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rev 10598 : 8185767: Fix broken links in Javadocs

  33 import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
  34 import java.util.Collection;
  38 /**
  39  * A {@code Group} node contains an ObservableList of children that
  40  * are rendered in order whenever this node is rendered.
  41  * <p>
  42  * A {@code Group} will take on the collective bounds of its children and is
  43  * not directly resizable.
  44  * <p>
  45  * Any transform, effect, or state applied to a {@code Group} will be applied
  46  * to all children of that group.  Such transforms and effects will NOT be included
  47  * in this Group's layout bounds, however if transforms and effects are set
  48  * directly on children of this Group, those will be included in this Group's layout bounds.
  49  * <p>
  50  * By default, a {@code Group} will "auto-size" its managed resizable
  51  * children to their preferred sizes during the layout pass to ensure that Regions
  52  * and Controls are sized properly as their state changes.  If an application
  53  * needs to disable this auto-sizing behavior, then it should set {@link #autoSizeChildren}
  54  * to {@code false} and understand that if the preferred size of the children
  55  * change, they will not automatically resize (so buyer beware!).
  56  *
  57  * <p>Group Example:</p>
  58  *
  59 <PRE>
  60 import javafx.scene.*;
  61 import javafx.scene.paint.*;
  62 import javafx.scene.shape.*;
  63 import java.lang.Math;
  65 Group g = new Group();
  66 for (int i = 0; i &lt; 5; i++) {
  67     Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
  68     r.setY(i * 20);
  69     r.setWidth(100);
  70     r.setHeight(10);
  71     r.setFill(Color.RED);
  72     g.getChildren().add(r);
  73 }
  74 </PRE>
  75  * @since JavaFX 2.0

 214             layout();
 215         }
 216         final double result = getLayoutBounds().getHeight();
 217         return Double.isNaN(result) || result < 0 ? 0 : result;
 218     }
 221     @Override
 222     public double minHeight(double width) {
 223         return prefHeight(width);
 224     }
 226     @Override
 227     public double minWidth(double height) {
 228         return prefWidth(height);
 229     }
 231     /**
 232      * Group implements layoutChildren such that each child is resized to its preferred
 233      * size, if the child is resizable. Non-resizable children are simply left alone.
 234      * If {@link #autoSizeChildren} is false, then Group does nothing in this method.
 235      */
 236     @Override protected void layoutChildren() {
 237         if (isAutoSizeChildren()) {
 238             super.layoutChildren();
 239         }
 240     }
 241 }

  33 import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
  34 import java.util.Collection;
  38 /**
  39  * A {@code Group} node contains an ObservableList of children that
  40  * are rendered in order whenever this node is rendered.
  41  * <p>
  42  * A {@code Group} will take on the collective bounds of its children and is
  43  * not directly resizable.
  44  * <p>
  45  * Any transform, effect, or state applied to a {@code Group} will be applied
  46  * to all children of that group.  Such transforms and effects will NOT be included
  47  * in this Group's layout bounds, however if transforms and effects are set
  48  * directly on children of this Group, those will be included in this Group's layout bounds.
  49  * <p>
  50  * By default, a {@code Group} will "auto-size" its managed resizable
  51  * children to their preferred sizes during the layout pass to ensure that Regions
  52  * and Controls are sized properly as their state changes.  If an application
  53  * needs to disable this auto-sizing behavior, then it should set
  54  * {@link #autoSizeChildrenProperty() autoSizeChildren} to {@code false} and understand that if the preferred size of
  55  * the children change, they will not automatically resize (so buyer beware!).
  56  *
  57  * <p>Group Example:</p>
  58  *
  59 <PRE>
  60 import javafx.scene.*;
  61 import javafx.scene.paint.*;
  62 import javafx.scene.shape.*;
  63 import java.lang.Math;
  65 Group g = new Group();
  66 for (int i = 0; i &lt; 5; i++) {
  67     Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
  68     r.setY(i * 20);
  69     r.setWidth(100);
  70     r.setHeight(10);
  71     r.setFill(Color.RED);
  72     g.getChildren().add(r);
  73 }
  74 </PRE>
  75  * @since JavaFX 2.0

 214             layout();
 215         }
 216         final double result = getLayoutBounds().getHeight();
 217         return Double.isNaN(result) || result < 0 ? 0 : result;
 218     }
 221     @Override
 222     public double minHeight(double width) {
 223         return prefHeight(width);
 224     }
 226     @Override
 227     public double minWidth(double height) {
 228         return prefWidth(height);
 229     }
 231     /**
 232      * Group implements layoutChildren such that each child is resized to its preferred
 233      * size, if the child is resizable. Non-resizable children are simply left alone.
 234      * If {@link #autoSizeChildrenProperty() autoSizeChildren} is false, then Group does nothing in this method.
 235      */
 236     @Override protected void layoutChildren() {
 237         if (isAutoSizeChildren()) {
 238             super.layoutChildren();
 239         }
 240     }
 241 }
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