1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package com.sun.java.util.jar.pack;
  27 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
  29 public class DriverResource_zh_CN extends ListResourceBundle {
  31     public static final String VERSION = "VERSION";
  32     public static final String BAD_ARGUMENT = "BAD_ARGUMENT";
  33     public static final String BAD_OPTION = "BAD_OPTION";
  34     public static final String BAD_REPACK_OUTPUT = "BAD_REPACK_OUTPUT";
  35     public static final String DETECTED_ZIP_COMMENT = "DETECTED_ZIP_COMMENT";
  36     public static final String SKIP_FOR_REPACKED = "SKIP_FOR_REPACKED";
  37     public static final String WRITE_PACK_FILE = "WRITE_PACK_FILE";
  38     public static final String WRITE_PACKGZ_FILE = "WRITE_PACKGZ_FILE";
  39     public static final String SKIP_FOR_MOVE_FAILED = "SKIP_FOR_MOVE_FAILED";
  40     public static final String PACK_HELP = "PACK_HELP";
  41     public static final String UNPACK_HELP = "UNPACK_HELP";
  42     public static final String MORE_INFO = "MORE_INFO";
  43     public static final String DUPLICATE_OPTION = "DUPLICATE_OPTION";
  44     public static final String BAD_SPEC = "BAD_SPEC";
  46     /*
  47      * The following are the output of 'pack200' and 'unpack200' commands.
  48      * Do not translate command arguments and words with a prefix of '-' or '--'.
  49      */
  50     private static final Object[][] resource = {
  51         {VERSION, "{0}版本 {1}"}, // parameter 0:class name;parameter 1: version value
  52         {BAD_ARGUMENT, "错误参数: {0}"},
  53         {BAD_OPTION, "错误选项: {0}={1}"}, // parameter 0:option name;parameter 1:option value
  54         {BAD_REPACK_OUTPUT, "--repack 输出错误: {0}"}, // parameter 0:filename
  55         {DETECTED_ZIP_COMMENT, "检测到 ZIP 注释: {0}"}, // parameter 0:comment
  56         {SKIP_FOR_REPACKED, "由于已重新打包而跳过: {0}"}, // parameter 0:filename
  57         {WRITE_PACK_FILE, "要写入 *.pack 文件, 请指定 --no-gzip: {0}"}, // parameter 0:filename
  58         {WRITE_PACKGZ_FILE, "要写入 *.pack.gz 文件, 请指定 --gzip: {0}"}, // parameter 0:filename
  59         {SKIP_FOR_MOVE_FAILED, "由于移动失败而跳过重新打包: {0}"}, // parameter 0:filename
  60         {PACK_HELP, new String[] {
  61                 "用法:  pack200 [-opt... | --option=value]... x.pack[.gz] y.jar",
  62                 "",
  63                 "打包选项",
  64                 "  -g, --no-gzip                   输出无格式的 *.pack 文件, 不压缩",
  65                 "  --gzip                          (默认值) 使用 gzip 对打包进行后处理",
  66                 "  -G, --strip-debug               打包时删除调试属性",
  67                 "  -O, --no-keep-file-order        不传输文件排序信息",
  68                 "  --keep-file-order               (默认值) 保留输入文件排序",
  69                 "  -S{N}, --segment-limit={N}      输出段限制 (默认值 N=1Mb)",
  70                 "  -E{N}, --effort={N}             打包效果 (默认值 N=5)",
  71                 "  -H{h}, --deflate-hint={h}       传输压缩提示: true, false 或 keep (默认值)",
  72                 "  -m{V}, --modification-time={V}  传输 modtimes: latest 或 keep (默认值)",
  73                 "  -P{F}, --pass-file={F}          传输未解压缩的给定输入元素",
  74                 "  -U{a}, --unknown-attribute={a}  未知属性操作: error, strip 或 pass (默认值)",
  75                 "  -C{N}={L}, --class-attribute={N}={L}  (用户定义的属性)",
  76                 "  -F{N}={L}, --field-attribute={N}={L}  (用户定义的属性)",
  77                 "  -M{N}={L}, --method-attribute={N}={L} (用户定义的属性)",
  78                 "  -D{N}={L}, --code-attribute={N}={L}   (用户定义的属性)",
  79                 "  -f{F}, --config-file={F}        读取文件 F 的 Pack200.Packer 属性",
  80                 "  -v, --verbose                   提高程序详细程度",
  81                 "  -q, --quiet                     将详细程度设置为最低级别",
  82                 "  -l{F}, --log-file={F}           输出到给定日志文件, 或对于 System.out 指定 '-'",
  83                 "  -?, -h, --help                  输出此消息",
  84                 "  -V, --version                   输出程序版本",
  85                 "  -J{X}                           将选项 X 传递给基础 Java VM",
  86                 "",
  87                 "注:",
  88                 "  -P, -C, -F, -M 和 -D 选项累计。",
  89                 "  示例属性定义:  -C SourceFile=RUH。",
  90                 "  Config. 文件属性由 Pack200 API 定义。",
  91                 "  有关 -S, -E, -H-, -m, -U 值的含义, 请参阅 Pack200 API。",
  92                 "  布局定义 (例如 RUH) 由 JSR 200 定义。",
  93                 "",
  94                 "重新打包模式通过打包/解包周期更新 JAR 文件:",
  95                 "    pack200 [-r|--repack] [-opt | --option=value]... [repackedy.jar] y.jar\n"
  96             }
  97         },
  98         {UNPACK_HELP, new String[] {
  99                 "用法:  unpack200 [-opt... | --option=value]... x.pack[.gz] y.jar\n",
 100                 "",
 101                 "解包选项",
 102                 "  -H{h}, --deflate-hint={h}     覆盖已传输的压缩提示: true, false 或 keep (默认值)",
 103                 "  -r, --remove-pack-file        解包之后删除输入文件",
 104                 "  -v, --verbose                   提高程序详细程度",
 105                 "  -q, --quiet                     将详细程度设置为最低级别",
 106                 "  -l{F}, --log-file={F}         输出到给定日志文件, 或对于 System.out 指定 '-'",
 107                 "  -?, -h, --help                输出此消息",
 108                 "  -V, --version                 输出程序版本",
 109                 "  -J{X}                         将选项 X 传递给基础 Java VM"
 110             }
 111         },
 112         {MORE_INFO, "(有关详细信息, 请运行 {0} --help。)"}, // parameter 0:command name
 113         {DUPLICATE_OPTION, "重复的选项: {0}"}, // parameter 0:option
 114         {BAD_SPEC, "{0}的规范错误: {1}"}, // parameter 0:option;parameter 1:specifier
 115     };
 117     protected Object[][] getContents() {
 118         return resource;
 119     }
 120 }