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@@ -44,11 +44,10 @@
  * Java program that creates that very class using BCEL. This
  * gives new users of BCEL a useful example showing how things
  * are done with BCEL. It does not cover all features of BCEL,
  * but tries to mimic hand-written code as close as possible.
- * @version $Id$
 public class BCELifier extends com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.classfile.EmptyVisitor {
      * Enum corresponding to flag source.

@@ -111,10 +110,12 @@
         _out.println("    _cg = new ClassGen(\""
                 + (("".equals(package_name)) ? class_name : package_name + "." + class_name)
                 + "\", \"" + super_name + "\", " + "\"" + clazz.getSourceFileName() + "\", "
                 + printFlags(clazz.getAccessFlags(), FLAGS.CLASS) + ", "
                 + "new String[] { " + inter + " });");
+        _out.println("    _cg.setMajor(" + clazz.getMajor() +");");
+        _out.println("    _cg.setMinor(" + clazz.getMinor() +");");
         _out.println("    _cp = _cg.getConstantPool();");
         _out.println("    _factory = new InstructionFactory(_cg, _cp);");
         _out.println("  }");

@@ -214,11 +215,11 @@
     public static String printFlags( final int flags, final FLAGS location ) {
         if (flags == 0) {
             return "0";
         final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
-        for (int i = 0, pow = 1; pow <= Const.MAX_ACC_FLAG; i++) {
+        for (int i = 0, pow = 1; pow <= Const.MAX_ACC_FLAG_I; i++) {
             if ((flags & pow) != 0) {
                 if ((pow == Const.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) && (location == FLAGS.CLASS)) {
                     buf.append(CONSTANT_PREFIX+"ACC_SUPER | ");
                 } else if ((pow == Const.ACC_VOLATILE) && (location == FLAGS.METHOD)) {
                     buf.append(CONSTANT_PREFIX+"ACC_BRIDGE | ");
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