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1362      * <code>PreparedStatement</code> or <code>CallableStatement</code>
1363      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException  if the JDBC driver does not support this method
1364      * @throws SQLTimeoutException when the driver has determined that the
1365      * timeout value that was specified by the {@code setQueryTimeout}
1366      * method has been exceeded and has at least attempted to cancel
1367      * the currently running {@code Statement}
1368      * @since 1.8
1369      */
1370     default long executeLargeUpdate(String sql, String columnNames[])
1371             throws SQLException {
1372         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("executeLargeUpdate not implemented");
1373     }
1375     // JDBC 4.3
1377     /**
1378      * Returns a {@code String} enclosed in single quotes. Any occurrence of a
1379      * single quote within the string will be replaced by two single quotes.
1380      *
1381      * <blockquote>
1382      * <table border = 1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 >
1383      * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>

1384      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Result</th></tr>
1385      * <tr> <td align='center'>Hello</td> <td align='center'>'Hello'</td> </tr>
1386      * <tr> <td align='center'>G'Day</td> <td align='center'>'G''Day'</td> </tr>
1387      * <tr> <td align='center'>'G''Day'</td>
1388      * <td align='center'>'''G''''Day'''</td> </tr>
1389      * <tr> <td align='center'>I'''M</td> <td align='center'>'I''''''M'</td>

1390      * </tr>
1391      *

1392      * </table>
1393      * </blockquote>
1394      * @implNote
1395      * JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own implementation
1396      * of this method in order to meet the requirements of the underlying
1397      * datasource.
1398      * @param val a character string
1399      * @return A string enclosed by single quotes with every single quote
1400      * converted to two single quotes
1401      * @throws NullPointerException if val is {@code null}
1402      * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
1403      *
1404      * @since 9
1405      */
1406      default String enquoteLiteral(String val)  throws SQLException {
1407          return "'" + val.replace("'", "''") +  "'";
1408     }
1411      /**

1429      * characters invalid in a delimited identifier or the identifier length is
1430      * invalid for the datasource.
1431      *
1432      * @implSpec
1433      * The default implementation uses the following criteria to
1434      * determine a valid simple SQL identifier:
1435      * <ul>
1436      * <li>The string is not enclosed in double quotes</li>
1437      * <li>The first character is an alphabetic character from a through z, or
1438      * from A through Z</li>
1439      * <li>The name only contains alphanumeric characters or the character "_"</li>
1440      * </ul>
1441      *
1442      * The default implementation will throw a {@code SQLException} if:
1443      * <ul>
1444      * <li>{@code identifier} contains a {@code null} character or double quote and is not
1445      * a simple SQL identifier.</li>
1446      * <li>The length of {@code identifier} is less than 1 or greater than 128 characters
1447      * </ul>
1448      * <blockquote>
1449      * <table border = 1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 >
1450      * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>

1451      * <tr>
1452      * <th>identifier</th>
1453      * <th>alwaysQuote</th>
1454      * <th>Result</th></tr>

1455      * <tr>
1456      * <td align='center'>Hello</td>
1457      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1458      * <td align='center'>Hello</td>
1459      * </tr>
1460      * <tr>
1461      * <td align='center'>Hello</td>
1462      * <td align='center'>true</td>
1463      * <td align='center'>"Hello"</td>
1464      * </tr>
1465      * <tr>
1466      * <td align='center'>G'Day</td>
1467      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1468      * <td align='center'>"G'Day"</td>
1469      * </tr>
1470      * <tr>
1471      * <td align='center'>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1472      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1473      * <td align='center'>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1474      * </tr>
1475      * <tr>
1476      * <td align='center'>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1477      * <td align='center'>true</td>
1478      * <td align='center'>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1479      * </tr>
1480      * <tr>
1481      * <td align='center'>GoodDay$</td>
1482      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1483      * <td align='center'>"GoodDay$"</td>
1484      * </tr>
1485      * <tr>
1486      * <td align='center'>Hello"World</td>
1487      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1488      * <td align='center'>SQLException</td>
1489      * </tr>
1490      * <tr>
1491      * <td align='center'>"Hello"World"</td>
1492      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1493      * <td align='center'>SQLException</td>
1494      * </tr>

1495      * </table>
1496      * </blockquote>
1497      * @implNote
1498      * JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own implementation
1499      * of this method in order to meet the requirements of the underlying
1500      * datasource.
1501      * @param identifier a SQL identifier
1502      * @param alwaysQuote indicates if a simple SQL identifier should be
1503      * returned as a quoted identifier
1504      * @return A simple SQL identifier or a delimited identifier
1505      * @throws SQLException if identifier is not a valid identifier
1506      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the datasource does not support
1507      * delimited identifiers
1508      * @throws NullPointerException if identifier is {@code null}
1509      *
1510      * @since 9
1511      */
1512     default String enquoteIdentifier(String identifier, boolean alwaysQuote) throws SQLException {
1513         int len = identifier.length();
1514         if (len < 1 || len > 128) {

1525         } else {
1526             throw new SQLException("Invalid name");
1527         }
1528     }
1530     /**
1531      * Retrieves whether {@code identifier} is a simple SQL identifier.
1532      *
1533      * @implSpec The default implementation uses the following criteria to
1534      * determine a valid simple SQL identifier:
1535      * <ul>
1536      * <li>The string is not enclosed in double quotes</li>
1537      * <li>The first character is an alphabetic character from a through z, or
1538      * from A through Z</li>
1539      * <li>The string only contains alphanumeric characters or the character
1540      * "_"</li>
1541      * <li>The string is between 1 and 128 characters in length inclusive</li>
1542      * </ul>
1543      *
1544      * <blockquote>
1545      * <table border = 1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 >
1546      * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>

1547      * <tr>
1548      * <th>identifier</th>
1549      * <th>Simple Identifier</th>

1550      *

1551      * <tr>
1552      * <td align='center'>Hello</td>
1553      * <td align='center'>true</td>
1554      * </tr>
1555      * <tr>
1556      * <td align='center'>G'Day</td>
1557      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1558      * </tr>
1559      * <tr>
1560      * <td align='center'>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1561      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1562      * </tr>
1563      * <tr>
1564      * <td align='center'>GoodDay$</td>
1565      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1566      * </tr>
1567      * <tr>
1568      * <td align='center'>Hello"World</td>
1569      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1570      * </tr>
1571      * <tr>
1572      * <td align='center'>"Hello"World"</td>
1573      * <td align='center'>false</td>
1574      * </tr>

1575      * </table>
1576      * </blockquote>
1577      * @implNote JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own
1578      * implementation of this method in order to meet the requirements of the
1579      * underlying datasource.
1580      * @param identifier a SQL identifier
1581      * @return  true if  a simple SQL identifier, false otherwise
1582      * @throws NullPointerException if identifier is {@code null}
1583      * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
1584      *
1585      * @since 9
1586      */
1587     default boolean isSimpleIdentifier(String identifier) throws SQLException {
1588         int len = identifier.length();
1589         return len >= 1 && len <= 128
1590                 && Pattern.compile("[\\p{Alpha}][\\p{Alnum}_]*").matcher(identifier).matches();
1591     }
1593     /**
1594     * Returns a {@code String} representing a National Character Set Literal
1595     * enclosed in single quotes and prefixed with a upper case letter N.
1596     * Any occurrence of a single quote within the string will be replaced
1597     * by two single quotes.
1598     *
1599     * <blockquote>
1600     * <table border = 1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 >
1601     * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>

1602     * <tr>
1603     * <th>Value</th>
1604     * <th>Result</th>
1605     * </tr>
1606     * <tr> <td align='center'>Hello</td> <td align='center'>N'Hello'</td> </tr>
1607     * <tr> <td align='center'>G'Day</td> <td align='center'>N'G''Day'</td> </tr>
1608     * <tr> <td align='center'>'G''Day'</td>
1609     * <td align='center'>N'''G''''Day'''</td> </tr>
1610     * <tr> <td align='center'>I'''M</td> <td align='center'>N'I''''''M'</td>
1611     * <tr> <td align='center'>N'Hello'</td> <td align='center'>N'N''Hello'''</td> </tr>

1612     *

1613     * </table>
1614     * </blockquote>
1615     * @implNote
1616     * JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own implementation
1617     * of this method in order to meet the requirements of the underlying
1618     * datasource. An implementation of enquoteNCharLiteral may accept a different
1619     * set of characters than that accepted by the same drivers implementation of
1620     * enquoteLiteral.
1621     * @param val a character string
1622     * @return the result of replacing every single quote character in the
1623     * argument by two single quote characters where this entire result is
1624     * then prefixed with 'N'.
1625     * @throws NullPointerException if val is {@code null}
1626     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
1627     *
1628     * @since 9
1629     */
1630     default String enquoteNCharLiteral(String val)  throws SQLException {
1631         return "N'" + val.replace("'", "''") +  "'";
1632    }

1362      * <code>PreparedStatement</code> or <code>CallableStatement</code>
1363      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException  if the JDBC driver does not support this method
1364      * @throws SQLTimeoutException when the driver has determined that the
1365      * timeout value that was specified by the {@code setQueryTimeout}
1366      * method has been exceeded and has at least attempted to cancel
1367      * the currently running {@code Statement}
1368      * @since 1.8
1369      */
1370     default long executeLargeUpdate(String sql, String columnNames[])
1371             throws SQLException {
1372         throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("executeLargeUpdate not implemented");
1373     }
1375     // JDBC 4.3
1377     /**
1378      * Returns a {@code String} enclosed in single quotes. Any occurrence of a
1379      * single quote within the string will be replaced by two single quotes.
1380      *
1381      * <blockquote>
1382      * <table class="striped" >
1383      * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>
1384      * <thead>
1385      * <tr><th>Value</th><th>Result</th></tr>
1386      * </thead>
1387      * <tbody style="text-align:center">
1388      * <tr> <td>Hello</td> <td>'Hello'</td> </tr>
1389      * <tr> <td>G'Day</td> <td>'G''Day'</td> </tr>
1390      * <tr> <td>'G''Day'</td>
1391      * <td>'''G''''Day'''</td> </tr>
1392      * <tr> <td>I'''M</td> <td>'I''''''M'</td>
1393      * </tr>
1394      *
1395      * </tbody>
1396      * </table>
1397      * </blockquote>
1398      * @implNote
1399      * JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own implementation
1400      * of this method in order to meet the requirements of the underlying
1401      * datasource.
1402      * @param val a character string
1403      * @return A string enclosed by single quotes with every single quote
1404      * converted to two single quotes
1405      * @throws NullPointerException if val is {@code null}
1406      * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
1407      *
1408      * @since 9
1409      */
1410      default String enquoteLiteral(String val)  throws SQLException {
1411          return "'" + val.replace("'", "''") +  "'";
1412     }
1415      /**

1433      * characters invalid in a delimited identifier or the identifier length is
1434      * invalid for the datasource.
1435      *
1436      * @implSpec
1437      * The default implementation uses the following criteria to
1438      * determine a valid simple SQL identifier:
1439      * <ul>
1440      * <li>The string is not enclosed in double quotes</li>
1441      * <li>The first character is an alphabetic character from a through z, or
1442      * from A through Z</li>
1443      * <li>The name only contains alphanumeric characters or the character "_"</li>
1444      * </ul>
1445      *
1446      * The default implementation will throw a {@code SQLException} if:
1447      * <ul>
1448      * <li>{@code identifier} contains a {@code null} character or double quote and is not
1449      * a simple SQL identifier.</li>
1450      * <li>The length of {@code identifier} is less than 1 or greater than 128 characters
1451      * </ul>
1452      * <blockquote>
1453      * <table class="striped" >
1454      * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>
1455      * <thead>
1456      * <tr>
1457      * <th>identifier</th>
1458      * <th>alwaysQuote</th>
1459      * <th>Result</th></tr>
1460      * </thead>
1461      * <tbody>
1462      * <tr>
1463      * <td>Hello</td>
1464      * <td>false</td>
1465      * <td>Hello</td>
1466      * </tr>
1467      * <tr>
1468      * <td>Hello</td>
1469      * <td>true</td>
1470      * <td>"Hello"</td>
1471      * </tr>
1472      * <tr>
1473      * <td>G'Day</td>
1474      * <td>false</td>
1475      * <td>"G'Day"</td>
1476      * </tr>
1477      * <tr>
1478      * <td>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1479      * <td>false</td>
1480      * <td>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1481      * </tr>
1482      * <tr>
1483      * <td>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1484      * <td>true</td>
1485      * <td>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1486      * </tr>
1487      * <tr>
1488      * <td>GoodDay$</td>
1489      * <td>false</td>
1490      * <td>"GoodDay$"</td>
1491      * </tr>
1492      * <tr>
1493      * <td>Hello"World</td>
1494      * <td>false</td>
1495      * <td>SQLException</td>
1496      * </tr>
1497      * <tr>
1498      * <td>"Hello"World"</td>
1499      * <td>false</td>
1500      * <td>SQLException</td>
1501      * </tr>
1502      * </tbody>
1503      * </table>
1504      * </blockquote>
1505      * @implNote
1506      * JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own implementation
1507      * of this method in order to meet the requirements of the underlying
1508      * datasource.
1509      * @param identifier a SQL identifier
1510      * @param alwaysQuote indicates if a simple SQL identifier should be
1511      * returned as a quoted identifier
1512      * @return A simple SQL identifier or a delimited identifier
1513      * @throws SQLException if identifier is not a valid identifier
1514      * @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if the datasource does not support
1515      * delimited identifiers
1516      * @throws NullPointerException if identifier is {@code null}
1517      *
1518      * @since 9
1519      */
1520     default String enquoteIdentifier(String identifier, boolean alwaysQuote) throws SQLException {
1521         int len = identifier.length();
1522         if (len < 1 || len > 128) {

1533         } else {
1534             throw new SQLException("Invalid name");
1535         }
1536     }
1538     /**
1539      * Retrieves whether {@code identifier} is a simple SQL identifier.
1540      *
1541      * @implSpec The default implementation uses the following criteria to
1542      * determine a valid simple SQL identifier:
1543      * <ul>
1544      * <li>The string is not enclosed in double quotes</li>
1545      * <li>The first character is an alphabetic character from a through z, or
1546      * from A through Z</li>
1547      * <li>The string only contains alphanumeric characters or the character
1548      * "_"</li>
1549      * <li>The string is between 1 and 128 characters in length inclusive</li>
1550      * </ul>
1551      *
1552      * <blockquote>
1553      * <table class="striped" >
1554      * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>
1555      * <thead>
1556      * <tr>
1557      * <th>identifier</th>
1558      * <th>Simple Identifier</th>
1559      * </thead>
1560      *
1561      * <tbody>
1562      * <tr>
1563      * <td>Hello</td>
1564      * <td>true</td>
1565      * </tr>
1566      * <tr>
1567      * <td>G'Day</td>
1568      * <td>false</td>
1569      * </tr>
1570      * <tr>
1571      * <td>"Bruce Wayne"</td>
1572      * <td>false</td>
1573      * </tr>
1574      * <tr>
1575      * <td>GoodDay$</td>
1576      * <td>false</td>
1577      * </tr>
1578      * <tr>
1579      * <td>Hello"World</td>
1580      * <td>false</td>
1581      * </tr>
1582      * <tr>
1583      * <td>"Hello"World"</td>
1584      * <td>false</td>
1585      * </tr>
1586      * </tbody>
1587      * </table>
1588      * </blockquote>
1589      * @implNote JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own
1590      * implementation of this method in order to meet the requirements of the
1591      * underlying datasource.
1592      * @param identifier a SQL identifier
1593      * @return  true if  a simple SQL identifier, false otherwise
1594      * @throws NullPointerException if identifier is {@code null}
1595      * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
1596      *
1597      * @since 9
1598      */
1599     default boolean isSimpleIdentifier(String identifier) throws SQLException {
1600         int len = identifier.length();
1601         return len >= 1 && len <= 128
1602                 && Pattern.compile("[\\p{Alpha}][\\p{Alnum}_]*").matcher(identifier).matches();
1603     }
1605     /**
1606     * Returns a {@code String} representing a National Character Set Literal
1607     * enclosed in single quotes and prefixed with a upper case letter N.
1608     * Any occurrence of a single quote within the string will be replaced
1609     * by two single quotes.
1610     *
1611     * <blockquote>
1612     * <table class="striped">
1613     * <caption>Examples of the conversion:</caption>
1614     * <thead>
1615     * <tr>
1616     * <th>Value</th>
1617     * <th>Result</th>
1618     * </tr>
1619     * </thead>
1620     * <tbody>
1621     * <tr> <td>Hello</td> <td>N'Hello'</td> </tr>
1622     * <tr> <td>G'Day</td> <td>N'G''Day'</td> </tr>
1623     * <tr> <td>'G''Day'</td>
1624     * <td>N'''G''''Day'''</td> </tr>
1625     * <tr> <td>I'''M</td> <td>N'I''''''M'</td>
1626     * <tr> <td>N'Hello'</td> <td>N'N''Hello'''</td> </tr>
1627     * 
1628     * </tbody>
1629     * </table>
1630     * </blockquote>
1631     * @implNote
1632     * JDBC driver implementations may need to provide their own implementation
1633     * of this method in order to meet the requirements of the underlying
1634     * datasource. An implementation of enquoteNCharLiteral may accept a different
1635     * set of characters than that accepted by the same drivers implementation of
1636     * enquoteLiteral.
1637     * @param val a character string
1638     * @return the result of replacing every single quote character in the
1639     * argument by two single quote characters where this entire result is
1640     * then prefixed with 'N'.
1641     * @throws NullPointerException if val is {@code null}
1642     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
1643     *
1644     * @since 9
1645     */
1646     default String enquoteNCharLiteral(String val)  throws SQLException {
1647         return "N'" + val.replace("'", "''") +  "'";
1648    }
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