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rev 48841 : imported patch 8187950

  46     }
  48     /* Class containing a local class definition;
  49      * compiled class file will have an EnclosedMethod attribute.
  50      */
  51     static final JavaSource pC =
  52             new JavaSource("p/C.java",
  53                   "package p;\n"
  54                 + "class C {\n"
  55                 + "    void m() {\n"
  56                 + "        new Runnable() {\n"
  57                 + "            public void run() {\n"
  58                 + "                new Runnable() {\n"
  59                 + "                    public void run() { }\n"
  60                 + "                };\n"
  61                 + "            }\n"
  62                 + "        };\n"
  63                 + "    }\n"
  64                 + "}");

  66     /* Dummy source file to compile while running anno processor. */
  67     static final JavaSource dummy =
  68             new JavaSource("Dummy.java",
  69                 "class Dummy { }");
  71     void run() throws Exception {
  72         JavaCompiler comp = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
  73         try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = comp.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)) {
  75             // step 1: compile test classes
  76             File cwd = new File(".");
  77             fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, Arrays.asList(cwd));
  78             compile(comp, fm, null, null, pC);
  80             // step 2: verify functioning of processor
  81             fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_PATH,
  82                     fm.getLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH));
  83             fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, Arrays.asList(cwd));
  84             compile(comp, fm, null, getClass().getName(), dummy);
  86             File pC_class = new File(new File("p"), "C.class");
  87             pC_class.delete();
  89             DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dc = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
  90             compile(comp, fm, dc, getClass().getName(), dummy);
  91             List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> diags =dc.getDiagnostics();
  93             System.err.println(diags);
  94             switch (diags.size()) {
  95                 case 0:
  96                     throw new Exception("no diagnostics received");
  97                 case 1:
  98                     String code = diags.get(0).getCode();
  99                     String expect = "compiler.err.proc.cant.access.1";
 100                     if (!expect.equals(code))
 101                         throw new Exception("unexpected diag code: " + code
 102                                 + ", expected: " + expect);

 103                     break;
 104                 default:
 105                     throw new Exception("unexpected diags received");
 106             }
 107         }
 108     }
 110     void compile(JavaCompiler comp, JavaFileManager fm,
 111             DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> dl,
 112             String processor, JavaFileObject... files) throws Exception {
 113         System.err.println("compile processor:" + processor + ", files:" + Arrays.asList(files));
 114         List<String> opts = new ArrayList<String>();
 115         if (processor != null) {
 116             // opts.add("-verbose");
 117             opts.addAll(Arrays.asList("-processor", processor));
 118         }
 119         CompilationTask task = comp.getTask(null, fm, dl, opts, null, Arrays.asList(files));
 120         boolean ok = task.call();
 121         if (dl == null && !ok)
 122             throw new Exception("compilation failed");

 126         JavaSource(String name, String text) {
 127             super(URI.create("js://" + name), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
 128             this.text = text;
 129         }
 130         @Override
 131         public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) {
 132             return text;
 133         }
 134         final String text;
 135     }
 137     // annotation processor method
 139     @Override
 140     public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
 141         if (!roundEnv.processingOver()) {
 142             PackageElement p = elements.getPackageElement("p");
 143             List<? extends Element> elems = p.getEnclosedElements();
 144             System.err.println("contents of package p: " + elems);
 145             if (elems.size() != 1 || !elems.get(0).getSimpleName().contentEquals("C")) {
 146                 messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "unexpected package contents");
 147             }
 148         }
 149         return true;
 150     }
 151 }

  46     }
  48     /* Class containing a local class definition;
  49      * compiled class file will have an EnclosedMethod attribute.
  50      */
  51     static final JavaSource pC =
  52             new JavaSource("p/C.java",
  53                   "package p;\n"
  54                 + "class C {\n"
  55                 + "    void m() {\n"
  56                 + "        new Runnable() {\n"
  57                 + "            public void run() {\n"
  58                 + "                new Runnable() {\n"
  59                 + "                    public void run() { }\n"
  60                 + "                };\n"
  61                 + "            }\n"
  62                 + "        };\n"
  63                 + "    }\n"
  64                 + "}");
  66     private static final String PACKAGE_CONTENT_ERROR = "package does not contain C";
  68     /* Dummy source file to compile while running anno processor. */
  69     static final JavaSource dummy =
  70             new JavaSource("Dummy.java",
  71                 "class Dummy { }");
  73     void run() throws Exception {
  74         JavaCompiler comp = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
  75         try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = comp.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)) {
  77             // step 1: compile test classes
  78             File cwd = new File(".");
  79             fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, Arrays.asList(cwd));
  80             compile(comp, fm, null, null, pC);
  82             // step 2: verify functioning of processor
  83             fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_PATH,
  84                     fm.getLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH));
  85             fm.setLocation(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, Arrays.asList(cwd));
  86             compile(comp, fm, null, getClass().getName(), dummy);
  88             File pC_class = new File(new File("p"), "C.class");
  89             pC_class.delete();
  91             DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dc = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
  92             compile(comp, fm, dc, getClass().getName(), dummy);
  93             List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> diags =dc.getDiagnostics();
  95             System.err.println(diags);
  96             switch (diags.size()) {
  97                 case 0:
  98                     throw new Exception("no diagnostics received");
  99                 case 1:
 100                     String code = diags.get(0).getCode();
 101                     String expect = "compiler.err.proc.messager";
 102                     if (!expect.equals(code))
 103                         throw new Exception("unexpected diag code: " + code
 104                                 + ", expected: " + expect);
 105                     String message = diags.get(0).getMessage(null);
 106                     if (!PACKAGE_CONTENT_ERROR.equals(message)) {
 107                         throw new Exception("unexpected diag message: " + code
 108                                 + ", expected: " + PACKAGE_CONTENT_ERROR);
 109                     }
 110                     break;
 111                 default:
 112                     throw new Exception("unexpected diags received");
 113             }
 114         }
 115     }
 117     void compile(JavaCompiler comp, JavaFileManager fm,
 118             DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> dl,
 119             String processor, JavaFileObject... files) throws Exception {
 120         System.err.println("compile processor:" + processor + ", files:" + Arrays.asList(files));
 121         List<String> opts = new ArrayList<String>();
 122         if (processor != null) {
 123             // opts.add("-verbose");
 124             opts.addAll(Arrays.asList("-processor", processor));
 125         }
 126         CompilationTask task = comp.getTask(null, fm, dl, opts, null, Arrays.asList(files));
 127         boolean ok = task.call();
 128         if (dl == null && !ok)
 129             throw new Exception("compilation failed");

 133         JavaSource(String name, String text) {
 134             super(URI.create("js://" + name), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE);
 135             this.text = text;
 136         }
 137         @Override
 138         public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) {
 139             return text;
 140         }
 141         final String text;
 142     }
 144     // annotation processor method
 146     @Override
 147     public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
 148         if (!roundEnv.processingOver()) {
 149             PackageElement p = elements.getPackageElement("p");
 150             List<? extends Element> elems = p.getEnclosedElements();
 151             System.err.println("contents of package p: " + elems);
 152             if (elems.size() != 1 || !elems.get(0).getSimpleName().contentEquals("C")) {
 153                 messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, PACKAGE_CONTENT_ERROR);
 154             }
 155         }
 156         return true;
 157     }
 158 }
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