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  32  * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
  33  * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
  34  */
  36 package java.util.concurrent;
  38 import java.security.AccessControlContext;
  39 import java.security.AccessController;
  40 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  41 import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
  43 /**
  44  * A thread managed by a {@link ForkJoinPool}, which executes
  45  * {@link ForkJoinTask}s.
  46  * This class is subclassable solely for the sake of adding
  47  * functionality -- there are no overridable methods dealing with
  48  * scheduling or execution.  However, you can override initialization
  49  * and termination methods surrounding the main task processing loop.
  50  * If you do create such a subclass, you will also need to supply a
  51  * custom {@link ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory} to
  52  * {@linkplain ForkJoinPool#ForkJoinPool use it} in a {@code ForkJoinPool}.

  53  *
  54  * @since 1.7
  55  * @author Doug Lea
  56  */
  57 public class ForkJoinWorkerThread extends Thread {
  58     /*
  59      * ForkJoinWorkerThreads are managed by ForkJoinPools and perform
  60      * ForkJoinTasks. For explanation, see the internal documentation
  61      * of class ForkJoinPool.
  62      *
  63      * This class just maintains links to its pool and WorkQueue.  The
  64      * pool field is set immediately upon construction, but the
  65      * workQueue field is not set until a call to registerWorker
  66      * completes. This leads to a visibility race, that is tolerated
  67      * by requiring that the workQueue field is only accessed by the
  68      * owning thread.
  69      *
  70      * Support for (non-public) subclass InnocuousForkJoinWorkerThread
  71      * requires that we break quite a lot of encapsulation (via helper
  72      * methods in ThreadLocalRandom) both here and in the subclass to

  32  * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
  33  * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
  34  */
  36 package java.util.concurrent;
  38 import java.security.AccessControlContext;
  39 import java.security.AccessController;
  40 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  41 import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
  43 /**
  44  * A thread managed by a {@link ForkJoinPool}, which executes
  45  * {@link ForkJoinTask}s.
  46  * This class is subclassable solely for the sake of adding
  47  * functionality -- there are no overridable methods dealing with
  48  * scheduling or execution.  However, you can override initialization
  49  * and termination methods surrounding the main task processing loop.
  50  * If you do create such a subclass, you will also need to supply a
  51  * custom {@link ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory} to
  52  * {@linkplain ForkJoinPool#ForkJoinPool(int, ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, 
  53  * UncaughtExceptionHandler, boolean, int, int, int, Predicate, long, TimeUnit) 
  54  * use it} in a {@code ForkJoinPool}.
  55  *
  56  * @since 1.7
  57  * @author Doug Lea
  58  */
  59 public class ForkJoinWorkerThread extends Thread {
  60     /*
  61      * ForkJoinWorkerThreads are managed by ForkJoinPools and perform
  62      * ForkJoinTasks. For explanation, see the internal documentation
  63      * of class ForkJoinPool.
  64      *
  65      * This class just maintains links to its pool and WorkQueue.  The
  66      * pool field is set immediately upon construction, but the
  67      * workQueue field is not set until a call to registerWorker
  68      * completes. This leads to a visibility race, that is tolerated
  69      * by requiring that the workQueue field is only accessed by the
  70      * owning thread.
  71      *
  72      * Support for (non-public) subclass InnocuousForkJoinWorkerThread
  73      * requires that we break quite a lot of encapsulation (via helper
  74      * methods in ThreadLocalRandom) both here and in the subclass to

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