepository.make(getGenericSignature(),
 104                                                getFactory());
 105         }

 132     /**
 133      * Package-private routine (exposed to java.lang.Class via
 134      * ReflectAccess) which returns a copy of this Field. The copy's
 135      * "root" field points to this Field.
 136      */
 137     Field copy() {
 138         // This routine enables sharing of FieldAccessor objects
 139         // among Field objects which refer to the same underlying
 140         // method in the VM. (All of this contortion is only necessary
 141         // because of the "accessibility" bit in AccessibleObject,
 142         // which implicitly requires that new java.lang.reflect
 143         // objects be fabricated for each reflective call on Class
 144         // objects.)
 145         Field res = new Field(clazz, name, type, modifiers, slot, signature, annotations);
 146         res.root = this;
 147         // Might as well eagerly propagate this if already present
 148         res.fieldAccessor = fieldAccessor;
 149         res.overrideFieldAccessor = overrideFieldAccessor;
 151         res.typeAnnotations = typeAnnotations;
 152         return res;
 153     }
 155     /**
 156      * Returns the {@code Class} object representing the class or interface
 157      * that declares the field represented by this {@code Field} object.
 158      */
 159     public Class<?> getDeclaringClass() {
 160         return clazz;
 161     }
 163     /**
 164      * Returns the name of the field represented by this {@code Field} object.
 165      */
 166     public String getName() {
 167         return name;
 168     }
 170     /**
 171      * Returns the Java language modifiers for the field represented

1039     /**
1040      * {@inheritDoc}
1041      */
1042     public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()  {
1043         return AnnotationParser.toArray(declaredAnnotations());
1044     }
1046     private transient Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> declaredAnnotations;
1048     private synchronized  Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> declaredAnnotations() {
1049         if (declaredAnnotations == null) {
1050             declaredAnnotations = AnnotationParser.parseAnnotations(
1051                 annotations, sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().
1052                 getConstantPool(getDeclaringClass()),
1053                 getDeclaringClass());
1054         }
1055         return declaredAnnotations;
1056     }

1058     /**
1059      * Returns an AnnotatedType object that represents the use of a type to specify
1060      * the declared type of the field represented by this Field.
1061      *
1062      * @since 1.8
1063      */
1064     public AnnotatedType getAnnotatedType() {
1065         return TypeAnnotationParser.buildAnnotatedType(typeAnnotations,
1066                                                        sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().
1067                                                            getConstantPool(getDeclaringClass()),
1068                                                        this,
1069                                                        getDeclaringClass(),
1070                                                        getGenericType(),
1071                                                        TypeAnnotation.TypeAnnotationTarget.FIELD_TYPE);
1072 }
1073 }

  64     private Class<?>            clazz;
  65     private int                 slot;
  66     // This is guaranteed to be interned by the VM in the 1.4
  67     // reflection implementation
  68     private String              name;
  69     private Class<?>            type;
  70     private int                 modifiers;
  71     // Generics and annotations support
  72     private transient String    signature;
  73     // generic info repository; lazily initialized
  74     private transient FieldRepository genericInfo;
  75     private byte[]              annotations;
  76     // Cached field accessor created without override
  77     private FieldAccessor fieldAccessor;
  78     // Cached field accessor created with override
  79     private FieldAccessor overrideFieldAccessor;
  80     // For sharing of FieldAccessors. This branching structure is
  81     // currently only two levels deep (i.e., one root Field and
  82     // potentially many Field objects pointing to it.)
  83     private Field               root;

  85     // Generics infrastructure
  87     private String getGenericSignature() {return signature;}
  89     // Accessor for factory
  90     private GenericsFactory getFactory() {
  91         Class<?> c = getDeclaringClass();
  92         // create scope and factory
  93         return CoreReflectionFactory.make(c, ClassScope.make(c));
  94     }
  96     // Accessor for generic info repository
  97     private FieldRepository getGenericInfo() {
  98         // lazily initialize repository if necessary
  99         if (genericInfo == null) {
 100             // create and cache generic info repository
 101             genericInfo = FieldRepository.make(getGenericSignature(),
 102                                                getFactory());
 103         }

 130     /**
 131      * Package-private routine (exposed to java.lang.Class via
 132      * ReflectAccess) which returns a copy of this Field. The copy's
 133      * "root" field points to this Field.
 134      */
 135     Field copy() {
 136         // This routine enables sharing of FieldAccessor objects
 137         // among Field objects which refer to the same underlying
 138         // method in the VM. (All of this contortion is only necessary
 139         // because of the "accessibility" bit in AccessibleObject,
 140         // which implicitly requires that new java.lang.reflect
 141         // objects be fabricated for each reflective call on Class
 142         // objects.)
 143         Field res = new Field(clazz, name, type, modifiers, slot, signature, annotations);
 144         res.root = this;
 145         // Might as well eagerly propagate this if already present
 146         res.fieldAccessor = fieldAccessor;
 147         res.overrideFieldAccessor = overrideFieldAccessor;

 149         return res;
 150     }
 152     /**
 153      * Returns the {@code Class} object representing the class or interface
 154      * that declares the field represented by this {@code Field} object.
 155      */
 156     public Class<?> getDeclaringClass() {
 157         return clazz;
 158     }
 160     /**
 161      * Returns the name of the field represented by this {@code Field} object.
 162      */
 163     public String getName() {
 164         return name;
 165     }
 167     /**
 168      * Returns the Java language modifiers for the field represented

1036     /**
1037      * {@inheritDoc}
1038      */
1039     public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()  {
1040         return AnnotationParser.toArray(declaredAnnotations());
1041     }
1043     private transient Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> declaredAnnotations;
1045     private synchronized  Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> declaredAnnotations() {
1046         if (declaredAnnotations == null) {
1047             declaredAnnotations = AnnotationParser.parseAnnotations(
1048                 annotations, sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().
1049                 getConstantPool(getDeclaringClass()),
1050                 getDeclaringClass());
1051         }
1052         return declaredAnnotations;
1053     }
1055     private native byte[] getTypeAnnotationBytes0();
1057     /**
1058      * Returns an AnnotatedType object that represents the use of a type to specify
1059      * the declared type of the field represented by this Field.
1060      *
1061      * @since 1.8
1062      */
1063     public AnnotatedType getAnnotatedType() {
1064         return TypeAnnotationParser.buildAnnotatedType(getTypeAnnotationBytes0(),
1065                                                        sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().
1066                                                            getConstantPool(getDeclaringClass()),
1067                                                        this,
1068                                                        getDeclaringClass(),
1069                                                        getGenericType(),
1070                                                        TypeAnnotation.TypeAnnotationTarget.FIELD_TYPE);
1071 }
1072 }