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 186 ErrorRule_CONFIG_EXCLUDED_ERRORS=Excluded error classes
 187 ErrorRule_CONFIG_EXCLUDED_ERRORS_LONG=Regular expression describing which error classes to exclude, for example (com.sun.el.parser.ELParser\\$LookaheadSuccess|java.lang.NoSuchMethodError)
 188 ErrorRule_CONFIG_WINDOW_SIZE=Sliding window size
 189 ErrorRule_CONFIG_WINDOW_SIZE_LONG=The size of the sliding window used to find periods with many errors per minute.
 190 ErrorRule_RULE_NAME=Thrown Errors
 191 ErrorRule_TEXT_OK=The program did not generate any Errors.
 192 # {0} is a number, {1} is a time range
 193 ErrorRule_TEXT_WARN=The program generated an average of {0} errors per minute during {1}.
 194 # {0} is a number, {1} is a time range, {2} is a number, {3} is an error class name, {4} is a number
 195 ErrorRule_TEXT_WARN_LONG=The program generated an average of {0} errors per minute during {1}, {2} errors were thrown in total.<p>The most common error was ''{3}'', which was thrown {4} times.<p>Investigate the thrown errors to see if they can be avoided. Errors indicate that something went wrong with the code execution and should never be used for flow control.
 196 # {0} is a regexp exclude string, {1} is a number
 197 ErrorRule_TEXT_WARN_EXCLUDED_INFO=The following regular expression was used to exclude {1} errors from this rule: ''{0}''.
 198 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_INFO_LIMIT=Exception rate info limit
 199 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_INFO_LIMIT_LONG=The number of thrown exceptions per second needed to trigger an info notice
 200 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_WARN_LIMIT=Exception rate warning limit
 201 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_WARN_LIMIT_LONG=The number of thrown exceptions per second needed to trigger a warning
 202 ExceptionRule_RULE_NAME=Thrown Exceptions
 203 ExceptionRule_TEXT_INFO_LONG=Throwing exceptions is more expensive than normal code execution, which means that they should only be used for exceptional situations. Investigate the thrown exceptions to see if any of them can be avoided with a non-exceptional control flow.
 204 # {0} is a time period, {1} is a time stamp, {2} is a number
 205 ExceptionRule_TEXT_MESSAGE=The program generated {2} exceptions per second during {0} starting at {1}.

 206 FasttimeRule_TEXT_WARN=This Flight Recording was made with a JVM with a bug in the Fast Time conversion.
 207 FasttimeRule_TEXT_WARN_LONG=The timestamps in this recording are unreliable and may not represent the actual data properly or it may cause problems for JMC. Upgrade to Java 7u60 or later to resolve this issue.
 208 FewSampledThreadsRule_AGGR_SAMPLES_PER_THREAD=Samples per thread
 209 FewSampledThreadsRule_AGGR_SAMPLES_PER_THREAD_DESC=Samples per thread
 210 # {0} is a percentage, {1} a time period, {2} a timestamp.
 211 FewSampledThreadsRule_APPLICATION_IDLE=The application seems to be idle. Max average JVM CPU usage was {0} % during a {1} time window starting at {2}.
 212 FewSampledThreadsRule_APPLICATION_IDLE_LONG=This may be caused by application latencies, see information from other rules, or it could be that the application is not doing anything.
 213 FewSampledThreadsRule_CPU_WINDOW_SIZE=CPU window size
 214 FewSampledThreadsRule_CPU_WINDOW_SIZE_LONG=Sliding window size used when calculating CPU usage.
 215 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_CPU_RATIO=Min used CPU ratio
 216 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_CPU_RATIO_LONG=The minimum used CPU ratio to consider this application not being idle.
 217 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT=Min total sample count
 218 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT_LONG=Minimum number of samples in recording for this rule to be applicable.
 219 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT_PER_THREAD=Min sample count per thread
 220 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT_PER_THREAD_LONG=Minimum number of samples in a thread to consider the thread as sampled.
 221 FewSampledThreadsRule_SAMPLED_THREADS_RATIO_WARNING_LIMIT=Sampled threads ratio limit
 222 FewSampledThreadsRule_SAMPLED_THREADS_RATIO_WARNING_LIMIT_LONG=Ratio between sampled threads and hardware threads needed to trigger a warning.
 223 FewSampledThreadsRule_TEXT_OK=There were no problems with the amount of sampled threads.
 224 FewSampledThreadsRule_TEXT_OK_LONG=There are more sampled threads than the amount of hardware threads. This indicates that the application has enough parallelism for the available hardware.
 225 # {0} and {1} are numbers

 186 ErrorRule_CONFIG_EXCLUDED_ERRORS=Excluded error classes
 187 ErrorRule_CONFIG_EXCLUDED_ERRORS_LONG=Regular expression describing which error classes to exclude, for example (com.sun.el.parser.ELParser\\$LookaheadSuccess|java.lang.NoSuchMethodError)
 188 ErrorRule_CONFIG_WINDOW_SIZE=Sliding window size
 189 ErrorRule_CONFIG_WINDOW_SIZE_LONG=The size of the sliding window used to find periods with many errors per minute.
 190 ErrorRule_RULE_NAME=Thrown Errors
 191 ErrorRule_TEXT_OK=The program did not generate any Errors.
 192 # {0} is a number, {1} is a time range
 193 ErrorRule_TEXT_WARN=The program generated an average of {0} errors per minute during {1}.
 194 # {0} is a number, {1} is a time range, {2} is a number, {3} is an error class name, {4} is a number
 195 ErrorRule_TEXT_WARN_LONG=The program generated an average of {0} errors per minute during {1}, {2} errors were thrown in total.<p>The most common error was ''{3}'', which was thrown {4} times.<p>Investigate the thrown errors to see if they can be avoided. Errors indicate that something went wrong with the code execution and should never be used for flow control.
 196 # {0} is a regexp exclude string, {1} is a number
 197 ErrorRule_TEXT_WARN_EXCLUDED_INFO=The following regular expression was used to exclude {1} errors from this rule: ''{0}''.
 198 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_INFO_LIMIT=Exception rate info limit
 199 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_INFO_LIMIT_LONG=The number of thrown exceptions per second needed to trigger an info notice
 200 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_WARN_LIMIT=Exception rate warning limit
 201 ExceptionRule_CONFIG_WARN_LIMIT_LONG=The number of thrown exceptions per second needed to trigger a warning
 202 ExceptionRule_RULE_NAME=Thrown Exceptions
 203 ExceptionRule_TEXT_INFO_LONG=Throwing exceptions is more expensive than normal code execution, which means that they should only be used for exceptional situations. Investigate the thrown exceptions to see if any of them can be avoided with a non-exceptional control flow.
 204 # {0} is a time period, {1} is a time stamp, {2} is a number
 205 ExceptionRule_TEXT_MESSAGE=The program generated {2} exceptions per second during {0} starting at {1}.
 206 FatalErrorRule_RULE_NAME=Fatal Errors
 207 FatalErrorRule_TEXT_OK=The VM shut down in a normal way.
 208 FatalErrorRule_TEXT_WARN=The VM shut down due to a fatal error. This indicates that the program terminated in an abnormal way and should be investigated.
 209 FasttimeRule_TEXT_WARN=This Flight Recording was made with a JVM with a bug in the Fast Time conversion.
 210 FasttimeRule_TEXT_WARN_LONG=The timestamps in this recording are unreliable and may not represent the actual data properly or it may cause problems for JMC. Upgrade to Java 7u60 or later to resolve this issue.
 211 FewSampledThreadsRule_AGGR_SAMPLES_PER_THREAD=Samples per thread
 212 FewSampledThreadsRule_AGGR_SAMPLES_PER_THREAD_DESC=Samples per thread
 213 # {0} is a percentage, {1} a time period, {2} a timestamp.
 214 FewSampledThreadsRule_APPLICATION_IDLE=The application seems to be idle. Max average JVM CPU usage was {0} % during a {1} time window starting at {2}.
 215 FewSampledThreadsRule_APPLICATION_IDLE_LONG=This may be caused by application latencies, see information from other rules, or it could be that the application is not doing anything.
 216 FewSampledThreadsRule_CPU_WINDOW_SIZE=CPU window size
 217 FewSampledThreadsRule_CPU_WINDOW_SIZE_LONG=Sliding window size used when calculating CPU usage.
 218 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_CPU_RATIO=Min used CPU ratio
 219 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_CPU_RATIO_LONG=The minimum used CPU ratio to consider this application not being idle.
 220 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT=Min total sample count
 221 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT_LONG=Minimum number of samples in recording for this rule to be applicable.
 222 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT_PER_THREAD=Min sample count per thread
 223 FewSampledThreadsRule_MIN_SAMPLE_COUNT_PER_THREAD_LONG=Minimum number of samples in a thread to consider the thread as sampled.
 224 FewSampledThreadsRule_SAMPLED_THREADS_RATIO_WARNING_LIMIT=Sampled threads ratio limit
 225 FewSampledThreadsRule_SAMPLED_THREADS_RATIO_WARNING_LIMIT_LONG=Ratio between sampled threads and hardware threads needed to trigger a warning.
 226 FewSampledThreadsRule_TEXT_OK=There were no problems with the amount of sampled threads.
 227 FewSampledThreadsRule_TEXT_OK_LONG=There are more sampled threads than the amount of hardware threads. This indicates that the application has enough parallelism for the available hardware.
 228 # {0} and {1} are numbers

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