1 #
   2 # Copyright (c) 1999, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 #
   5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10 #
  11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 # accompanied this code).
  16 #
  17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 #
  21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 ## standard options
  28 javac.opt.g=\
  29     Generate all debugging info
  30 javac.opt.g.none=\
  31     Generate no debugging info
  32 javac.opt.g.lines.vars.source=\
  33     Generate only some debugging info
  34 javac.opt.nowarn=\
  35     Generate no warnings
  36 javac.opt.verbose=\
  37     Output messages about what the compiler is doing
  38 javac.opt.deprecation=\
  39     Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used
  40 javac.opt.classpath=\
  41     Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors
  42 javac.opt.modulepath=\
  43     Specify where to find application modules
  44 javac.opt.sourcepath=\
  45     Specify where to find input source files
  46 javac.opt.m=\
  47     Compile only the specified module, check timestamps
  48 javac.opt.modulesourcepath=\
  49     Specify where to find input source files for multiple modules
  50 javac.opt.bootclasspath=\
  51     Override location of bootstrap class files
  52 javac.opt.system=\
  53     Override location of system modules
  54 javac.opt.upgrademodulepath=\
  55     Override location of upgradeable modules
  56 javac.opt.endorseddirs=\
  57     Override location of endorsed standards path
  58 javac.opt.extdirs=\
  59     Override location of installed extensions
  60 javac.opt.processorpath=\
  61     Specify where to find annotation processors
  62 javac.opt.processormodulepath=\
  63     Specify a module path where to find annotation processors
  64 javac.opt.processor=\
  65     Names of the annotation processors to run; bypasses default discovery process
  66 javac.opt.parameters=\
  67     Generate metadata for reflection on method parameters
  68 javac.opt.proc.none.only=\
  69     Control whether annotation processing and/or compilation is done.
  70 javac.opt.d=\
  71     Specify where to place generated class files
  72 javac.opt.sourceDest=\
  73     Specify where to place generated source files
  74 javac.opt.headerDest=\
  75     Specify where to place generated native header files
  76 javac.opt.J=\
  77     Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
  78 javac.opt.encoding=\
  79     Specify character encoding used by source files
  80 javac.opt.profile=\
  81     Check that API used is available in the specified profile
  82 javac.opt.target=\
  83     Generate class files for specific VM version
  84 javac.opt.release=\
  85     Compile for a specific VM version. Supported targets: {0}
  86 javac.opt.source=\
  87     Provide source compatibility with specified release
  88 javac.opt.Werror=\
  89     Terminate compilation if warnings occur
  90 javac.opt.A=\
  91     Options to pass to annotation processors
  92 javac.opt.implicit=\
  93     Specify whether or not to generate class files for implicitly referenced files
  94 javac.opt.pkginfo=\
  95     Specify handling of package-info files
  96 javac.opt.multi-release=\
  97     Specify which release to use in multi-release jars
  98 javac.opt.arg.class=\
  99     <class>
 100 javac.opt.arg.class.list=\
 101     <class1>[,<class2>,<class3>...]
 102 javac.opt.arg.flag=\
 103     <flag>
 104 javac.opt.arg.key.equals.value=\
 105     key[=value]
 106 javac.opt.arg.path=\
 107     <path>
 108 javac.opt.arg.mspath=\
 109     <module-source-path>
 110 javac.opt.arg.m=\
 111     <module-name>
 112 javac.opt.arg.jdk=\
 113     <jdk>|none
 114 javac.opt.arg.dirs=\
 115     <dirs>
 116 javac.opt.arg.directory=\
 117     <directory>
 118 javac.opt.arg.encoding=\
 119     <encoding>
 120 javac.opt.arg.profile=\
 121     <profile>
 122 javac.opt.arg.release=\
 123     <release>
 124 javac.opt.arg.release=\
 125     <release>
 126 javac.opt.arg.number=\
 127     <number>
 128 javac.opt.plugin=\
 129     Name and optional arguments for a plug-in to be run
 130 javac.opt.arg.plugin=\
 131     "name args"
 132 javac.opt.arg.multi-release=\
 133     <release>
 134 javac.opt.arg.default.module.for.created.files=\
 135     <module-name>
 137 ## extended options
 139 javac.opt.maxerrs=\
 140     Set the maximum number of errors to print
 141 javac.opt.maxwarns=\
 142     Set the maximum number of warnings to print
 143 javac.opt.nogj=\
 144     Don't accept generics in the language
 145 javac.opt.moreinfo=\
 146     Print extended information for type variables
 147 javac.opt.printsearch=\
 148     Print information where classfiles are searched
 149 javac.opt.prompt=\
 150     Stop after each error
 151 javac.opt.s=\
 152     Emit java sources instead of classfiles
 153 javac.opt.version=\
 154     Version information
 155 javac.opt.arg.pathname=\
 156     <pathname>
 157 javac.opt.arg.file=\
 158     <filename>
 159 javac.opt.Xbootclasspath.p=\
 160     Prepend to the bootstrap class path
 161 javac.opt.Xbootclasspath.a=\
 162     Append to the bootstrap class path
 163 javac.opt.Xlint=\
 164     Enable recommended warnings
 165 javac.opt.Xlint.all=\
 166     Enable all warnings
 167 javac.opt.Xlint.none=\
 168     Disable all warnings
 169 #L10N: do not localize: -Xlint
 170 javac.opt.arg.Xlint=\
 171     <key>(,<key>)*
 172 javac.opt.Xlint.custom=\
 173     Warnings to enable or disable, separated by comma.\n\
 174     Precede a key by '-' to disable the specified warning.\n\
 175     Supported keys are:
 176 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.auxiliaryclass=\
 177     Warn about an auxiliary class that is hidden in a source file, and is used from other files.
 179 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.cast=\
 180     Warn about use of unnecessary casts.
 182 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.classfile=\
 183     Warn about issues related to classfile contents.
 185 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.deprecation=\
 186     Warn about use of deprecated items.
 188 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.dep-ann=\
 189     Warn about items marked as deprecated in JavaDoc but not using the @Deprecated annotation.
 191 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.divzero=\
 192     Warn about division by constant integer 0.
 194 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.empty=\
 195     Warn about empty statement after if.
 197 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.exports=\
 198     Warn about issues regarding module exports.
 200 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.fallthrough=\
 201     Warn about falling through from one case of a switch statement to the next.
 203 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.finally=\
 204     Warn about finally clauses that do not terminate normally.
 206 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.module=\
 207     Warn about module system related issues.
 209 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.opens=\
 210     Warn about issues regarding module opens.
 212 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.options=\
 213     Warn about issues relating to use of command line options.
 215 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.overloads=\
 216     Warn about issues regarding method overloads.
 218 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.overrides=\
 219     Warn about issues regarding method overrides.
 221 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.path=\
 222     Warn about invalid path elements on the command line.
 224 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.processing=\
 225     Warn about issues regarding annotation processing.
 227 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.rawtypes=\
 228     Warn about use of raw types.
 230 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.removal=\
 231     Warn about use of API that has been marked for removal.
 233 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.requires-automatic=\
 234     Warn about use of automatic modules in the requires clauses.
 236 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.requires-transitive-automatic=\
 237     Warn about automatic modules in requires transitive.
 239 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.serial=\
 240     Warn about Serializable classes that do not provide a serial version ID. \n\
 241 \                             Also warn about access to non-public members from a serializable element.
 243 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.static=\
 244     Warn about accessing a static member using an instance.
 246 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.try=\
 247     Warn about issues relating to use of try blocks (i.e. try-with-resources).
 249 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.unchecked=\
 250     Warn about unchecked operations.
 252 javac.opt.Xlint.desc.varargs=\
 253     Warn about potentially unsafe vararg methods
 255 javac.opt.Xdoclint=\
 256     Enable recommended checks for problems in javadoc comments
 257 # L10N: do not localize: all none
 258 javac.opt.Xdoclint.subopts = \
 259     (all|none|[-]<group>)[/<access>]
 261 # L10N: do not localize: accessibility html missing reference syntax
 262 # L10N: do not localize: public protected package private
 263 javac.opt.Xdoclint.custom=\
 264     Enable or disable specific checks for problems in javadoc comments,\n\
 265     where <group> is one of accessibility, html, missing, reference, or syntax,\n\
 266     and <access> is one of public, protected, package, or private.
 268 javac.opt.Xdoclint.package.args = \
 269     [-]<packages>(,[-]<package>)*
 271 javac.opt.Xdoclint.package.desc=\
 272     Enable or disable checks in specific packages. Each <package> is either the\n\
 273     qualified name of a package or a package name prefix followed by '.*', which\n\
 274     expands to all sub-packages of the given package. Each <package> can be prefixed\n\
 275     with '-' to disable checks for the specified package or packages.
 277 javac.opt.doclint.format=\
 278     Specify the format for documentation comments
 280 javac.opt.Xstdout=\
 281     Redirect standard output
 282 javac.opt.X=\
 283     Print help on extra options
 284 javac.opt.help=\
 285     Print this help message
 286 javac.opt.print=\
 287     Print out a textual representation of specified types
 288 javac.opt.printRounds=\
 289     Print information about rounds of annotation processing
 290 javac.opt.printProcessorInfo=\
 291     Print information about which annotations a processor is asked to process
 292 javac.opt.userpathsfirst=\
 293     Search classpath and sourcepath for classes before the bootclasspath instead of after
 294 javac.opt.prefer=\
 295     Specify which file to read when both a source file and class file are found for an implicitly compiled class
 296 javac.opt.AT=\
 297     Read options and filenames from file
 298 javac.opt.diags=\
 299     Select a diagnostic mode
 300 javac.opt.addExports=\
 301     Specify a package to be considered as exported from its defining module\n\
 302     to additional modules, or to all unnamed modules if <other-module> is ALL-UNNAMED.
 303 javac.opt.arg.addExports=\
 304     <module>/<package>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*
 305 javac.opt.addReads=\
 306     Specify additional modules to be considered as required by a given module.\n\
 307     <other-module> may be ALL-UNNAMED to require the unnamed module.
 308 javac.opt.arg.addReads=\
 309     <module>=<other-module>(,<other-module>)*
 310 javac.opt.patch=\
 311     Override or augment a module with classes and resources\n\
 312     in JAR files or directories
 313 javac.opt.arg.patch=\
 314     <module>=<file>(:<file>)*
 315 javac.opt.addmods=\
 316     Root modules to resolve in addition to the initial modules, or all modules\n\
 317     on the module path if <module> is ALL-MODULE-PATH.
 318 javac.opt.arg.addmods=\
 319     <module>(,<module>)*
 320 javac.opt.limitmods=\
 321     Limit the universe of observable modules
 322 javac.opt.arg.limitmods=\
 323     <module>(,<module>)*
 324 javac.opt.module.version=\
 325     Specify version of modules that are being compiled
 326 javac.opt.arg.module.version=\
 327     <version>
 328 javac.opt.inherit_runtime_environment=\
 329     Inherit module system configuration options from the runtime environment.
 330 javac.opt.default.module.for.created.files=\
 331     Fallback target module for files created by annotation processors, if none specified or inferred.
 333 ## errors
 335 javac.err.empty.A.argument=\
 336     -A requires an argument; use ''-Akey'' or ''-Akey=value''
 337 javac.err.invalid.arg=\
 338     invalid argument: {0}
 339 javac.err.invalid.A.key=\
 340      key in annotation processor option ''{0}'' is not a dot-separated sequence of identifiers
 341 javac.err.invalid.flag=\
 342     invalid flag: {0}
 343 javac.err.profile.bootclasspath.conflict=\
 344     profile and bootclasspath options cannot be used together
 345 javac.err.invalid.profile=\
 346     invalid profile: {0}
 347 javac.err.invalid.target=\
 348     invalid target release: {0}
 349 javac.err.option.not.allowed.with.target=\
 350     option {0} not allowed with target {1}
 351 javac.err.option.too.many=\
 352     option {0} can only be specified once
 353 javac.err.no.source.files=\
 354     no source files
 355 javac.err.no.source.files.classes=\
 356     no source files or class names
 357 javac.err.req.arg=\
 358     {0} requires an argument
 359 javac.err.invalid.source=\
 360     invalid source release: {0}
 361 javac.err.error.writing.file=\
 362     error writing {0}; {1}
 363 javac.err.sourcepath.modulesourcepath.conflict=\
 364     cannot specify both --source-path and --module-source-path
 365 javac.warn.source.target.conflict=\
 366     source release {0} requires target release {1}
 367 javac.warn.target.default.source.conflict=\
 368     target release {0} conflicts with default source release {1}
 369 javac.warn.profile.target.conflict=\
 370     profile {0} is not valid for target release {1}
 371 javac.err.file.not.found=\
 372     file not found: {0}
 373 javac.err.file.not.directory=\
 374     not a directory: {0}
 375 javac.err.file.not.file=\
 376     not a file: {0}
 377 javac.err.two.class.loaders.1=\
 378     javac is split between multiple class loaders: check your configuration
 379 javac.err.two.class.loaders.2=\
 380     javac is split between multiple class loaders:\n\
 381     one class comes from file: {0}\n\
 382     while javac comes from {1}
 383 javac.err.bad.value.for.option=\
 384     bad value for {0} option: ''{1}''
 385 javac.err.no.value.for.option=\
 386     no value for {0} option
 387 javac.err.repeated.value.for.patch.module=\
 388     --patch-module specified more than once for {0}
 390 javac.err.unmatched.quote=\
 391     unmatched quote in environment variable %s
 393 ## messages
 395 javac.msg.usage.header=\
 396 Usage: {0} <options> <source files>\n\
 397 where possible options include:
 399 javac.msg.usage=\
 400     Usage: {0} <options> <source files>\n\
 401     use --help for a list of possible options
 403 javac.msg.usage.nonstandard.footer=\
 404 These extra options are subject to change without notice.
 406 javac.msg.bug=\
 407 An exception has occurred in the compiler ({0}). \
 408 Please file a bug against the Java compiler via the Java bug reporting page (http://bugreport.java.com) \
 409 after checking the Bug Database (http://bugs.java.com) for duplicates. \
 410 Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
 412 javac.msg.io=\
 413 \n\nAn input/output error occurred.\n\
 414 Consult the following stack trace for details.\n
 416 javac.msg.proc.annotation.uncaught.exception=\
 417 \n\nAn annotation processor threw an uncaught exception.\n\
 418 Consult the following stack trace for details.\n
 420 javac.msg.plugin.uncaught.exception=\
 421 \n\nA plugin threw an uncaught exception.\n\
 422 Consult the following stack trace for details.\n
 424 javac.msg.resource=\
 425 \n\nThe system is out of resources.\n\
 426 Consult the following stack trace for details.\n
 428 javac.version={0} {1}
 429 javac.fullVersion={0} full version "{1}"
 431 javac.err.release.bootclasspath.conflict=\
 432     option {0} cannot be used together with --release
 434 javac.err.unsupported.release.version=\
 435     release version {0} not supported