1 /*
   2  * reserved comment block
   4  */
   5 /*
   6  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   7  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   8  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   9  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  10  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  11  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  12  *
  13  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  14  *
  15  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  16  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  17  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  18  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  19  * limitations under the License.
  20  */
  22 package com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic;
  24 import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.Const;
  25 import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.ConstantCP;
  26 import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.ConstantNameAndType;
  27 import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.ConstantPool;
  28 import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.ConstantUtf8;
  30 /**
  31  * Super class for InvokeInstruction and FieldInstruction, since they have
  32  * some methods in common!
  33  *
  34  */
  35 public abstract class FieldOrMethod extends CPInstruction implements LoadClass {
  37     /**
  38      * Empty constructor needed for Instruction.readInstruction.
  39      * Not to be used otherwise.
  40      */
  41     FieldOrMethod() {
  42         // no init
  43     }
  46     /**
  47      * @param index to constant pool
  48      */
  49     protected FieldOrMethod(final short opcode, final int index) {
  50         super(opcode, index);
  51     }
  54     /** @return signature of referenced method/field.
  55      */
  56     public String getSignature(final ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
  57         final ConstantPool cp = cpg.getConstantPool();
  58         final ConstantCP cmr = (ConstantCP) cp.getConstant(super.getIndex());
  59         final ConstantNameAndType cnat = (ConstantNameAndType) cp.getConstant(cmr.getNameAndTypeIndex());
  60         return ((ConstantUtf8) cp.getConstant(cnat.getSignatureIndex())).getBytes();
  61     }
  64     /** @return name of referenced method/field.
  65      */
  66     public String getName(final ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
  67         final ConstantPool cp = cpg.getConstantPool();
  68         final ConstantCP cmr = (ConstantCP) cp.getConstant(super.getIndex());
  69         final ConstantNameAndType cnat = (ConstantNameAndType) cp.getConstant(cmr.getNameAndTypeIndex());
  70         return ((ConstantUtf8) cp.getConstant(cnat.getNameIndex())).getBytes();
  71     }
  74     /**
  75      * @return name of the referenced class/interface
  76      * @deprecated If the instruction references an array class,
  77      *    this method will return "java.lang.Object".
  78      *    For code generated by Java 1.5, this answer is
  79      *    sometimes wrong (e.g., if the "clone()" method is
  80      *    called on an array).  A better idea is to use
  81      *    the {@link #getReferenceType(ConstantPoolGen)} method, which correctly distinguishes
  82      *    between class types and array types.
  83      *
  84      */
  85     @Deprecated
  86     public String getClassName(final ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
  87         final ConstantPool cp = cpg.getConstantPool();
  88         final ConstantCP cmr = (ConstantCP) cp.getConstant(super.getIndex());
  89         final String className = cp.getConstantString(cmr.getClassIndex(), Const.CONSTANT_Class);
  90         if (className.startsWith("[")) {
  91             // Turn array classes into java.lang.Object.
  92             return "java.lang.Object";
  93         }
  94         return className.replace('/', '.');
  95     }
  98     /** @return type of the referenced class/interface
  99      * @deprecated If the instruction references an array class,
 100      *    the ObjectType returned will be invalid.  Use
 101      *    getReferenceType() instead.
 102      */
 103     @Deprecated
 104     public ObjectType getClassType(final ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
 105         return ObjectType.getInstance(getClassName(cpg));
 106     }
 109     /**
 110      * Gets the reference type representing the class, interface,
 111      * or array class referenced by the instruction.
 112      * @param cpg the ConstantPoolGen used to create the instruction
 113      * @return an ObjectType (if the referenced class type is a class
 114      *   or interface), or an ArrayType (if the referenced class
 115      *   type is an array class)
 116      */
 117     public ReferenceType getReferenceType(final ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
 118         final ConstantPool cp = cpg.getConstantPool();
 119         final ConstantCP cmr = (ConstantCP) cp.getConstant(super.getIndex());
 120         String className = cp.getConstantString(cmr.getClassIndex(), Const.CONSTANT_Class);
 121         if (className.startsWith("[")) {
 122             return (ArrayType) Type.getType(className);
 123         }
 124         className = className.replace('/', '.');
 125         return ObjectType.getInstance(className);
 126     }
 129     /**
 130      * Gets the ObjectType of the method return or field.
 131      *
 132      * @return type of the referenced class/interface
 133      * @throws ClassGenException when the field is (or method returns) an array,
 134      */
 135     @Override
 136     public ObjectType getLoadClassType(final ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
 137         final ReferenceType rt = getReferenceType(cpg);
 138         if (rt instanceof ObjectType) {
 139             return (ObjectType) rt;
 140         }
 141         throw new ClassGenException(rt.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " " +
 142                 rt.getSignature() + " does not represent an ObjectType");
 143     }
 144 }