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 420 ManyRunningProcessesRule_TEXT_INFO={0} processes were running while this Flight Recording was made.
 421 # {0} is a number, {1} is a time stamp
 422 ManyRunningProcessesRule_TEXT_INFO_LONG=At {1}, a total of {0} other processes were running on the host machine that this Flight Recording was made on.
 423 ManyRunningProcessesRule_TEXT_RECOMMENDATION=If this is a server environment, it may be good to only run other critical processes on that machine.
 424 ManyRunningProcessesRule_INFO_LIMIT=Competing processes limit
 425 ManyRunningProcessesRule_INFO_LIMIT_LONG=The number of simultaneous processes needed to trigger an info notice
 426 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_RULE_NAME=Metaspace Out of Memory
 427 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_TEXT_OK=The metaspace was not exhausted during this recording.
 428 # {0} is a number
 429 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_TEXT_WARN={0} ''Out of Metaspace Memory'' events are present in this recording.
 430 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_TEXT_WARN_LONG=Increase or remove the '-XX:MaxMetaSpaceSize' flag or investigate why classes are not unloaded properly.
 431 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_QUOTA=Top Frame Quota
 432 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_QUOTA_DESC=The quota between the top frame and the total samples count
 433 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_MAX_ENDTIME=Max End Time
 434 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_MIN_ENDTIME=Min End Time
 435 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_BALANCE=Top Frame Balance
 436 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_BALANCE_DESC=The relative balance between stacktrace top frames
 437 MethodProfilingRule_RULE_NAME=Method Profiling
 438 MethodProfilingRule_WINDOW_SIZE=Method profiling window size
 439 MethodProfilingRule_WINDOW_SIZE_DESC=The size of the sliding window to use for evaluating the method profiling samples in this recording. If the evaluation of this rule takes a long time, consider increasing this parameter. Note an increased window size may reduce the accuracy of the rule.

 440 # {0} is a number, {1} is a number
 441 NumberOfGcThreadsRuleFactory_TEXT_INFO=The runtime used {0} GC threads on a machine with {1} CPU cores.
 442 NumberOfGcThreadsRuleFactory_TEXT_INFO_LONG=It is not optimal to use more GC threads than available cores. Removing the '-XX:ParallelGCThreads' flag will allow the JVM to set the number of GC threads automatically.
 443 ObjectStatisticsDataProvider_AGGR_LIVE_SIZE_INCREASE=Live Size Increase
 444 ObjectStatisticsDataProvider_AGGR_LIVE_SIZE_INCREASE_DESC=The difference in total size from after the first garbage collection to after the last
 445 OptionsCheckRule_CONFIG_ACCEPTED_OPTIONS=Accepted Options
 446 OptionsCheckRule_CONFIG_ACCEPTED_OPTIONS_LONG=The -XX (non validated) JVM option names in this comma separated list will not be checked by the rule
 447 OptionsCheckRule_RULE_NAME=Command Line Options Check
 448 # {0} is a Java version string
 449 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED=Deprecated in Java {0}.
 450 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string
 451 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_IGNORED=Deprecated in Java {0} and ignored in Java {1}.
 452 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string, {2} is a Java version string
 453 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_IGNORED_REMOVED=Deprecated in Java {0}, ignored in Java {1}, and removed in Java {2}.
 454 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string
 455 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_REMOVED=Deprecated in Java {0} and removed in Java {1}.
 456 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_WARNING=Deprecated option flags should be avoided. In some cases they enable legacy code and in other cases they are ignored completely. They will usually be removed in a later Java release.
 457 # {0} is a Java version string
 458 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_IGNORED=Ignored in Java {0}.
 459 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string

 420 ManyRunningProcessesRule_TEXT_INFO={0} processes were running while this Flight Recording was made.
 421 # {0} is a number, {1} is a time stamp
 422 ManyRunningProcessesRule_TEXT_INFO_LONG=At {1}, a total of {0} other processes were running on the host machine that this Flight Recording was made on.
 423 ManyRunningProcessesRule_TEXT_RECOMMENDATION=If this is a server environment, it may be good to only run other critical processes on that machine.
 424 ManyRunningProcessesRule_INFO_LIMIT=Competing processes limit
 425 ManyRunningProcessesRule_INFO_LIMIT_LONG=The number of simultaneous processes needed to trigger an info notice
 426 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_RULE_NAME=Metaspace Out of Memory
 427 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_TEXT_OK=The metaspace was not exhausted during this recording.
 428 # {0} is a number
 429 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_TEXT_WARN={0} ''Out of Metaspace Memory'' events are present in this recording.
 430 MetaspaceOomRuleFactory_TEXT_WARN_LONG=Increase or remove the '-XX:MaxMetaSpaceSize' flag or investigate why classes are not unloaded properly.
 431 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_QUOTA=Top Frame Quota
 432 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_QUOTA_DESC=The quota between the top frame and the total samples count
 433 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_MAX_ENDTIME=Max End Time
 434 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_MIN_ENDTIME=Min End Time
 435 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_BALANCE=Top Frame Balance
 436 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_BALANCE_DESC=The relative balance between stacktrace top frames
 437 MethodProfilingRule_RULE_NAME=Method Profiling
 438 MethodProfilingRule_WINDOW_SIZE=Method profiling window size
 439 MethodProfilingRule_WINDOW_SIZE_DESC=The size of the sliding window to use for evaluating the method profiling samples in this recording. If the evaluation of this rule takes a long time, consider increasing this parameter. Note an increased window size may reduce the accuracy of the rule.
 440 MethodProfilingRule_EXCLUDED_PACKAGES=Packages to exclude from the stack trace
 441 MethodProfilingRule_EXCLUDED_PACKAGES_DESC=The packages to exclude when traversing stack traces. Drop all frames matching the pattern until reaching the first frame not belonging to either. Count the first encountered frame instead as the hot one.
 442 # {0} is a number, {1} is a number
 443 NumberOfGcThreadsRuleFactory_TEXT_INFO=The runtime used {0} GC threads on a machine with {1} CPU cores.
 444 NumberOfGcThreadsRuleFactory_TEXT_INFO_LONG=It is not optimal to use more GC threads than available cores. Removing the '-XX:ParallelGCThreads' flag will allow the JVM to set the number of GC threads automatically.
 445 ObjectStatisticsDataProvider_AGGR_LIVE_SIZE_INCREASE=Live Size Increase
 446 ObjectStatisticsDataProvider_AGGR_LIVE_SIZE_INCREASE_DESC=The difference in total size from after the first garbage collection to after the last
 447 OptionsCheckRule_CONFIG_ACCEPTED_OPTIONS=Accepted Options
 448 OptionsCheckRule_CONFIG_ACCEPTED_OPTIONS_LONG=The -XX (non validated) JVM option names in this comma separated list will not be checked by the rule
 449 OptionsCheckRule_RULE_NAME=Command Line Options Check
 450 # {0} is a Java version string
 451 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED=Deprecated in Java {0}.
 452 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string
 453 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_IGNORED=Deprecated in Java {0} and ignored in Java {1}.
 454 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string, {2} is a Java version string
 455 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_IGNORED_REMOVED=Deprecated in Java {0}, ignored in Java {1}, and removed in Java {2}.
 456 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string
 457 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_REMOVED=Deprecated in Java {0} and removed in Java {1}.
 458 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_DEPRECATED_WARNING=Deprecated option flags should be avoided. In some cases they enable legacy code and in other cases they are ignored completely. They will usually be removed in a later Java release.
 459 # {0} is a Java version string
 460 OptionsCheckRule_TEXT_IGNORED=Ignored in Java {0}.
 461 # {0} is a Java version string, {1} is a Java version string

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