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rev 10598 : 8185767: Fix broken links in Javadocs

  64  * <p>
  65  * If such a method exists, then it is invoked, and additionally assumed
  66  * to return an instance of {@code Property<String>}. The return value is used
  67  * to populate the {@link TreeTableCell}. In addition, the {@code TreeTableView}
  68  * adds an observer to the return value, such that any changes fired will be
  69  * observed by the {@code TreeTableView}, resulting in the cell immediately
  70  * updating.
  71  * </p>
  72  * <p>
  73  * If no such method exists, then {@code TreeItemPropertyValueFactory}
  74  * assumes that {@code Person} has a public method {@code getFirstName} or
  75  * {@code isFirstName} with no formal parameters and a return type of
  76  * {@code String}. If such a method exists, then it is invoked, and its return
  77  * value is wrapped in a {@link ReadOnlyObjectWrapper}
  78  * and returned to the {@code TreeTableCell}. In this situation,
  79  * the {@code TreeTableCell} will not be able to observe changes to the property,
  80  * unlike in the first approach above.
  81  * </p>
  82  *
  83  * <p>For reference (and as noted in the TreeTableColumn
  84  * {@link TreeTableColumn#cellValueFactory cell value factory} documentation), the
  85  * long form of the code above would be the following:
  86  * </p>
  87  *
  88  * <pre><code>
  89  * TreeTableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt; firstNameCol = new TreeTableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt;("First Name");
  90  * {@literal
  91  * firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Person, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
  92  *     public ObservableValue<String> call(CellDataFeatures<Person, String> p) {
  93  *         // p.getValue() returns the TreeItem<Person> instance for a particular
  94  *         // TreeTableView row, and the second getValue() call returns the
  95  *         // Person instance contained within the TreeItem.
  96  *         return p.getValue().getValue().firstNameProperty();
  97  *     }
  98  *  });
  99  * }
 100  * }
 101  * </code></pre>
 102  *
 103  * <p><b>Deploying an Application as a Module</b></p>
 104  * <p>

  64  * <p>
  65  * If such a method exists, then it is invoked, and additionally assumed
  66  * to return an instance of {@code Property<String>}. The return value is used
  67  * to populate the {@link TreeTableCell}. In addition, the {@code TreeTableView}
  68  * adds an observer to the return value, such that any changes fired will be
  69  * observed by the {@code TreeTableView}, resulting in the cell immediately
  70  * updating.
  71  * </p>
  72  * <p>
  73  * If no such method exists, then {@code TreeItemPropertyValueFactory}
  74  * assumes that {@code Person} has a public method {@code getFirstName} or
  75  * {@code isFirstName} with no formal parameters and a return type of
  76  * {@code String}. If such a method exists, then it is invoked, and its return
  77  * value is wrapped in a {@link ReadOnlyObjectWrapper}
  78  * and returned to the {@code TreeTableCell}. In this situation,
  79  * the {@code TreeTableCell} will not be able to observe changes to the property,
  80  * unlike in the first approach above.
  81  * </p>
  82  *
  83  * <p>For reference (and as noted in the TreeTableColumn
  84  * {@link TreeTableColumn#cellValueFactoryProperty() cell value factory} documentation), the
  85  * long form of the code above would be the following:
  86  * </p>
  87  *
  88  * <pre><code>
  89  * TreeTableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt; firstNameCol = new TreeTableColumn&lt;Person,String&gt;("First Name");
  90  * {@literal
  91  * firstNameCol.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Person, String>, ObservableValue<String>>() {
  92  *     public ObservableValue<String> call(CellDataFeatures<Person, String> p) {
  93  *         // p.getValue() returns the TreeItem<Person> instance for a particular
  94  *         // TreeTableView row, and the second getValue() call returns the
  95  *         // Person instance contained within the TreeItem.
  96  *         return p.getValue().getValue().firstNameProperty();
  97  *     }
  98  *  });
  99  * }
 100  * }
 101  * </code></pre>
 102  *
 103  * <p><b>Deploying an Application as a Module</b></p>
 104  * <p>

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