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 115     /**
 116      * This reflected$lookup method is the alternate implementation of
 117      * the lookup method when being invoked by reflection.
 118      */
 119     @CallerSensitive
 120     private static Lookup reflected$lookup() {
 121         Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
 122         if (caller.getClassLoader() == null) {
 123             throw newIllegalArgumentException("illegal lookupClass: "+caller);
 124         }
 125         return new Lookup(caller);
 126     }
 128     /**
 129      * Returns a {@link Lookup lookup object} which is trusted minimally.
 130      * The lookup has the {@code PUBLIC} and {@code UNCONDITIONAL} modes.
 131      * It can only be used to create method handles to public members of
 132      * public classes in packages that are exported unconditionally.
 133      * <p>
 134      * As a matter of pure convention, the {@linkplain Lookup#lookupClass lookup class}
 135      * of this lookup object will be {@link java.lang.Object}.
 136      *
 137      * @apiNote The use of Object is conventional, and because the lookup modes are
 138      * limited, there is no special access provided to the internals of Object, its package
 139      * or its module. Consequently, the lookup context of this lookup object will be the
 140      * bootstrap class loader, which means it cannot find user classes.
 141      *
 142      * <p style="font-size:smaller;">
 143      * <em>Discussion:</em>
 144      * The lookup class can be changed to any other class {@code C} using an expression of the form
 145      * {@link Lookup#in publicLookup().in(C.class)}.
 146      * but may change the lookup context by virtue of changing the class loader.
 147      * A public lookup object is always subject to
 148      * <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#secmgr">security manager checks</a>.
 149      * Also, it cannot access
 150      * <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#callsens">caller sensitive methods</a>.
 151      * @return a lookup object which is trusted minimally
 152      *
 153      * @revised 9
 154      * @spec JPMS

 242      */
 243     public static <T extends Member> T
 244     reflectAs(Class<T> expected, MethodHandle target) {
 245         SecurityManager smgr = System.getSecurityManager();
 246         if (smgr != null)  smgr.checkPermission(ACCESS_PERMISSION);
 247         Lookup lookup = Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP;  // use maximally privileged lookup
 248         return lookup.revealDirect(target).reflectAs(expected, lookup);
 249     }
 250     // Copied from AccessibleObject, as used by Method.setAccessible, etc.:
 251     private static final java.security.Permission ACCESS_PERMISSION =
 252         new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks");
 254     /**
 255      * A <em>lookup object</em> is a factory for creating method handles,
 256      * when the creation requires access checking.
 257      * Method handles do not perform
 258      * access checks when they are called, but rather when they are created.
 259      * Therefore, method handle access
 260      * restrictions must be enforced when a method handle is created.
 261      * The caller class against which those restrictions are enforced
 262      * is known as the {@linkplain #lookupClass lookup class}.
 263      * <p>
 264      * A lookup class which needs to create method handles will call
 265      * {@link MethodHandles#lookup MethodHandles.lookup} to create a factory for itself.
 266      * When the {@code Lookup} factory object is created, the identity of the lookup class is
 267      * determined, and securely stored in the {@code Lookup} object.
 268      * The lookup class (or its delegates) may then use factory methods
 269      * on the {@code Lookup} object to create method handles for access-checked members.
 270      * This includes all methods, constructors, and fields which are allowed to the lookup class,
 271      * even private ones.
 272      *
 273      * <h1><a id="lookups"></a>Lookup Factory Methods</h1>
 274      * The factory methods on a {@code Lookup} object correspond to all major
 275      * use cases for methods, constructors, and fields.
 276      * Each method handle created by a factory method is the functional
 277      * equivalent of a particular <em>bytecode behavior</em>.
 278      * (Bytecode behaviors are described in section of the Java Virtual Machine Specification.)
 279      * Here is a summary of the correspondence between these factory methods and
 280      * the behavior of the resulting method handles:
 281      * <table class="striped">
 282      * <caption style="display:none">lookup method behaviors</caption>
 283      * <thead>
 284      * <tr>
 285      *     <th scope="col"><a id="equiv"></a>lookup expression</th>

 760         /** Embody the current class (the lookupClass) as a lookup class
 761          * for method handle creation.
 762          * Must be called by from a method in this package,
 763          * which in turn is called by a method not in this package.
 764          */
 765         Lookup(Class<?> lookupClass) {
 766             this(lookupClass, FULL_POWER_MODES);
 767             // make sure we haven't accidentally picked up a privileged class:
 768             checkUnprivilegedlookupClass(lookupClass);
 769         }
 771         private Lookup(Class<?> lookupClass, int allowedModes) {
 772             this.lookupClass = lookupClass;
 773             this.allowedModes = allowedModes;
 774         }
 776         /**
 777          * Creates a lookup on the specified new lookup class.
 778          * The resulting object will report the specified
 779          * class as its own {@link #lookupClass lookupClass}.
 780          * <p>
 781          * However, the resulting {@code Lookup} object is guaranteed
 782          * to have no more access capabilities than the original.
 783          * In particular, access capabilities can be lost as follows:<ul>
 784          * <li>If the old lookup class is in a {@link Module#isNamed() named} module, and
 785          * the new lookup class is in a different module {@code M}, then no members, not
 786          * even public members in {@code M}'s exported packages, will be accessible.
 787          * The exception to this is when this lookup is {@link #publicLookup()
 788          * publicLookup}, in which case {@code PUBLIC} access is not lost.
 789          * <li>If the old lookup class is in an unnamed module, and the new lookup class
 790          * is a different module then {@link #MODULE MODULE} access is lost.
 791          * <li>If the new lookup class differs from the old one then {@code UNCONDITIONAL} is lost.
 792          * <li>If the new lookup class is in a different package
 793          * than the old one, protected and default (package) members will not be accessible.
 794          * <li>If the new lookup class is not within the same package member
 795          * as the old one, private members will not be accessible, and protected members
 796          * will not be accessible by virtue of inheritance.
 797          * (Protected members may continue to be accessible because of package sharing.)
 798          * <li>If the new lookup class is not accessible to the old lookup class,
 799          * then no members, not even public members, will be accessible.

4585      * </ol>
4586      * <p>
4587      * <em>Step 3: Fill in omitted functions.</em><ol type="a">
4588      * <li>If an init function is omitted, use a {@linkplain #empty default value} for the clause's iteration variable
4589      * type.
4590      * <li>If a step function is omitted, use an {@linkplain #identity identity function} of the clause's iteration
4591      * variable type; insert dropped argument parameters before the identity function parameter for the non-{@code void}
4592      * iteration variables of preceding clauses. (This will turn the loop variable into a local loop invariant.)
4593      * <li>If a pred function is omitted, use a constant {@code true} function. (This will keep the loop going, as far
4594      * as this clause is concerned.  Note that in such cases the corresponding fini function is unreachable.)
4595      * <li>If a fini function is omitted, use a {@linkplain #empty default value} for the
4596      * loop return type.
4597      * </ol>
4598      * <p>
4599      * <em>Step 4: Fill in missing parameter types.</em><ol type="a">
4600      * <li>At this point, every init function parameter list is effectively identical to the external parameter list {@code (A...)},
4601      * but some lists may be shorter. For every init function with a short parameter list, pad out the end of the list.
4602      * <li>At this point, every non-init function parameter list is effectively identical to the internal parameter
4603      * list {@code (V... A...)}, but some lists may be shorter. For every non-init function with a short parameter list,
4604      * pad out the end of the list.
4605      * <li>Argument lists are padded out by {@linkplain #dropArgumentsToMatch dropping unused trailing arguments}.
4606      * </ol>
4607      * <p>
4608      * <em>Final observations.</em><ol type="a">
4609      * <li>After these steps, all clauses have been adjusted by supplying omitted functions and arguments.
4610      * <li>All init functions have a common parameter type list {@code (A...)}, which the final loop handle will also have.
4611      * <li>All fini functions have a common return type {@code R}, which the final loop handle will also have.
4612      * <li>All non-init functions have a common parameter type list {@code (V... A...)}, of
4613      * (non-{@code void}) iteration variables {@code V} followed by loop parameters.
4614      * <li>Each pair of init and step functions agrees in their return type {@code V}.
4615      * <li>Each non-init function will be able to observe the current values {@code (v...)} of all iteration variables.
4616      * <li>Every function will be able to observe the incoming values {@code (a...)} of all loop parameters.
4617      * </ol>
4618      * <p>
4619      * <em>Example.</em> As a consequence of step 1A above, the {@code loop} combinator has the following property:
4620      * <ul>
4621      * <li>Given {@code N} clauses {@code Cn = {null, Sn, Pn}} with {@code n = 1..N}.
4622      * <li>Suppose predicate handles {@code Pn} are either {@code null} or have no parameters.
4623      * (Only one {@code Pn} has to be non-{@code null}.)
4624      * <li>Suppose step handles {@code Sn} have signatures {@code (B1..BX)Rn}, for some constant {@code X>=N}.
4625      * <li>Suppose {@code Q} is the count of non-void types {@code Rn}, and {@code (V1...VQ)} is the sequence of those types.

4680      * and {@code R} is the common result type of all finalizers as well as of the resulting loop.
4681      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
4682      * V... init...(A...);
4683      * boolean pred...(V..., A...);
4684      * V... step...(V..., A...);
4685      * R fini...(V..., A...);
4686      * R loop(A... a) {
4687      *   V... v... = init...(a...);
4688      *   for (;;) {
4689      *     for ((v, p, s, f) in (v..., pred..., step..., fini...)) {
4690      *       v = s(v..., a...);
4691      *       if (!p(v..., a...)) {
4692      *         return f(v..., a...);
4693      *       }
4694      *     }
4695      *   }
4696      * }
4697      * }</pre></blockquote>
4698      * Note that the parameter type lists {@code (V...)} and {@code (A...)} have been expanded
4699      * to their full length, even though individual clause functions may neglect to take them all.
4700      * As noted above, missing parameters are filled in as if by {@link #dropArgumentsToMatch}.
4701      *
4702      * @apiNote Example:
4703      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
4704      * // iterative implementation of the factorial function as a loop handle
4705      * static int one(int k) { return 1; }
4706      * static int inc(int i, int acc, int k) { return i + 1; }
4707      * static int mult(int i, int acc, int k) { return i * acc; }
4708      * static boolean pred(int i, int acc, int k) { return i < k; }
4709      * static int fin(int i, int acc, int k) { return acc; }
4710      * // assume MH_one, MH_inc, MH_mult, MH_pred, and MH_fin are handles to the above methods
4711      * // null initializer for counter, should initialize to 0
4712      * MethodHandle[] counterClause = new MethodHandle[]{null, MH_inc};
4713      * MethodHandle[] accumulatorClause = new MethodHandle[]{MH_one, MH_mult, MH_pred, MH_fin};
4714      * MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(counterClause, accumulatorClause);
4715      * assertEquals(120, loop.invoke(5));
4716      * }</pre></blockquote>
4717      * The same example, dropping arguments and using combinators:
4718      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
4719      * // simplified implementation of the factorial function as a loop handle
4720      * static int inc(int i) { return i + 1; } // drop acc, k

 115     /**
 116      * This reflected$lookup method is the alternate implementation of
 117      * the lookup method when being invoked by reflection.
 118      */
 119     @CallerSensitive
 120     private static Lookup reflected$lookup() {
 121         Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
 122         if (caller.getClassLoader() == null) {
 123             throw newIllegalArgumentException("illegal lookupClass: "+caller);
 124         }
 125         return new Lookup(caller);
 126     }
 128     /**
 129      * Returns a {@link Lookup lookup object} which is trusted minimally.
 130      * The lookup has the {@code PUBLIC} and {@code UNCONDITIONAL} modes.
 131      * It can only be used to create method handles to public members of
 132      * public classes in packages that are exported unconditionally.
 133      * <p>
 134      * As a matter of pure convention, the {@linkplain Lookup#lookupClass() lookup class}
 135      * of this lookup object will be {@link java.lang.Object}.
 136      *
 137      * @apiNote The use of Object is conventional, and because the lookup modes are
 138      * limited, there is no special access provided to the internals of Object, its package
 139      * or its module. Consequently, the lookup context of this lookup object will be the
 140      * bootstrap class loader, which means it cannot find user classes.
 141      *
 142      * <p style="font-size:smaller;">
 143      * <em>Discussion:</em>
 144      * The lookup class can be changed to any other class {@code C} using an expression of the form
 145      * {@link Lookup#in publicLookup().in(C.class)}.
 146      * but may change the lookup context by virtue of changing the class loader.
 147      * A public lookup object is always subject to
 148      * <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#secmgr">security manager checks</a>.
 149      * Also, it cannot access
 150      * <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#callsens">caller sensitive methods</a>.
 151      * @return a lookup object which is trusted minimally
 152      *
 153      * @revised 9
 154      * @spec JPMS

 242      */
 243     public static <T extends Member> T
 244     reflectAs(Class<T> expected, MethodHandle target) {
 245         SecurityManager smgr = System.getSecurityManager();
 246         if (smgr != null)  smgr.checkPermission(ACCESS_PERMISSION);
 247         Lookup lookup = Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP;  // use maximally privileged lookup
 248         return lookup.revealDirect(target).reflectAs(expected, lookup);
 249     }
 250     // Copied from AccessibleObject, as used by Method.setAccessible, etc.:
 251     private static final java.security.Permission ACCESS_PERMISSION =
 252         new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks");
 254     /**
 255      * A <em>lookup object</em> is a factory for creating method handles,
 256      * when the creation requires access checking.
 257      * Method handles do not perform
 258      * access checks when they are called, but rather when they are created.
 259      * Therefore, method handle access
 260      * restrictions must be enforced when a method handle is created.
 261      * The caller class against which those restrictions are enforced
 262      * is known as the {@linkplain #lookupClass() lookup class}.
 263      * <p>
 264      * A lookup class which needs to create method handles will call
 265      * {@link MethodHandles#lookup() MethodHandles.lookup} to create a factory for itself.
 266      * When the {@code Lookup} factory object is created, the identity of the lookup class is
 267      * determined, and securely stored in the {@code Lookup} object.
 268      * The lookup class (or its delegates) may then use factory methods
 269      * on the {@code Lookup} object to create method handles for access-checked members.
 270      * This includes all methods, constructors, and fields which are allowed to the lookup class,
 271      * even private ones.
 272      *
 273      * <h1><a id="lookups"></a>Lookup Factory Methods</h1>
 274      * The factory methods on a {@code Lookup} object correspond to all major
 275      * use cases for methods, constructors, and fields.
 276      * Each method handle created by a factory method is the functional
 277      * equivalent of a particular <em>bytecode behavior</em>.
 278      * (Bytecode behaviors are described in section of the Java Virtual Machine Specification.)
 279      * Here is a summary of the correspondence between these factory methods and
 280      * the behavior of the resulting method handles:
 281      * <table class="striped">
 282      * <caption style="display:none">lookup method behaviors</caption>
 283      * <thead>
 284      * <tr>
 285      *     <th scope="col"><a id="equiv"></a>lookup expression</th>

 760         /** Embody the current class (the lookupClass) as a lookup class
 761          * for method handle creation.
 762          * Must be called by from a method in this package,
 763          * which in turn is called by a method not in this package.
 764          */
 765         Lookup(Class<?> lookupClass) {
 766             this(lookupClass, FULL_POWER_MODES);
 767             // make sure we haven't accidentally picked up a privileged class:
 768             checkUnprivilegedlookupClass(lookupClass);
 769         }
 771         private Lookup(Class<?> lookupClass, int allowedModes) {
 772             this.lookupClass = lookupClass;
 773             this.allowedModes = allowedModes;
 774         }
 776         /**
 777          * Creates a lookup on the specified new lookup class.
 778          * The resulting object will report the specified
 779          * class as its own {@link #lookupClass() lookupClass}.
 780          * <p>
 781          * However, the resulting {@code Lookup} object is guaranteed
 782          * to have no more access capabilities than the original.
 783          * In particular, access capabilities can be lost as follows:<ul>
 784          * <li>If the old lookup class is in a {@link Module#isNamed() named} module, and
 785          * the new lookup class is in a different module {@code M}, then no members, not
 786          * even public members in {@code M}'s exported packages, will be accessible.
 787          * The exception to this is when this lookup is {@link #publicLookup()
 788          * publicLookup}, in which case {@code PUBLIC} access is not lost.
 789          * <li>If the old lookup class is in an unnamed module, and the new lookup class
 790          * is a different module then {@link #MODULE MODULE} access is lost.
 791          * <li>If the new lookup class differs from the old one then {@code UNCONDITIONAL} is lost.
 792          * <li>If the new lookup class is in a different package
 793          * than the old one, protected and default (package) members will not be accessible.
 794          * <li>If the new lookup class is not within the same package member
 795          * as the old one, private members will not be accessible, and protected members
 796          * will not be accessible by virtue of inheritance.
 797          * (Protected members may continue to be accessible because of package sharing.)
 798          * <li>If the new lookup class is not accessible to the old lookup class,
 799          * then no members, not even public members, will be accessible.

4585      * </ol>
4586      * <p>
4587      * <em>Step 3: Fill in omitted functions.</em><ol type="a">
4588      * <li>If an init function is omitted, use a {@linkplain #empty default value} for the clause's iteration variable
4589      * type.
4590      * <li>If a step function is omitted, use an {@linkplain #identity identity function} of the clause's iteration
4591      * variable type; insert dropped argument parameters before the identity function parameter for the non-{@code void}
4592      * iteration variables of preceding clauses. (This will turn the loop variable into a local loop invariant.)
4593      * <li>If a pred function is omitted, use a constant {@code true} function. (This will keep the loop going, as far
4594      * as this clause is concerned.  Note that in such cases the corresponding fini function is unreachable.)
4595      * <li>If a fini function is omitted, use a {@linkplain #empty default value} for the
4596      * loop return type.
4597      * </ol>
4598      * <p>
4599      * <em>Step 4: Fill in missing parameter types.</em><ol type="a">
4600      * <li>At this point, every init function parameter list is effectively identical to the external parameter list {@code (A...)},
4601      * but some lists may be shorter. For every init function with a short parameter list, pad out the end of the list.
4602      * <li>At this point, every non-init function parameter list is effectively identical to the internal parameter
4603      * list {@code (V... A...)}, but some lists may be shorter. For every non-init function with a short parameter list,
4604      * pad out the end of the list.
4605      * <li>Argument lists are padded out by {@linkplain #dropArgumentsToMatch(MethodHandle, int, List, int) dropping unused trailing arguments}.
4606      * </ol>
4607      * <p>
4608      * <em>Final observations.</em><ol type="a">
4609      * <li>After these steps, all clauses have been adjusted by supplying omitted functions and arguments.
4610      * <li>All init functions have a common parameter type list {@code (A...)}, which the final loop handle will also have.
4611      * <li>All fini functions have a common return type {@code R}, which the final loop handle will also have.
4612      * <li>All non-init functions have a common parameter type list {@code (V... A...)}, of
4613      * (non-{@code void}) iteration variables {@code V} followed by loop parameters.
4614      * <li>Each pair of init and step functions agrees in their return type {@code V}.
4615      * <li>Each non-init function will be able to observe the current values {@code (v...)} of all iteration variables.
4616      * <li>Every function will be able to observe the incoming values {@code (a...)} of all loop parameters.
4617      * </ol>
4618      * <p>
4619      * <em>Example.</em> As a consequence of step 1A above, the {@code loop} combinator has the following property:
4620      * <ul>
4621      * <li>Given {@code N} clauses {@code Cn = {null, Sn, Pn}} with {@code n = 1..N}.
4622      * <li>Suppose predicate handles {@code Pn} are either {@code null} or have no parameters.
4623      * (Only one {@code Pn} has to be non-{@code null}.)
4624      * <li>Suppose step handles {@code Sn} have signatures {@code (B1..BX)Rn}, for some constant {@code X>=N}.
4625      * <li>Suppose {@code Q} is the count of non-void types {@code Rn}, and {@code (V1...VQ)} is the sequence of those types.

4680      * and {@code R} is the common result type of all finalizers as well as of the resulting loop.
4681      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
4682      * V... init...(A...);
4683      * boolean pred...(V..., A...);
4684      * V... step...(V..., A...);
4685      * R fini...(V..., A...);
4686      * R loop(A... a) {
4687      *   V... v... = init...(a...);
4688      *   for (;;) {
4689      *     for ((v, p, s, f) in (v..., pred..., step..., fini...)) {
4690      *       v = s(v..., a...);
4691      *       if (!p(v..., a...)) {
4692      *         return f(v..., a...);
4693      *       }
4694      *     }
4695      *   }
4696      * }
4697      * }</pre></blockquote>
4698      * Note that the parameter type lists {@code (V...)} and {@code (A...)} have been expanded
4699      * to their full length, even though individual clause functions may neglect to take them all.
4700      * As noted above, missing parameters are filled in as if by {@link #dropArgumentsToMatch(MethodHandle, int, List, int)}.
4701      *
4702      * @apiNote Example:
4703      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
4704      * // iterative implementation of the factorial function as a loop handle
4705      * static int one(int k) { return 1; }
4706      * static int inc(int i, int acc, int k) { return i + 1; }
4707      * static int mult(int i, int acc, int k) { return i * acc; }
4708      * static boolean pred(int i, int acc, int k) { return i < k; }
4709      * static int fin(int i, int acc, int k) { return acc; }
4710      * // assume MH_one, MH_inc, MH_mult, MH_pred, and MH_fin are handles to the above methods
4711      * // null initializer for counter, should initialize to 0
4712      * MethodHandle[] counterClause = new MethodHandle[]{null, MH_inc};
4713      * MethodHandle[] accumulatorClause = new MethodHandle[]{MH_one, MH_mult, MH_pred, MH_fin};
4714      * MethodHandle loop = MethodHandles.loop(counterClause, accumulatorClause);
4715      * assertEquals(120, loop.invoke(5));
4716      * }</pre></blockquote>
4717      * The same example, dropping arguments and using combinators:
4718      * <blockquote><pre>{@code
4719      * // simplified implementation of the factorial function as a loop handle
4720      * static int inc(int i) { return i + 1; } // drop acc, k

< prev index next >