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Print this page

 165      *
 166      * @param te the class to convert.
 167      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to
 168      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating the output file
 169      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading the source file
 170      */
 171     public void convertClass(TypeElement te, DocPath outputdir)
 172             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 173         if (te == null) {
 174             return;
 175         }
 176         FileObject fo = utils.getFileObject(te);
 177         if (fo == null)
 178             return;
 180         try {
 181             Reader r = fo.openReader(true);
 182             int lineno = 1;
 183             String line;
 184             relativePath = DocPaths.SOURCE_OUTPUT
 185                     .resolve(DocPath.forPackage(utils, te))
 186                     .invert();
 187             Content body = getHeader();
 188             Content pre = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.PRE);
 189             try (LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(r)) {
 190                 while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
 191                     addLineNo(pre, lineno);
 192                     addLine(pre, line, lineno);
 193                     lineno++;
 194                 }
 195             }
 196             addBlankLines(pre);
 197             Content div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.sourceContainer, pre);
 198             body.addContent((configuration.allowTag(HtmlTag.MAIN)) ? HtmlTree.MAIN(div) : div);
 199             writeToFile(body, outputdir.resolve(DocPath.forClass(utils, te)));
 200         } catch (IOException e) {
 201             String message = resources.getText("doclet.exception.read.file", fo.getName());
 202             throw new SimpleDocletException(message, e);
 203         }
 204     }
 206     /**
 207      * Write the output to the file.
 208      *
 209      * @param body the documentation content to be written to the file.
 210      * @param path the path for the file.
 211      */
 212     private void writeToFile(Content body, DocPath path) throws DocFileIOException {
 213         DocType htmlDocType = DocType.forVersion(configuration.htmlVersion);
 214         Head head = new Head(path, configuration.htmlVersion, configuration.docletVersion)
 215 //                .setTimestamp(!configuration.notimestamp) // temporary: compatibility!
 216                 .setTitle(resources.getText("doclet.Window_Source_title"))
 217 //                .setCharset(configuration.charset) // temporary: compatibility!
 218                 .addDefaultScript(false)
 219                 .setStylesheets(configuration.getMainStylesheet(), configuration.getAdditionalStylesheets());

 165      *
 166      * @param te the class to convert.
 167      * @param outputdir the name of the directory to output to
 168      * @throws DocFileIOException if there is a problem generating the output file
 169      * @throws SimpleDocletException if there is a problem reading the source file
 170      */
 171     public void convertClass(TypeElement te, DocPath outputdir)
 172             throws DocFileIOException, SimpleDocletException {
 173         if (te == null) {
 174             return;
 175         }
 176         FileObject fo = utils.getFileObject(te);
 177         if (fo == null)
 178             return;
 180         try {
 181             Reader r = fo.openReader(true);
 182             int lineno = 1;
 183             String line;
 184             relativePath = DocPaths.SOURCE_OUTPUT
 185                     .resolve(configuration.docPaths.forPackage(te))
 186                     .invert();
 187             Content body = getHeader();
 188             Content pre = new HtmlTree(HtmlTag.PRE);
 189             try (LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(r)) {
 190                 while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
 191                     addLineNo(pre, lineno);
 192                     addLine(pre, line, lineno);
 193                     lineno++;
 194                 }
 195             }
 196             addBlankLines(pre);
 197             Content div = HtmlTree.DIV(HtmlStyle.sourceContainer, pre);
 198             body.addContent((configuration.allowTag(HtmlTag.MAIN)) ? HtmlTree.MAIN(div) : div);
 199             writeToFile(body, outputdir.resolve(configuration.docPaths.forClass(te)));
 200         } catch (IOException e) {
 201             String message = resources.getText("doclet.exception.read.file", fo.getName());
 202             throw new SimpleDocletException(message, e);
 203         }
 204     }
 206     /**
 207      * Write the output to the file.
 208      *
 209      * @param body the documentation content to be written to the file.
 210      * @param path the path for the file.
 211      */
 212     private void writeToFile(Content body, DocPath path) throws DocFileIOException {
 213         DocType htmlDocType = DocType.forVersion(configuration.htmlVersion);
 214         Head head = new Head(path, configuration.htmlVersion, configuration.docletVersion)
 215 //                .setTimestamp(!configuration.notimestamp) // temporary: compatibility!
 216                 .setTitle(resources.getText("doclet.Window_Source_title"))
 217 //                .setCharset(configuration.charset) // temporary: compatibility!
 218                 .addDefaultScript(false)
 219                 .setStylesheets(configuration.getMainStylesheet(), configuration.getAdditionalStylesheets());

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