1 #
   2 # Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4 #
   5 # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7 # published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9 # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10 #
  11 # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14 # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15 # accompanied this code).
  16 #
  17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18 # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19 # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20 #
  21 # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22 # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23 # questions.
  24 #
  26 dc.anchor.already.defined = anchor already defined: "{0}"
  27 dc.anchor.value.missing = no value given for anchor
  28 dc.attr.lacks.value = attribute lacks value
  29 dc.attr.not.number = attribute value is not a number
  30 dc.attr.not.supported.html4 = attribute not supported in HTML4: {0}
  31 dc.attr.not.supported.html5 = attribute not supported in HTML5: {0}
  32 dc.attr.obsolete = attribute obsolete: {0}
  33 dc.attr.obsolete.use.css = attribute obsolete, use CSS instead: {0}
  34 dc.attr.repeated = repeated attribute: {0}
  35 dc.attr.table.border.html5 = attribute border for table only accepts "" or "1", use CSS instead: {0}
  36 dc.attr.unknown = unknown attribute: {0}
  37 dc.bad.option = bad option: {0}
  38 dc.bad.value.for.option = bad value for option: {0} {1}
  39 dc.empty = no description for @{0}
  40 dc.entity.invalid = invalid entity &{0};
  41 dc.exception.not.thrown = exception not thrown: {0}
  42 dc.exists.param = @param "{0}" has already been specified
  43 dc.exists.return = @return has already been specified
  44 dc.invalid.anchor = invalid name for anchor: "{0}"
  45 dc.invalid.param = invalid use of @param
  46 dc.invalid.provides = invalid use of @provides
  47 dc.invalid.return = invalid use of @return
  48 dc.invalid.summary = invalid use of @summary
  49 dc.invalid.throws = invalid use of @throws
  50 dc.invalid.uses = invalid use of @uses
  51 dc.invalid.uri = invalid uri: "{0}"
  52 dc.missing.comment = no comment
  53 dc.missing.param = no @param for {0}
  54 dc.missing.return = no @return
  55 dc.missing.throws = no @throws for {0}
  56 dc.no.alt.attr.for.image = no "alt" attribute for image
  57 dc.no.summary.or.caption.for.table=no summary or caption for table
  58 dc.param.name.not.found = @param name not found
  59 dc.ref.not.found = reference not found
  60 dc.service.not.found = service-type not found
  61 dc.tag.code.within.code = '{@code'} within <code>
  62 dc.tag.empty = empty <{0}> tag
  63 dc.tag.a.within.a = {0} tag, which expands to <a>, within <a>
  64 dc.tag.end.not.permitted = invalid end tag: </{0}>
  65 dc.tag.end.unexpected = unexpected end tag: </{0}>
  66 dc.tag.header.sequence.1 = header used out of sequence: <{0}>
  67 dc.tag.header.sequence.2 = header used out of sequence: <{0}>
  68 dc.tag.nested.not.allowed=nested tag not allowed: <{0}>
  69 dc.tag.not.allowed.here = tag not allowed here: <{0}>
  70 dc.tag.not.allowed = element not allowed in documentation comments: <{0}>
  71 dc.tag.not.allowed.inline.element = block element not allowed within inline element <{1}>: {0}
  72 dc.tag.not.allowed.inline.tag = block element not allowed within @{1}: {0}
  73 dc.tag.not.allowed.inline.other = block element not allowed here: {0}
  74 dc.tag.not.closed= element not closed: {0}
  75 dc.tag.p.in.pre= unexpected use of <p> inside <pre> element
  76 dc.tag.requires.heading = heading not found for </{0}>
  77 dc.tag.self.closing = self-closing element not allowed
  78 dc.tag.start.unmatched = end tag missing: </{0}>
  79 dc.tag.unknown = unknown tag: {0}
  80 dc.tag.not.supported = tag not supported in the generated HTML version: {0}
  81 dc.text.not.allowed = text not allowed in <{0}> element
  82 dc.type.arg.not.allowed = type arguments not allowed here
  83 dc.unexpected.comment=documentation comment not expected here
  84 dc.value.not.allowed.here='{@value}' not allowed here
  85 dc.value.not.a.constant=value does not refer to a constant
  87 dc.main.ioerror=IO error: {0}
  88 dc.main.no.files.given=No files given
  89 dc.main.usage=\
  90 Usage:\n\
  91 \    doclint [options] source-files...\n\
  92 \n\
  93 Options:\n\
  94 \  -Xmsgs  \n\
  95 \    Same as -Xmsgs:all\n\
  96 \  -Xmsgs:values\n\
  97 \    Specify categories of issues to be checked, where ''values''\n\
  98 \    is a comma-separated list of any of the following:\n\
  99 \      reference      show places where comments contain incorrect\n\
 100 \                     references to Java source code elements\n\
 101 \      syntax         show basic syntax errors within comments\n\
 102 \      html           show issues with HTML tags and attributes\n\
 103 \      accessibility  show issues for accessibility\n\
 104 \      missing        show issues with missing documentation\n\
 105 \      all            all of the above\n\
 106 \    Precede a value with ''-'' to negate it\n\
 107 \    Categories may be qualified by one of:\n\
 108 \      /public /protected /package /private\n\
 109 \    For positive categories (not beginning with ''-'')\n\
 110 \    the qualifier applies to that access level and above.\n\
 111 \    For negative categories (beginning with ''-'')\n\
 112 \    the qualifier applies to that access level and below.\n\
 113 \    If a qualifier is missing, the category applies to\n\
 114 \    all access levels.\n\
 115 \    For example, -Xmsgs:all,-syntax/private\n\
 116 \    This will enable all messages, except syntax errors\n\
 117 \    in the doc comments of private methods.\n\
 118 \    If no -Xmsgs options are provided, the default is\n\
 119 \    equivalent to -Xmsgs:all/protected, meaning that\n\
 120 \    all messages are reported for protected and public\n\
 121 \    declarations only. \n\
 122 \  -XcheckPackage:<packages>\n\
 123 \    Enable or disable checks in specific packages.\n\
 124 \    <packages> is a comma separated list of package specifiers.\n\
 125 \    Package specifier is either a qualified name of a package\n\
 126 \    or a package name prefix followed by ''.*'', which expands to\n\
 127 \    all sub-packages of the given package. Prefix the package specifier\n\
 128 \    with ''-'' to disable checks for the specified packages.\n\
 129 \  -stats\n\
 130 \    Report statistics on the reported issues.\n\
 131 \  -h -help --help -usage -?\n\
 132 \    Show this message.\n\
 133 \n\
 134 The following javac options are also supported\n\
 135 \  -bootclasspath, -classpath, -cp, -sourcepath, -Xmaxerrs, -Xmaxwarns\n\
 136 \n\
 137 To run doclint on part of a project, put the compiled classes for your\n\
 138 project on the classpath (or bootclasspath), then specify the source files\n\
 139 to be checked on the command line.