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@@ -435,10 +435,12 @@
 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_BALANCE=Top Frame Balance
 MethodProfilingDataProvider_AGGR_TOP_FRAME_BALANCE_DESC=The relative balance between stacktrace top frames
 MethodProfilingRule_RULE_NAME=Method Profiling
 MethodProfilingRule_WINDOW_SIZE=Method profiling window size
 MethodProfilingRule_WINDOW_SIZE_DESC=The size of the sliding window to use for evaluating the method profiling samples in this recording. If the evaluation of this rule takes a long time, consider increasing this parameter. Note an increased window size may reduce the accuracy of the rule.
+MethodProfilingRule_EXCLUDED_PACKAGES=Packages to exclude from the stack trace
+MethodProfilingRule_EXCLUDED_PACKAGES_DESC=The packages to exclude when traversing stack traces. Drop all frames matching the pattern until reaching the first frame not belonging to either. Count the first encountered frame instead as the hot one.
 # {0} is a number, {1} is a number
 NumberOfGcThreadsRuleFactory_TEXT_INFO=The runtime used {0} GC threads on a machine with {1} CPU cores.
 NumberOfGcThreadsRuleFactory_TEXT_INFO_LONG=It is not optimal to use more GC threads than available cores. Removing the '-XX:ParallelGCThreads' flag will allow the JVM to set the number of GC threads automatically.
 ObjectStatisticsDataProvider_AGGR_LIVE_SIZE_INCREASE=Live Size Increase
 ObjectStatisticsDataProvider_AGGR_LIVE_SIZE_INCREASE_DESC=The difference in total size from after the first garbage collection to after the last
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