1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package com.sun.tools.javac.util;
  28 import java.util.BitSet;
  30 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.DefinedBy.Api;
  32 import static com.sun.tools.javac.util.LayoutCharacters.*;
  34 /** A class that defines source code positions as simple character
  35  *  offsets from the beginning of the file. The first character
  36  *  is at position 0.
  37  *
  38  *  Support is also provided for (line,column) coordinates, but tab
  39  *  expansion is optional and no Unicode escape translation is considered.
  40  *  The first character is at location (1,1).
  41  *
  42  *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
  43  *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
  44  *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
  45  *  deletion without notice.</b>
  46  */
  47 public class Position {
  48     public static final int NOPOS        = -1;
  50     public static final int FIRSTPOS     = 0;
  51     public static final int FIRSTLINE    = 1;
  52     public static final int FIRSTCOLUMN  = 1;
  54     public static final int LINESHIFT    = 10;
  55     public static final int MAXCOLUMN    = (1<<LINESHIFT) - 1;
  56     public static final int MAXLINE      = (1<<(Integer.SIZE-LINESHIFT)) - 1;
  58     public static final int MAXPOS       = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  60     /**
  61      * This is class is not supposed to be instantiated.
  62      */
  63     private Position() {}
  65     /** A two-way map between line/column numbers and positions,
  66      *  derived from a scan done at creation time.  Tab expansion is
  67      *  optionally supported via a character map.  Text content
  68      *  is not retained.
  69      *<p>
  70      *  Notes:  The first character position FIRSTPOS is at
  71      *  (FIRSTLINE,FIRSTCOLUMN).  No account is taken of Unicode escapes.
  72      *
  73      * @param   src         Source characters
  74      * @param   max         Number of characters to read
  75      * @param   expandTabs  If true, expand tabs when calculating columns
  76      */
  77     public static LineMap makeLineMap(char[] src, int max, boolean expandTabs) {
  78         LineMapImpl lineMap = expandTabs ?
  79             new LineTabMapImpl(max) : new LineMapImpl();
  80         lineMap.build(src, max);
  81         return lineMap;
  82     }
  84     /** Encode line and column numbers in an integer as:
  85      *  {@code line-number << LINESHIFT + column-number }.
  86      *  {@link Position#NOPOS} represents an undefined position.
  87      *
  88      * @param  line  number of line (first is 1)
  89      * @param  col   number of character on line (first is 1)
  90      * @return       an encoded position or {@link Position#NOPOS}
  91      *               if the line or column number is too big to
  92      *               represent in the encoded format
  93      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if line or col is less than 1
  94      */
  95     public static int encodePosition(int line, int col) {
  96         if (line < 1)
  97             throw new IllegalArgumentException("line must be greater than 0");
  98         if (col < 1)
  99             throw new IllegalArgumentException("column must be greater than 0");
 101         if (line > MAXLINE || col > MAXCOLUMN) {
 102             return NOPOS;
 103         }
 104         return (line << LINESHIFT) + col;
 105     }
 107     public static interface LineMap extends com.sun.source.tree.LineMap {
 108         /** Find the start position of a line.
 109          *
 110          * @param line number of line (first is 1)
 111          * @return     position of first character in line
 112          * @throws  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 113          *           if {@code lineNumber < 1}
 114          *           if {@code lineNumber > no. of lines}
 115          */
 116         int getStartPosition(int line);
 118         /** Find the position corresponding to a (line,column).
 119          *
 120          * @param   line    number of line (first is 1)
 121          * @param   column  number of character on line (first is 1)
 122          *
 123          * @return  position of character
 124          * @throws  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
 125          *           if {@code line < 1}
 126          *           if {@code line > no. of lines}
 127          */
 128         int getPosition(int line, int column);
 130         /** Find the line containing a position; a line termination
 131          * character is on the line it terminates.
 132          *
 133          * @param   pos  character offset of the position
 134          * @return the line number on which pos occurs (first line is 1)
 135          */
 136         int getLineNumber(int pos);
 138         /** Find the column for a character position.
 139          *  Note:  this method does not handle tab expansion.
 140          *  If tab expansion is needed, use a LineTabMap instead.
 141          *
 142          * @param  pos   character offset of the position
 143          * @return       the column number at which pos occurs
 144          */
 145         int getColumnNumber(int pos);
 146     }
 148     static class LineMapImpl implements LineMap {
 149         protected int[] startPosition; // start position of each line
 151         protected LineMapImpl() {}
 153         protected void build(char[] src, int max) {
 154             int c = 0;
 155             int i = 0;
 156             int[] linebuf = new int[max];
 157             while (i < max) {
 158                 linebuf[c++] = i;
 159                 do {
 160                     char ch = src[i];
 161                     if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') {
 162                         if (ch == '\r' && (i+1) < max && src[i+1] == '\n')
 163                             i += 2;
 164                         else
 165                             ++i;
 166                         break;
 167                     }
 168                     else if (ch == '\t')
 169                         setTabPosition(i);
 170                 } while (++i < max);
 171             }
 172             this.startPosition = new int[c];
 173             System.arraycopy(linebuf, 0, startPosition, 0, c);
 174         }
 176         public int getStartPosition(int line) {
 177             return startPosition[line - FIRSTLINE];
 178         }
 180         @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER_TREE)
 181         public long getStartPosition(long line) {
 182             return getStartPosition(longToInt(line));
 183         }
 185         public int getPosition(int line, int column) {
 186             return startPosition[line - FIRSTLINE] + column - FIRSTCOLUMN;
 187         }
 189         @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER_TREE)
 190         public long getPosition(long line, long column) {
 191             return getPosition(longToInt(line), longToInt(column));
 192         }
 194         // Cache of last line number lookup
 195         private int lastPosition = Position.FIRSTPOS;
 196         private int lastLine = Position.FIRSTLINE;
 198         public int getLineNumber(int pos) {
 199             if (pos == lastPosition) {
 200                 return lastLine;
 201             }
 202             lastPosition = pos;
 204             int low = 0;
 205             int high = startPosition.length-1;
 206             while (low <= high) {
 207                 int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
 208                 int midVal = startPosition[mid];
 210                 if (midVal < pos)
 211                     low = mid + 1;
 212                 else if (midVal > pos)
 213                     high = mid - 1;
 214                 else {
 215                     lastLine = mid + 1; // pos is at beginning of this line
 216                     return lastLine;
 217                 }
 218             }
 219             lastLine = low;
 220             return lastLine;  // pos is on this line
 221         }
 223         @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER_TREE)
 224         public long getLineNumber(long pos) {
 225             return getLineNumber(longToInt(pos));
 226         }
 228         public int getColumnNumber(int pos) {
 229             return pos - startPosition[getLineNumber(pos) - FIRSTLINE] + FIRSTCOLUMN;
 230         }
 232         @DefinedBy(Api.COMPILER_TREE)
 233         public long getColumnNumber(long pos) {
 234             return getColumnNumber(longToInt(pos));
 235         }
 237         private static int longToInt(long longValue) {
 238             int intValue = (int)longValue;
 239             if (intValue != longValue)
 240                 throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
 241             return intValue;
 242         }
 244         protected void setTabPosition(int offset) {}
 245     }
 247     /**
 248      * A LineMap that handles tab expansion correctly.  The cost is
 249      * an additional bit per character in the source array.
 250      */
 251     public static class LineTabMapImpl extends LineMapImpl {
 252         private BitSet tabMap;       // bits set for tab positions.
 254         public LineTabMapImpl(int max) {
 255             super();
 256             tabMap = new BitSet(max);
 257         }
 259         protected void setTabPosition(int offset) {
 260             tabMap.set(offset);
 261         }
 263         public int getColumnNumber(int pos) {
 264             int lineStart = startPosition[getLineNumber(pos) - FIRSTLINE];
 265             int column = 0;
 266             for (int bp = lineStart; bp < pos; bp++) {
 267                 if (tabMap.get(bp))
 268                     column = (column / TabInc * TabInc) + TabInc;
 269                 else
 270                     column++;
 271             }
 272             return column + FIRSTCOLUMN;
 273         }
 275         public int getPosition(int line, int column) {
 276             int pos = startPosition[line - FIRSTLINE];
 277             column -= FIRSTCOLUMN;
 278             int col = 0;
 279             while (col < column) {
 280                 pos++;
 281                 if (tabMap.get(pos))
 282                     col = (col / TabInc * TabInc) + TabInc;
 283                 else
 284                     col++;
 285             }
 286             return pos;
 287         }
 288     }
 289 }